• 沒有找到結果。

立 政 治 大 學

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l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y




1. 姓名:

2. 職稱:


1. 為何僱用外籍專業人員而非本國籍專業人員?

2. 引進外籍專業人士之前,對外籍專業人士的印象為何?

3. 透過何種管道引進外籍專業人士?

4. 是否有預先告知外籍專業人士有關台灣引進外國專業人員之相關規定及其外國專業人員之 權益和注意事項?

5. 在引進過程中,有何問題發生?(突發狀況不知如何因應等)舉例說明。

6. 您對於我國引進外國專業人員之相關規定有何建議?認為有哪些問題應該改善?為什麼?


1. 外籍專業人員的工作職位為何?

2. 其工作內容為何?

3. 每月薪資為何?

4. 工作時間是否與其他員工相同?

5. 是否給予額外訓練?

6. 有為外籍專業人員投保勞健保嗎?

7. 是否與其他員工同享相同福利嗎?

8. 使否有補貼其食衣住行的生活費用?

9. 是否與外籍專業人員發生過爭議問題?

10. 若外籍專業人員碰上非工作問題時而尋求協助,您會提供協助嗎?舉例說明。

11. 是否有發生過在職場上本國勞工與外籍專業勞工之間有糾紛的事件?

12. 其他本國勞工是否有向您表示對於外籍專業人員的看法?

13. 是否認為外籍專業人員確實在能力上優於我國同質性勞工?

14. 認為外籍專業人員之工作態度如何?與我國勞工有何異同?


1. 會繼續僱用原生國籍專業人員嗎?為什麼?

2. 引進外籍專業人員之後,是否對外籍人員的母國的觀感改變了?

3. 有否參與安排外籍專業人員未來之職涯規劃?

‧ 國

立 政 治 大 學

N a tio na

l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y








四、 對自己將來的職涯規劃

1. 當工作結束之後,若是台灣還有工作機會,您願意再來工作嗎?其原因為何?

2. 工作結束之後,對自我的職涯規劃為何?會選擇繼續在國外工作甚至永久居留?或者最終還 是回到原生國生活?

Ⅰ. Personal background:

1. name:

2. gender:

3. age:

4. level of education(major/ specialty):

5. professional license:

6. marital status:

If you are married, were you married before coming to Taiwan?

7. number of the children:

age of the children:

8. the country where your spouse and children live:

9. Where did you live in your country?

10.work experience in Taiwan:

11. work experience in your country:

12. How many years have you been in Taiwan?

Ⅱ. The connection between your country and Taiwan.

1. Why do you choose to come to Taiwan rather than other countries?

2. Is Taiwan your first choice to work abroad? If not, what country is your first choice? and why?

3. What kinds of medium make you get the job opportunities in Taiwan? (by friends, relatives, or agencies?)

4. What are your impressions and feelings about Taiwan before and after coming to Taiwan? Is there any difference?

5. How much do you know about the culture and traditional customs about Taiwan? Give a example which made you impressed.

6. How did you learn about all related regulations and rights and interests of your own that working in Taiwan?

7. Regarding applying procedures, which part do you think the most unreasonable and inconvenient?

Ⅲ. The work conditions in Taiwan:

1. The problem in working:

a) Are special professional skill licenses required for your work?

b) How much is your wage for a month? (or just give me a range) c) How many hours a day do you work?

d) What is your working content?

e) Does your employer provide some training before the duty?

f) Do you know if you have labor insurance and health insurance?

g) Do you have vacation and any additional welfare?

h) Does your employer provide you subsidy for daily life?

i) Have you or your friends got the trouble between labor and employer (the experience of industrial dispute)? How to solve it?

j) Have you or your friends encountered occupational disaster in working?

k) Are you satisfied with your job? (about your supervisors, your co-workers, your students etc. ) l) Do you have enough enthusiasm for your job?

‧ 國

立 政 治 大 學

N a tio na

l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y

2.The problem in daily life:

a) in communication with people:

b) in diet:

c) in living:

d) in communication(driver's license):

e) in religion:

f) in behavior:

g) in medical treatment:

3. Do you get along well with your employer and fellows or feel discriminated in working or daily life?


4. Do you feel segregate in working or daily life in Taiwan? How to accommodate this feeling? Give an example. (in culture, religion, attitude, and diet, etc.)

5. How do you communicate with your family? What did they think about you coming to work in Taiwan?

6. What kind of way do you get together with those who also came from same country working in Taiwan?

7. Is there anything you can do in your country, but is limited in Taiwan?

8. In general, how is your feeling of working and living in Taiwan?

Ⅳ. Yourself career planning in the future:

1. When finishing working here, will you be willing to come here again if there is another work opportunity?

2. When finishing working here, what is your career planning? Will you still choose to work abroad, even live

abroad permanently, or go back to your country finally?

‧ 國

立 政 治 大 學

N a tio na

l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y


f) 生活作息方面的問題?


g) 健康醫療方面的問題?



A:除了解僱這件事情之外,我在台灣都是非常開心的,同事朋友都對我非常好,除了我 的主管不喜歡我之外,而薪資、工作條件這些我們都和本國籍勞工沒有兩樣,而我在 雜誌社還負責一本雜誌的主編,也算是有一定的權力和地位,所以我被解僱大家都非 常的驚訝,因為我在這家公司已經待了有兩年半的時間,已經算是元老級的員工,我 們公司的流動率非常高,而在今年(2007 年)二月的時候還為我換發了新的工作證,就 證明了我是有能力的。





A:我的親友都很支持我到台灣工作,和父母就利用電話聯絡感情,和朋友就是使用電 子郵件、網路的即時通訊等。










2、工作結束之後,對自我的職涯規劃為何?會選擇繼續在國外工作甚至永久居留?或者最終 還是回到原生國生活?

A:目前沒有打算要回到加拿大去,現在就是希望在台灣的工作證可以即時解決,繼續做 我喜歡的編輯工作。

native speaker 就會覺得教得比較好,可是在專業領域裡,不見得是如此!會講不一定會 教,可家長不見得這麼認為,當然也有教的很好的外籍老師,但重點是,大部分家長的

‧ 國

立 政 治 大 學

N a tio na

l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y





