• 沒有找到結果。

(Journal of Leisure and Tourism Industry Research, JLTIR) 投稿須知

在文檔中 休閒暨觀光產業研究 (頁 107-111)

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Author1 last name, First initial., Author2 last name, First initial., & Author3 last name, First initial. (2009). Title of article: Subtitle of article. Title of Periodical, Volume

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英文書籍專章(Part of a nonperiodical)(e.g., book chapter)(電子版)

Author1 last name, First initial., & Author2 last name, First initial. (Year). Title of chapter. In First initial. Editor1 last name, First initial. Editor2 last name, & First initial. Editor3 last name (Eds.), Title of book: subtitle (pp. xxk–xml). Retrieved from http://www.xxooxxxx


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在文檔中 休閒暨觀光產業研究 (頁 107-111)