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國 小 學 生 生 命 態 度 、 自 我 概 念 與

幸 福 感 之 相 關 研 究 : 中 介 效 果 分 析






本研究旨在探討國小學童的生命態度、自我概念與幸福感等三者的中介 效果。依據文獻分析結果,提出自我概念為中介變項。為完成研究目的,採 叢集抽樣,以班為單位,抽取臺灣中南部國小三至六年級學生1,088位,接受 自編量表的調查。回收的資料,經描述性統計、積差相關與結構方程模式分 析後發現:一、國小學童在整體生命態度、自我概念與幸福感都達中等以上 程度,且偏正向;二、三者彼此之間也都有顯著的正相關;三、發現自我概 念是生命態度與幸福感的中介變項。就此研究發現,建議國小學童可再增進 生理自我的認同。另在研究上不可忽視自我概念對生命態度與幸福感關係的 影響。 關鍵詞:生命態度、自我概念、幸福感 健康促進與衛生教育學報 第 42 期,頁 77-108,2014 年 12 月

Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education No. 42, pp. 77-108, December 2014 * 國立高雄師範大學教育學系副教授(通訊作者),E-mail: t1665@nknucc.nknu. edu.tw 通訊地址:高雄市苓雅區和平一路116號,聯絡電話:07-7172930轉2191 ** 高雄市中正國小教師 投稿日期:103年10月17日;修改日期:103年11月26日;接受日期:103年11月28日 DOI: 10.3966/207010632014120042004 04-4吳和堂_p077-108.indd 77 2015/1/16 上午 11:09:30





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學報 第 42 期

The Relationship among Life Attitude,

Self-Concept and Well-Being in Primary School

Pupils: Mediation Analysis

Ho-Tang Wu


Hung-Yi Lee



This study aims at examining the statuses, relationships and mediator among life attitude, self-concept and well-being of primary school pupils. This study based on literature analysis results and made hypothetical models which self-concept as mediate variable for life attitude and well-being. A survey designed by the authors was administered to 1088 third to sixth grade pupils form central and southern area of Taiwan by cluster sampling. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and structural equation modeling (SEM). Results indicate that pupils posit at the middle levels of life attitude, self-concept, well-being, and show a significant positive correlation among the three variables. Meanwhile, the effect of life attitude on well-being is mediated by self-concept. Basing on these findings, it is recommended that elementary school children should promote physical-self identity. And the affect of self-concept on the relationship between life attitude and well-being can not be ignored.

Key words: Life attitude, Self-concept, Well-being

* Associate Professor, Department of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University (Corresponding author), E-mail: t1665@nknucc.nknu.edu.tw

** Teacher, Kaohsiung Municipal Lingya District Jhong-Jheng Elementary School



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