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此變化可能 是造成glucose 代謝能力受影響的原因之一


Academic year: 2021

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Determination of L-3-Hydroxybutyrate in rats and its effects on rat heart


D-3-Hydroxybutyrate(D-3HB)為體內之 ketone bodies 中含量最高者,且被作為 研究ketone bodies 之作用的主要目標。相反地,一般認為 L-3-

hydroxybutyrate(L-3HB)並非生物體內源生之 ketone body,或許是基於其尚有 爭議的代謝途徑;以及目前不瞭解其生成來源。在本論文中以螢光衍生化法搭配 High-Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC)所開發之分析方法已能證實 rat serum 中的確有 L-3HB 的存在。Serum 中之 total 3HB 經 NBD-PZ 衍生化後先 經由一ODS column 將之分離,隨後以兩支 CHIRALCEL OD-RH 串聯之 chiral columns 進行 chiral separation。Rat serum 並以 D-3-hydroxybutyryl dehydrogenase

處理作為對照組,以驗證所分離之3HB 的真實性。實驗結果顯示 serum 中含有

L-3HB,其與 D-3HB 的濃度分別為 3.98(3.61%)與 106.20 M(96.39%)。在

以此分析方法成功地證實L-3HB 存在後,我們再進一步應用於 rat 體內各組織

D-與 L-3HB 的分佈情形。

分取rat 之腦、肝、心、及腎的研磨後均質液,經分析後發現 heart 中含有特殊高量

L-3HB;為所有檢測的組織中最特別者。D/L-3HB 之比例在正常與 diabetes mellitus(DM)時有所不同,其比例(D/L)分別為 66/37 與 87/13。此變化可能 是造成glucose 代謝能力受影響的原因之一。當投予 5 mM 之 D-3HB 於 medium 中,cardiomyocytes 的 glucose 代謝會降低至控制組的 61%,但給予同等劑量之 L-3HB 並未對細胞之 glucose 代謝造成任何影響,此結果反映著 L-3HB 與其他 ketone bodies 不同;並非作為提供能量的物質。此外,D-3HB 抑制 glucose 代謝 的作用可被另行添加之L-3HB 阻斷;且 L-3HB 回復 glucose 代謝的作用會隨著 其濃度增加而升高。藉由測量cardiomyocytes 代謝 D-、L-、與(D+L)-3HB 能力的 結果發現,D-與 L-3HB 同時存在的情況下反而會加速 D-3HB 的代謝;且可發 L-3HB 的生成。由此推測 L-3HB 會刺激 D-3HB 進行 interconversion 生成 L- 3HB;使 D-3HB 的代謝不再回復產生 acetyl CoA。實驗結果顯示 L-3HB 有別於 D-3HB,為維持正常 glucose utilization 的重要物質,其可能在 ketone bodies 與 glucose 的代謝之間扮演著調節的角色。


While D-3-Hydroxybutyrate (D-3HB) is usually the major ketone body which was under intensive investigation, little attention had been paid to L-3-hydroxybutyrate (L-3HB). It had been considered nonexistent physiologically, perhaps due to its dubious metabolic route and lack of knowledge about its origin. In the present study, we proved that L-3HB is an original substance in rat serum by applying fluorescence


derivatization and a column-switching high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system as the analysis technique. Total 3HB in rat serum derivatized by 4- nitro-7-piperazino-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole (NBD-PZ) was separated by an ODS

column, and was confirmed by verifying the disappearance of the total 3HB peak after pretreating rat serum with D-3-hydroxybutyryl dehydrogenase (D-3HB

dehydrogenase). A switching valve was used to simultaneously introduce isolated (D+L)-3HB to the enantiomeric separation by two CHIRALCEL OD-RH columns connected in tandem. An L-isomer was found to accompany the D-isomer, which were quantified to be 3.98 (3.61%) and 106.20 M (96.39%), respectively. Using the present analytical method, the dubious interpretation of the existence of L-3HB was clarified.

Subsequently, distribution of D- and L-3HB in rat brain, liver, heart, and kidney homogenates were measured. The results showed that an enriched amount of L-3HB is present in rat hearts. The ratio would be changed from 66/34 to 87/13 (D/L) in normal and diabetic states, respectively. The altered D/L ratio may contribute to the reduction in glucose utilization by cardiomyocytes. Glucose utilization of

cardiomyocytes with 5 mM of D-3HB was decreased to 61% of the control, but no interfering was observed when D-3HB was replaced with L-3HB, suggesting L-3HB is not utilized as the energy fuel as other ketone bodies are. In addition, the reduced glucose utilization caused by D-3HB could gradually recover in a dose-dependent manner with administration of additional L-3HB. Determination on metabolism of D-, L-, and (D+L)-3HB by cardiomyocytes showed cells had increased D-3HB

metabolism when (D+L)-3HB was administered, and re-generation of L-3HB was found under the circumstance. It was speculated that in the presence of L-3HB, D- 3HB might go through interconversion to generate L-3HB rather than being oxidized to acetyl CoA. The results suggest that it is a necessity of taking L-3HB together with D-3HB when it comes to glucose utilization. A physiological role is proposed for L- 3HB as an important substrate which regulates the metabolism between glucose and ketone bodies.



就文白比與命題取材來看,今年的文白比例,在題數上是 19:23,在配分方面則是 1︰1。可以預 期的是 109 年、110

可分別隸屬於五項因素。其中有三項因素分別 是各由其隸屬的二至三項分測驗量表分數所衍

(A)乙醇為二元醇 (B)工業酒精可能含有甲醇 (C)甲醚與甲醇為同分異構物 (D)皂化反應的副 產品為丙三醇

 所有形式的能量都可以 互相轉換,但總量維持 不變,能量不能創造亦 不能毀滅 , 此為能量守 恆定律,即宇宙的總能

是所有正向指標中最低者;其次是「製造業與營造業合計之固定資 本形成之變動率」與「製造業與營造業合計之 GDP 成長率」,二者 的平均值分別為 5.10 分與 5.13

另外因為 Gal(L/F ) 是 Gal(L/K) 的 normal subgroup, 所以由 Second Fundamental Theorem 4.1.8 知 F/K 也是 Galois extension, 而且 Gal(F/K) isomorphic to Gal(L/K)/Gal(L/F )

基督教此時早已是羅馬的國教,在東歐地區中可 以說是最有組織與影響力的宗教,以君士坦丁堡為中

基督教此時早已是羅馬的國教,在東歐地區中可 以說是最有組織與影響力的宗教,以君士坦丁堡為中