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The Study of Game Teaching with 7th Grade Students on Epistemological Beliefs in Mathematics, Learning Motivation and Ac 賴珮以、謝智玲


Academic year: 2022

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The Study of Game Teaching with 7th Grade Students on Epistemological Beliefs in Mathematics, Learning Motivation and Ac


E-mail: 9509686@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study was designed to investigate the study of game teaching with 7th grade students on epistemological beliefs in mathematics, learning motivation and academic achievement. Based on the quasi-experimental design, the method of nonequivalent

pretest-posttest control group design was performed in the study. One hundred thirty-eight students of 7th grade from four classes of Changhua county were divined into the experimental group and the control group. Four questionnaires were modified to fit current research environment, including Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire, Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire,

Mathematical learning achievement and Feedback List for Mathematical Game Teaching Activity. One way covariance

(ANCOVA), Pearson product-moment correlation, and Stepwise Multiple Regression were used to analyze the data. In addition, the qualitative analysis was also used to analyze the data from students’ feedback. The major findings of the study were listed in the following: 1. The mathematical game teaching facilitated the experimental group’s epistemological beliefs. 2. The mathematical game teaching facilitated the experimental group’s learning motivation. 3. The mathematical game teaching could not improve the experimental group’s academic achievement. 4. There was a positive correlation between students’ learning motivation and epistemological beliefs. 5. There was a positive correlation between students’ learning motivation and academic achievement. 6.

The most effective predictors of mathematics academic achievement was learning motivation. 7. After the

mathematical-game-teaching, students in the experimental group gave a positive feedback towards the teaching method. 8. More teachers were required to collaborate in designing the mathematical game teaching.

Keywords : 遊戲教學 ; 學習信念 ; 學習動機 ; 學習成就

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書.……… iii 中文摘要.………

……… iv 英文摘要..……… v 誌謝.…………

……… vii 目錄.………

……… viii圖目錄.……… xi 表目錄………

……… xii 第一章 緒論………..…....…….1 第一節 研究動 機………..………...……..1 第二節 研究目的………...

….3 第三節 研究問題………...….4 第四節 研究範圍與限制………

………..….4 第五節 名詞釋義……….………..….5 第二章 文獻探討…………

………....7 第一節 數學遊戲教學的相關理論………..………..…..7 第二 節 學習信念的相關理論………..……….….13 第三節 學習動機的相關理論………..…………

………..…22 第四節 遊戲教學、學習信念、學習動機與學習成就之相關研究…..29 第三章 研究方法………

………..………33 第一節 研究設計與架構………..………..…….……33 第二節 研究對象

………..………36 第三節 研究工具………..………

…37 第四節 課程設計………..46 第五節 研究程序………..…

………46 第六節 資料處理與分析………..………...………48 第四章 研究結果與討論…

……….….50 第一節 數學遊戲教學對學習信念的影響……….………..50 第二 節 數學遊戲教學對學習動機的影響……….…………..……56 第三節 數學遊戲教學對學習成就的影響………

………59 第四節 學習信念、學習動機與學習成就間的相關分析………61 第五節 學習信念與學習動機對學習成 就的預測分析……….. 64 第六節 數學遊戲教學活動回饋……….67 第七節 綜合討論…

………..76 第五章 結論與建議………

…..82 第一節 結論………..82 第二節 建議………

………..84 參考文獻….………...………87 一、中文部分………

………87 二、英文部分………90 附錄………..………93 附錄一 數學遊戲教學計畫進度表…...…………


………....………93 附錄二 數學遊戲教學課程設計………..………..………96 附錄三 數學學習信念量表預 試……….…….121 附錄四 數學學習信念量表正式版………...….123 附錄五 學 習動機量表預試…….………..……….125 附錄六 學習動機量表正式版……….………

…127 附錄七 學習成就前測……….129 附錄八 學習成就後測………

……….132 附錄九 數學遊戲教學活動回饋單…...………...….133 REFERENCES

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