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Using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process on Human Resource planning - A Case Study of TAIPOWER 朱春娥、葉子明


Academic year: 2022

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Using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process on Human Resource planning - A Case Study of TAIPOWER


E-mail: 9901229@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Due to the decline of the global economy and decay of enterprise growth and economic development, resulting pressures on government owned companies have become of increasing public concern and debate. Facing elected officials and taxpayer’s expectations, government owned companies needs to improve company reputation, ownership relations, customer service and the company’s balance sheet. Therefore, the question becomes how does a government owned enterprises or other organizations, achieve these objectives recognizing " human resource" is the most precious resource and source of any company’s core competitiveness. The purpose of this research, is to study related literature and application, then using the Fuzzy analytical

hierarchical process to analyze the Taiwan Power Company’s current manpower and prioritize the weights of those factors found in human resource planning and management, and then explore the older aged employees’ strengths and characteristics, then to compare findings to the manpower structure and finally to develop avenues by which to achieve higher performance for the enterprise and make correct human resource acquisition and placement policy. The results show that executive personnel and first line supervisors have different views on the importance of human resources planning from four principal views; (1) Adjust manpower structure, (2) Improve manpower efficiency, (3) Motivation and human resources development and (4) Change staff attitudes. The views of the high-level managers verses those of the first line supervisor differ from one another with regard to human resource planning. Management is interested in total management and performance appraisal, whereas, the supervisors are interested in attaining sufficient number of personnel and actual manpower placement. These two different viewpoints and the weights of those factors can help a company to make strategic human resources planning, implementation, budget allocation, and performance appraisals. The results of this research will allow enterprises to effectively manage employees and labor unions to achieve the optimal human resource planning, allocation and implementation.

Keywords : Human resource planning ; Manpower optimal project ; Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process ; Taiwan power labor unions Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書iii 中文摘要iv ABSTRACTv 誌謝vi 目錄vii 圖目錄x 表目錄xi 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機1 1.2 研究 背景3 1.3 台電公司人力資源概況4 1.4 台電公司經營概況與內外壓力7 1.5 研究目的8 1.6 研究流程9 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 人力資源規劃11 2.2 層級分析法25 2.3 模糊理論36 2.4 模糊層級分析法42 第三章 研究設計 3.1研究架構與流程45 3.2研究對 象52 3.3研究工具52 3.4問卷設計52 3.5建立三角糢糊數與正倒矩陣53 第四章 實例運用與說明 4.1模糊層級分析法過程及數 據56 4.2權重評估59 4.3研究結果73 第五章 結論與建議 5.1研究結論75 5.2研究限制與後續研究建78 參考文獻80


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Keywords: Enterprise resource planning; Critical success factors; Implemention phases; company size; industry

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