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The effects of job vigor on employees' job outcomes 江美惠、顏昌華


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The effects of job vigor on employees' job outcomes 江美惠、顏昌華

E-mail: 341871@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Among all industry in Taiwan, the high-tech industry plays decisive role due to extremely high value of output. However, with mainly OEM-based business type that not only being critical to its efficiency and achievement, but also involving high complexity and intense competition, often results in workers overtime working and occasionally causing their death from overwork. Workers don’t show much interest in their jobs, because they have been working long hours. As a result, it is common that the employees are worn-out and tired of work. Therefore, job vigor becomes very important in the high-tech industry. The purpose of this research is to explore the effect of job vigor on employees’ job outcomes (job satisfaction, job performance and organizational commitment).

The samples we have taken for this research was for employees of Taiwan high-tech companies in Shin-Chu Science-Industry Park.

The surveys were distributed by human resource department of those companies to their workers. Total 600 copies were released and 342 returned. After deleted 26 invalid copies, we finalized a total of 316 copies are valid which is 52.7% response rate of what were originally distributed. The empirical results indicate that job vigor has significant and positive effect on job satisfaction, job performance and organizational commitment. Among which, higher physical strength of job vigor is positive related to job satisfaction and job performances. Also, higher emotion energy of job vigor is positively related to job performance and organizational commitment. According to the result of this research, we would recommend high-tech companies to stimulate workers’ job vigor in order to increase job outcomes by holding periodical activities (such as sports event, travel, food

entertainment party, work education & training); by encouraging workers to form sports team; by providing exercise arena, sufficient benefit and professional psychology doctor stand-by in the company; by controlling workers’ weekly overtime hours.

Keywords : Organizational Commitment、Job Performance、Job Vigor、Job Satisfaction Table of Contents

 內容目錄 中文摘要....................... iii 英文摘要...............

....... iv 誌謝辭....................... vi 內容目錄.............

......... vii 表目錄....................... ix 圖目錄............

........... x 第一章  緒論................... 1 第一節  研究背景與動機..

.......... 1 第二節  研究問題與目的............ 2 第三節  研究的重要性......

....... 5 第二章  文獻探討................. 7 第一節  工作活力.........

...... 7 第二節  工作滿意度............... 14 第三節  工作績效..........

..... 20 第四節  組織承諾............... 24 第五節  其他影響工作產出之因素.....

......... 29 第六節  工作活力與工作產出之關係............ 30 第三章  研究方法...

.............. 34 第一節  研究架構............... 34 第二節  研究假設...

............ 35 第三節  研究樣本與抽樣設計.......... 37 第四節  研究變數的操作性定 義與衡量...... 38 第五節  資料分析方法............. 43 第四章  研究結果與分析....

........... 45 第一節  基本資料分析............. 45 第二節  信度及效度分析...

......... 49 第三節  工作活力與員工工作產出之關係..... 56 第四節  工作活力對員工工作產出之 影響..... 58 第五章  結論與建議................ 64 第一節  研究結論........

....... 64 第二節  管理實務意涵............. 67 第三節  研究限制..........

..... 69 第四節  未來研究建議............. 70 參考文獻.................

..... 72 附錄  研究問卷.................. 94 表目錄 表 4- 1 樣本之基本資料分析表..

.......... 47 表 4- 2 新竹科學工業園區員工年齡、性別及教育程度人數統計..............

...... 49 表 4- 3 工作活力量表之驗證性因素分析及信度分析結果.. 50 表 4- 4 工作滿意度量表之驗證性因素分析 結果..... 52 表 4- 5 工作績效量表之驗證性因素分析結果...... 53 表 4- 6 組織承諾量表之驗證性因素分析結 果...... 54 表 4- 7 組織公平量表之驗證性因素分析結果...... 55 表 4- 8 各變數之相關分析表......

....... 57 表 4- 9 工作活力對工作滿意度層級迴歸之分析表.... 59 表 4-10 工作活力對工作績效之層級迴歸 分析表..... 60 表 4-11 工作活力對組織承諾層級迴歸之分析表..... 62 表 4-12 研究假設檢定結果.....


......... 63 圖目錄 圖 3- 1 研究架構.................. 34 REFERENCES

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Keywords: Financial and Insurance Industry, Work Motivation, Work Pressure, Job Satisfaction, Organizational

The present study explores the relationship between organizational reward system, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and organizational performance to

As a result banks should be so proactive as if they are doing the marketing job to make their employees feel the importance of internal marketing, who can only in

Hogg (1982), “A State-of-the-art Survey of Dispatching Rules for Manufacturing Job Shop Operation,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol.. Gardiner (1997), “A

This study aims to explore whether the service quality and customer satisfaction have a positive impact on the organizational performance of the services and whether the

(1968), “What is Job Satisfaction, Organization Behavior and Human Performance,” Journal of Applied Psychology, 4, pp. (1976) “The Nature & Cause of Job Satisfaction”,

performance of college students, Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) 期刊. Which is a better predictor of job performance: Job satisfaction or

In addition, the study found that mood, stress, leadership and decision-making will affect the employees’ job satisfaction1. In other words, those factors increasing or