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A Study on Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment of Dispatched Workers 蔡春美、杜強國


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A Study on Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment of Dispatched Workers 蔡春美、杜強國

E-mail: 9901030@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The research subject is to explore the work motivation and organizational com-mitment of the dispatched workers, through equal emphasis on qualitative and quantita-tive research methods to try to achieve the following purposes:(I) To explore the content and influence factors of the work motivation of the dispatched workers.(II) To explore the content and influence factors of the

organizational commitment of the dispatched workers.(III) To explore the relationship between work motivation and organizational commitment of the dispatched workers.(IV) To provide the dispatch companies, the client companies and the dispatched workers with related strategic recommendations. The scope of this study is taking the dispatched workers of the two subsidary com-panies of a central domestic dispatch company as an investigation object .At first, to enroll the managers and dispatched workers of the dispatch company as the interview object , and then to conduct a questionnaire survey. A total of 500 questionnaires were sent, 324 questionnaires were finally got back.Excluding the 59 invalid questionnaires , the 268 valid questionnaires were reviewed . The effective response rate was 53%. The results of this study found that: (I) From a qualitative study found that the in-fluence factors of the work motivation of the dispatched workers have three aspects: (a) company system, the demand side, (b) the conditions of the work itself, (c) the idea of the dispatched workers themselves. (II) From a qualitative study found that the content and influence factors of the organizational commitment of the dispatched workers have three aspects: (a) work motivation, (b) the economy situation, (c) personal or family factors. (III) The relationship between the work motivation and organizational commit-ment of dispatched workers: (a) Intrinsic work motivation of the dispatch company and the client companies is consistent, and supports the research hypothesis. (b) Extrinsic work motivation is only match to the dispatch company, and supports the research hy-pothesis.It is not match the Expatriate Policy of the client companies, and do not sup-port the research hypothesis.

Keywords : dispatched workers ; work motivation ; organizational commitment Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 .....................

iv 誌謝辭  ..................... vi 內容目錄 ....................

. vii 表目錄  ..................... ix 圖目錄  ..................

... x 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機........

.... 1   第二節  研究目的............... 5   第三節  研究範圍..........

..... 6 第二章  文獻探討................. 7   第一節  人力派遣.........

...... 7   第二節  工作動機............... 17   第三節  組織承諾.......

........ 23   第四節  工作動機與組織承諾之關係....... 29 第三章  研究方法.......

.......... 35   第一節  研究個案法.............. 36   第二節  研究架構...

............ 37   第三節  資料蒐集............... 38   第四節  資料分析方 法............. 45 第四章  資料分析................. 49   第一節  質化資 料分析............. 49   第二節  量化資料分析............. 81 第五章  討論.

.................. 107   第一節  質化研究發現............. 107   第二節   量化研究發現............. 112   第三節  綜合比較與討論............ 114 第六 章  結論與建議................ 118   第一節  結論.................

118   第二節  管理實務建議............. 121   第三節  研究限制............

... 124   第四節  後續研究建議............. 125 參考文獻 ...............

...... 127 附錄A  訪談大綱................. 152 附錄B  研究問卷........

......... 156 REFERENCES

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Keywords: Financial and Insurance Industry, Work Motivation, Work Pressure, Job Satisfaction, Organizational

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