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「正向教育」教師工作坊(中學): 課堂及課外活動的應用


Academic year: 2022

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One-day Workshop on Positive Education:

Application in the Classroom and Extra-Curricular Activities

講者: 伍偉溢先生(學校社工)




工作坊程序 (上午)


時間 內容

9:00-9:15am 接待及登記

9:15-9:20am 教育局簡介

9:20-9:30am 活動及程序介紹

9:30-10:30am 學習如何填寫及應用品格優勢問卷(網上版)

10:30-10:40am 小休

10:40-11:10am 品格優勢理論與實踐

11:10am-12:00pm 正向教育及品格優勢於中學課程的應用

12:00-12:15pm 答問環節

12:15-1:45pm 午膳時間


工作坊程序 (下午)


時間 內容

1:45-2:45pm 如何推行正向教育以培養正向學生

2:45-3:15pm 學習撰寫校本正向教育課程及活動計劃書 (小組討論環節)

3:15-3:30pm 小休

3:30-4:15pm 小組代表分享

4:15-4:30pm 小組回饋時間

4:30-5:00pm 總結及填寫檢討問卷



主頁 > 教師相關 > 學生訓育及輔導服務 >

專題及服務 > 多元智能躍進計劃


「多元智能躍進計劃」教師工作坊系列- 網上解説技巧教師工作坊(中學)

• 日期:2021年2月5日


• 時間:上午9:00-下午5:00

• 地點:教育局九龍塘教育服務中心WP01 或網上模式

• 講者:大埔浸信會社會服務處





主頁 > 教師相關 >學生訓育及輔導服務 >

專題及服務 > 多元智能躍進計劃 >



Positive Education brings together the science of Positive Psychology with best practice teaching to encourage and support individuals, schools and communities to flourish.

We refer to flourishing as a combination of ‘feeling good and doing good’.

Positive Education focuses on specific skills that assist students to strength their relationships, build positive emotions and enhance personal resilience, etc.


Character strengths are stable (but changeable), universal personality traits that manifest through thinking, feeling, volition, and behavior.

品格優點是穩定 (但可變)及普遍的性格特質,並透過思維、情感、


Character strengths are positive psychological characteristics that are considered to be the basic building blocks of human

goodness and flourishing.



When expressed in balance, character strengths are morally valued and are beneficial to oneself and others.

如果能夠平衡地運用,品格優點是有道德價值的,對個人及他人 都有益處。



C hris Peterson


M artin Seligman


a large team of scientists and philosophers to identify a comprehensive set of Virtues and Character Strengths that have been valued throughout history, across cultures and across religions.

Through this process, they identified 6 Virtues and 24 Character Strengths that appear to be universal.

VIA Character Strengths are

"The Backbone Of

Positive Psychology"



24 Character Strengths

(Source: VIA Institute Website, 2020)

Coverage Humanity Wisdom Temperance Justice Transcendence

Perseverance Kindness Curiosity Prudence Teamwork Gratitude

Bravery Capacity to Love Love of Learning Modesty Fairness Hope

Honesty Social Intelligence Perspective Forgiveness Leadership Spirituality

Zest Judgment Self-Regulation Humor

Creativity Appreciation of






Introduction 簡介

VIA Survey of Character Strengths is a measure of 24 character strengths ONLY. It is NOT a test of ability, IQ, knowledge or psychopathology.

品格優點問卷只量度24個品格優點。它並不是一項 能力、智能、知識、弱點或精神病的測試。

VIA Survey of Character Strengths is a self-report

measure. The results are useful ONLY when you answer the questions honestly.





Parent’s sharing session

Mrs Pauline Leung


 Visit the website www.viacharacter.org

 When the webpage display, click “TAKE THE FREE SURVEY”


Procedures 程序


研究小組會整合部份結果 然後以團體報告形式向相關人士匯報


Procedures 程序

 Register a new account before getting start



研究小組會整合部份結果 然後以團體報告形式向相關人士匯報

Select “VIA YOUTH SURVEY For Ages 10-17”


Procedures 程序



研究小組會整合部份結果 然後以團體報告形式向相關人士匯報

Input email address

Select “I’m age 13 or older”

Input passwords (at least 6 characters)

Input Class and Class No. in the First Name textbox

Input full name in the Last Name textbox

Select language (default : English)


Procedures 程序



研究小組會整合部份結果 然後以團體報告形式向相關人士匯報

Begin the survey after completed the above


Procedure 程序

 Begin the survey and answer all questions


研究小組會整合部份結果 然後以團體報告形式向相關人士匯報


Procedure 程序

 Change result to English. Click “MY ACCOUNT”


研究小組會整合部份結果 然後以團體報告形式向相關人士匯報



程序 個人資料絕對保密

研究小組會整合部份結果 然後以團體報告形式向相關人士匯報

Change language to




程序 個人資料絕對保密

研究小組會整合部份結果 然後以團體報告形式向相關人士匯報

Select “Character Strengths Profile”


Procedure 程序

 Download your profile in PDF format.


研究小組會整合部份結果 然後以團體報告形式向相關人士匯報


Procedures 程序

 The report will be downloaded in PDF file format (like the one shows below)

 Check your class, class no. and name


研究小組會整合部份結果 然後以團體報告形式向相關人士匯報


Procedures 程序

 Email the profile to viaprofile2020@gmail.com

* Write down your class, class no. and name as the subject

* Attach the PDF file (normally in “Downloads” folder)


研究小組會整合部份結果 然後以團體報告形式向相關人士匯報


Apply Your “Signature Strengths”


Name: Class: Class


Signature Strengths Daily Life Example 1.





VIA Character Strengths

Character Strengths Worksheet Goal Setting

Enter your signature strengths in the following table and give a daily life example to explain how you apply those strengths.


Character Strengths Application Plan (November–January)

Academic Activities

Set a SMART (Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Realistic;

Trackable) goal

<For example: I would to improve in fractions and graph reading.>

How can you achieve your goal with your signature strengths? (If your five signature strengths cannot help you

achieve your goals, which other character strengths can help you achieve your goal? How can that be done?)

Expected outcome(s):

<For example: My Maths result in the exam will be up by 5 marks.>

Results: (to be filled in January)

Apply Your “Signature Strengths”



Extra-curricular Activities

Set a SMART (Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Realistic;

Trackable) goal

How can you achieve your goal with your signature strengths? (If your five signature strengths cannot help you

achieve your goals, which other character strengths can help you achieve your goal? How can that be done?)

Expected outcome(s):

Results: (to be filled in January)

Apply Your “Signature Strengths”



Family / Friends

Set a SMART (Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Realistic;

Trackable) goal

How can you achieve your goal with your signature strengths? (If your five signature strengths cannot help you

achieve your goals, which other character strengths can help you achieve your goal? How can that be done?)

Expected outcome(s):

Results: (to be filled in January)

Apply Your “Signature Strengths”



Self-regulated use of

electronic devices (such as computer and mobile phone)

Set a SMART (Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Realistic;

Trackable) goal

How can you achieve your goal with your signature strengths? (If your five signature strengths cannot help you

achieve your goals, which other character strengths can help you achieve your goal? How can that be done?)

Expected outcome(s):

Results: (to be filled in January)

Apply Your “Signature Strengths”




Spirituality, religiousness, and sense of purpose 靈修 性和對目的的觀念

Having strong and coherent beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of the universe; knowing where one fits within the larger scheme; having beliefs

about the meaning of life that shape actions and provide comfort.

對崇高的人生目標和宇宙的意義有著強烈和協 調一致的信念。知道自己怎樣在大環境中作出 配合。擁有與生命意義相關的信念,這些信念



Zest 興緻、熱情和幹勁

Approaching life with excitement and energy; not doing things halfway or halfheartedly; living life as an adventure; feeling alive and activated





Perseverance, industry and diligence


Working hard to finish what one starts; persevering in a course of action in spite of obstacles; “getting it out the door” in timely fashion regardless of the type of project; not getting distract during work;

taking pleasure in completing task.







品格優勢工作坊 – 目標工作紙﹝真實例子﹞


Self-regulated to use the electric devices

Areas of Application 應用範疇

Top 5 Signature Strengths 突顯優點

1. 2. 3. 4. 5


Self-regulated to use the electric devices (mobile phone and computer) 對使用手提電話及電腦的自 我約束


Auxiliary Strengths (other 19 character strengths)輔助優點



It is our belief that each student is unique and has his strengths to encounter different life situations and to live meaningfully. It is important to explore and enhance his character strength profile.

Understanding on students’ character strengths will be helpful for teachers who can guide the latter in their growth and life planning positively.

In response to the increasing number of cases related to mental health and emotional problems, activities promoting Positive Education were implemented in 2011.

Character Strength Based Education in

Caritas School Social Work Service


Cooperation between teachers, parents and school social worker from Caritas Family Service embed VIA Character Strengths into curriculum

Integrated Character Strengths into Catholic Education Core values

Religion teachers integrated VIA Character Strengths into RE exercises and examination.

Home School Cooperation

Good Tool for Boys’ School


Evidence Base Research

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach’s Alpha

Cronbach’s Alpha Based



Items N of Items

.978 .979 96


common language

Teachers, parents and students who learn positive character strengths are able to share a common language with their students, sons and also report a strong sense of connection with school. It is a good opportunity to introduce the concept of VIA Character Strengths to the new Form 1 parents during the summer bridging program.


VIA Survey is a good ‘tool’ in counselling

With similar background schools in Hong Kong, the trend of the students being affected by mental health problem was increasing. In recent research, positive education and promoting student character strength are good ways to prevent mental health problems.


 Research in Germany by Ruch et al. (2014) found that zest, love, gratitude and hope showed the strongest positive correlations with Life Satisfaction in a sample aged between 10 and 17 years.

character strengths show a significant and positive

association with Life Satisfaction in children and adolescents


Over the last 10 years, there has been considerable research mentioning about the benefits of character strengths for wellbeing and flourishing. Research has shown that having a strong sense of character is associated with living a good life, including reduced stress and vulnerability to mental illness.

(Huta & Hawley, 2010; Ruch et.al. 2007; Wood et.al. 2011)

VIA Survey is a good ‘tool’ in counselling



Evaluation after VIA Survey

After one month of the F.1 class workshop:


of students have used Worksheet 2 to plan and keep track of their usage of Character Strengths once to twice a week


of students have done the same way three to four times a week.


After one month of the F.1 class workshop:


of F.1 students had used the definitions printed on Worksheet 1 to identify the Character Strengths of their friends, classmates, teachers, parents and relatives once to twice a week


of students have done the same three to four times a week


of students five to six times a week


of students said that they have done it every day


Evaluation after VIA Survey



Evaluation after VIA Survey

After one month of the F.1 class workshop:


of students have put the Reminder Card in a place where they have easy access to it.



Evaluation after VIA Survey

After one month of the F.1 class workshop:


of students have reported that they have achieved their goal setting in Worksheet 2.




Case discussion


喜愛學習 公民感、團隊精神和忠心

洞察力(智慧) 仁慈和寬宏

創造力、靈巧性和獨創性 領導才能 判斷力、批判性思考和開明的思想 寬恕和慈悲

對卓越事物的欣賞 希望、樂觀感和未來意識 對世界的好奇和興趣 勤奮、用功和堅毅

謙恭和謙虛 興致、熱情和幹勁

社交智慧 去愛和被愛的能力

勇敢和勇氣 誠實、真摯和真誠

不偏不倚、公平和公正 精神感悟、對目的的觀念和信念

自我控制和自我規範 感恩

小心、謹慎、審慎 幽默感和挑皮

Student with Asperger Problem


ADHD Student

 1. Creativity

 2. Perspective

 3. Bravery

 4. Curiosity


ADHD Student

17. Self Regulation

20. Fairness

21. Appreciation of Beauty and Excellent

22. Prudence

23. Forgiveness

24. Gratitude



1. Seligman, M. (2011). Flourish: A visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being. New York: Free Press.

2. Peterson, C., & Seligman, M., (2004). The VIA classification of strengths. Cincinnati: Values in Action Institute.

3. Jeremy Swinson & Alex Harrop., (2012). Positive Psychology for Teachers. A Practical Guide. UK:


4. Niemiec, R.M. (2013). VIA character strengths: Research and practice (The first 10 years). In H.H.

Knoop & A. Delle Fave (Eds.), Well-being and cultures: Perspectives on positive psychology (pp.11-30). New York: Springer.

5. Institute of Positive Education (2014). Designing Positive Education. A Whole School Approach to Student and Staff Wellbeing. Geelong Grammar School, Australia.

6. Institute of Positive Education (2014). Embedding Character Strengths. A professional learning day exploring why and how to embed the language and practice of Character Strengths within your school. Geelong Grammar School, Australia.

7. Strategic Direction, Wellbeing and Positive Education Strategic Direction 2011-2013. St. Peter’s College, Adelaide, Australia.

8. Website:

 http://www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/Default.aspx

 http://www.viacharacter.org

 http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~duckworth/index.html



Our Challenge (Limitation)

1. Manpower Support

2. Difficulties for less able students 3. Cultural Difference

4. Translation in Chinese

5. Follow up


The Way Forward

Understanding on students’ character strengths will be helpful for teachers who can guide the latter in their growth and life planning positively.

Focus Group/Research

Plan to set up a pilot project and cooperate with secondary schools, Universities to implement Positive Education programme in school.


Project “Brightening with Virtues”

An integral service to build up character of children and youth in Kindergartens, Primary and Secondary Schools.

 Based on the concept of 6 virtues and 24 characters from Peterson and Seligman (2004), many of which the authors reckoned as stemming from Catholicism and other religious and philosophical schools of thoughts, Caritas invents and pioneers a series character building programs during the past years.

 Character building is a developmental process. It takes time and needs nurturing. We adopt a spiral upward approach, based on 24 character strengths providing different programs to preschoolers, children and adolescence.

 To share and expand the service to benefit our youngsters, parents and teachers, it is valuable to construct the experiences and reorganize abundant program materials into structural service package.

 To raise parent’s awareness of developing children’s character strength.


Before the end of first term, the School Social Worker introduced the three-step process of







Character Strengths Worksheets in Religious Education lessons.

All Form 1 students completed two worksheets on Aware and Explore Character Strengths exercises.

Exploration followed with the application of an action plan or goal targeted to improve a particular strength.


To find out whether the students learned the concept of character strengths, the concept was covered in F1 Religious Education mid-term examination and final examination.

In the Chinese lessons in the second term, students were asked to write their own stories after the VIA Signature Strengths Survey. It was also a three-step process of Aware, Explore and Apply in Character Strengths. Students would go through their own stories and identify their signature strengths. Each student was expected to identify two to three strengths


Parents who learn positive education and character strengths are able to share a

common language

with their sons and also report a strong sense of connection with school. It is a good opportunity to introduce the concept of VIA Character Strengths to the new Form 1 parents during the summer bridging program.

Besides, the school social worker will continue to run Positive Education parent group to teach parents how to use the VIA Character Strength Survey and help their son set up personal goals after they have learned the Character Strengths.


To enhance the

lower character strengths

of our

Form 1 students, another worksheet was used in Religious Education lessons.

All Form 1 students wrote down in the worksheet some biblical references and/or words from St. John Baptist de La Salle that were related to their lower character strengths such as Love, Perspective and Prudence. This was intended to lead students to think how the biblical references and words from St. John Baptist de La Salle guided them to acquire these character strengths in daily life situations.


La Salle College

R eligious E ducation

Form 1 Mid-year Examination


La Salle College

R eligious E ducation

Form 1 Mid-year Examination

2. Which TWO character strengths did Noah demonstrate? Explain your answer with Noah’s story. Write in complete sentences and in TWO paragraphs. (6 marks)


Theme of the school year 2020-21

“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete.”

(James 1:4)



1. Pre-lesson – watch the movie (or movie clips on YouTube) and read reviews of the movie.

2. Teacher input – general movie features [1]

a. Plot development, acting, dialogue, setting,

cinematography, sound tracks, special effects, inspirations, important quotes, reception, awards

b. Useful vocabularies and expressions


3. Preparation and class discussion [2-3]

a. 1st round – by features

b. 2nd round – grouping encompassing most features c. Class sharing

4. Listening –

a clip of 60 minutes on YouTube [4]


5. Discussion -

Reflect on PERSEVERANCE (persistence, industry, finishing what one starts) in school life


6. Follow up [5-7]

a. Recommending a movie to a friend studying overseas [One lesson on genre and diction; two lessons on


b. Individual Presentation on movies


Writing assignment

You have just watched ‘The King’s Speech’ on

Netflix. You are so impressed that you would like to recommend the movie to a friend who is studying overseas.

Write the email in about 400 words.


Embedding VIA character strengths into P-I-E cycle

Leung Ho Yin

Vice-Principal (Pastoral) La Salle College


VIA & Formal curriculum


VIA & Informal curriculum


VIA & Student support programmes


Data driven +facts:


Mission of SSB + school development plan


Top 7 priority values and attitudes by SECG


VIA database (Top 5, Bottom 5)


Other survey results e.g. SHS, APASO, EduHK Moral and Spiritual Survey

Design appropriate student support programmes

Facts or data collected Decide whole school and form level focuses


P-I-E cycle at Pastoral Council


School development plan

1: To initiate a pedagogical change in learning and teaching 2: To serve and care for others in love and respect

2.1 understanding strengths and weaknesses and character building 2.2 nurture values on caring in various service programmes

2.3 develop a sense of national identity and a global vision 3: To fully implement e-learning at school

4: To nurture moral values and modern-day skill sets for students 4.1 serving the needy

4.2 understanding of Lasallian charism

4.3 develop thinking creatively and critically through ECAs 4.4 nurture students with national identity

Facts or data collected


VIA character strengths (Bottom 5) data over past 4 years

Case (1)

Underuse Strength:


Facts or data collected


Research findings from Education University of HK:

Prof. Mok and Dr. Ho’s research on LSC F.1-F.3 (2018-2019)

Lack self-control, poor time management

Poor resilience, low perseverance

Don’t care for others

Low awareness on social issues

Quite stressful in their academic performance

Case (1)

Underuse Strength:


Facts or data collected


Form 1 focus: HST: Buddies’ talk added to F1 Adaptation Summer Bridging programme

Design appropriate student support programmes Decide whole school and

form level focuses

Case (1)


Case (1) P -I-E

Design appropriate student support programmes Programmes initiated bythe nine Pastoral teams



Civic Education



Form Teacher Period


Home-school Cooperation

Service Learning

Facts or data collected

1. VIA database (Top 5, Bottom 5)

2. Top 7 priority values and attitudes by SECG

3. Mission of SSB

4. Other survey results e.g.

SHS, APASO, EduHK Moral and Spiritual Survey

Decide whole school and form level focuses

Whole-school focus:

💖 Care for others / respect

Form level focus

F1 😊 adaptation, gratitude F2 👬 relationship

F3 💡 creativity F4 🌐 global citizen F5 🎺 career mapping F6 🏆 stress management


Case (2)

Signature Strength:


VIA character strengths data over past 4 years

Facts or data collected


Form 1 focus: Guidance: F.6 graduates

Gratitude Parting ceremony

Design appropriate student support programmes Decide whole school and

form level focuses

Case (2)


Case (2) P -I-E

Design appropriate student support programmes Programmes initiated bythe nine Pastoral teams



Civic Education



Form Teacher Period


Home-school Cooperation

Service Learning

Facts or data collected

1. VIA database (Top 5, Bottom 5)

2. Top 7 priority values and attitudes by SECG

3. Mission of SSB

4. Other survey results e.g.

SHS, APASO, EduHK Moral and Spiritual Survey

Decide whole school and form level focuses

Whole-school focus:

💖 Care for others / respect

Form level focus

F1 😊 adaptation, gratitude F2 👬 relationship

F3 💡 creativity F4 🌐 global citizen F5 🎺 career mapping F6 🏆 stress management


Case (3)

Underuse Strength:


VIA character strengths (Bottom 5) data over past 4 years

Facts or data collected


Case (3)

Research findings from EduHK Prof. Mok and Dr. Ho’s

research F.1-F.3 (2018-2019)

Lack self-control, poor time management

Poor resilience, low perseverance

Don’t care for others

Low awareness on social issues

Quite stressful in their academic performance

Mission of School Sponsoring Body

Lasallian mission in Hong Kong is largely centred on our schools

where we strive to give a human and Christian education to our students

paying particular attention to those who are poor, needy, or disadvantaged

Top 7 priority values and attitudes

perseverance, respect for others, responsibility, national identity,

commitment, integrity and care for others

Facts or data collected


Whole school focus: FTP: ePlatform: Morning, Lasallian Care for others mood tracking + good deed

Design appropriate student support programmes Decide whole school and

form level focuses

Case (3)


Case (3) P -I-E

Design appropriate student support programmes Programmes initiated bythe nine Pastoral teams



Civic Education



Form Teacher Period


Home-school Cooperation

Service Learning

Facts or data collected

1. VIA database (Top 5, Bottom 5)

2. Top 7 priority values and attitudes by SECG

3. Mission of SSB

4. Other survey results e.g.

SHS, APASO, EduHK Moral and Spiritual Survey

Decide whole school and form level focuses Whole-school focus:

💖 Care for others / respect

Form level focus

F1 😊 adaptation, gratitude F2 👬 relationship

F3 💡 creativity F4 🌐 global citizen F5 🎺 career mapping F6 🏆 stress management


Design appropriate student support programmes Programmes initiated by the nine Pastoral teams



Civic Education



Form Teacher Period


Home-school Cooperation

Service Learning

Facts or data collected

1. VIA database (Top 5, Bottom 5)

2. Top 7 priority values and attitudes by SECG

3. Mission of SSB

4. Other survey results e.g.

SHS, APASO, EduHK Moral and Spiritual Survey

Decide whole school and form level focuses Whole-school focus:

💖 Care for others / respect

Form level focus

F1 😊 adaptation, gratitude F2 👬 relationship

F3 💡 creativity F4 🌐 global citizen F5 🎺 career mapping F6 🏆 stress management

VIA data driven Student support programmes


VIA data driven, most importantly:



Making VIA the

to the planning


Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.

Positive Education 正向教育

Tang Man Wai, Simon 鄧文偉



Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College



Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


本著基督教理想,為學生提供優質 的全人教育,使學生得以均衡發展,


並在基督教的學習環境和老師的關 懷下,認識耶穌的教訓,明白上帝




Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.



F.1 Bridging Course Religious Studies

24 character strengths 




Mindset GROWTH


Intelligence is static.

Leads to a desire to LOOK SMART and therefore a tendency to:

Intelligence can be developed.

Leads to a desire to LEARN and therefore a tendency to:

Embrace challenges

Persist despite obstacles

See effort as path to mastery

Learn from criticism

Be inspired by others’ success

Avoid challenges

Give up easily due to obstacles

See effort as fruitless

Ignore useful feedback

Be threatened by others’ success


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.




•How to integrate?


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


Program + Policy

People Place


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


1. 事

Program + Policy


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


1a. Student Profile


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


1b. Student Mentorship Day


1b. Student Mentorship Day


Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Mentorship Day: Student Handbook


Mentorship Day: Teacher Guidelines


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


Feedback from students


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.

1c. Student Handbook 2020 - 2021


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.

1c. Student Handbook 2020 - 2021


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.

1c. Student Handbook 2020 - 2021


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.

1c. Student Handbook 2020 - 2021


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


1d. Circular – OLE day




Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.

1e. 4F Debriefing Facts


Findings Futures


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


1f. Class Teacher period

Positive Education once a week


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.




Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.




Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.



Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


1g. Value Education

EDB 7 Priority Values &



Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


1g. Value Education


Perseverance Self-regulation

Forgiveness Hope


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


1g. Value Education

生命教育 正向教育

品德及倫理教育 性教育


人權教育 資訊素養 理財教育

可持續發展教育 基本法教育


1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10



Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


2. 人



Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


老師 學生 家長


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


老師 Teachers


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


2a. Teachers’ professional development

Staff development(all)


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College




Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.




Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


24 Character strengths – know each other better


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


2b. Intensive training (small groups)

•Geelong Grammar School

•External training programs

•Learning circle


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


Positive Education

= 放任??


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


只要對手協調,就會一直協調下去。 先協調,

1. 好人

2. 接受挑釁

3. 寛容







Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


Actions speak

louder than words!

Act your words!


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


學生 Students


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.



Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

2c. Positive Education course for junior forms

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.

2c. Student Ambassadors (small groups)


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


家長 Parents


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


2d. F.1 Parents’ Night


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


2d. F.1 Parents’ Talk


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


2d. F.2 Parents’ Talk


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College


2e. PTA Parents’ Talk (all)

4 Happy


1. Endorphin 2. Dopamine 3. Serotonin 4. Oxytocin


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


3. 地



Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


Renovation Renovation Renovation Renovation Renovation Renovation Renovation


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


Add Add Add

Add Add Add Add Add Add AddAdd

something new… Add


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Gym room

STEM room

Lecture theatre


Positive Signals


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.


Hygiene factors vs.

Motivation factors


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.



(Motivators) Dissatisfiers

(Hygiene Factors)

↑ Performance & achievement

↑ Recognition

↑ Job status

↑ Responsibility

↑ Opportunities for advancement

↑ Personal growth

↑ The work itself


↓ Working conditions

↓ The physical workspace

↓ Relationship with colleagues

↓ Relationship with supervisors

↓ Quality of supervisors

↓ Policies & rules

Improving these factors helps to increase job satisfaction.

Improving these factors helps to decrease job dissatisfaction.


Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College



你需要開始才會 開始,



Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.



Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Strive for excellence and bear witness to the Lord.

Thank you!


Guideline for Group Discussion

Target Participants: Age, Sex, etc.

Nature: Curriculum, counselling activities, SEN, ECA?



Involved Parties

Expected Outcome




• 承接視覺藝術科作為高中課程的 選修科,並繼續推動本科課程的 發展,教育局於2020/21學年開

教育局 課程發展處 數學教育組.


 另外,教師可考慮以「活動二」作為課 堂預習,讓學生先對粵港澳大灣區具備 初步的認識,然後於課堂上利用電子應 用程式(如 Socrative 或

為配合中學中國語 文課程的實施,教育局課 程發展處邀請教師、學者 推薦適合中學生學習的材

課堂評估回饋教學 (善⽤用評估數據)...

高中課程會多元化;讓學生有第二次機會而設計的其他教育 課程(例如毅進計劃及在中學試行的類似計劃),會因應新學