106 年學測考題
• 玉山在冬天常常覆蓋著厚厚的積雪,使整 個山頂閃耀如玉。
During the winter, Jade Mountain is often cappe d with thick snow, which makes the entire peak glitter like jade.
• 征服玉山一直是國內外登山者最困難的挑 戰之一。
Conquering Jade Mountain has always been one of the most difficult challenges for hikers at hom e and abroad.
105 年學測考題
• 相較於他們父母的世代,現在年輕人享受較多的 自由與繁榮。
Compared with/In comparison with their pare nts' generation, young people nowadays enjoy more freedom and prosperity.
• 但是在這個快速改變的世界中,他們必須學習如何有效 地因應新的挑戰。
However/Nevertheless/Nonetheless/Yet, in this fas t-changing/rapidly-changing world, they have to le arn how to deal with/cope with/handle/tackle ne w challenges effectively.
說明:請依提示在答案卷上寫一篇約 120 字 (8 到 12 個句子 ) 的英文短文
假設你叫李華,你的外國朋友 John 想瞭 解中國的春節,請根據以下提綱,給他 寫一封短信。
1 、春節在中國人中的地位 2 、春節前,人們……
3 、春節期間,人們……
104 年學測考題
• 一個成功的企業不應該把獲利當作最主要 的目標。
A successful business should not view/see/
regard (making) profits as its/the major go al.
• 它應該負起社會責任,以增進大眾的福祉
It should take on social responsibilities to p romote/improve/enhance the public welfa re.
• 有些年輕人辭掉都市裡的高薪工作,返回 家鄉種植有機蔬菜。
Some young people quit their well-paid job s in the city and go back to their hometow n to grow organic vegetables.
• 藉由決心與努力,很多人成功了,不但獲 利更多,還過著更健康的生活。
With/Through determination and hard wor k, many of them have succeeded, making more money and living a healthier life.
• 都會地區的高房價對社會產生了嚴重的影 響。
The high house/housing prices in city/
urban areas have made/had serious eff ects/impacts on society.
• 政府正推出新的政策,以滿足人們的住房 需求。
The government is introducing new pol
icies to satisfy/meet/fulfill people’s ho
using needs.
• 近年來,許多臺灣製作的影片已經受到國 際的重視。
In recent years, many movies/films (w hich/that) Taiwan produced/make hav e gained international attention.
• 拍攝這些電影的地點也成為熱門的觀光景 點。
The locations where these movies wer
e filmed have also been/become popul
ar tourist attractions/spots.
• 臺灣的夜市早已被認為足以代表我們的在 地文化。
每年它們都吸引了成千上萬來自不同國家的 觀光客。
• 在過去,腳踏車主要是作為一種交通工具。
• 然而,騎腳踏車現在已經成為一種熱門的 休閒活動。
• 大部分學生不習慣自己解決問題,他們總 是期待老師提供標準答案。
Most students are used to/in the habit of solvin g problems by themselves, and they always exp ect their teachers to provide (them with) stand ard answers.
• 除了用功讀書獲取知識外,學生也應該培 養獨立思考的能力。
In addition to/Besides studying hard to obtain/g ain/get knowledge, students should also develo p independent thinking skills/the ability to thin k independently.
• 聽音樂是一個你可以終生享受的嗜好。
• 但能彈奏樂器可以為你帶來更多的喜悅
• 但能彈奏樂器可以為你帶來更多的喜悅
• 談到探索海底世界,很少地方能像大堡礁 那樣引人入勝。
• When it comes to the exploration of the undersea world, few places are as fascina tion as the Great Barrier Reef.
• 它那三十四萬平方公里的面積為它贏得最 大珊瑚群的美譽。
Its area of over 340,000 square kilometers wins its fame of the world’s largest coral re ef system.
• 為了使我們的下一代也有機會欣賞這世界 級遺產,我們必須合力保護它。
• We have to work in tandem with each ot her in protecting Great Barrier Reef so th at our next generation can enjoy it in the future.
• 據我們所知,他們甚至對他們的天然 環境心存敬意。
As far as we know, they even treat their na tural surroundings with respect.
• 同樣地,我們的所作所為都決定我們的下 一代將來能否享有一個美麗的世界。
• Similarly, whatever is done by us will deci de whether our descendants will enjoy a beautiful world.