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Research on Industrial Cluster and Organizational Performance – A Study on Glass Industries in Taiwan and Mainland Chin 林錦源、陳美玲


Academic year: 2022

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Research on Industrial Cluster and Organizational Performance – A Study on Glass Industries in Taiwan and Mainland Chin


E-mail: 9802572@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The glass industry in China continues to develop and mature. This situation constitutes a potential threat to Taiwan’s glass processing industry. The present study is motivated by the desire to understand whether the glass processing industry in Taiwan can effectively maintain its competitive advantage and continue to grow by relying on specialized division of labor within industrial cluster. The main objectives of this study are to: 1) investigate the emerging glass industry cluster; 2) compare and contrast the rationale behind the formation of glass industry cluster in Taiwan and China; and 3) examine the relationships between the factors of cluster formation and organizational performance.

The findings of this study on the rationale behind the formation of industry cluster are consistent with the studies of Pinsonneault (1997), Sull( 1999), Chang (2001), Yuan (2005) and Ding (2005). Some significant positive correlations were found between high quality human resources, infrastructure, capital resources and organizational performance. Accordingly, Taiwanese glass companies should focus on building up knowledge, human and capital resources, which in turn, can contribute to strengthening the glass industry cluster in Taiwan. The underlying principles of the formation of the glass industry cluster in China are similar to that of Taiwan. The results suggest that cross-strait companies within glass industry clusters should value high quality human resources, infrastructure and capital resources. In particular, the formation of glass industry cluster in Taiwan significantly improves market share, profit growth rate and cost performance, while in China, it significantly increases market share, profit growth rate, cost performance and productivity.

Nevertheless, Taiwan has to improve and upgrade its innovative capability. Although Taiwan is the world’s number six in terms of creative capability, there is still room for improvement in areas such as product and marketing creativity. In contrast, China’s economy continues to expand rapidly and its main challenge would be how to advance customer satisfaction in order to sustain its outstanding market share performance.

Keywords : industry cluster、factors of cluster formation、organizational performance Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ..................... iv 誌謝辭  ..................... v 內容目錄 ..................... vii 表目錄  ..................... ix 圖目錄  ..................... x 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機............ 1   第二節  研究目的............... 6   第三節  研究範圍與限制............ 7   第四節  研究流程............... 7 第二章  文獻探討................. 10   第一節  產業群聚之定義............ 10   第二節  組織績效之定義與衡量指標....... 10   第三節  產業群聚之成形原因.......... 14   第四節  產業群聚之成形原因與組織績效之相關文獻 16 第三章  研究方法................. 18   第一節  研究架構及假設............ 18


  第二節  操作性定義.............. 20   第三節  問卷調查樣本............. 22   第四節  前測分析與結果............ 23   第五節  資料的處理與分析........... 26 第四章  資料分析與討論.............. 29   第一節  樣本結構之描述............ 29   第二節  因素分析與信度檢驗.......... 32   第三節  探討構面間的關係並驗證假設...... 36 第五章  結論與建議................ 47   第一節  研究結論............... 47   第二節  後續研究建議與限制.......... 49 參考文獻 ..................... 50 附錄A  研究問卷................. 61 附錄B  研究問卷................. 69


表 1- 1 WEF對各國產業群聚發展競爭力評比...... 2 表 2- 1 組織績效之衡量指標相關文獻彙整表...... 13 表 2- 2 產業群聚形成原因相關文獻彙整表....... 16 表 3- 1 問卷設計架構表............... 22 表 3- 2 因素負荷量摘要表.............. 24 表 3- 3 前測信度分析表............... 25 表 3- 4 KMO 統計量的判斷原理........... 27 表 4- 1 樣本結構彙整總表.............. 31 表 4- 2 KMO與Bartlett球形檢定表 .......... 32 表 4- 3 玻璃產業群聚形成原因之因素分析表...... 33 表 4- 4 組織績效之因素分析表............ 34 表 4- 5 信度分析表................. 35 表 4- 6 個人變項變異數檢定............. 36 表 4- 7 整體樣本線性結構模式變項參數估計表..... 37 表 4- 8 整體樣本線性結構模式誤差變異數估計表.... 38 表 4- 9 線性關係整體配適度指標衡量標準彙總表.... 40 表 4-10 研究假設結果............... 46


圖 1-1 研究流程圖................. 9 圖 3-1 研究之理論架構............... 18 圖 4-1 台灣部份模式標準化參數之估計結果...... 41 圖 4-2 中國大陸部份模式標準化參數之估計結果.... 42 REFERENCES


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