• 沒有找到結果。

第六章 結論與建議

第二節 建議與未來研究方向



一、 風格的分組

本研究探討各類型學習者使用策略及成效之差異,然而,學習者一個人可能含 括不同類型之風格,因此建議未來可綜合分析複合風格特性之結果。

二、 教材

學習內容與題目應設計稍高於學習者目前程度。目前因為教材程度設計與學習 者程度相當,因此可以改善進步分數不顯著之情形。

三、 增加不同之學習策略


獎勵等,也可能是影響學習成效、學習態度之因素,因此未來研究方向建議加入上 述策略,探討其他策略對學習者學習成效之影響。

四、 探討增加輸出(output)訓練是否能促進聽力能力



五、 適時提供虛擬專員之協助

由實驗過程觀察及學習者訪談內容得知,學習者沉浸於自主學習,然而部分學 習者希望有教學指引,因此可考慮在平台之中加入虛擬專員,適時提供學習者在學 習過程中所遇到困難之協助。




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附錄一:ILS 學習風格量表中英對照

以下 44 個題目,每題請選擇(1) 或 (2),以符合自己的答案。請每個題目只能 選擇一個答案,如果(1)或(2)的答案看起來都符合,請依照頻率寫下較常符合的 答案。

1. I understand something better after I ________. (為了能夠比較了解某些事物,

我會先_____。) (1) try it out. (試試看)

(2) think it through. (深思熟慮)

2. I would rather be considered ________. (我比較喜歡_______。) (1) realistic. (實際)

(2) innovative. (創新)

3. When I think about what I did yesterday, I am most likely to get __________.

(當我回想昨天做過的事,我腦海中大多會出現_______。) (1) a picture. (一幅畫面)

(2) words. (一些話語)

4. I tend to ______. (我往往會__________。)

(1) understand details of a subject but may be fuzzy about its overall structure.


(2) understand the overall structure but may be fuzzy about details. (了解事物的 總體結構但不明其細節)

5. When I am learning something new, it helps me to ________. (我在學習某些新 事物時,對我比較有幫助的做法是____。)

(1) talk about it. (談論它) (2) think about it. (思考它)

6. If I were a teacher, I would rather teach a course ___________. (如果我是一名教 師,我比較喜歡教__________。)

(1) that deals with facts and real life situations. (關於事實和實際情況的課程) (2) that deals with ideas and theories. (關於思想和理論方面的課程)

7. I prefer to get new information in _______. (我比較偏愛從中獲得新訊息的媒體 類型是________。)

(1) pictures, diagrams, graphs, or maps. (圖畫、圖解、圖形和圖像)


(2) written directions or verbal information. (書面指導和言語信息) 8. Once I understand ______. (一旦我了解了______。)

(1) try it out. (試試看) all the parts, I understand the whole thing. (事物的所有 部份,我就能了解其整體)

(2) the whole thing, I see how the parts fit. (事物的整體,我就知道其構成的 部份)

9. In a study group working on difficult material, I am more likely to ________. (在 學習小組中遇到難題時,我通常會____。)

(1) jump in and contribute ideas. (挺身而出,提供意見) (2) sit back and listen. (往後退讓,傾聽意見)

10. I find it easier _______. (我發現比較容易學習的是______。) (1) to learn facts. (事實性內容)

(2) to learn concepts. (概念性內容)

11. In a book with lots of pictures and charts, I am likely to ______. (在閱讀一本帶 有許多插圖的書時,我一般會_____。)

(1) look over the pictures and charts carefully. (仔細觀察插圖) (2) focus on the written text. (集中注意文字)

12. When I solve math problems ______. (當我解決數學題時,我常常_______。) (1) I usually work my way to the solutions one step at a time. (自己思考如何一


(2) I often just see the solutions but then have to struggle to figure out the steps to get to them. (先看解答,然後設法提出解題步驟)

13. In classes I have taken ________. (在我修課的班級中,_________。)

(1) I have usually gotten to know many of the students. (我通常結識許多同學) (2) I have rarely gotten to know many of the students. (我認識的同學寥寥無幾) 14. In reading nonfiction, I prefer _________. (在閱讀非小說類作品時,我偏愛


(1) something that teaches me new facts or tells me how to do something. (那些 能告訴我新事實和教我怎麼做的東西)

(2) something that gives me new ideas to think about. (那些提供新見解能啟發 我思考的東西)

15. I like teachers ________. (我喜歡的教師是______。)

(1) who put a lot of diagrams on the board. (在黑板上畫許多圖解的人)


(2) who spend a lot of time explaining. (花許多時間講解的人)

16. When I’m analyzing a story or a novel ______. (當我在分析故事或小說時,


(1) I think of the incidents and try to put them together to figure out the themes.


(2) I just know what the themes are when I finish reading and then I have to go back and find the incidents that demonstrate them. (我讀完時只知道主題是 什麼,然後我得回頭去尋找有關情節。)

17. When I start a homework problem, I am more likely to ________. (當我做家庭作 業時,我比較喜歡______。)

(1) start working on the solution immediately. (一開始就立即做解答) (2) try to fully understand the problem first. (首先設法了解題意) 18. I prefer the idea of ________. (我比較喜歡______。)

(1) certainty. (確定性的想法) (2) theory. (理論性的想法)

19. I remember best _____. (我記得最牢的是_______。) (1) what I see. (看到的東西)

(2) what I hear. (聽到的東西)

20. It is more important to me that an instructor _______. (我覺得比較重要的是教師 ________。)

(1) lay out the material in clear sequential steps. (向我循序漸進一步步地展示 課程教材)

(2) give me an overall picture and relate the material to other subjects. (先給我 一個課程概貌,在將教材與其他主題做聯繫)

21. I prefer to study _______. (我喜歡_____。) (1) in a study group. (在小組中學習) (2) alone. (獨自學習)

22. I am more likely to be considered __________. (我比較喜歡被認為是:


(1) careful about the details of my work. (對工作細節很仔細) (2) creative about how to do my work. (對做工作很有創意)

23. When I get directions to a new place, I prefer _________. (當要我到一個新的地 方去時,我比較偏好_______。)


(1) a map. (要一幅地圖)

(2) written instructions. (要書面指南) 24. I learn _________. (我學習時_____。)

(1) at a fairly regular pace. If I study hard, I’ll “get it.” (總是按部就班,我相信 只要努力,終有所得)

(2) in fits and starts. I’ll be totally confused and then suddenly it all “clicks.” (我 有時完全糊塗,然後恍然大悟)

25. I would rather first _________. (我辦事時喜歡______。) (1) try things out. (先試試看)

(2) think about how I’m going to do it. (想好再做)

26. When I am reading for enjoyment, I like writers to ___________. (當我閱讀趣聞 時,我喜歡作者______。)

(1) clearly say what they mean. (以清楚直接的方式敘述)

(2) say things in creative, interesting ways. (以新穎有趣的方式敘述)

27. When I see a diagram or sketch in class, I am most likely to remember ______.

(當我在上課時看到一幅圖,我通常會清晰的記著________。) (1) the picture. (那福圖)

(2) think it through. (深思熟慮) what the instructor said about it. (教師對那幅圖 的解說)

28. When considering a body of information, I am more likely to _______. (當我思考 一件事情時,我通常____。)

(1) focus on details and miss the big picture. (注意細節而忽視概貌)

(2) try to understand the big picture before getting into the details. (先了解概貌 而後深入細節)

29. I more easily remember ________. (我最容易記住_____。) (1) something I have done. (我做過的事)

(2) something I have thought a lot about. (我仔細想過的事)

30. When I have to perform a task, I prefer to _______. (當我執行一項任務時,我 喜歡_______。)

(1) master one way of doing it. (掌握一種方法)

(2) come up with new ways of doing it. (想出多種新方法)

31. When someone is showing me data, I prefer _____. (當有人向我展示資料時,



(1) charts or graphs. (圖表)

(2) text summarizing the results. (概括其結果的文字)

32. When writing a paper, I am more likely to _______. (當我寫文章時,我通常 ______。)

(1) work on (think about or write) the beginning of the paper and progress forward. (先思考或著手寫文章的問題,然後循序漸進)

(2) work on (think about or write) different parts of the paper and then order them. (先思考或著手寫文章的不同部分,然後加以排序整理)

33. When I have to work on a group project, I first want to _______. (當我必須參加 小組合作課題時,我要_____。)

(1) have “group brainstorming” where everyone contributes ideas. (大家首先"集 思廣益",人人貢獻主意)

(2) brainstorm individually and then come together as a group to compare ideas.


34. I consider it higher praise to call someone _____. (當我讚揚他人時,我認為比 較好的讚美是______。)

(1) sensible. (很敏感細膩的) (2) imaginative. (想像力豐富的)

35. When I meet people at a party, I am more likely to remember __________. (當我 在聚會時與人見過面,我通常會記得______。)

(1) what they looked like. (他們的模樣)

(2) what they said about themselves. (他們的自我介紹)

36. When I am learning a new subject, I prefer to _______. (當我學習新的科目時,


(1) stay focused on that subject, learning as much about it as I can. (專注在這個 科目,盡量學得多學得好)

(2) try to make connections between that subject and related subjects. (試圖建立 這個科目與其它有關科目的聯繫)

37. I am more likely to be considered _______. (我通常被他人認為是_____。) (1) outgoing. (外向的)

(2) reserved. (保守的)

38. I prefer courses that emphasize _______. (我喜歡的課程內容主要是______。) (1) concrete material (facts, data). (具體的教材(事實、數據))


(2) abstract material (concepts, theories). (抽象的教材(概念、理論)) 39. For entertainment, I would rather ________. (在娛樂方面,我喜歡____。)

(1) watch television. (看電視) (2) read a book. (看書)

40. Some teachers start their lectures with an outline of what they will cover. Such outlines are ______. (有些教師講課時先給一個課程大綱,這種大綱對我 ____。)

(1) somewhat helpful to me. (有點幫助) (2) very helpful to me. (很有幫助)

41. The idea of doing homework in groups, with one grade for the entire group, ______. (我認為給合作的同組成員,打同一個分數的想法_____。)

(1) appeals to me. (吸引我)

(2) does not appeal to me. (不吸引我)

42. When I am doing long calculations, _______. (當我長時間地從事計算工作時,


(1) I tend to repeat all my steps and check my work carefully. (我喜歡重複我的

(1) I tend to repeat all my steps and check my work carefully. (我喜歡重複我的