• 沒有找到結果。

第四章 資料分析結果

第三節 態度偏向與新聞內容之關聯

立 政 治 大 學

N a tio na

l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y

表 4-14:有無社會框架之比例

有無社會框架 次數 百分比

無 264 85.4%

有 45 14.6%

總計(N=309) 309 100%

表 4-15:社會框架內容之次數統計(複選題)

社會框架內容 次數 百分比

運動 22 43.1%

影劇藝文 3 5.9%

教育 7 13.7%

社會文化 6 11.8%

社會議題 9 17.6%

其他 4 7.8%

總計 51 100%

第三節 態度偏向與新聞內容之關聯

壹、 整體態度偏向與新聞內容

研究者將態度偏向分成四類:負面、中立/混合、正面以及難以判斷,對上 主題八大類目去觀察其中之分布狀況。

在「公衛醫療」103 則新聞中,41.7%為「正面」,負面的比例較少;「政治」

多以「負面」呈現,有 44.1%:「經濟」的態度偏向有 60.9%為「難以判斷」、「中 立/混合」有 26.1%,且無「負面」呈現,顯示經濟類新聞多為中性或無關乎態 度偏向;「體育」在報導呈現 76.5%「正面」,無負面內容;「藝術娛樂」全部都 是正面(100.0%);「教育」僅 4 篇,正面(50.0%)、中立/混合(25.0%)和難

斷」有 10 篇,負面(10.0%)、中立/混合(30.0%)、正面(40.0%)以及難以 判斷(20.0%)。

1. 舉例「正面」新聞:HIGHLIGHT: Oklahoma:

“Iowa Iowa City: As the state faced a shortage of equipment needed to protect people from the coronavirus, it received timely gifts from a foreign government and major corporations of nearly 1.4million surgical masks. New disclosure filings show that the free masks came from the government of Taiwan and its diplomatic office in Chicago, a Chinese auto parts conglomerate, a major apparel company and the state's largest health insurer.”—UST 10 July 2020: D.5.


2. 舉例「負面」新聞:THE WORLD; In Asia, epidemic prompts hoarding;

Shoppers, fearing the coronavirus crisis will worsen, clear shelves of staple goods.:

“Authorities in Taiwan, which has reported 18 coronavirus infections, this week recommended prosecution for three women suspected of spreading social media messages suggesting that toilet paper, table napkins and sanitary napkins could be used to craft mask substitutes, and warning that those products could soon be in short supply. The women could be prosecuted under anti-fake news laws passed in early 2019 to prevent rumors affecting.”—LAT 13 Feb 2020: A.3.

本研究認為《洛杉磯時報》這段內容在講述目前台灣的病例狀況以及疫情 相關的社會事件,因此歸類於「疫情相關資訊」,且內容描述台灣地方婦女散播 謠言,暗示衛生紙、餐巾紙和衛生用品將會被拿去做口罩,造成短缺。描述了 台灣的疫情社會混亂和犯罪,因而歸類於對台灣形象有「負面」影響。

1. 舉例「負面」新聞:Chief of Armed Forces Dies In Taiwan Helicopter Crash:

“The helicopter was carrying military personnel to an event in northeastern Taiwan when it went down on a wooded mountainside. Eight people including the chief of

Taiwan's armed forces were killed ……Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan's president, called it

"a sad day," with "several excellent military leaders and colleagues killed in an accident in the line of duty." ……Taiwan has long been a potential flash point for military conflict. ……The United States sells military equipment for Taiwan's defense, including Black Hawk helicopters. The Obama administration approved the sale of 60 Black Hawks to Taiwan in 2010 as part of a $6.4 billion arms deal. China, in response, temporarily severed some military ties with the United States.”—NYT 03 Jan 2020: A.8.

2. 舉例「正面」新聞:Why Taiwan's success with elections terrifies Beijing.:

“Freedom House's annual report in 2019 gave Taiwan high marks as one of the freest countries in the world " at a time when there has been an alarming global decline in political rights and civil liberties over the past decade or so. The island republic's legalization of same-sex marriage, the first in Asia, was chosen by The Post as one of 19 good things that happened in 2019. This proves that human rights and freedom of speech are not just 'Western' values. Taiwan is a vital partner, a democratic success story and a force for good in the world, as noted by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.”—TWP 15 Jan 2020: A.21.

1. 舉例「難以判斷」新聞:What virus? Apple unveils products.:

“Foxconn, the manufacturing giant made famous for handling the assembly of many Apple products, including the iPhone, has made changes in recent months because of the virus. One executive who is working with Foxconn to make a consumer electronics device said Foxconn has begun to conduct videoconferencing calls, in lieu of trips to China. ……Many of Foxconn's senior engineers have not returned to China, this person said, and are instead working from home and videoconferencing from Taiwan, where Foxconn is headquartered. Foxconn did not immediately respond to a request for comment. ……” —TWP 19 Mar 2020: A.23.

這篇華盛頓郵報的報導主要在說蘋果因為疫情的關係,生產線受到影響, Huawei to skirt export ban:

“Separately, Taiwanese firm reveals plans for $12 billion Ariz. Factory The Trump administration issued new rules Friday intended to block additional semiconductor sales to China's Huawei in a hardening of its stance against a company it views as a security threat……..TSMC said the U.S. and Arizona governments were providing unspecified "support" for the factory. At the same time, the new Commerce restrictions could hurt TSMC, because the company sells a large volume of semiconductors to Huawei from its factories in Taiwan, where it uses U.S.

equipment and software. Huawei, a large manufacturer of telecom network gear and smartphones, did not immediately comment on the Commerce announcement. It has repeatedly denied U.S. accusations that its telecom equipment could undermine U.S.

national security by allowing the Chinese Communist Party to tap into the gear for espionage purposes…….”—TWP 16 May 2020: A.8.

台積電可以算是代表台灣的公司,在全球半導體產業中也有一席之地,多 數有關經濟的新聞都與台積電有關,因此將此篇納入樣本。這篇新聞來自華盛

“Baseball Is Back! (In Taiwan) Play ball! It's opening day. Ah, the smell of freshly mown grass, the crack of ash on horsehide, the cries of the Cracker Jack sellers ...

sorry, we lost it there for a minute. Actually, the opening day to which we were referring is in Taiwan. Like basketball, baseball is back in Taiwan, where Covid-19 has been contained fairly successfully. The Uni Lions beat the Chinatrust Brothers on Sunday, 4-1, in 11 innings, and more games are scheduled Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.”—NYT 4 Apr 2020: B.9.

社會框架中的新聞內容佔比最多的是體育類,大部分的內容皆類似這則, costs nearly $800,000. Young people line up for $7 boba tea with real gold flakes.

Yet here, homelessness is a rare misfortune, not an epidemic spilling onto the sidewalks of wealthy neighborhoods. About 650 people are homeless in the city of 2.5 million, according to official counts -- a number that has held steady over the last decade and is dwarfed by Los Angeles' 41,000……Each year, city social workers help about 100 people find work and housing. At one city shelter, residents head out each day to their full-time jobs.”—LAT 26 June 2020: A.1.

這篇新聞來自《洛杉磯時報》,講述著台灣的街友問題,裡面提供了街友的統計 資料,點出房價和醫療費用的社會問題,內容也有街友的說法,也有寫到政府 所給予的幫助。本研究認為此則新聞雖然描繪出台灣社會不好的一面,但是是 客觀的描述,且提供多方說法,因此歸類在「中立/混合」。