• 沒有找到結果。

第二章 背景探究

第二節 《第一組曲》創作背景


霍爾斯特於1909 年寫下了《給軍樂隊的降 E 大調第一組曲》(First Suite in E-flat for Military Band, Op. 28a, H105)11,本文中簡稱《第一組曲》。

霍爾斯特有一本筆記本,記錄著他自1895 年開始的創作曲目,一直到他過 世為止。而“1st Suite for Military Band Op.28A”寫於 1909 年的那頁,這也是目 前為止唯一能夠確切證明《第一組曲》創作年代的證據。12


關於霍爾斯特創作《第一組曲》之原因,至今尚無證據指出作曲家是為了 誰、或為了什麼事件而創作此曲。有幾種可能的原因:

(一)英國「音樂家同業公會」(The Worshipful Company of Musicians)

於1909 年曾舉辦一次徵曲比賽,徵求「高水準原創管樂作品」13。但是得獎名 單中並未看見霍爾斯特之姓名,故此說法尚無法被證實。14

(二)霍爾斯特為了一場於1909 年舉辦在人民宮(People's Palace)15的節 慶所作,其女兒伊莫根.霍爾斯特(Imogen Clare Holst, 1907-1984)回憶道:

11 此「H 編碼系統」為霍爾斯特之女 Imogen Holst 所設計,以年代排序之方式收錄所有霍爾斯


12 Gustav Holst, First Suite in Eb for Military Band (Boosey & Hawkes, 1984).

13 Henry George Farmer, The Rise and Deveopment of Military Music (London: William Reeves, 1912), xii. 原文如下:”for original military band compositions moulded in the higher forms”

14 Simon Burrows, Gustav Holst the Man and His Music (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1990), 82.

15 現已為倫敦瑪麗王后大學(Queen Mary University of London)的一部分。

「此作品應該是為了什麼特別的場合所作,很可能是1909 年 5 月份於倫敦 麥爾安德區人民宮舉辦的慶祝活動。」16


目前音樂學家可以追溯到最早的演出紀錄,是在1920 年於英國皇家軍事音 樂學校(Royal Military School of Music)的演出。自 1909 年手稿完成後,至 1920 年之間,並無任何具說服力的資料能證明《第一組曲》有過演出紀錄,但 根據霍爾斯特與其作曲家好友懷塔克(W. G. Whittaker, 1876-1944)的信件往來 紀錄顯示,皇家諾森柏蘭燧發槍團(5th Royal Northumberland Fusiliers)管樂團 很可能在1917 年夏天就已排練過《第一組曲》,指揮為溫德勒姆(James Causley Windram, ?-1944)。17

而1918 年前曾有過分譜複印的紀錄,也顯示在這之前可能有過排練或演 出。18霍爾斯特女兒伊莫根寫道:

16 Imogen Holst, A Thematic Catalogue of Gustav Holst’s Music (London: Faber Music Ltd., 1974), 97. 原文如下:“The work was probably written for some special occasion, and this may have been the Festival at the People’s Palace, Mile End, London in May, 1909.”

17 Michael Short, Gustav Holst: Letters to W. G. Whittaker (Glasgow: University of Glasgow Press, 1974), 27.

18 Gustav Holst, First Suite in E♭ for Military Band (Boosey & Hawkes, 1984).

「我尚無法找到首演的日期…有分部譜的手稿(沒有親筆簽名),封面上 有“Gustav von Holst”的名字,證明此為 1918 年 9 月以前的曲目。191917 年 的夏天很可能於泰恩河畔新堡有過演出。」20 21


歷史上許多著名作品首演時的情形,都成為後世音樂家與愛樂者津津樂道 的話題。如韓德爾(Georg Friedrich Händel, 1685-1759)《皇家煙火》(Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV 351)於 1749 年首演時,因現場施放煙火,竟導

致了火災,將慶祝戰爭勝利所搭建的神殿燒毀。22 23白遼士(Hector Berlioz, 1803-1869)《葬禮與凱旋大交響曲》(Grand Funeral and Triumphal Symphony, Op. 15)在 1840 年首演時24,也因為國家衛隊(National Guard)不耐樂曲過

長,於最終樂章進行部隊調動,讓莊重的儀式留下污點25。又如1913 年斯特拉 溫斯基(Igor Stravinsky, 1882-1971)《春之祭》(Le Sacre du Printemps)首演 時造成的暴動,更是流傳後世。

19 關於霍爾斯特改名之緣由,詳見手稿第四章第一節分析部分。

20 Imogen Holst, A Thematic Catalogue of Gustav Holst’s Music (London: Faber Music Ltd., 1974), 97.

21 原文如下:“I have not been able to find the date of the first performance...there are manuscript (non-autograph) parts with name ‘Gustav von Holst’ on the title page, proving that it was in the repertoire before September 1918. There may have been a performance in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the summer of 1917...”

22 奧地利王位繼承戰爭(1740 年至 1748 年)。

23 Herbart Weinstock Wallace Brockway, Men of Music: Their Lives, Times, and Achievements, rev.

ed. (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1966), 81.

24 此曲是為了法國七月革命(July Revolution, 1830 年)十週年時,戰亡將士重新入土儀式所


25 Hector Berlioz, Memoirs of Hector Berlioz, trans. Eleanor Holmes Rachel Holmes, rev. Ernest Newman (New York: Dover, 1966), 234.

至於霍爾斯特的《第一組曲》與《第二組曲》首演時,雖不若上述事件來 得驚天動地,但亦在報章雜誌上佔據相當多的版面。同時,音樂界亦掀起了對 於管樂音樂的討論,逐漸正視與認知管樂音樂發展的可能性。

現在公認最早可考的《第一組曲》「首演」,是 1920 年 6 月 23 日於倫敦 克內勒大廈(Kneller Hall)舉辦的音樂會,由皇家軍事音樂學校管樂團(Royal Military School of Music Band)的 165 位成員演出。音樂會當天晚上七點鐘開


1. March “Crown of India”……….. Elgar 2. First Movement from Septett (Op. 20)……….Beethoven 3. Largo e maestoso – Allegro non troppo

from the Ballet “Scheherazade”………... Rimsky-Korsakov 4. Extracts from the Fifth Symphony…………... Tchaikowsky 5. Selection - Carmen………... Bizet

6. Suite in E Flat……….. Holst (a) Chaconne

(b) Intermezzo (c) March

7. Overture “Lurline”………... Wallace

以上的演出曲目,也反映出當時的英國管樂團多以演出改編的管弦樂曲為 主。而這些改編版本,多來自於英國各地的軍樂隊雜誌(military band



《第一組曲》首演後,各樂團亦紛紛加入演出的行列。1920 年至 1921 年間 的演出,也吸引到英國國內相當可觀的媒體評論。

26 Jon C. Mitchell, "Early Performances of the Holst Suites for Military Band," Journal of Band Research 17, no. 2 (1982), 45.

(一)《里奇蒙時報》(Richmond Times) 曲》與布拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms, 1833-1897)的《第三號交響曲》相提並 論:

27 Richmond Times, July 17, 1920. 原文如下:“There were two things of interest to be heard yesterday – Holst’s Suite for Military Band at Kneller Hall and Brahms’ Third Symphony at Queen’s Hall...”

可能預期聽見由40 把豎笛齊奏發出的粗糙聲之外,他們的演奏中透露了愉悅、



Birmingham Post

有一些報紙則對於《第一組曲》作品本身有較多的著墨,如《伯明罕郵 報》於1920 年 11 月 6 日的報導,評論了伯明罕警察樂隊(Birmingham City Police Band)的演出:


29 The Times (London), “An Orchestra and a Military Band: Brahms and Holst,” September 16, 1920.

原文如下:“The Kneller Hall Band of 160 or so are technically on a much lower level; many boys, a few old hands, and a student conductor....They play arrangements, perforce; Holst’s Suite is one of the first compositions for a military band by a composer of standing. (It is healthy, cleanly written, diatonic, and generally outspoken and single-eyed composition). Yet, apart from such raggedness as you might expect from 40 boy-clarinets in unison, there was breezy life in their performances.”

30 第二樂章的第二主題以 F Dorian 調式寫成。

31 Birmingham Post, “City Police Band: Holst’s Suite in E Flat,” November 6, 1920. 原文如下:

“The production was something of an event, for the military band has been almost entirely ignored by composers of distinction, with the result that its concerts, whether indoor or out, are often a trial to the musicians.

Mr. Holst’s suite is a successful attempt to provide for a work of serious musical interest in which the characteristic qualities of the combination have dictated the lay-out of the music. It is in three short numbers. They are unified not only by the force of the contrasts between them, but also thematically....The writing...has the admirable clarity of construction that is a feature of Mr. Holst’s music. A modal flavor is lent to the work by the prominence of the super-tonic in its subjectival melodies. The march has the rhythmic fascination of the true march…”


在他的筆下,其《組曲》與管弦樂有著同樣的價值。」32 33


The Morning Post

薩莫維(J. A. C. Somerville, 1872-1955)於 1920 年至 1925 年擔任皇家軍事 音樂學校(Royal Military School of Music)校長,期間他致力於吸引優秀的英


32 The Observer (London), October 2, 1921.

33 原文如下:“Holst has taken the military band seriously, as a beginning, and has mastered its technique, and his Suite has the same value as would an orchestral piece from his pen.”

34 The Morning Post (London), September 30, 1921.

35 原文如下:“That scheme is the encouragement of the British Composer to write for the British Military Band....[Somerville] requested that works be sent to him. Last year [1920] was a start....One stood out as a little masterpiece of its kind, but, then, it is the work of Mr. Gustav Holst, who has a master mind, which invests the military band with as much interest and individuality as the orchestra.”

36 Jon C. Mitchell, "Early Performances of the Holst Suites for Military Band," Journal of Band Research 17, no. 2 (1982), 46.


《第一組曲》手稿完成於1909 年,首演於 1920 年,樂譜正式出版於 1921 年;《第二組曲》亦有類似狀況,其手稿完成於《第一組曲》完成的兩年之後

——1911 年,但是最早的演出紀錄與樂譜出版也推遲至 1922 年。實在令人好 奇,對於後世如此具時代意義之兩首管樂原創作品,為何從手稿完成至演出、
