• 沒有找到結果。


在文檔中 排灣族兒童教養之研究 (頁 158-163)

第五章 排灣族家庭故事

第三節 研究者的反思

B、 西文部份

Rogoff B.(2003). The cultural nature of human development. Oxford university press.

Baumrind, D.(1967). Child care practices anteceding three patterns of preschool behavior. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 75(1), 43-88.

Baumrind, D.(1971). Current patterns of parental authority. Developmental Psychology

Monograph, 4(1), 1-103

Bulkley, J. (2000).Culture's influence on parents and children: The role of ethnicity in

parenting and child competence in African-American and European-American families. University of Oregon.

Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development. Cambridge:Harvard University Press.

Bronfenbrenner, U. (1992). Ecological systems theory. In R. Vasta(ed.). Six theories of child development: revised formulations and current issues.

Elaine H., Andrea A. Z., Sue C. J. (2006). Discipline Behaviors of Chinese American and European American Mothers.4

The Journal of Psychology, 140(5), 459-476.

Garbarino, J., Abramowitz, R. H., Benn, J. L., Gaboury, M. T., Galambos, N. L., Garbarino, A. C., Kostelny, K., Long, F. N., & Plantz, M. C.(1992). Children and families in the social environment.(2nd)Hawthorne, N.Y.:Aldine De Gruyter.

Laird & Hartman,Editors(1985)。A Handbook Of Child Welfare

context, Knowledge, and Practice(頁 3)。The Free Press。New York。

Mead D. E. (1976). Six approaches to child rearing. Provo. Utah Brigham Univ. Press.

Minuchin, P. (1985). Families and individual development: provocations from the field of family therapy. Child Development , 56 , 289-302.

Rogoff B.(2003). The cultural nature of human development. Oxford university press.

Seward, R. R. (1991). Determinants of family culture: Effects on fatherhood. In F. W.

Bozett, S. M. H. Hanson, et al. (Eds), Fatherhood and families in cultural context

(pp. 218-236). New York, NY Springer Publishing Co.

Sonnek, S. M.(1999)Perception and parenting style

The influence of culture.

Schindler T. Z. (Ed)(2003). Journal of Feminist Family Therapy yol. 14.Binghamton NY

William, R. (1983),A Vocabulary of Culture and Society(Flamingo edn, rev. and expaned). London,Fontana Paperbacks.

附錄一 以排灣族做關鍵字搜尋結果

以排灣族做關鍵字搜尋全國碩博士論文資訊網,近十年以排灣族為對象的研 究大致上分成4 個主題:


一是傳統民族文化相關的探究包含音樂、祭典、制度、舞蹈等有30 篇:(潘 孟鈴,1999;周玉翎,1999;高加馨,2000;劉萬得,2000;周芬姿,2001;郭 東雄,2002;詹賢政,2002;葉神保,2002;林意屏,2003;高金豪,2003;瑪 達拉達努巴克,2003;李恩賜,2003;林衍秀,2004;趙昌榮,2004;劉榮樺,





二是工藝類的建築雕刻與服裝飾品有13 篇:(簡芳菲,1999;蔡明潔,2002;





三是教育文學12 篇:(劉芸旻,2002;林莠芹,2004;吳淑珍,2004;陳雅 慧,2004;王馨瑩,2004;陳文秀,2004;施美英,2005;潘泠枏,2005;曾基 瑋,2005;高娸毓,2006;歐惠京,2006;譚志遠,2006)


最後是醫療3 篇:(巴德雄,2001;王佩卿,2004;吳登杭,2005)

附錄二 研究同意書範本

親愛的家長您好,非常感謝您熱心參與本研究。研究者是台東大學幼兒教育 學系研究所學生,本研究題目是「

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」,研究的目的主要是想要了解排灣族家庭對兒童的教養行為 與其背後所隱含的文化意義。

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中 華 民 國 九十七 年 月 日

附錄三 家長簽名研究同意書

在文檔中 排灣族兒童教養之研究 (頁 158-163)