• 沒有找到結果。

第二章 證券詐欺之理論基礎

第三節 證券詐欺之美、中國立法例

第一項 美國法

按美國對於證券交易管理之實定法規範,主要為:規範發行市場的 1933 年的證券法(Securities Act of 1933,本文以下簡稱 SA)以及規範 流通市場的 1934 年證券交易法(Securities Exchange Act of 1934,以 下簡稱 SEA)。美國證券法規涉及證券詐欺之主要條文計有 SA section 11 註冊文件不實之責任規定、SA section 12(a)以重大不實陳述方式出售有 價證券之責任、SA section 17(a)以詐欺方式出售證券之責任及 SEA section 9 操縱市場的民事責任、SEA section 10(b)與 Rule 10b-5 禁止 以詐欺買賣證券之默示責任以及 SEA section 18(a)違反公開原則之民事 責任等,當中最廣泛使用之條文即屬 SEA section 10(b),有稱之為一般 反詐欺條款,另外其他各條由於均重證券買者之保護,而其範圍均有限制


72 余雪明,證券交易法,頁 617。

第一款 1934 年證券交易法 section 10(b)

SEA section 10(b)規定73,禁止任何人直接或間接利用州際商務交通 工具或郵件,或證券交易所之設備,違背證管會為公益或為保護投資人所 制定之規章,而對上市或非上市之證券買賣使用操縱或詐欺之手段74。由 本條文義內容觀之,對於使用操縱(manipulative)或詐欺(deceptive)之 手段而為買賣證券者,為廣泛的規範。

由於 SEA section 10(b)之規範,在條文內容上過於空泛不明確,SEC (Securities of Exchange Commission 美國聯邦證券管理委員會,以下簡 稱 SEC)遂於 1942 年依本條授權並參考 SA section 1775之用語制定了 Rule

73 原文規定:「It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, by the use of any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce or of the mails, or of any facility of any national securities exchange-(b) To use or employ,in connection with the purchase or sale of any security registered on a national securities exchange or any security not so registered, or any securities-based swap agreement (as defined in Section 206B of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act), any manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance in contravention of such rules and regulations as the Commission may prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors.」

74 余雪明,證券交易法,頁 617。

75 SA section 17(a)之規定主要禁止以欺詐方式出售證券,原文規定:「Use of interstate commerce for purpose of fraud or deceit. It shall be unlawful for any person in the offer or sale of any securities or any security-based swap agreement (as defined in section 206B of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act[15 USCS § 78c]) by the use of any means or instruments of transportation or communication in interstate commerce or by use of the mails, directly or indirectly:(1) to employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraund;or (2) to obtain money or property by means of any untrue statement of a material fact or any omission to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in light of the

circumstances under which they were made, not misleading;or (3) to engage in any transaction, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon the purchaser.」

76 原文規定:「It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, by the use of any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce, or of the mails or of any facility of any national securities exchange, (a) To employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud, (b) To make any untrue statement of a material fact or to omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, or (c) To engage in any act, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person,in connection with the purchase or sale of any security.」

77 劉連煜,新證券交易法實例研習,元照出版,2007 年 2 月增訂五版,頁 272、273。

78 余雪明,證券交易法,頁 617–619。

一、欺騙(deception),不實陳述(misrepresentation)及遺漏 (non-disclosure)

即為虛偽(falsity)、誤導(misleading or half-truth)之行為或語 言,遺漏則須行為人就該重要事實有公開、補充說明、更正或更新之義務。

二、詐欺行為與買賣具有關聯性(in connection with purchase or sale of any security)

指詐欺與買賣間須有一定程度之關聯,詐欺之內容須涉及證券之價值 或投資。詐欺者本身不須從事買賣,但求償之原告則必須有買賣之行為。

而對於“in connection with purchase or sale"(有關買或賣)之要件 的詮釋,美國學者 Loss 教授指出,以下四項觀點79:第一,如果買受人或 出賣人於購買或出售時對事實已有了解時,該詐欺即不構成本有關買或賣 之要件。第二,雖然沒有任何的購買或出賣行為,只要有對市場提供不實 之資訊或隱匿資訊常達一定時間者,該行為也會違反 Rule 10b-5。第三,

詐欺與購買或出售行為之間必須有某些「關連」(nexus)。第四,原告提 起私人訴訟者必須是購買人或出賣人。


原告應證明被告知情該遺漏或不實陳述80。自 1976 年美國最高法院 Ernst & Ernst v.Hochfelder 之一案後81,美國多數法院82認為除指「故意」

外,尚包括「不確定之故意」(severe recklessness)。「不確定之故意」

即行為人不一定要意圖發生某種特定之結果,只要明知其陳述有誤導傾向 即可。故概念上 scienter 除了包含詐欺意圖外,尚可包括 severe

recklessness。但與一般過失有別,亦即高於一般的注意義務標準83。 四、資訊重要

美國聯邦最高法院在 1988 年的 Basic Inc. v. Levinson 案之判決84, 就該資訊是否重要,從可能性、重大性,以及其對投資人整體資訊環境之

79 Louis Loss, Joel Seligman, Fundamentals of Securities Regulation, at 1038、1039.

80 Tanya Epstein and Linda M. Holleran and Joshua A. Mooney and Mark A. Shaffer and Grace J.

Song, Securities Fraud:American Criminal Law Review,, at 1175.

81 425 U.S. 185 (1976). 引自 John C. Coffee, JR. , Joel Seligman, Securities Regulation-Cases and Materials, Thomson West, 9th ed. 2003, at 1117–1130.

82 In re Silicon Graphics,Inc. Securitis Litigate,183 F.3d 970 (9th Cir.1999);Meadow v. SEC.119F3d 1219(5th Cir.1997).Also see In re Vivendi Universal,2003 U.S Dist. LEXIS 19431(Nov.3,2003)轉 引自曾宛如,論證券交易法第二十條之民事責任-以主觀要件與信賴為核心,臺大法學論叢第 33 卷第 5 期,2004 年 9 月,頁 64。

83 John C. Coffee, JR. , Joel Seligman, Securities Regulation-Cases and Materials, Thomson West, 9th ed. 2003, at 1129.

84 485 U.S. 224 (1988). 引自James D. Cox, Robert W. Hillman, Donald C. Langevoort, Securities Regulation-Cases and Materials, Aspen, 5th ed. 2006, at 703–713.

影響來權衡。換言之,影響愈重大者,不論發生之可能性高低,即可能愈 重要,反之亦然。故而,重要性亦為公開義務之前提。



(transaction causation)。惟此依賴必須為「合理」(justifiable),即 原告亦負有一定之注意義務。而「損失之因果關係」(loss causation),

須要證明該交易行為與原告之損失有因果上的關聯,即被告之詐欺導致原 告之經濟損失85。故「交易之因果關係」是導致損失因素之一,而「損失 之因果關係」則是是損失之法律上原因。原告需證明「交易之因果關係」



此損失是由該重要性的謊報或遺漏所造成86。該適當的措施可分為交 易時與消息公開後之價差(out of the pocket),或回復原狀

(rescissionary measure of damages)之費用。

依前述六要件,對於Rule 10b-5之適用範圍主要可分為六種類型:1、


3、公司內部人選擇性地向第三人揭露公司重大且未經公開之資訊,而該 第三人據此消息而為交易(亦屬內線交易);4、特定人就證券之買入或賣 出有關之事項,不當處置公司之事務;5、操縱市場行為;6、證券公司或 證券專業人士就證券之買入或賣出有關之事項為其他類似詐欺之行為87

第二款 1933 年證券法 section 11

SA section 11 規定88,係對於因虛偽不實之申報書所引起的民事責

85 Thomas Lee Hazen, The Law of Securities Regulation, Thomson West , 5th ed. 2005, at 471.

86 Thomas Lee Hazen, The Law of Securities Regulation, at 471.

87 楊家欣,以因果關係為起點-論我國證券詐欺法制之未來,國立臺灣大學法律學研究所碩士 論文,2006 年 7 月,頁 21。

88 原文規定:「(a) In case any part of the registration statement, when such part became effective, contained an untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, any person acquiring such security (unless it is proved that at the time of such acguisition he knew of such untruth or omission) may, either at law or in equity, in any court of competent jurisdiction, sue- (1) every person who signed the registration statement;(2) every person who was a director of (or person performing similar functions) or partner in, the issuer at the time of the filing of the part of the registration statement with respect to which his liability is asserted;(3) every person who, with his consent, is named in the registration statement as being or about to become a director, person performing similar functions, or partner;(4) every accountant, engineer, or appraiser, or any person whose profession gives authority to a statement made by him, who has with his consent been named as having prepared or certified any report or valuation which is used in connection with the registration statement, with respect to the statement in

任,該已生效之申報書對於重要內容有不實陳述或遺漏需要陳述的重要內 容,或遺漏了該不致產生誤導所需陳述的重要事實,任何系爭有價證券之 持有人,除得對股票發行人請求損害賠償外,並得對下列之人請求損害賠 償:1、於申報書簽名之人;2、在發行人報備申報書時,擔任董事或合夥 人;3、於申報書所載已同意成為或將成為董事或合夥人者;4、於申報書 簽證或陳述意見之會計師、工程師、估價師及其他專門職業技術人員;5、

證券承銷商。若投資人是在發行人向證券持有人提供已生效至少 12 個月 的申報書,才購買該證券者,則應證明信賴該申報書中的不真實陳述,或 信賴該申報書但卻不知其漏報的情形而購買證券,然此種信賴無需證明其 閱讀過申報書,即可請求賠償。換言之,原告請求損害賠償時,毋庸證明 信賴要件,也無須證明損失因果關係,即得依前揭規定請求。

SA section 11 係規範發行人於初次發行時所為申報書內容不實之民 事責任,所指的發行有價證券的申報書(registration statement),包括 公開說明書(prospectus)以及其他補充資料(supplement information),

即投資人得向證管會申請查閱之資料89。SA section 11(b)規定發行人應 負絕對之賠償責任,為無過失責任,說明發行人雖無任何不實陳述之情 形,仍應負擔賠償責任,然而對於發行人以外之人,則有合理調查之抗辯 (due diligence defense),亦即規定如其已為合理調查,並有合理確信 其陳述之真實或未發生遺漏重大之事實者,則可主張免責抗辯90。惟實務 上會依其係公司董事、合夥人及簽名於申報書之公司內部人或是會計師、

工程師、估價師及其他專門職業技術人員之公司外部人,而設有不同層次 之責任標準。前者,應盡最高標準之注意義務,而後者,則應盡合於一般 專業守則所規範的注意義務91

美國實務上有所謂「調查會議」(due diligence meeting),就相關 人員判斷其是否已盡其相當注意義務,由承銷人與發行人之有關人員開會 討論,但如流於形式,尚不能滿足「已盡相當之注意」之義務。尚須考慮 有關人員之職責,社會所接受之職業上起碼之標準(客觀主義)以及該人之 學識、背景及當時之情形(主觀主義),以決定其是否已盡相當之注意。因

such registration statement, report, or valuation, which purports to have been prepared or certified by him;(5) every underwriter with respect to such security.If such person acquired the security after the issuer has made generally available to its security holders an earning statement covering a period of at least twelve months beginning after the effective date of the registration statement, then the right of recovery under this subsection shall be conditioned on proof that such person acquired the security relying upon such untrue statement in the registration statement or relying upon the registration statement and not knowing of such omission, but such reliance may be established without proof of the reading of the registration statement by such person.」

89 賴英照,證券交易法逐條釋義第四冊,自版,1996 年 8 月出版,頁 231。

90 余雪明,證券交易法,頁 614。

90 余雪明,證券交易法,頁 614。