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(3) 民國一〇八年. 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所 發行 中華民國一〇九年八月. 臺灣 臺中市 霧峰區.

(4) 2019 TARI Annual Report. i. 序 隨著國民生活水準逐漸提高,民眾對於生活品質的要求更加殷切,從以往吃得飽演變為吃得好、吃得衛 生、吃得安全健康。本所針對有關作物之遺傳、育種、栽培與生理、農業環境生態,以至於產業發展與市場 行銷等之農業生產技術,依循行政院農業委員會農業政策,致力發展維護農業自然資源與開發安全農業導向 之農業研究,兼顧糧食安全、經濟發展、加值農業創新應用,打造一個科技創新共享、生態永續、佈局全球 的現代化農業。經不斷的研發與努力,目前已有相當成果。茲將本所 108 年重要研究成果擇要列述如下:. 一、農藝作物 稻作:建立野生稻染色體整組或部分片段置換系(chromosomal segment substitution line, CSSL) 為探討野生稻農藝性狀的重要材料;由 O.nivara 獲得的 Bph31(t) ,對國內的褐飛蝨族群具有穩定的抗性表現; 利用稻桿接菌法已篩選出 11 個較為穩定的抗性品系,可作為改進水稻品種紋枯病抗性或紋枯病抗性基因研究 之應用;回交品系「TNG77-GIC」與「TNG77-GIL」品系的直鏈性澱粉含量與膠體軟硬度和輪迴親相近。 (嘉義)選育優質、耐(抗)主要病蟲害等逆境之水稻、甘藷、馬鈴薯等新品種,提供農民栽培,及保 存根莖類作物種原,並配合國內水稻育種,檢定各場所新育成高級試驗以上品種(系)對稻熱病及稻飛蝨之 抵抗性反應,提供新品種命名審查依據及推廣栽培管理之資訊。 雜糧與特作:已完成建置分子標誌輔助玉米育種平台,並以基因型選拔方式將 O2 基因導入高產硬質玉米 自交系中,並利用玉米雙單倍體技術選育優質蛋白玉米基礎育種族群材料,最後已將 60 份具耐密植與適應臺 灣氣候環境之優質蛋白玉米自交系存放至國家種原庫中;落花生品種選育以高油酸、莢果產量、百莢重等育 種 目 標, 於 品 系 比 較 試 驗 選 留 108-M1-1、108-M1-2、108-M1-5、108-M1-9、108-M1-10、108-M1-23、108H-10、108-H-11 及 108-H-13 共 9 個品系。 作物生理與逆境:營農型綠能農業設施之農電共生整合技術開發與利用,研究結果顯示 50% 遮蔽處理, 青梗白菜、小白菜及蕹菜初步判斷可做為農電共生模式之適栽作物,符合農電共生相關營農型規範;102 ~ 103 年進行 2 年期間一期稻作試驗,以評估外在供源處理能否改善水稻供源平衡關係,由此可知 SPAD 測計具 有推估淨光合作用之潛力,故後續田間調查可應用 SPAD 讀值以獲取水稻生理訊息,並搭配最佳化之肥培管理, 進而穩定水稻生產量。 生物統計與生物資訊:共通資訊平台端可整合提供標章資料、生產資料標章資訊,針對校園食材集成平 台供餐需求,可提供溯源服務、風險評估分析服務以及產銷追溯分析服務;植物保護網絡平台提供植物保護 專家除了輸入例行業務的診斷資訊,亦可建立自有診斷資料,這些資訊套疊臺灣地圖位點、作物分布及氣象 資料介接,提供植保人員病蟲害研究之良好平台。. 二、園藝作物 果樹: 利用簡單序列重複分子標誌篩選葡萄抗露菌病雜交植株,選拔出之族群約有一半個體罹病面積 < 25%,並持續進行梨、枇杷及柑橘種原之育種選拔和特性評估,並同時針對梨與葡萄以不同方式打破休眠 進行因應氣候變遷之創新研究。本年度持續進行荔枝、鳳梨、柑橘及酪梨之品種改良與栽培技術改進工作, 後者包括有機栽培改進、防減災技術改進、鳳梨採收後處理研究、果樹種原保存及利用與營農型光電綠能設 施栽培等研究。結果顯示,LcFT1 基因可作為篩選荔枝品種花期早晚之分子標誌,鳳梨品系 C93-9-312 風味 較濃郁,又酸又甜,適合喜歡吃酸之消費者。.

(5) ii. 2019 TARI Annual Report. 熱帶果樹品種改良:為改進現有紅龍果品種,共計培育芽接雜交苗 1,000 個品系,調查 205 個品系並初 選 19 個優良品系。在新興果樹方面,初選黃金果 A2 品系具有大果、高糖、風味優、果肉白不易褐化等特性; 本年度榴槤蜜的開花結果相當良好,其中 2-3、3-6 等品系均超過 50 果 / 株,但開花期不一致,並進行國內 蒐集品系「極品」與國外引進試種品系 - 馬來紅、泰皇、焦核、紅娘等,經調查其果實品質後均有少乳膠, 果肉易剝食,果色金黃或紅,糖度高等特性。蓮霧「台農 3 號 - 黑糖芭比」品種授權方面,組成農民團隊計 1 案, 授權面積為 1.8 公頃,累計非專屬授權面積為 51 公頃。本年度完成荔枝「台農 6 號」品種權續約 1 件,培育 實生苗 300 株,初步篩選 E17、E09 等優良品系,此兩品系雖然種子偏大,但可食率高、酸度低,I01、I02、 I03 果實重量 22 ~ 35 克,焦核率約 6 成。育成蜜棗「台農 13 號 - 雪麗」,果肉細緻、多汁、甜中帶酸、澀味低、 風味佳、品質穩定,果皮表面具臘質、果皮光亮、無褐斑、平均果重 135 ~ 145 g;並完成蜜棗「台農 13 號 雪麗」非專屬授權計 3 案及蜜棗「台農 12 號 - 水蜜」非專屬授權計 2 案。建立前一年度 7 個芒果實生後代初 篩優良品系比較園圃,並提出 W-2-23 優良品系之品種權申請。 熱帶果樹栽培技術改進:玉荷包茘枝樹勢較弱的植株於開花期及幼果期噴施鎂複合肥可顯著增加著果量 與可溶性固型物含量。珍珠番石榴果面非病原所造成的紅斑(點)現象,在低溫期間發生較為嚴重,栽培管 理的優劣,也會影響紅斑(點)的比率與嚴重程度。果園管理不良、樹體衰弱植株,其紅斑發生率最高。在 土壤偏酸,土壤有效性鈣含量不足土壤,增加鈣的施用量,可以改善番石榴果面紅斑(點)現象的發生。目 前透過與東南亞國家合作於當地試種臺灣百香果「台農 1 號」以評估最適合當地氣候之栽培模式,其中泰國 清邁地區種植百香果原以牆籬式棚架栽培模式為主要耕作方式,經輔導改良之水平棚架栽培,因光照面積大、 生長範圍較寬闊且生長期長,依泰國之生長環境氣候,可達週年性生產及增加產量。泰國清邁地區試種百香 果「台農 1 號」平均重量為 60 ~ 70 公克,可溶性固形物約 16 ~ 180 °Brix。 蔬菜:分別進行番茄核心種原 290 個以及 17 個新雜交組合之果實特性評估,可作為後續選育利用之基礎, 並應用 SNP 分子標誌輔助花椰菜雄不稔性性狀轉移,在 BC1 族群中即選獲基因組回復度 92%之單株。 菇類研究:進行省工化高效能優質洋菇栽培堆肥製造與應用,開發菇類狼尾草太空包產製技術、菇類副 產品做為動物飼料添加物、菇類立體化周年栽培技術。循環利用菇類剩餘資材在菇類及設施栽培。開發對旗 艦作物菇類關鍵有害生物鑑定與防治技術。 花卉及觀賞植物:文心蘭切花設施節能栽培模式,以椰纖、水苔及岩棉取代傳統介質三分碎石於設施內 進行切花生產,結果顯示,於物化性上,參試介質於保水性及孔隙度上皆優於碎石,可有效維持水分及肥料 的供給,達到節省水資源、肥料以及人力的效果,假球莖之周徑可較碎石栽培增加 11%,假球莖形成速度亦 被加快。 採後處理:分別針對印度棗、黃金果、紅棗、紅龍果及鳳梨使用不同品種、預冷條件、貯藏溫度、包裝 材質及 1-MCP 進行儲藏試驗,結果完成建立紅龍果外銷所需之管理及貯藏條件、印度棗「金桃」品種整體較 耐貯運、黃金果則對乙烯相當敏感、紅棗寒害臨界溫度推測為 -0.2 ~ 0.8℃、鳳梨採收後以 10℃或 15℃預 冷處理並以 10℃或 15℃冷蔵待運 2 日的貯運品質最佳。. 三、生物技術 組織培養: 甘藍小孢子培養 DH 率約 67 ~ 78%,馴化率 94%,提供 31 個 DH 系進行觀察。根莖於液態培 養 6 週後之芽團再於固態培養 8 週,薑苗生長效率佳。4 倍體藍紫色蝴蝶蘭花朵較 2 倍體佳,選拔單株進 行觀察。迷你蝴蝶蘭原球體對活性炭反應因品種而異;6 月齡瓶苗以 26℃處理 22 ~ 24 天,花梗誘導率達 28%。.

(6) 2019 TARI Annual Report. iii. 分子遺傳:白葉枯病抗性基因與白粉病抗性基因已定位完成,並分別以 MABC 方法導入 TCS10 及甜瓜品系。 利用 CRISPR/Cas9 技術編輯水稻 sbe3 基因,取得高抗性澱粉轉殖系,並與交通大學合作開發番椒花粉電穿孔 轉殖技術。完成 49 份番椒種原之遺傳歧異性分析。這些成果可作為日後建置水稻、甜瓜及番椒快速精準育種 平台的基礎。 生物安全:在不同氮肥施用量之條件下,硝酸鹽轉運蛋白水稻轉殖系 Q-5 具有高產潛力。轉殖植酸酵素 水稻對於根圈土壤微生物的影響,根據電泳圖譜顯示並無顯著差異。以未知來源黃豆為材料,檢測靈敏度達 99%,專一性則為 100%,未來能應用於其他基改作物檢測技術開發之參考。 作物機能: 印加果種皮厚韌不易發芽,利用溫湯及刻傷處理可有效增加發芽速度(第 20 天發芽率達 60%)。開發大豆之全豆天貝發酵技術,以色差儀量化發酵程度顯示,較對照組之發酵效果高出 1.18 倍。由 電腦模擬技術、小鼠動物試驗,證實龍眼花萃取物可減輕焦慮程度、提高血液血清素及多巴胺濃度。. 四、作物種原 本年度作物種原組 3 個研究計畫包括:「作物種原庫遺傳資源之保育」、「國家作物種原庫營運管 理」,以及「番茄核心種原之應用」,這些計畫之目的是持續維護國家作物種原庫種原保存設施,以及利用 各項種原保存技術保存植物遺傳資源,國家作物種原中心的任務包括辦理種原蒐集、引進、分贈、交換,並 且開發種原保存與鑑定技術等相關業務;另外,本年度也利用國家作物種原庫所保存的番茄種原,應用高通 量次世代定序(next generation sequencing, NGS)技術,分析種原收集系之單一核苷酸多型性(Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, SNP)基因型,並以基因型資料選出 292 品系作為番茄核心種原。. 五、農業化學 土壤資源調查與環境監測:應用多源遙測影像分析判釋技術估測收穫面積,提供早期預警資訊;運用農 業空間資訊分析繪製農地土地覆蓋與土壤主題圖,供農地生產、土地利用規劃與環境監測管理等應用。建立 大面積農田天然災害無人機勘災制度供地方政府採用。 土壤管理與作物營養:研究西南沿海地區一年三作耕作系統、非營農型光電綠能設施環境復育技術;開 發大面積有機蔬菜省工栽培技術、包覆型肥料與微生物肥料。改進作物土壤與植體營養診斷服務效率;建立 設施內蘆筍周年生產模式及百香果生產之災害指標與減災調適技術。 農業環境保護:更新農糧部門溫室氣體排放清冊之國內甲烷排放係數。評估施用生物炭和畜牧廢水農地 再利用之環境利弊。應用無線感測網收集資料加強生態服務功能分析;以無人機技術協助「香蕉作物保險」 之勘災。 化學分析:進行第 2 次亞太地區土壤與植體分析實驗室分析能力比對,促進國際間技術交流。檢驗市售肥 料品質,提供檢驗法規修訂。研擬鎘、鉛污染潛在風險供農田作物安全管理改善指引,並補充網格調查資料闕 漏樣本。開發農民田間管理系統於秋行軍蟲防治管理及作物生長模式在溯源資訊系統應用。 農產化學與加工:開發香蕉澱粉優化生產流程,提升純度、耐熱能力,以增加應用性並證實香蕉澱粉機 能功效。研發柚子蜜餞的柚皮脫苦、調味配方、乾燥條件新製程。 應用微生物:開發農產生產剩餘資材與豬糞尿共消化技術以提升沼氣產量;利用稻草開發可分解性鳳梨 包材襯墊替代塑膠材質蔬果套;開發甘藷格外品發酵轉化產製單細胞蛋白質及生質聚合物技術。 原住民農業:輔導原鄉地區紅藜、甘藍等施用雞糞粒肥,改善環境衛生及合理施肥。評估中部地區原住 民農業經營訓練需求,供後續教育訓練規劃改善依據。.

(7) iv. 2019 TARI Annual Report. 六、植物病理 在病毒病害方面,鑑定中國淮山藥壞疽嵌紋病毒(Chinese yam necrotic mosaic virus)及沙漠玫瑰的緬梔 嵌紋病毒(Plumeria mosaic virus)。進行茄科作物感染類病毒之調查。臺灣和泰國之夜香花嵌紋病毒(Telosma. mosaic virus)百香果分離株類緣關係及其分子檢測技術開發。在真菌病害方面,進行木瓜病蟲害綜合管理農藥減量示 範推廣,建構百香果安全生產體系,研發設施番石榴病蟲害整合管理技術。研究臺灣青蔥疫病及無花果疫病。測定稻熱 病菌病原性與水稻抗性關係。不同齡期幼葉對國蘭細斑病之感病性。在細菌病害方面,分析 Pseudomonas viridiflava 不同分離株之親緣關係。研究臺灣水稻白葉枯病菌病原型與水稻抗性關係。在線蟲病害方面,進行 Aphelenchus. avenae 在洋菇栽培場的分佈與其防治用微生物的篩選。在生物防治方面,開發具有誘導蔬菜作物產生抗病能力之資材。. 七、應用動物 昆蟲分類鑑定與監測:再完成臺灣產毛螢金花蟲屬 Pyrrhalta 共 5 種之分類修訂,並提供此 5 種的個別生 物學資訊。為提升臺灣昆蟲學者對蟬亞目(Cicadomorpha )與飛蝨亞目(Fulgoromorpha )的鑑定能力,邀請美 國伊利諾大學生物多樣性研究中心之 Dr. Chris. H. Dietrich 來台,與農試所共同辦理蟬亞目與蠟蟬亞目鑑定訓 練班,運用國家提供的有限資源,達到永續之農業科技國際合作,預期可提升我國葉蟬類經濟害蟲的整體研究 (包括分類、鑑定、傳病試驗、防治技術研發等)。 生物防治:基徵草蛉(Mallada basalis )為國內農業害蟲防治之重要天敵,為解決草蛉裸卵運送、包裝、 施放費時及人力等問題,除已開發採卵設備外,亦比較裸卵之最佳運送保護劑,研究顯示濕木屑處理具最高 卵孵化率,可作為未來草蛉卵粒運送的參考介質。 防蟲資材開發:開發新型乳化大豆油植物保護資材,於設施甜瓜測試對蚜蟲防除效能,利用 1% 大豆油乳 液間隔 3 天連續噴施 2 ~ 3 次,似乎與 10% 氟尼胺水分散粒劑 4,000 倍防治棉蚜具有相似效果。針對辣椒的 重要病蟲害問題,測試 12 種非化學合成資材包括活力能、石灰硫磺、波爾多液等對炭疽病(Colletotrichum. capsici (Syd.) Butler et Bisby)孢子發芽的抑制效能,其中以活力能效果最佳,浸苗處理是重要一環; 藉由監測及時發現為害初期的有害生物,適時調整防治措施,上述非化學合成植保資材可有效發揮效果,有 機會實現完全排除化學農藥的目的。 昆蟲生態與防治: 透過第 3 代 AC-DC EPG 監測儀記錄白邊大葉蟬在健康葡萄植株上的口針刺探行為,以 建立白邊大葉蟬的 EPG 波形庫,供未來運用於快速鑑定;因應氣候變遷對有害生物之影響建立有害生物基礎 資料,並利用 CLIMEX 分析瓜實蠅族群分布適合度具有極大參考價值。以西方花薊馬發育積溫為基礎,應用 CLIMEX 模型,分析其氣候生態指數(Ecoclimatic Index, EI),藉以評估西方花薊馬在臺灣適合生存及發生 之區域,作為疫情預警資訊以提高偵查體系的效能。已通過輸美蝴蝶蘭帶介質工作計畫規定之驗證溫室,調 查蝴蝶蘭主要蟲害種類及其週年消長情形,於輸美蘭園蟲害調查中發展蟲害影像判識系統及機制,利用影像 分水嶺模式,已可達到蟲相類別 88% 以上之自動辨識率,完成一張黃色黏蟲紙蟲相辨識僅需 40 秒,比採用人 工鏡檢之效率提升 20 倍。發展自動化害蟲監測技術與圖像化萵苣病蟲害識別與管理服務系統,建構自動化雲 端害蟲預警功能,建立智慧化蟲害管理模式。農業害蟲智能管理決策系統具有兩項主要功能,一是協助農民 在作物栽培過程中對害蟲之判別及防治,二是利於研究人員從事害蟲防治資訊之管理及推廣,並讓研究人員 得以將研發成果及時在平台上發表。 農藥研究:依據自木耳上收集的蟎類標本,已初步建立木耳菇蟎的分類鑑定技術。另針對木耳重要害蟎 帕尼盧西蟎進行防治藥劑及資材之篩選,篩選出 7 種殺蟲、殺蟎劑及 1 種資材對帕尼盧西蟎雌成蟎在 48 小時 內之致死率為 85.0 ~ 100.0%,未來可評估其應用於菇包栽培的防治效果。針對木耳主要害蟲蕈蚋之防治藥.

(8) 2019 TARI Annual Report. v. 劑進行篩選,共測試 19 種化學農藥、3 種蘇力菌微生物農藥及次氯酸水對木耳蕈蚋幼蟲之毒效,其中以陶斯 松效果最佳,可尼丁次之,未來將進一步訂定殘留容許量,以提供木耳蕈蚋農藥登記使用之參考。利用無人 機農噴防治病蟲害示範實作,針對防治標的之病蟲害 - 飛蝨類、瘤野螟、稻熱病及紋枯病,均達到預期的防 治效果,另外透過無人機搭載高光譜模組進行大面積水稻病害監測預警,可達到省工省時省水及減藥的目的, 提高農業精準管理的效率。. 八、農業工程 本年度完成 46 件性能測定案件之執行,並完成 6 項測定方法與暫行基準之研訂。智慧農業領域研究進行 農業設施產業領航產業技術研發與應用,完成多項智慧化檢測、環控技術之開發;另在產業利用與推廣方面, 進行智慧農業產業分析、智財佈局與營運模式規劃與成立智慧農業技術促進與專案推動小組運籌進行智慧農 業技術之推廣與應用。田間機械研發完成引擎動力自走式電動割葉作業機之研發,農業氣象觀測與災害風險 評估計畫提供重要氣象資料與災害預防資訊,對農業災害與作物栽培有極大的助益。. 九、農業經濟 在農產業發展歷程中,除了生產技術的進步之外,農業人才培育與農產市場研究亦是不可或缺的範疇。 在農業人才培育部分,為利農村社區產業發展,協助農村人才多元學習技術,本年度進行標準化課程檢討與 共同課程教材建置,共完成保健植物、種苗生產等 26 門共同課程教案建置工作。另因應全國農業會議提出針 對不同族群之需求,應規劃分群、分級的系統性輔導培育機制,以利吸引多元新進農民投入農業工作,本年 度進行有無分群專班訓練成效差異之研究探討。因應農業產業轉型之需求,本年度延續前期增修之農業商業 模式引導手冊及課程,辦理 2 場次工作坊與 3 場次講座論壇,以利推廣。 在農產市場研究部分,又可粗分為國內與國外市場。本年度針對紅龍果進行國內市場之研究,因應 107 年度發生之產銷失衡問題,針對批發市場與農產業及下游進行研究,以提出相關建議。國外市場部分,拓展 國際市場前期需進行廣泛資料蒐集,以增加產業對於市場之敏銳度,為彌補長期資料累積之缺乏,以及降低 產業與市場調研資訊之共享障礙,本年度建置農產業外銷潛力分析平台,提供市場潛力分析模組,並可彙整 容納各類市場資訊,供產官學研各界作為外銷議題決策判斷之依據。. 十、農業技術服務 農業推廣與公關:本年度外賓蒞所參訪計 72 件,舉辦所內學術專題演講共 142 場,召開國際學術研討(習) 會計 5 場。推廣本所研發品種與技術,辦理 79 場農業技術講習及示範觀摩會。國際組織合作辦理技術訓練和 參訪交流計 6 件。為提升農民技術,辦理各類農藝、園藝、菇類入門班、初階及進階訓練班共計 19 班次,計 有 489 人次完成訓練。為充實研究人員專業知識,蒐藏世界各國農業研究書刊,總計現有館藏圖書 37,336 冊, 期刊 857 種,購置 BioOne Complete、CAB Abstracts、ProQuest Biological Science Database、ProQuest Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database、ProQuest Biological Review、CEPS、萬方 - 中國期刊 全文資料庫、Crop Protection Compendium 等 8 種資料庫,館際合作計所內對外單位申請 21 篇,外單位對本 所申請 12 篇,出版暨發行臺灣農業研究第 68 卷、技術服務季刊第 30 卷(117 ~ 120 期)、特刊 10 本。免費 提供作物栽培管理與施肥技術及病蟲害診斷鑑定與防治對策服務,計受理土壤樣本 2,794 件、植體樣本 2 件、 灌溉水體 499 件、固體有機質肥料樣本 18 件,有機液肥 62 件,栽培介質 25 件,出具診斷報告 1,379 份。病 害樣本診斷共 528 件,蟲害樣本診斷共 2,847 件。 科技管理資訊服務:創新育成中心計 3 家業者進駐、1 家業者離駐、5 家畢業及 1 家展延進駐 1 年;科研 成果發表暨媒合會 1 場次、聯合畢業成果發表會 1 場次、產學育成聯合展售會 2 場次。辦理農業科技計畫項.

(9) vi. 2019 TARI Annual Report. 數為 226 項,內含產學合作計畫 2 項;與中興大學及交通大學進行學術合作計畫合 14 項;科技部補助計畫 5 項。計有櫻花(臺農 4 號)、棗(台農 13 號)取得 2 品種權。農業資訊服務方面,建置農業試驗所網站,網 站本年度點閱率已達 2,786,299 人次,此外辦理 1 件農業研究成果取得專利,39 件農業技術移轉,及取得 6 件 NCBI 基因註冊。 本所始終堅持以問題為導向引領創新,並以市場需求為主導,秉承學術質量至上。經過這百年來的發展 與積澱,漸臻枝繁葉茂,蘊成氣象,對農業界產生正面影響,令農民對於農業技術的掌握程度得到明顯提升。 希望今後在中央政策的領導下,結合產、官、學、研各界,同心協力,面向未來,面對挑戰,不忘初心,繼 續邁進。上述各項試驗研究成果,為全體研究同仁盡心盡力、發揮專業所長與行政同仁鼎力協助配合之結果, 謹對全所同仁一年來之辛勞努力表示謝忱,並希望繼續打拼,以創造更輝煌之成就。. 所長. 謹識 一○九年八月.

(10) 2019 TARI Annual Report. vii. Preface With the improvement in the living standards of country, consumers are becoming more anxious about their health, safety and quality of life, and change their eating habits from food sufficiency to eat well and a healthy diet. As such, following the agricultural policies of the Council of Agriculture (COA), Executive Yuan, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) is committed to the agricultural research, in areas of genetics and breeding, cultivation and physiology, environmental ecology, industrial development and marketing, aimed at maintaining natural resources and farming safety so as to take into account food security, economic development, and innovative applications of value-added agricultural products that build Taiwan into a modern agriculture with technological innovation sharing, ecological sustainability and international market orientation. Through our continued efforts and endeavors, there are considerable achievements have been made in 2019, and are summarized as the followings.. Agricultural Crops Rice crop: Research was conducted to construct chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) ,which were used as the important genetic stocks for identifying favorable alleles from wild rice germplasm. A brown planthopper (BPH) resistant gene Bph31(t) was identified from wild rice species Oryza nivara . It had stable resistance through a bioassay by different BPH populations. Eleven lines with persistently resistant to sheath blight have been selected using the rice stalk inoculation method in the field. Two japonica lines ('TNG77-GIC' and 'TNG77-GIL') carrying high amylose content and soft gel have been derived through marker-assisted backcross approach to meet the requirement of low GI. (Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Branch) The objectives of breeding programs were aimed at selecting good eating quality and resistance to pests and diseases of rice, sweet potato and potato. Research activities were also carried out to provide improved cultivation practices for farmers and preserve germplasm of root crops. In cooperation with other district agricultural research and extension stations under COA on rice breeding, Chiayi Branch is continually working on detection of rice resistance/tolerance to blast and BPH and the derived new varieties and practices can be used for improving cultivation management, extension service and applying plant variety right. Dryland and special crops: Research activities this year were to develop maize marker assisted selection platform, pyramid the Opaque(o2) gene into elite field corn inbred lines, use maize double haploid techniques to develop quality protein maize (QPM) population, and provide 60 QPM inbred lines adapted to dense planting and local climatic conditions to the National Plant Genetic Resources Center (NPGRC) of Taiwan. Based on breeding goals of high oleic acid content, pod yield and 100-pods weight, 9 peanut lines were selected from line trial accordingly. Crop and stress physiology: A number of integrated crop production modules and their operation technologies have been developed for agrivoltaic farming. For examples, the experimental results showed that yields of Chinese white cabbage, pak-choi and water convolvulus grown under 50% shading rate can reach 70% yield values of control plots with the developed adaptive practices. Based on results of sink and source study of rice in the first cropping season in 2013 and 2014, it suggests that application of the developed sink-source management protocol could improve the balance of sink-source relationship in rice. The regression curve between SPAD value and photosynthesis rate can be an approach to acquire physiological signals that be used to optimize fertilization management for better grain quality and yield production in rice..

(11) viii. 2019 TARI Annual Report. Biostatistics and bioinformatics: The Common Information Platform (CIP) that incorporate the Open Application Programming Interface (Open API) to connect with a range of existing application databases has been developed. Within it, the common agricultural consumption/service platform is an excellent application tool connecting the supply chain of agricultural produce (food) between farmers and consumers. It also can be used to establish a traceability food chain management between the sources of produce and schools. The risks and reaction time of food safety incident can also be reduced to improve the trust of all stakeholders on food safety. The “Plant Protection Network Platform” intended for plant protection experts in Taiwan to jointly conduct pest diagnostic appraisal research has been built for facilitating information integration (including weather information and crop distribution), and sharing and working on value-added applications among the research units through platform usages. The platform will be used to provide more multi-faceted services and reduce problems of information exchange and integration in the future.. Horticultural Crops In fruit research, SSR markers were used to screen grape hybrids for downy mildew resistance. About half of the leaves from selected populations had less than 25% infected area. The breeding program and traits evaluation of pear, loquat and grapes to break dormancy in different ways were investigated. Improvement of varieties and cultivation techniques in litchi, pineapple, citrus and avocado were also continued, including organic farming, disaster prevention and reduction, post-harvest handling on pineapple, preservation and utilization of fruit tree species, and production under agrophotovoltaic facility/system. The results found that the LcFT1 gene could be used as a molecular marker for screening litchi varieties during the flowering period. The pineapple strain C93-312 is rich in flavor, sour and sweet, and is suitable for consumers who like sour fruit. Varietie improvement of tropical fruit trees: In order to improve existing varieties of dragon fruit, 205 seedling lines out of 1,000 cultivated lines by budding were investigated and 19 lines were selected with good character traits initially. For newly-introduced ‘golden fruit’ lines of durian, A2 line was selected due to its big fruit size, high total soluble solids (TSS), excellent flavor and white flesh (not easy to browning). All lines had good performance in flowering and fruiting this year, especially lines 2-3 and 3-6 which had more than 50 fruits per plant and characterized by inconsistency in flowering period. Local jackfruit variety 'Excellent' was collected along with several introduced trial varieties such as “Malaysia Red”, “Kind of Thailand”, “Jiao-he” and “Hong-niang”. The common characters of these varieties are less latex, easy-to-peel flesh, golden or red flesh color and high TSS. For wax apple ‘Tainung No. 3 (Sugar Barbie)’, one specialized farming group with a planting area of 1.8 ha has been granted plant variety rights in 2019, making the total non-exclusive authorized production area of 51 ha. In litchi, one case of plant variety right of litchi ‘Tainung No. 6’ has been renewed with 300 seedlings, and strains E17 and E09 with superior characters, such as high edible rate and low acidity, were selected for further trial. The fruit weight was in the range of 22-35 g and the coke nucleation rate was about 60%. In jujube research, 3 non-exclusive cases of plant variety rights for ‘Tainung No. 13 (Shirley)’ and 2 cases for ‘Tainung No. 12 (Water Honey) have been granted. The Jujube ‘Tainung No. 13’ is characterized by fine flesh, juicy, sweet and sour, low astringency, good flavor, stable quality, waxy and bright skin, with no brown spots and average fruit weight of 135-145 g. As to mango breeding, an orchard has been built for comparing seven promising lines in their early generations. Among them, line W-2-23 was found to have the potential to apply for plant variety rights. Improvement of tropical fruit tree cultivation technology: In Yuhebao litchi, spraying fertilizer containing magnesium compound to trees of low vigor in flowering stage and young fruit stage would significantly increase.

(12) 2019 TARI Annual Report. ix. the amount of fruit and the content of soluble solids. In pearl guava, the symptom of non-pathogen red spot surface would become more serious in the face of low temperatures and poor field management. Poorly managed orchards with low tree vigor have the highest incidence of erythema. If the soil is acidic and insufficient in calcium content, increase of calcium fertilizer application could improve the occurrence of red spot on the guava fruit surface. Planting of passion fruit ‘Taiung No. 1’ was carried out in countries in Southeast Asia to evaluate the most suitable cultivation mode for the local climate. For instance, in Chiang Mai of Thailand, wall-hedge cultivation is the traditional practice for growing passion fruit. In considering environment and climate in the cultivation areas of Chiang Mai, the horizontal scaffolding cultivation practice has been suggested to Thai farmers to replace the traditional practice because of the conditions of high solar radiation, large farm size and long growing period. With such change, it greatly increased the amount of yield and achieved the goal of annual production. The average weight of ‘Tainung No. 1’ fruit reached 60-70 g with TSS went up to 16-18 °Brix. Vegetables: For vegetable research this year, the tomato fruit characteristics of 290 core selection lines and 17 new hybrid combinations were evaluated, respectively, which can be used as the basis for subsequent breeding program. And SNP molecular markers were used to assist transferring male infertility trait into cauliflower doubled haploid (DH) lines. A single plant with 92% genomic recovery rate was selected from the BC1 population. Edible and medicinal mushrooms: The labor-saving and high-efficiency manufacturing and application of high-quality compost were studied for the button mushroom cultivation. The technologies of napier grass bag production of mushroom, mushroom by-products as animal feed additives, three-dimensional mushroom cultivation, recycling mushroom remaining materials for mushroom production, mushroom production in facilities, key pest identification and control for flagship crop mushrooms were developed. Floriculture: Energy-saving cultivation practice of Oncidium cut flowers in the facility was improved. A method of using coconut fiber, sphagnum moss and rock wool to replace the traditional three-point crushed stone in the facility for cut flower production was derived. These materials are superior to gravel in water retention and porosity that can effectively maintain the supply of water and fertilizer and save the labor cost. Moreover, the formation rate of the pseudo-bulb is accelerated and its diameter can be increased by 11% relative to that of threepoint crushed stone cultivation. Postharvest handling: In the post-harvest handling research, storage experiments were conducted on different varieties of Indian jujube, Abiu, Chinese jujube, dragon fruit and pineapple with various pre-cooling conditions, storage temperatures, package materials and 1-MCP treatment. In addition, the management and storage conditions for export of dragon fruit has been established. Experimental results showed that Indian jujube variety 'golden peach' had better storage ability, Abiu was more sensitive to ethylene, the chilling injury threshold for Chinese jujube was around -0.2 to 0.8℃. Pineapple performed better with precooling at 10℃ or 15℃followed by low temperature storage for 2 days before export.. Biotechnology Tissue Culture: Doubled haploid (DH) rates of microspore culture using various cabbages were around 6778% with 94% acclimation rate, and a total of 31 DH lines were produced for breeding selection. The best result for in vitro ginger proliferation was found by culturing in vitro rhizomes in a liquid medium for 6 wks before 8 wks on a solid medium by using the uncut shoot-buds directly from the liquid culture. It was found that blue-purple. Phalaenopsis tetraploid had better flower traits than that of diploid, and single plant selection was made afterwards. Protocorm growth of miniature Phalaenopsis was found different in the medium containing active charcoal. A.

(13) x. 2019 TARI Annual Report. 28% stalk induction rate was obtained using age of 6-month-old flask plants of miniature Phalaenopsis at 26℃for duration of 22-24 days. Molecular Genetics: The resistance genes of rice bacterial blight and melon powdery mildew were mapped and introduced to cultivar ‘TSC10’ and melon lines by marker-assisted backcrossing (MABC), respectively. The transgenic lines with high resistant starch content were obtained by editing the sbe3 gene through the CRISPR/Cas9 technique. Besides, the transformation of Capsicum was also developed by pollen electroporation in cooperation with National Chiao Tung University. Additionally, we have finished the genetic diversity analysis of 49 accessions of pepper germplasm (Capsicum spp.). These results can be used as the basis for the developments of fastforwarding genetic gain platforms for rice, melon and peppers. Biosafety: Field assessment of nitrogen use efficiency was studied by regulating nitrogen-related genes in rice. The result showed that the yield of Q-5 transgenic line was significantly higher than that of the control group. The presence of transgenic phytase gene in rice did not cause changes in microbial populations, soil enzyme activities or functional diversity of soil microbial communities in the rhizosphere. The present results indicated the classification between GM and non-GM soybean events reach a satisfactory accuracy. The linear classification model is able to distinguish GM and non-GM soybean events with nearly 100% accuracy. Bioproduct Development: Results showed that seeds of Sacha inchi were not easy to germinate because of its thick and tough seed coat. The hot-water treatment combined with scarification effectively increased the germination rate to 60% on the 20th day of treatment. To develop a processing technology of whole-soybean tempeh products, the degree of fermentation was determined by a color spectrophotometer, showing the fermentation level 1.18 times better than that of the control. A functional component of longan was revealed by a computer simulation algorithm, and its flower extracts exhibited the efficacies of relaxation and bioactivities confirmed by animal tests.. Plant Germplasm Three research projects were executed in Plant Germplasm Division in this year, namely, ‘Crop Genetic Resources Conservation’, ‘Management of National Plant Genetic Resource Center (NPGRC)’, and ‘The Application of Core Collection in Tomato’. These projects were to continue maintaining the seed storage facilities and conserving plant germplasms in NPGRC. The mission of NPGRC includes collection, introduction, distribution and exchange of germplasm, as well as the development of conservation and identification technologies. Furthermore, 292 accessions of tomato germplasm that conserved in NPGRC are also selected as a core collection by the analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) genotype from next generation sequencing (NGS).. Agricultural Chemistry Soil resources investigation and environmental monitoring: The multi-source telemetry image analysis technology was applied to estimate harvested area and provide early warning information. The use of agricultural spatial information analysis and the drawing of agricultural land cover and soil themes maps were exploited to agricultural land production, land use planning and environmental monitoring management. A standard operating procedure for natural disaster investigation of large-scale farmland was established by drone survey for local governments. Soil and crop fertilization management: Research on the design of a new three crops-harvested farming system was carried out in the southwest coastal area and the environmental restoration technology was derived to study the impact of non-agricultural photovoltaic facility. Large area labor-saving management, organic vegetable cultivation techniques, coated fertilizers and microbial fertilizers were developed to sustain environmental integrity..

(14) 2019 TARI Annual Report. xi. The efficiency of crop, soil and plant nutrition diagnosis services was improved for farm management. The annual production model of asparagus was set up in protected cultivation. Disaster indicators and mitigation adjustment technologies were identified for passion fruit production. Environmental protection for agriculture: The methane emission coefficient was revised in paddy rice field for the national GHG emission inventory of the agricultural sector. The environmental impact/benefits of applying bio-char and the reuse of livestock wastewater were evaluated in the arable land. The cost of data collection has been reduced and the expenses of analysis of the ecosystem services were reduced by installing the wireless sensor network. Technique of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) image discriminations was deployed in the natural disaster damage investigation for the use in banana plantation insurance. Soil analysis service laboratory: The second analysis performance test for the Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory among the Asia-Pacific region has been executed to promote the technologies exchange of soil and plant tissue analysis. The quality of commercially available fertilizers has been inspected to revise inspection regulations. The guidelines for improving the safety management of farmland crops by the potential risks of cadmium and lead pollution were developed to supplement the missing samples of grid survey data. The farming field management system has been modified and transferred to the control management of Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith). A crop growth model has been applied to the traceability information system. Processing and chemistry of agricultural products: The production process to optimize banana starch was developed, the purity and heat resistance to increase the applicability were improved and the function of banana starch was confirmed in this year. New processes for peel de-bittering, formulating seasonings, and drying fruit of pomelo have also been developed. Applied microbiology: The co-digestion technology of agricultural production by-products, pig manure and urine was developed to improve the biogas output. The straw-paste was used to develop a decomposable pineapple packing material for replacing plastic material to pack vegetable and fruit sets. Technologies for producing singlecell protein and fermentation of bio-polymer and transformation of poor-quality sweet potato were developed. Aboriginal agriculture: Mission-oriented activities have been carried out to provide the application counseling of chicken-manure-grained fertilizer in growing red quinoa and cabbage in the aboriginal regions for improving environmental hygiene and rational fertilization locally. The needs of agricultural management training were assessed in the aboriginal tribes in Central Taiwan as the basis for preparing subsequent education and training plans in the near future.. Plant Pathology In viral disease, Chinese yam necrotic mosaic virus on Dioscorea japonica var. pseudojaponica was identified, Plumeria mosaic virus on desert rose were identified, and the viroid infection in solanaceous crops were investigated. Phylogenetic analysis and the molecular detection technology of Telosma mosaic virus isolates of passion fruit were studied. In fungal diseases, pesticide reduction in integrated management of papaya diseases and insect pests was demonstrated. A passion fruit safety production system and integrated guava pest management technology in facilities were developed. Phytophthora blight of green onion and fig in Taiwan were studied. The relationship between the resistance of Oryza sativa and the pathotype of Pyricularia oryzae was tested. The susceptibility of bud age to leaf fleck spot disease of Cymbidium was assessed. In bacterial diseases, phylogenetic of different Pseudomonas viridiflava isolates was analyzed. The relationship between Xanthomonas campestris pv.. oryzae pathotype and rice resistance in Taiwan was evaluated. In nematode diseases, the distribution of Aphelenchus.

(15) xii. 2019 TARI Annual Report. avenae in mushroom farms was surveyed and the microorganisms were screened for control. In biological control, the materials for enhancing induced resistance to vegetable diseases were developed.. Applied Zoology Insect taxonomic identification and monitoring: Taxonomic revisions of five species in the genus Pyrrhalta from Taiwan were completed. Biological information of these species were also provided. To enhance the ability of Taiwanese entomologists in Cicadomorpha and Fulgoromorpha identification, Dr. Chris. H. Dietrich from the Biodiversity Research Center of University of Illinois, USA was invited to co-organize a training course on identification of Cicadomorpha and Fulgoromorpha at Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, using the limited resources provided by the government to achieve a sustainable international cooperation in agricultural science and technology. These cooperation opportunities are expected to enhance the overall research in the economically important pest leafhoppers in Taiwan, including identification, classification, disease transmission tests, control technology R&D, etc. Biological control: Mallada basalis is an important natural enemy used to control agricultural pests in Taiwan. In order to solve the problems in transporting, packaging, time-consuming and manpower for releasing lacewing eggs, different protective materials for the egg transportation were compared, in addition to development of an egg retrieval equipment that has been completed earlier. Results showed that wet sawdust treatment has the highest egg hatching rate and can be used as a lacewing eggs transportation medium in the future. Development of insect pest control materials: A new type of emulsified soybean oil was developed as plant protection material. Tests on aphid control efficacy on melon in the facility showed that 1% soybean oil emulsion spraying 2 to 3 times at intervals of 3 days had a similar effect as that with 10% fluniamine water dispersible granule at the concentration of 4,000 x. However, more studies are needed to confirm its control efficacy stability. In regard to the important pests and diseases of chili, 12 kinds of non-chemical materials, such as herb extract, lime sulphur solution, Bordeaux mixture etc., were tested for their inhibition effect on the spore germination of anthracnose. Results showed that the herb extract worked the best among all tested materials. Soaking of the seedlings was a very important step. By monitoring the occurrence of pests from the early detection and adjust the control measures in a timely manner, the above-mentioned non-chemical plant protection materials could display their control efficacy more effectively, and might have the opportunity to achieve the complete elimination as that of chemical pesticides. Insect ecology and control: The ingestion probing behavior of Kolla paulula on healthy grapes was recorded by using the third-generation AC-DC EPG monitor. The main purpose was to establish an EPG waveform database for quick identification of this specie. Based on the established basic information of pests in response to the impact of climate change, the fitness of the melon fly population distribution analyzed by CLIMEX expressed great reference value. On the basis of the degree days of western flower thrips and applying the CLIMEX model to analyze its ecoclimatic index, the suitable areas for western flower thrips survival and occurrence in Taiwan were also evaluated to establish the necessary early warning information that would improve the effectiveness of the detection system. A specified work plan to verify the greenhouse works for the export of Phalaenopsis media to the United States has been passed. The major pests of Phalaenopsis and their annual population dynamics were investigated. A pest image identification system for the surveillance of greenhouse pests was also developed. Using the image of watershed model can automatically identify more than 88% of the insect species. It will take only 40 seconds to finish the identification for one sticky trap, 20 times more efficient than with manual microscopy. Automated pests monitoring.

(16) 2019 TARI Annual Report. xiii. technology, visualizing lettuce pests for identification, and a management service system were under development. Constructing an automated cloud to drive the pest warning function and establishing an intelligent pest management model were also conducted. An intelligent pest management decision-making system for agriculture can have two functions: one is to help the farmers in identification and control of the pests during their cultivation process; another one is to help researchers in the information management and extension. Besides, all latest information can be posted on the platform in a timely manner. Pesticide research: Based on mite specimens collected from the wood ear, the identification and classification technology of the wood ear mites has been initially established. In addition, selected pesticides and materials for the Luciaphorus mites have been tested. Among these reagents, 7 insecticides/acaricides and one material elicited the mortality rates of 85.0-100.0% in the female adult Luciaphorus mites within 48 hours. Their application in the mushroom cultivation can be evaluated in the future. For the major pest fungus gnats, a total of 19 chemical pesticides, 3 types of Bacillus thuringiensis microbial pesticides, and the hypochlorous acid water were tested for their effects in controlling the fungus gnat larvae. Among them, chlorpyrifos had the highest control efficacy, followed by clonidine. In the future, the maximum residue level will be established to provide a necessary reference for the pesticide registration and application. Results of studies using unmanned aerial vehicles spraying on demonstrated pests and diseases controls, including the target pests and diseases - planthoppers, rice leaffolder, rice blast, and sheath blight approved the expected control effectiveness. Furthermore, using the unmanned aerial vehicles with a hyperspectral module for large-area rice disease monitoring and early warning, the goals of saving manpower, time spending, amount of water use and pesticides have been achieved. It also improved the efficiency in precise agricultural management.. Agricultural Engineering In 2019, the execution of 46 cases of machinery performance test was completed, and 6 test methods and regulations were revised. In the studies on smart agriculture, the R&D and applications of technologies developed in agricultural facilities on pilot industrial programs have been completed, and a number of smart detection and environmental control technology developments have been done. In addition, in terms of industrial utilization and promotion, the smart agriculture industry analysis, smart financial layout and operation model planning and establishment have also been accomplished. The assistance to smart agriculture alliance for promoting and deploying the developed smart agriculture technologies has successfully fulfilled the expectations. Field machinery R&D on engine-powered self-propelled electric leaf cutting machine has carried through in good shape. The agricultural meteorological observation and disaster risk assessment plan provided important meteorological data and disaster prevention information, which are of great help in reducing damages from natural disasters and improving crop cultivation.. Agricultural Economics In addition to the advancement of agricultural production technologies, smart cultivation and market research are also essential in the development of agriculture. In the training of advanced farmers and agricultural talents, as well as to develop the industries in rural communities and support the rural talents for diversified techniques learning, we reviewed the standardized curriculums and established the training materials of common curriculums in this year. There were 26 materials and curriculums completed, such as the curriculums of healthcare plants, seedling production…etc. In addition, in response to the needs of training course from different ethnic groups raised by the National Agricultural Conference, a grouping and hierarchical system of agricultural counselling and.

(17) xiv. 2019 TARI Annual Report. training should be planned to attract diverse new farmers into agricultural work. The differences of the effectiveness between grouped and non-grouped special training courses were assessed. Activities to assist farmers’ association to incorporate business thinking into farming were held, and the guidebook and course of agricultural business model were continued to be improved. There were 3 workshops held for product promotion. In the agricultural market research part, it can be roughly divided into domestic and international markets. The domestic market research on dragon fruit was conducted this year to solve the imbalance of production and sales in 2018, with the focal points on wholesale market, agricultural associations and it’s downstream to make relevant recommendations. For international markets, extensive data collection is required in the early stages of expanding the international market for increasing the sensitivity of the international market. To make up the lack of long-term data accumulation and reduce the obstacles of sharing information of industry and market research, an analysis platform was established. It is expected to provide market potential analysis modules and aggregate and accommodate various types of market information, which can be used as the basis for decision-making of export issues for government, industries and research study.. Agricultural Technical Service Agriculture extension and public relationship: There were 72 visits paid by foreign guests, 142 academic speeches given by TARI researchers, and 5 international academic symposiums held in 2019. Additionally there were 6 events of technical training, personnel exchange and expert visit with collaborated international organizations. For improving farmers’ skill, 19 training courses in areas of agronomy, horticulture and mushroom cultivation were provided, with farming levels from new comers, experienced farmers to management and a total of 489 attendees. The library has collected 37,336 books, 857 journals, and 8 electronic databases (i.e., BioOne Complete, CAB Abstracts, ProQuest Biological Science Database, ProQuest Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database, ProQuest Biological Review, CEPS, Wanfang-Chinese Journal Full-text Database, and Crop Protection Compendium to enhance researchers’ proficiency). As to interlibrary cooperation, TARI sent 21 applications to other libraries, and received 12 applicants vice versa. The publications in TARI in 2019, including Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Research (Volume 68), Technical Services Quarterly (No.117-120, Volume 30), and 10 special issues. Crop cultivation and management, pest diagnosis and control advice service were provided for free. TARI received samples of soil (2,794), plant (2), irrigation water (499), solid fertilizer (18), liquefied organic fertilizer (62) and growth media (25) from farmers for examination tests and yielded 2,385 diagnosis reports in this year. There were also 528 plant disease samples and 2,751 pest samples analyzed by TARI researchers. Technology management and information service: In 2019, there were 3 enterprises applying for enrollment to the Innovation and Incubation Center at TARI, while 1 for extended residency and 5 dismissed. The center also held one technology achievement presentation and business matchmaking, one joint graduation presentation, and 2 joint industry-academia exhibitions. There were 226 agricultural technology projects in 2019, including 2 industryacademia collaboration projects, 14 academia collaboration projects cooperated with National Chung Hsing University or National Taiwan University, and 5 projects received subsidy by the Ministry of Science and Technology. The plant variety rights of cherry blossom ‘Tainung No. 2’ and jujube ‘Tainung No. 13’ were successfully granted in the year. As to agricultural information service, there were 2,786,299 visits to the official website of TARI. TARI also obtained one patent, transferred 39 agricultural technologies, and registered 6 NCBI gene cases..

(18) 2019 TARI Annual Report. xv. As a leading official institution in crop science under COA, TARI is always clinging to the problem-solving innovation, tracking the demand of consumers and markets, and following up the principles of research ethics. After a century of research and development and accumulation of experience, it has not only gradually developed into an influential and renowned institute in the agricultural community but also greatly improved the utilization of agricultural technologies by farmers. It is hoped that under the supervision of COA and the guidance of the agricultural policies, researchers in TARI will bear in mind their original intention of the research, strive to face challenges and look to the future. Efforts should also be placed on strengthening cooperation and collaboration with domestic and international research institutions to pursue continued success and prosperity. The above-mentioned important research results, findings and achievements are attributed to the expertise and efforts of my colleagues and their fully support to the administration. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude for their hard work throughout the year and look forward to continue working together and moving forward.. Hsueh-Shih Lin, Ph.D. Director General Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute August 30, 2020.

(19) xvi. 2019 TARI Annual Report. 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所 一○八年年報. 目. 次. 農藝作物. 1. 原住民農業研究. 82. 稻作. 1. 植物病理. 84. 雜糧與特作. 4. 病毒病害. 84. 作物生理與逆境. 6. 真菌病害. 86. 生物統計與生物資訊. 7. 細菌病害. 90. 園藝作物. 10. 線蟲病害. 90. 果樹. 10. 生物防治. 90. 蔬菜. 15. 應用動物. 91. 食用菇類. 21. 昆蟲分類鑑定與監測. 91. 花卉及觀賞植物. 24. 生物防治. 92. 採後處理. 32. 資材開發. 93. 生物技術. 36. 昆蟲生態與防治. 95. 組織培養. 36. 農藥研究. 98. 分子遺傳. 41. 農業工程. 100. 生物安全. 46. 農業機械. 100. 作物機能. 50. 農業氣象. 101. 作物種原. 52. 智慧農業. 101. 種原蒐集及保育. 52. 農業經濟. 103. 農業化學. 54. 農業技術服務. 105. 土壤資源調查及環境監測. 54. 農業推廣與公關. 105. 土壤管理與作物營養肥培. 61. 科技管理資訊服務. 155. 土壤物理. 64. 農場經營與管理. 159. 農業環境保護. 65. 本所農場. 159. 化學分析與資訊服務. 71. 驗證基地與青農培訓. 159. 應用微生物. 78. 嘉義分所農場. 160. 農產化學與加工. 79. 行政部門. 161.

(20) 2019 TARI Annual Report. 1. 農藝作物 稻作. 在發生紅米危害後,目前於該品種總面積 350 公頃 生產區約造成 150 萬元產值損失(以白米每公斤 83 元計算);然當全區混雜率由 0% 升至 0.4%,其白. 將以稉稻「台農 77 號」以及「台稉 9 號」作為輪迴. 米率由 75% 下降至 73%、完整米率則由 68% 大幅下. 親,將具有直鏈性澱粉含量且軟膠體軟硬度基因型. 降至 60%,將發生 1,300 萬元損益。而高產品種(「臺. 的 LIGERITO 為提供親,在前期預備試驗中將先建. 東 30 號」:稻穀產量每公頃平均 9 公噸)遭紅米危. 立雜交組合與回交後裔,並以 Waxy 基因座與 ALK. 害後,目前於 1,200 公頃之慣行區約造成 400 萬元損. 基因座上的功能性標誌作為前景選拔,挑選帶有目. 益(以每公斤白米 40 元計價),當全區混雜率從 0%. 標基因型的雜交後裔,並在田間挑選型態特性與抽. 增至 2%,其白米率由 72% 降至 70%、完整米率則. 穗期均較輪迴親較相近者作為背景回復率之依據,. 由 62% 下降至 60%,如此將造成損失 1,200 萬元,. 分別選育出具有「台農 77 號」以及「台稉 9 號」等. 本研究明確量化對於積極防除本土雜草型紅米所帶. 高世代回交後裔,由上述品系作為本試驗導入系的. 來環境經營管理的減損效益。. 初級育種品系使用。從 2015~2017 年起,已經將提. 野生稻 Oryza nivara 抽穗期基因定位研究 抽穗. 供親的 Waxy 與 ALK 基因座上的遺傳組成保留在回. 期為水稻育種上的重要農藝性狀,且受多個基因所. 交後裔中,其中以稉稻「台農 77 號」為輪迴親,背. 控制。普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon ) 中一年生的野. 景恢復率則以全基因組 120 InDel 標誌進行監測,回. 生稻種又被稱為 O. nivara ,在臺灣種植具有早熟的特. 交 品 系「TNG77-GIC」 與「TNG77-GIL」 品 系 的 直. 性。由於野生稻種通常具有芒、落粒性、容易倒伏等. 鏈性澱粉含量可達 32.2~3.26%,其表現如同兩個提. 不良性狀,藉由多次回交及分子標誌的篩選,建立. 供 親「Ligerito」 與「Choba」 的 表 現 31.4~35.4%,. 野生稻染色體整組或部分片段置換系(chromosomal. 而回交品系的膠體軟硬度為 88~90 cm,就近似輪迴. segment substitution line, CSSL)為探討野生稻農藝性. 親「台農 77 號」的 90 cm。在 2019 年,雖然目前品. 狀的重要材料。利用早熟 稉 稻品系「台農育 942001. 系的 GI 潛力尚未明確,但可以澱粉鏈片段質譜儀、. 號」(TNGY942001) 為輪迴親本,野生稻 O. nivara. 澱粉水解效率與抗性澱粉含量等進行預測升糖指數,. 為貢獻親,於 BC3F1 發現部分 CSSL 染色體置換為 O.. 並進一步了解這些帶有軟膠體硬度特性的升糖指數. nivara 時,後代具有延遲抽穗的表現,經繁殖 BC3F2. 高低;也將會建立 BC2F2 分離族群確認直鏈性澱粉. (2017 年第一期作)、BC3F2:3 (2018 年第一期作)、. 含量基因座與米飯品質間的遺傳關係,並與 IRRI 米. BC3F2:4(2018 年第二期作)並進行數量基因座(QTL). 質中心一同進行分工合作。. 定位,於第一期作(2017、2018 年)發現 5 個 QTLs. 雜草型紅米對白米規格品質之減損評估 雜草型. 與抽穗期有關,分別位在第 1、4、6、7 號染色體上;. 紅米近年伴隨混雜稻種與聯合收穫機快速傳播,因. 於第二期作發現 3 個 QTLs 與抽穗期有關,分別位在. 強休眠而發展為田間常見自生苗,並因口感乾硬且. 第 4、6、7 號染色體上;就 O. nivara 基因型效應而言,. 具紅色種皮而影響商品價值,但在栽培管理與經濟. 位在第 7 號染色體上的 QTL 具有延遲抽穗的作用,其. 生產上的減損效益仍待究明。本研究在美濃契作、. 餘 QTLs 則具有早抽穗的作用,且各 QTLs 之間不存. 慣行與杉林慣行區分層取樣共 2,346 個種子批,兩年. 在基因交感效應。另外,也於 BC3F2、BC3F2:3 發現芒. (2018~2019)覆蓋面積分別為 424 與 750 ha,可見. 的 QTL 位在第 4、7、8 號染色體上,且芒的發生均. 契作區強化秧苗管理、推動稻種更新,讓全區混雜. 來自 O. nivara 基因效應。CSSLs 為研究物種間染色體. 由 1.44% 降至 0.03%,但隨時間演進可見熱區逐漸. 組成的重要材料,可提供不同基因組間的遺傳資訊,. 擴大;然紅米平均混雜不足 1.5%,卻對高產或穩產. 將持續完成 O. nivara 各對染色體的置換系,並探討其. 潛力品種均造成品質減損,初步可知優質均產品種. 他農藝性狀、生物逆境及非生物逆境之調適能力,作. (「高雄 147 號」:稻穀產量每公頃平均 6.6 公噸). 為遺傳研究及品種改良之基礎。. 農藝作物. 降低水稻升糖指數相關的理化特性之遺傳研究.

(21) 2. 2019 TARI Annual Report. 野生稻 Oryza nivara 褐飛蝨抗性近同源系之評. 抗性基因研究之應用。. 估 褐飛蝨為國內稻作栽培上主要害蟲,其為害方式. 水稻多元化育種 藉由傳統育種與分子標誌輔. 是以刺吸式口器吸食水稻韌皮部汁液,減少宿主養. 助 選 拔,108 年 篩 選 出 350 個 品 種( 系 ) 進 入 初 級. 分供給並導致宿主枯萎死亡。稻屬野生稻種為改進. 產量比較試驗,經產量評估,優於對照品種計 125. 栽培稻褐飛蝨抗性遺傳變異的重要遺傳資源,從野. 個品系。108 年高級產量比較試驗,含對照品種計. 生稻種 Oryza nivara 的褐飛蝨抗性導入系中已定位褐. 70 個 品 種( 系 ) 參 試, 完 成 兩 期 作 之 產 量 評 估,. 飛蝨抗性基因 Bph31(t) 。以栽培品種「台農 71 號」. 第一期作 30 個新品系高於對照品種,第二期作 33. 農藝作物. (TNG71)為輪回親,帶有野生稻 Bph31(t) 片段的. 個,第一、二期作均高於對照品種計有 15 個品系,. 852T034(TNG67/O. nivara )為貢獻親,經回交及抗. 以 TNGY107015、TNGY107020、TNGY107025、. 性基因兩側 DNA 分子標誌進行選拔,獲得帶抗性基. TNGY108055 表 現 較 佳, 其 中 TNGY107015 米 質 口. 因片段的 6 個 TNG71 近同源系(near isogenic lines,. 感也高於對照品種「台稉 9 號」,推薦進入 109 年. NILs)。於秧苗期進行 3 重複之檢定,檢定用的褐. 稻區域試驗。另外,在秈稻品種選育方面,已選出早. 飛蝨族群,除一般特性檢定之褐飛蝨族群外,還包. 熟香糯品系 TNGY1064183 進入秈稻區試驗。肥料試. 含由南投、彰化及花蓮地區收集的褐飛蝨族群。結. 驗含對照計有 12 個品種(系)參試,氮肥施用量分. 果顯示,TNG71-Bph31(t) NILs 對各褐飛蝨族群的抗. 為 4 個 等 級, 分 別 為 80、120、160、200 kg/ha。 各. 性表現,不論是抗性等級或植株存活率均優於其輪迴. 肥料等級中,在 160 kg 氮肥下增產較為顯著,且第. 親 TNG71。另外於 2018 年第一、二期作不同氮肥試. 二期作增產的幅度高於第一期作,其中有 3 個新品系. 區進行試驗,評估各近同源系抽穗期及產量相關性. 在第一、二期作 160 kg 氮肥條件下均有較高產的表. 狀,其中有 2 個品系在各性狀表現與 TNG71 最為接. 現。肥料試驗中各品系之食味品質評估,以 80 kg 氮. 近。綜合以上結果,由 O. nivara 獲得的 Bph31(t) ,. 肥之食味值為基準,在 160 kg、200 kg 等級之食味值. 對國內的褐飛蝨族群具有穩定的抗性表現,顯示由O. nivara 而來的褐飛蝨抗性基因為改進國內推廣品種對. 除 2 個參試品系的食味值低於 80 kg 氮肥條件之食味. 褐飛蝨抗性有效且重要的遺傳資源。. 值外,其他參試品系之食味值均優於 80 kg 氮肥。. 均低於 80 kg 氮肥之品質,但在 120 kg 氮肥條件下,. 野生稻種間雜交導入系紋枯病抗性評估與選拔. 耐逆境良質水稻之開發與研究 本年度完成 71. 之探討 由立枯絲核菌(Rhizoctonia solani Kühn.)所. 個 F1 雜交組合,培育 F2 組合 20 個,F3 組合 23 個,. 引起的紋枯病為水稻主要病害之一,選育持久性抗紋. F4 組合 19 個,觀察試驗品系 212 個,初級產量比較. 枯病品種為最經濟有效且對環境友善的防治策略。分. 試驗培育品系 99 個,高級產量試驗則為 19 個品系。. 別於 2017、2018 年的第一、二期作在最高分蘗期,. 其中一期作從高級試驗選出 19 個具有抗稻熱病,品. 利用稻桿接菌法篩選栽培稻與 3 種野生稻種 Oryza. 質優良及高產之品系,未來具發展潛力。設置水田. officinalis 、O. australiensis 及 O. nivara 雜交組合的導. 式及旱田式稻熱病圃以檢定各場所新育成水稻品種. 入系(introgression line, IL)對紋枯病菌株(RS-YL). (系)及雜交後代系統等對稻熱病之抗性反應,水. 之抗性表現,抗性較佳的導入系再與「台稉 9 號」雜. 田式病圃擬檢定高級試驗以上品種(系)約 198 個,. 交建立分離族群,探討野生稻紋枯病抗性導入系於育. 旱田式病圃另加檢定新育成品系約 500 個。檢定各. 種利用上的選拔效果。不同野生稻種的導入系對紋枯. 試驗場所新育成水稻品種(系)及雜交後代系統等. 病抗性表現,以 O. officinalis 的 ILs 抗性表現最佳;O. australiensis 次之;O. nivara 最差。針對抗性較佳的導. 180 個對褐飛蝨、白背飛蝨、斑飛蝨之危害反應。. 約 2,000 個對褐飛蝨之危害反應,另檢定高級品系. 入系與「台稉 9 號」雜交所建立的分離族群進行選拔,. 與育種人員合作培育抗 3 種稻飛蝨之水稻品種,而. 選出族群中分布較抗病與較感病的兩極端品系,持續. 抗稻熱病及蟲害危害等級及試驗方法依 IRRI 的標準. 進行兩個期作紋枯病檢定,較抗病與較感病之間罹病 程度仍呈顯著差異,已從中篩選出 11 個較為穩定的. 方法進行及判別。抗白葉枯病基因(Xa 4+xa 5+Xa 7+ xa 13+Xa 21)等導入國內主要栽培稻中,選育出 499. 抗性品系,可作為改進水稻品種紋枯病抗性或紋枯病. 帶抗白葉枯病基因品系。.

(22) 2019 TARI Annual Report. 3. 分 子標幟 輔助稉型耐淹 稻之 選育 以耐淹水秈. 罹病等級調查本(108)年度第 1 期作調查重組自交. 稻 品 種 IR96321-315-240 為 貢 獻 親, 臺 灣 優 良 稉 型. 系 F2:3 稻熱病罹病反應及維持 F2:4,稻熱病罹病等級. 稻「 台 農 74 號 」(Tainung 74, TNG 74) 和「 台 農. 調查方式及標準則比照 IRRI 方法進行。水田病圃罹. 82 號」(Tainung 82, TNG 82)之抗稻熱病誘變品系. 病等級調查結果,其中抗級(R)者有 136 個株系, 佔 全 部 640 個 株 系 之 21.3%; 中 抗 級(MR) 者 有. TNG 74 與 WM1370 中。 過 程 於 3~4 葉 齡 幼 苗 期 進. 439 個株系,佔全部株系之 68.6%;中感級(MS). 行秧苗期淹水試驗挑選耐淹水稻株。其後於 BC2F1、. 者有 45 個株系,佔全部株系之 7%;感級(S)者有. BC3F1、BC3F2 利用目標基因連鎖之分子標誌進行前. 15 個株系,佔全部株系之 2.3%;極感級(HS)者. 景選拔,獲選者再以分子標幟進行背景選拔,結果. 有 1 個株系,佔全部株系之 0.16%;另有 4 個株系. 發現 TNG 74 之 BC2F1、BC3F1、BC3F2 之輪迴親遺傳. 缺株無調查資料。旱田病圃罹病等級調查結果,其. 回復率平均分別為 85.3、93.1、94.3%;而 WM1370. 中抗級(R)者有 60 個株系,佔全部 640 個株系之. 之 BC3F1 輪迴親遺傳回復率平均為 94.8%。兩雜交組. 9.4%;中抗級(MR)者有 178 個株系,佔全部株系. 合分別挑選 57 及 92 個 BC3F3 品系進行秧苗期耐淹. 之 27.8%;中感級(MS)者有 174 個株系,佔全部. 性測試,其多數品系耐淹水性表現均優於輪迴親,. 株系之 27.2%;感級(S)者有 86 個株系,佔全部. 顯示已將耐淹特性成功導入輪迴親中,進一步進行. 株系之 13.4%;極感級(HS)者有 91 個株系,佔全. 產量試驗評估發現有 23 個品系的產量指數達輪迴親. 部株系之 14.2%;另有 51 個株系缺株無調查資料。. 93.9~119.0%,這些耐淹水品系應已具淹水環境下之. 第 2 期作調查重組自交系 F2:4 稻熱病罹病等級及維持. 栽培價值,此外,以香味基因分子標誌篩選及聞評鑑. F2:5,旱田病圃罹病等級調查結果,其中抗級(R). 定、抗稻熱病與抗褐飛蝨檢定,結果兩雜交組合分別. 者有 98 個株系,佔全部 636 個株系之 15.4%;中抗. 選拔出 8 個及 15 個兼具耐淹性、香味特性及抗病抗. 級(MR)者有 459 個株系,佔全部株系之 72.2%;. 蟲性的品系,這些具有成為新品種的潛力,可提供. 中感級(MS)者有 56 個株系,佔全部株系之 8.8%;. 未來臺灣淹水逆境下之利用。本試驗結果顯示調整. 感級(S)者有 12 個株系,佔全部株系之 1.9%;極. MAS 流程於回交晚世代進行分子標幟分析與操作,. 感級(HS)者有 9 個株系,佔全部株系之 1.4%;另. 如此可達到節省資源投入及縮短耐淹水水稻品種選育. 有 2 個株系缺株無調查資料。. 時程,更可保留貢獻親的其它優良特性於輪迴親中。. 建立人為水稻災害試驗區災損評估技術 本研究. 水稻抗稻熱病突變系之選育、評估及分子標幟輔. 於 108 年第 1 期作探討在不同氮肥施用量處理下,. 助抗病品 一、利用分子標誌輔助抗病基因 Pi-33 導. 水稻品種對於抗倒伏性之表現。結果顯示氮肥施用. 入 台 農 82 號, 本(108) 年 度 第 1 期 作 針 對「 台 農. 量對於稻株倒伏程度有顯著影響,倒伏程度大致隨. 82 號」導入 Pi-33 基因之 BC3F1 回交世代利用 RM-72. 著氮肥施用量之增加而增加。就不同品種而言,「台. 及 Pi33-43 兩引子進行分子標誌前景選拔,選獲 16. 農 84 號」在 3 種氮肥施用量之倒伏程度均高於「台. 株帶有 Pi-33 基因異質結合植株,另以 RI01043 等 47. 稉 16 號」及「DT3」。在氮肥施用量為 120 及 210. 個引子進行初步背景恢復率分析,發現背景恢復率. kg/ha 時,均以「台稉 16 號」的倒伏程度最低,然. 平均達 94.2%,並篩選帶有抗病基因且背景恢復率高. 而氮肥施用量為 310 kg/ha 則以「DT3」的倒伏程度. 之 BC3F1 回交世代植株及收穫 BC3F2 回交世代種子。. 最低。氮肥施用量增加對於「台稉 16 號」及「DT3」. 第 2 期作種植 BC3F2 回交世代 648 株,扣除田間缺株. 產量無明顯影響,惟對於「台農 84 號」產量增加則. 後以 607 株進行分子標誌前景選拔,選獲 109 株帶抗. 有相當顯著的效果。由此推測水稻品種產量與倒伏. 病基因同質結合固定植株,並根據田間農藝性狀選拔. 程度之間有相當程度的因果關係,而氮肥施用量則. 88 株外表型優良植株及收穫 BC3F3 回交世代種子,. 扮演關鍵性角色。在不過於追求高產的情形下,適. 未來進入初級品系觀察比較及高級產量比較試驗,. 當的氮肥施用量可以減少稻株倒伏的風險。第 2 期. 可望選出抗病高產之優良品系。二、「台農 82 號」. 作探討水稻品種於水稻生殖生長期在不同乾旱程度. 抗病誘變系 WM1370 抗病基因圖譜定位重組自交系. 下產量之表現。發現不同乾旱條件對於株高、穗數. 農藝作物. WM1370 為輪迴親,透過回交方式將耐淹特性導入.



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