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電子工程學系 電子研究所




Characteristics and Investigation of FSG

Passivation Layer on HfO



Gate Stack MOSFETs

研 究 生:莊哲輔

Che-Fu Chuang

指導教授:羅正忠 博士

Dr. Jen-Chung Lou

邱碧秀 博士

Dr. Bi-Shiou Chiou












Characteristics and Investigation of FSG

Passivation Layer on HfO



Gate Stack MOSFETs

研 究 生:莊哲輔


Che-Fu Chuang

指導教授:羅正忠 博士


Dr. Jen-Chung Lou

邱碧秀 博士


Dr. Bi-Shiou Chiou

國 立 交 通 大 學

電子工程學系 電子研究所

碩 士 論 文

A Thesis

Submitted to

Department of Electronics Engineering & Institute of Electronics

College of Electrical and Computer Engineering

National Chiao Tung University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Master of Science


Electronic Engineering

July 2009

Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China




研究生:莊哲輔 指導教授:羅正忠 博士 邱碧秀 博士 國立交通大學 電子工程學系 電子研究所





根據2008 ITRS PIDS Meeting所訂出最新金氧半場效電晶體之閘極奈米尺寸

的演變趨勢,因受到新穎閘極材料無法持續之前最低可容忍漏電流規範,使得高 效能和低功率應用的奈米微電子元件需延緩三或五個製程世代,本文中提出與現 有製程具高度匹配性的四氟化碳電漿處理(CF4 plasma treatment)技術,利用氟 化矽玻璃(FSG)當n型金氧半場效電晶體鈍化層的製程,在最後Sintering修補金 屬界面斷鍵過程中,使氟原子有效擴散至高介電閘極本體和通道界面處,實驗結 果顯示元件的電特性和可靠度可藉由通入適量的CF4氣體達到明顯的改善,因此


可改善遷移率衰退以提昇驅動電流表現、較低次臨界擺幅和閘極漏電流、閘極引 起汲極漏電流有明顯降低輸出等。 此外也分析可靠度劣化程度,在正偏壓-溫度應力(PBTS)和熱載子應力 (HCS)可靠度特性上都有改善的效果,觀察到在電壓應力破壞下,均有較小的臨 界電壓的偏移、較少的本體電子捕捉與界面狀態密度改變而引起元件的不穩定 性,且在正電壓應力(PBS)與熱載子應力比較之下,熱載子應力造成的可靠度衰 減相較於正電壓應力有顯著嚴重趨勢。這些元件電特性獲得改善及具有高度穩定 性的可靠度呈現,造成的原因是來自於氟原子併入高介電閘極主體以及閘極層與

通道界面間,不僅僅可減少界面狀態的懸空鍵結(interface dangling bond)和較低

界面狀態產生,且進一步有效減少高介電閘極主體電荷捕捉情形。 最後在應力測試後再進行回復(relaxation)的行為,可分離HCS是由cold和 hot載子兩個成份構成熱載子應力引起臨界電壓的偏移效應,其中cold載子具有 逃逸(de-trapping)特性而hot載子會殘留在介電層形成永久傷害,不管在PBS或是 HCS的回復行為,明顯觀察到氟化鈍化層元件有較少載子捕捉情形(應力下)及較 高逃逸能障使得有較少逃逸現象產生(回復下),這與先前討論Frenkel-Poole傳導 機制,其比一般鈍化層有較深的載子捕捉位置有好的關連性。


Characteristics and Investigation of FSG

Passivation Layer on HfO



Gate Stack MOSFETs

Student:Che-Fu Chuang Advisor:Dr. Jen-Chung Lou Dr. Bi-Shiou Chiou Department of Electronics Engineering &Institute of Electronics

College of Electrical and Computer Engineering National Chiao-Tung University


According to establishing the newest evolutionary trend for the gate nano scale of MOSFETs from ITRS PIDS Meeting in 2008 year, the nano microelectronic devices applied high performance and low power function circuits must put off three or five process generation because the novel gate materials can be unable to sustain the criterion of the least gate leakage current tolerably previous works. A process-compatible CF4 plasma treatment

technique for fabricating fluorinated silicate oxide (FSG) as a passivation layer of n-MOSFETs is demonstrated in this work. Fluorine was effectively diffused into the high-k gate dielectric and the interface between channel and gate


dielectric during sintering step. Experimental results reveal that remarkably improved device performance and reliability can be achieved with appropriate CF4 gas introduced. Thus, the electrical characteristics improvement exhibits

driving current enhanced due to mobility improvement, good subthreshold slope, low gate leakage current, obviously reduced GIDL current and so on.

In addition, the fluorinated P.L. ( the abbreviation of passivative layer) also improves the device reliability with respect to positive bias temperature stress (PBTS) and hot-carrier stress (HCS). We observe that less threshold voltage shift, less generated bulk trap density and interface state density shift during voltage stressing, which suppressing the instability characteristics due to device damage. For n-MOSFET devices with TEOS P.L. or FSG P.L., compared PBS and HCS, we find that the HCS phenomenon on reliability degradation is more serious than PBS. It shows the improvement of electrical characteristics and good stability as well as reliability in devices for FSG P.L. as a result of the fluorine atoms incorporated into high-k gate dielectric and the interface between gate dielectric and channel, which not only reducing interface dangling bonds and lower generation rates of interface states, but also effectively lowering carrier trapping in high-k dielectric further.


separate cold carrier from hot carrier, which the effect of total threshold voltage shift coming of cold and hot carriers. The cold carrier contribution is shown to be reversible while hot carrier trapping induces permanent damage of the dielectric. It is clearly noted for devices of fluorinated passivation layer that less carriers are captured in high-k bulk dielectric and interface (stress cycle) but less captured carriers take place de-trapping behavior due to higher de-trapping barrier height (relaxation cycle). As observed above, it shows a good correlation between F-P transport mechanism and de-trapping behavior that the position of carriers trapping for FSG P.L. are deeper than that for TEOS P.L..


隨著實驗進度和成果一天一天的完成,也代表在交大校園的碩士生涯將慢慢 地告一段落,雖然在實驗、生活和各方面上協助過我的人許多為一面之緣,但是 你們的熱忱和愛心讓小弟不得不先和你們致上深深的敬意。再來,能順利完成這 個學位,當然要非常地感謝我的兩位指導教授-羅正忠博士及邱碧秀博士,他們 在實驗研究與論文上不但給予充分詳實的指導與鼓勵外,也讓我從他們身上學到 很多寶貴知識和學問,更重要的是,學到老師處理事情的態度和方法,讓我深刻 感受到在實驗研究應該朝勤奮不懈、實事求是及結合最新科技新知與技術的研究 精神去努力外,還要懂得在社會上為人處事與永遠保持接受新事物和挑戰的心態 去迎接未來的大小考驗。 此外也要感謝實驗室學長及學弟妹的幫忙與照顧,尤其佳樺、元愷、國洲、 信富、小陸、晨修、嘉宏、岳展各學長們在實驗操作及量測方面不遺餘力的教導 以減少我摸索時間,最重要的是智仁學長在論文上給我相當大幫忙,讓我茫茫然 地從不知道研究目標為那個方向才是適合我的,直到本文的完成,感謝學長平時 用心指導與meeting上導正我錯誤觀念及教導如何掌握研究重點並實現之,另外 威良學長也是讓我非常感謝的,總是把自己豐富的學識素養主動與學弟妹分享及 生活上的關懷,且常常提起paper重要性及如何從中研讀重點和解疑惑,讓我在 學習效率增進不少,這兩位學長總在遇到實驗瓶頸導引我往明確的下一步前進和 量測分析給予我適時的指導與糾正,所以以萬分的心意來致上。同時,也感謝陳 維邦、周坤億、黃崧宏、李振銘等學長和我同屆的伙伴們,翊裳、汶錦、信宇、 侑廷、介銘、天佑、志文等同學及朋友在這兩年來的互相扶持與研究中相互討論 和砥勵,當然尚勳、文新及芳毓三位學弟妹除了本身具有強烈學習慾與求知慾的 潛力研究生特質外,也誠摯感謝你們平時和實驗上對於我的幫忙與協助。 最後,要是沒有爺爺、父親-明俊、母親-麗雪、愛車成痴的大哥、兩位仙女 下凡的姐姐及好男人的大姐夫等家庭成員,在我遇到各種風風雨雨及阻撓、低潮 期,總是用溫暖的心來溶解快要結凍的沈重步伐,才使我更有動力大步往前該有 的人生目標,感謝平日對於小弟我的關懷及照顧,也因為你們,我才能夠專心完 成碩士學業,總之,感謝這些幫忙過我和沒提及但烙印在我心中的人。



Abstract (Chinese) ……….………...I

Abstract (English) ……….………...…….III

Acknowledgments (Chinese) ...V

Contents ...VI

Table Captions ...IX

Figure Captions ...XVI

Chapter 01 Introduction to High-k Gate Dielectrics

1.1 General Background………....01

1.2 Motivation………...04

1.3 Recent High-k Gate Dielectrics………...07

1.3.1 Criteria for High-k Gate Dielectrics………...07

1.3.2 Challenges to High-k Technology……….10

1.4 Overview of Enhancing Robustness by Fluorine………....11

1.5 Organization of the Thesis………..13


Chapter 02 Effects of FSG Passivation from Various CF


Flow on the Properties of HfO


Thin Films

2.1 Introduction………....22

2.2 Experimental Procedure………..………....23

2.2.1 Device Fabrication Flow……….………....24

2.2.2 Suitable Measurement Setup………..……..……....26

2.3 Result and Discussions.………..……….27

2.3.1 Basic Device Characteristics……….………....27

2.3.2 Current Transport Mechanism……….……….…….31

2.3.3 GIDL Effect on Off-State Leakage………...….…….35

2.4 Summary………37

2.5 References………...………...39

Chapter 03 Reliability Issues of FSG Passivation on HfO


Gate Dielectrics

3.1 Briefly Reliability Review……….……….64

3.2 Effects of Various P.L. on PBTI Characterization………….…….66

3.2.1 Static and Dynamic Trapping Measurements Setup……..66

3.2.2 Threshold Voltage (Vth) Instability………….………….…...67

3.2.3 The Characteristics of Charge De-trapping.……...72

3.3 Reliability Impact of Various P.L. on HCS ………..…..………….74

3.3.1 HCS Measurement Setup……….….………....74

3.3.2 Cold and Hot Carrier Charge Trapping Effects.…....…...75

3.4 Summary………....78


Chapter 04 Conclusions and Suggested Future Works

4.1 Conclusions………..……….………..100 4.2 Suggestions for Future Works…..………...………...102


Table Captions

Chapter 01

Table 1.1 2008 International Semiconductor Technology Roadmap predicts rapid reduction in the future technology trends for high performance logic, LOP, and LSTP devices.

Chapter 02

Table 2.1 Conditions of gas flow rates to deposit FSG passivation layers. Table 2.2 Trend of electrical properties for HfO2/SiON gate stack n-MOSFET


Figure Captions

Chapter 01

Fig. 1.1 Power dissipation (dynamic + static power) with each generation Fig. 1.2 The number of transistors in Intel processors increases exponentially

over the years

Fig. 1.3 Measured and simulated Ig-Vg characteristics under inversion

conditions of SiO2 N-MOSFET devices

Fig. 1.4 By using high-k material to suppress gate direct-tunneling current. Fig. 1.5 TEM and SIMS analysis of Y2O3 high-k dielectric with capped and

uncapped samples. Uncapped Y2O3 sample shows additional

interfacial layer due to oxygen diffusion.

Fig. 1.6 Schematic representation of factors contributing to carrier mobility degradation in a high-k oxide layer.

Chapter 02

Fig. 2.1 The PECVD system used in this experiment.

Fig. 2.2 The process flow of n-MOSFETs with FSG passivation layer.

Fig. 2.3 Cross section of HfO2/SiON n-MOSFET with FSG passivation layer.

Fig. 2.4 The experimental setup for the basic electrical characteristics and long-term reliability test measurements.

Fig. 2.5 Basic experimental setup of charging pumping measurement.

Fig. 2.6 The C-V characteristics of HfO2 gate dielectrics with various CF4 as

precursor gas.


as-deposited samples.

Fig. 2.8 Gate leakage current as a function of gate voltages of HfO2/SiON gate

stack with (symbol line) and without (solid line) CF4 gas incorporation

both under inversion and accumulation regions

Fig. 2.9 The Weibull plot distributions at VGS-VTh =1.0V of Jg for all samples.

Fig. 2.10 Normalized transconductance as a function of gate voltage for TEOS and FSG passivation layer.

Fig. 2.11 Normalized NMOS IDS of fluorinated device is 24% higher above than

that for the control device, and the subthreshold properties is inset in the figure.

Fig. 2.12 Cumulative probability of the threshold voltage (VTh).

Fig. 2.13 Drain current versus drain voltage (ID-VD) curves of FSG C and TEOS

P.L. under various normalized gate biases which 0V, 0.3V, 0.6V, 0.9V, and 1.2V, respectively.

Fig. 2.14 Comparsion of normalized saturation drain current and Gm,max for

various flow of CF4 gas introduced.

Fig. 2.15 Interface states density as a function of VBase for HfO2/SiON high-k

gate stacks with FSG and TEOS P.L..

Fig. 2.16 Electron mobility for fluorinated device is enhanced as compared with the control device. Inset comparison of transconductance max peak (Gm,max).

Fig. 2.17 Comparsion of interface states density correlated with electron mobility for all splits.

Fig. 2.18 The subthreshold swing versus channel length for all splits of HfO2/SiON gate stack n-MOSFETs.


gate stack n-MOSFETs.

Fig. 2.20 The maximum transconductance versus channel length for all splits of HfO2/SiON gate stack n-MOSFETs.

Fig. 2.21 Threshold voltage roll off characteristics for all splits of HfO2/SiON

gate stack n-MOSFETs.

Fig. 2.22 Carrier separation under (a) inversion region and (b) accumulation region in the TEOS sample.

Fig. 2.23 Carrier separation of (a) FSG and (b) TEOS samples under both inversion and accumulation regions.

Fig. 2.24 Poly-gate n-MOSFET with HfO2/SiON gate stack under inversion

region (a) band diagrams, and (b) schematic illustration of carrier separation experiment.

Fig. 2.25 Poly-gate n-MOSFET with HfO2/SiON gate stack under accumulation

region (a) band diagrams, and (b) schematic illustration of carrier separation experiment.

Fig. 2.26 Gate leakage current versus gate bias for fresh n-channel devices at various temperatures (a) TEOS P.L. (b) FSG P.L..

Fig. 2.27 Conduction mechanism for source/drain current fitting under inversion region (a) TEOS (b) FSG P.L..

Fig. 2.28 Conduction mechanism for substrate current fitting under inversion region (a) TEOS (b) FSG P.L..

Fig. 2.29 Band diagrams for (a) TEOS and (b) FSG P.L., illustrating the conduction mechanism of Frenkel-Poole emission.

Fig. 2.30 Schematic energy band diagram of the gate-drain overlap region. Fig. 2.31 The band diagrams before (solid line) and after (dashed line)


Fig. 2.32 Gate-induced leakage current characteristics of ID-VGS transfer

curves for all splits of NMOSFETs.

Fig. 2.33 In FSG P.L. devices, a large amount of F atoms incorporating to passivating the bulk and interface trap charges of HfO2/SiON gate

stack n-MOSFET.

Chapter 03

Fig. 3.1 Schematic of measurement setup for (a) static PBTS (b) dynamic trapping.

Fig. 3.2 PBT-stress-time dependence of ∆VTh for TEOS and FSG having

different flow rate of CF4 gas at 25°C.

Fig. 3.3 PBT-stress-time dependence of ∆VTh for TEOS and FSG having

different flow rate of CF4 gas at 25°C.

Fig. 3.4 The normalized gate current density ((Jg-Jg0)/Jg0) at a constant gate

voltage of 4.0V versus stress time of all splits.

Fig. 3.5 Separation of total capatured trap density into ∆Nit and ∆NB

component for all splits after 1000s PBT stress.

Fig. 3.6 Weibull plot of charge-to-breakdown for all samples under a constant voltage stress of 5.9V.

Fig. 3.7 Transconductance degradation versus stress time for both samples with VGS-VTh=1.0V at 25°C.

Fig. 3.8 Time dependences of PBS-induced VTh degradation at various

normalized stress biases from 0.5 to 1.0 per steps of 0.5V at 25°C. Fig. 3.9 Time dependences of PBS-induced Nit and NB degradation at various

normalized stress biases from 0.5 to 1.0 per steps of 0.5V at 25°C. Fig. 3.10 ID-VGS characteristics for HfO2/SiON n-MOSFETs before stress and

after stress 1000s at 125°C (a) TEOS P.L. (b) FSG P.L. sample. Fig. 3.11 Threshold voltage shift as a function of stress time under +1.0V


normalized gate bias voltage at various temperatures.

Fig. 3.12 Interface trap density and bulk trap density shift as a function of stress time under BTS at different stress temperature, VGS-VTh=1.0V.

Fig. 3.13 Time dependences of PBS-induced VTh degradation at various

normalized stress biases from 0.5 to 1.0 per steps of 0.5V at 100°C. Fig. 3.14 Time dependences of PBS-induced Nit and NB degradation at various

normalized stress biases from 0.5 to 1.0 per steps of 0.5V at 100°C. Fig. 3.15 Threshold voltage shift as a function of stress time under BTS a

different stress temperature, VGS-VTh =0.5V for FSG and TEOS


Fig. 3.16 Interface trap density and bulk trap density shift as a function of stress time under BTS a different stress temperature, VGS-VTh =0.5V

for FSG and TEOS samples.

Fig. 3.17 Temperature dependence of threshold voltage shift. PBT stress was applied under VGS-VTh=0.5V.

Fig. 3.18 Temperature dependence of interface traps shift. PBT stress was applied under VGS-VTh=0.5V.

Fig. 3.19 ID-VGS characteristic during a constant voltage stress with a

subsequent relaxation period.

Fig. 3.20 Threshold voltage shift with de-trapping bias –2 V dependence after positive voltage stress on both samples.

Fig. 3.21 Schematic explanation of stress and relaxation process with different bias conditions for (a) TEOS (b) FSG P.L..

Fig. 3.22 Schematic explanation of more charge trapping stored in thicker CET during stress cycle.


gate stack n-MOSFETs.

Fig. 3.24 Threshold voltage shift as a function of stress time with HCS which compares FSG P.L. with TEOS P.L..

Fig. 3.25 Interface trap and bulk trap density shift as a function of stress time with HCS which compares FSG P.L. with TEOS P.L..

Fig. 3.26 ID-VGS characteristics and transconductance of devices with FSG P.L.

before and after 1000 sec hot-electron stressing.

Fig. 3.27 ID-VGS characteristics and transconductance of devices with TEOS

P.L. before and after 1000 sec hot-electron stressing.

Fig. 3.28 Threshold voltage shift as a function of stress time which compares HCS with PBS.

Fig. 3.29 Interface trap and bulk trap density shift as a function of stress time which compares HCS with PBS.

Fig. 3.30 Threshold voltage changes during HCS and PBS followed by a detrapping step (Vg=-2V) 600 sec for the TEOS sample.

Fig. 3.31 Threshold voltage changes during HCS and PBS followed by a detrapping step (Vg=-2V) 600 sec for the FSG sample.

Fig. 3.32 Comparison of TBD lifetime projection as a function VGS of FSG P.L.

larger than TEOS P.L..

Fig. 3.33 Dependence of lifetime on stress VGS for both samples.

Fig. 3.34 Schematic of reliability improvement for the FSG passivation layer due to fluorine incorporation.



Introduction to High-k Gate Dielectrics

1.1 General Background

In order to provide better performance and higher packing density on the limited space, scaling down of the channel length is essential in ULSI fabrication technologies [1-2]. One of the main scalling issues in the advanced CMOS devices in the sub-100 nm regime is the thinning of gate oxide that is required for higher drive current and to improve the gate control over the channel, which

reduces the short channel effects [3-4]. When dielectric (SiO2)

thickness approaches 1 nm in CMOS devices scale, new materials such as high-k dielectrics and metal gate electrodes are required

[5-6]. According to the ITRS roadmap, the SiO2 gate dielectric film

thickness should be scaled down to 1.0 nm for 35nm technology node.

Such an ultra-thin SiO2 film consists of only a few atomic layers,

causing a considerably large direct-tunneling current through the film, as dictated in Equation (1-1) and in turn resulting in significant increase of power consumption. The direct tunneling current which depends on physical film thickness will cause an intolerable level of off-current, resulting in huge power dissipation and heat.

2 2 2



∝[exp− ] ( / ) DT phys mq I T h (1.1)


When it comes to leakage, it eventually degrades overall power consumption described as Equation (1-2).


= + leak

p ACV f VI (1.2)

A is the fraction of gate actively switching and C is the total

capacitance load of all gate. The dynamic power component (ACV f2 )

and static power component ( VIleak ) defines overall power

consumption. As gate oxide is scaled down further, static power consumption will exponentially increase due to source of leakage such as gate oxide leakage and subthreshold leakage current (see Fig. 1.1). High-k materials have been shown to reduce the tunneling leakage current (i.e., suppressing gate oxide leakage and subthreshold leakage current), further reducing static power consumption, and metal electrodes are needed due to their better comparability with high-k dielectrics and absence of the depletion efffect. In order to meet the ITRS (International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor) 2008 requirements, Table 1.1 [7], replacing polysilicon by metal gates is critical.

On the trace to the physical limit, the scaling of CMOS technology is reluctant to depart far away from the Moore's Law. The famous “Moore’s Law”, proposed by Gordon Moore in 1965, states that the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles every 24 months. For the past four decades, the advancement in the IC industry more or less follows this intelligent foresight in its pursuing better performance with lower cost. It can be said that “Moore’s Law” is the


basis for the overwhelmingly rapid growth of the computing power. In order to keep close pace with “Moore’s Law”, the shrinkage of the transistor dimension is needed. Fig. 1.2 illustrates how the number of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) in Intel processors has increased historically [8].

According to the first order current-voltage relation in Equation (1-3) and (1-4), the driving current of a MOSFET can be given as

2 1 2


= − , ( ) D sat gs n GS Th eff W I C V V L (1.3) 0 gs inv k A C T


= (1.4)

Where VGS is the applied gate to source, Leff is the effective

channel length, W is the channel width, V is the threshold voltage, Th


n is the mobility for electrons, C is the gate capacitance, k is the gs

dielectric constant,


0 is the permittivity of free space and Tinv is the

electrical film thickness. In an attempt to improve the current drivability of a MOSFET, all parameters contained in the above formula can be accordingly adjusted. With reduced threshold voltage, smaller effective channel length, and increased gate capacitance as well as gate-to-source voltage, we can achieve better current drivability and higher device density, which mean a better performance and much more transistors on the chip. However, some approaches will bring

about serious drawbacks, and for instance, a large VGS will degrade


in thermal energy at a typical operation circumstance of up to 100 °C.

So a bigger C and shorter gs Leff will be needed to maintain device


In the front-end process area, there remain many technological challenges to be overcome to achieve further scaling and growth of the industry [9]:

 New gate stack processes and Materials

 Surfaces and interfaces control

 CMOS integration of new memory materials and processes

 Critical dimension and effective channel length control

 Scaled MOSFET dopant introduction and control

In this chapter, the first challenge will be discussed in detail because the challenge are the key motivation to this Thesis.

1.2 Motivation

Polysilicon gate and SiO2 gate dielectric for the MOSFET devices

have been perfect materials throughout MOSFET history till now. However, as the device dimension shrinks into deep sub-micron

regime, SiO2 as a gate oxide is facing serious challenges which seem

to be almost impossible to overcome. As shown in Fig. 1.3, we can see that when the gate oxide thickness scales down to 2 nm, the leakage

cureent will exceed the limit of 1A/ 2

cm set by the allowable stand-by power dissipation. Further scaling of oxide thickness to below 2 nm, the direct tunneling current will increase exponentially, causing


intolerable power consumption. For easily sensing the seriousness of

leakage problem: as SiO2 thickness is reduced, leakage current

increases exponentially (~10x/2Å) [10]. In addition, reliability issues

become a serious concern for such a thin SiO2 dielectric only 10-15Å

thick. It points out that SiO2 thickness uniformity across a 12 inch

wafer imposes even more crucial difficulty in the growth of such a thin film, since even a mono-layer difference in thickness represents a large percentage difference and thus can result in the variation

of threshold voltage (V ) across the wafer. To circumvent these Th

problems, high-k dielectrics have been investigated extensively as

possible replacement to the SiO2 film as gate insulators.

By using gate dielectrics with higher dielectric, electrically equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) in order to maintain the same gate capacitance can be obtained with a thicker physical thickness. Therefore, the quantum direct tunneling gate leakage current can be significantly reduced, as shown in Fig. 1.4. Selecting a gate dielectric

with a higher permittivity than that of SiO2 is a clearly indispensable to

extend the lifespan of the famous Moore’s law. From (1.3), we can notice that the current drivability is strongly related to the electrical thickness of the gate oxide, while, from (1.2), the leakage is related to the physical thickness of the gate oxide. In order to maintain the same


C value, (1.4) can be rewritten as follows (1-5) :

3 9 − − − = = . high k high k high k ox k k T EOT EOT k (1.5)


Where the term EOT represents the theoretical thickness of SiO2.

So by increasing the gate dielectric constant, the same equivalent oxide thickness can be obtained with a thicker physical thickness, which in turn contributes to the reduced gate leakage current (i.e., direct tunneling), without sacrificing the performance. Also the

reliability issues become a huge concern for this thin regime of SiO2

film because the direct tunneling electrons make it more vulnerable for given conditions and eventually cause a possible threshold voltage fluctuation or even dielectric breakdowns of devices, which result in a malfunction or failure of device [11]. Therefore, searching a material

with a high dielectric constant to replace SiO2 is urgently needed.

Lately there has been increased interest in the possibility that fluorine might help protect devices against negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) [12]. It has been shown that the presence of fluorine improves the lifetime of devices under such conditions. Since NBTI has emerged as one of the main reliability issues for today’s ultrathin oxides, this improvement is particularly significant. Fluorine is one of the extrinsic species that can be found in microelectronic devices. It is usually introduced through the use of a molecular precursor or by direct implantation of F ions [13-16]. The presence of fluorine in devices has been known to have certain beneficial effects on their operation, such as hot-carrier immunity [15], improved dielectric integrity [16], and reduced flicker noise [14]. In conventional, fluorine ion implantation (FII) technique is mostly adopted to introduce


fluorine atoms into the poly-Si or silicon substrate channel. However, this method may be not suitable for large-area electronics. Moreover, a subsequent high temperature process is required to activate implanted fluorine atoms and recover the damage created by implantation. It is known that excessive fluorine annealing replaces Si–O bonds with Si–F bonds, which generates reactive oxygen atoms. The oxygen atoms, which react with silicon substrate, form thick

interfacial SiOx layer [17-18]. Consequently, these processes can

cause additional damage due to the high energetic ion implantation. To minimize damage, effective and process-compatible techniques to introduce fluorine atoms into high-k gate dielectric stacks are needed to be developed. In the latter chapters, we will present improvement results for the new process-compatible fluorination technique that is critical to the role of fluorine in the operation of high-k gate dielectric stacks devices.

1.3 Recent High-k Gate Dielectric

1.3.1 Criteria for High-k Gate Dielectrics

There are couples of key issue to select proper high-k dielectric material. The first one is that although the k value should be as high as possible, however, it should not be too high, otherwise it could result in degradation of the electrical properties due to increased fringing field from the gate to the source/drain of the transistor, i.e., field induced barrier lowering (FIBL) which degrade short channel


effects of MOSFETs [19]. On the same token, the k value should not be too low, otherwise it defeats the whole purpose of substituting for high k materials. Secondly, thermal stability of materials with silicon and its interface quality are important. For all thin gate dielectrics, the interface with Si substrate plays a key role, and in most cases is the dominant factor in determining the overall electrical properties. Therefore, the high-k materials require an interfacial reaction barrier to minimize the undesirable reactions with Si substrate. In addition, Figure 1.5 shows the characteristics of oxygen diffusion through high-k dielectric materials [20]. Due to the rapid oxygen diffusion, an additional interfacial layer forms between the high-k dielectric and Si substrate. But, this interfacial layer is obviously not helpful to scale down the device size because of its low permittivity. Therefore, proper capping technology might be required to avoid undesired interfacial reaction with high-k dielectric. Thirdly, the higher band offset indicates that the carriers (i.e., electron or hole) are less likely to be injected from the anode or cathode into a dielectric film. Fourthly, Gate and fabrication process compatibility need to be considered. The structural approach of conventional poly-silicon gate electrode on high-k material does not seem to be a good method any more. A poly depletion effect results in increase of EOT [21-22]. Boron diffusion

through high-k dielectric degrades VTh instability and reliability

characteristics [22]. Moreover, Fermi level pinning characteristic affects narrow down of on-off margin in operation voltage of CMOS


[23]. Finally, the electrical reliability of new high-k dielectric must also be considered critical for application in CMOS technology. Whether or not a high-k dielectric satisfies the strict reliability criteria is still under investigation, and many areas of these studies are not well understood yet. However, a few preliminary projections for reliability such as stress induced leakage current (SILC), time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB), bias temperature stress (BTS) appear to be encouraging for adopting high-k material as a future gate dielectric.

The high-k materials as advanced gate dielectric to replace

conventional SiO2 should meet following properties :

1) High dielectric constant (12~60)

2) Large energy band gap (>5eV) and barrier height (


B > VDD)

3) Low leakage current at the operating voltage 4) Thermal stability on Si at high temperature

5) High crystalline temperature due to favorable amorphous phase 6) High resistance to oxygen and impurity penetration

7) Low interface states ( 11 2 1

10 −

< /


D cm eV ) with Si-substrate and

low bulk charge (negligible hysteresis and frequency dependence)

8) Low EOT (Tinv <1 nm) and gate leakage current

9) VFB and Hysteresis < 20mV

10) Less mobility degradation

11) No Fermic level pinning effect for high-k film contacting with

3 2




gate electrode, i.e., tunable work function of gate electrode 12) Compatibility with gate electrode material

13) Reliability (No charge trapping, TDDB>10years)

1.3.2 Challenges to High-k Technology

Compared with the conventional SiO2 oxide and poly-Si electrode,

the high-k oxides present many challenges in the context of compatibility with the Si MOSFET technology. In addition to incompatibility with annealing temperatures used for activating

poly-gates, the relatively poor quality, compared to SiO2, of the high-k

oxide materials causes charge trapping and makes the Si MOSFET gate unstable. The channel mobility degradation, and threshold voltage shift induced by high-k materials also need to be addressed. The high-k gate layer has soft optical phonons and the long-range dipole associated with the interface excitations would degrade the effective electron mobility in the inversion layer of the Si substrate [24]. Yang et al. [25] summarized the effects of all of the scattering and degradation mechanisms on the inversion channel carrier mobility, as shown in Fig. 1-6. The mobility issue is complicated by the fact that mobility values demonstrate dependence on the gate stack EOT. Therefore, different process solutions may be needed for high performance (small EOT) and low power (greater EOT) applications.

Process solutions yielding ~80% universal SiO2 mobility have been


The threshold voltage (VTh) shift of the poly-Si/high-k stack is another challenge that must be considered. Reliability characteristics of the Hf-based dielectric such as time dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB), bias temperature instability (BTI), and hot carrier induced degradation (HCI) have been actively investigated in connection with expected application of these materials in the high-k gate stack. One of main issues for high-k gate stack is the charge trapping characteristics during reliability test. Initial observation of

instability was studied through capacitance-voltage (CV)

characteristics in flat-band voltage change and current-voltage (IV) change. Since electrons can be trapped and detrapped in the high-k dielectrics with a minimal residual damage to its atomic structure [27],

a threshold voltage instability associated with electron

trapping/detrapping in high-k layer can significantly affect the transistor parameters and complicate the evaluation of the effects of stress-induced defect generation phenomenon on the high-k gate

stacks, which typically is not an issue in the case of SiO2 dielectrics.

Since those charge trapping affect significantly on VTh measurement

and reliability characteristics, comprehensive study is required to detail understand.

1.4 Overview of Enhancing Robustness by Fluorine

Silicon oxide is the insulator of CMOS, and it normally has few


hydrogenation, with any Si dangling bonds Pb centers converted to Si–H bonds. Historically fluorine incorporation into gate dielectric is known as an effective way to passivate the interface traps in the

conventional SiO2 gate dielectric and it can improve device reliability

because it was known that fluorine incorporation in the SiO2 gate

dielectrics replaces Si–H bonds with Si–F bonds, Si-F bonds rather strong than Si-H bonds. But the high-k oxides itself exist more much bulk trap charges than silicon oxide and suffer from a high density of charge traps. This causes transient instability of the gate threshold voltage, coulombic scattering of carriers in the Si channel, and possible reliability problems. Recent work indicates that the main

charge trap is the oxygen vacancy VO [28]. The high-k oxides differ

from Si:H or SiO2, that is, they all have ionic bonding. As a result of

implanted fluorine that was found to have a large beneficial effect on

charge trapping [29-31], F was found to substitute at the VO site and

passivates it. Thus F is one of the best passivant for defects in an ionic oxide because it is the only element that is more electronegative than oxygen and its bond length is similar. It can improve both the device performance and also reliability by way of F to passivate vacancies in

ionic oxides such as HfO2 because vacancies are more likely to be


However, an excess amount of F incorporation increases oxide thickness. It is known that excessive F annealing replaces Si–O bonds with Si–F bonds, which generates reactive oxygen atoms. The oxygen


atoms, which react with silicon substrate, form thick interfacial SiOx

layer [17-18]. Moreover, another drawback after an excess amount of fluorination is a net negative charge observed at the high-k oxide and

interfacial layer interface such as HfO2/SiO2, while also increasing the

leakage current density [32]. The higher leakage current may also result in part from possible barrier height lowering for electron transport through the high-k oxide stacks. On the other hand, boron diffusion and penetration in thin gate oxide down to 17 Å with poly-Si gate have been the troublesome problem for p-type MOSFETs [33]. It

shows even a moderate dose of F in SiO2/Si with poly-Si gate such as

significantly enhanced boron penetration through SiO2 from P+

poly-Si gate to substrate and an increase in the physical thickness of

SiO2 [34].

Therefore, tuning the F ion concentration at the HfO2/SiO2

interface may be an essential aspect of such a defect passivation scheme. Previous work studies suggest an insight into this problem. It was observed that the concentration of interstitial F ions was reduced by two orders of magnitude after a 400 °C FGA. Hydrogen annealings seem to be able to remove excess F ions which are not strongly

bonded in the bulk region of the HfO2 films [35].

1.5 Organization of the Thesis

This thesis consists of four chapters. The main topics are focused on the effects of fluorine incorporation into passivation dielectric of


n-MOSFETs with HfO2/SiON gate stack, evaluated in terms of

reliability and performances. We study systematically the electrical

characteristics of HfO2/SiON with FSG passivation dielectric, its

reliability issues, and the behavior of charge trapping. In addition to this chapter that is dedicated to introduce the reason of the high-k dielectrics on CMOS technology and systematic discuss the effects of fluorine incorporating on MOSFETs wirh high-k gate dielectric stacks, this thesis is organized as follows :

In chapter 02, we describe the experimental procedure for

fabricating n-MOSFETs test devices with HfO2/SiON gate stack as well

as FSG passivation dielectric. Fluorine profile and amount was

modulated by CF4-plasma gas flow into HfO2 n-MOSFET. Then, show

some basic electrical characteristics with and without FSG passivation dielectric, i.e., I-V and C-V characteristics, split C-V to obtain mobility, to evaluate the amount of interface states and bulk traps through charging pumping technique, and carrier separation to obtain leakage current mechanisms etc.

In chapter 03 presents the effects of FSG passivation dielectric on

HfO2 n-MOSFET reliability. Charge trapping characteristics, i.e., static

PBTI and dynamic trapping analysis with stress dependent high-k film quality, threshold voltage, interface state and high-k bulk trap density shifts as indicating factors will be discussed. Besides, hot carrier

reliability of the HfO2/SiON dielectric with the FSG passivation


DC stress suggests that the high-k dielectric with FSG passivation dielectric can provide optimistic results.

In chapter 04, we conclude with summaries of the experimental results above and suggest the possible future researches in this area.


1.6 Reference

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Table 1.1 2008 International Semiconductor Technology

Roadmap predicts rapid reduction in the future

technology trends for high performance logic,

LOP, and LSTP devices.


Fig. 1.1 Power dissipation (dynamic + static power) with

each generation

Fig. 1.2 The number of transistors in Intel processors

increases exponentially over the years


Fig. 1.3 Measured and simulated Ig-Vg characteristics

under inversion conditions of SiO




Fig. 1.4 By using high-k material to suppress gate

direct-tunneling current.


Fig. 1.5 TEM and SIMS analysis of Y




high-k dielectric

with capped and uncapped samples. Uncapped





sample shows additional interfacial layer

due to oxygen diffusion.

Fig. 1.6 Schematic representation of factors contributing to

carrier mobility degradation in a high-k oxide layer.



Effects of FSG Passivation from Various CF


Flow on the Properties of HfO


Thin Films

2.1 Introduction

In order to improve device performance, thinner gate insulators are required for deep sub-micron metal semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs). In this situation, high-k dielectrics are effective for suppressing gate leakage current. However, a major issue in applying high-k dielectrics is that it inherently possess a high density of structural defects, both intrinsic and process/integration related. Thus, Performance degradation for high-k is a concern, particularly for the low power applications where the high-k dielectric thickness is in the range containing high defect density. High defect density in the bulk of high-k gate dielectric and the interfaces in the gate stack structure are the major causes for bias temperature

instability (BTI) of VTh instability (or reliability degradation) [1] as

well as mobility degradation [2-3]. In order to eliminate these traps, a variety of nitridation techniques were proposed to incorporate nitrogen into the high-k films. Previous studies show that fluorine passivation is very robust and can be used to improve the reliability of high-κ dielectric MOSFETs [4-6]. Several research studies have demonstrated the application of fluorine ion implantation techniques to improve the electrical characteristics of high-k dielectric MOSFETs


by eliminating inherent bulk traps. However, it is worth pointing out that an additional thermal annealing process is required to activate the fluorine ions and cure the damage created by fluorine ion implantation, which can result in forming thicker EOT.

In this work, we studied the defect passivation with fluorine in a hafnium oxide High-K gate dielectric with poly-si gate. The novel fluorinated gate stack device exceeds the BTI targets with sufficient margin. Fluorinated silicate glass (FSG) films have also been utilized in the intermetal dielectric (IMD) layer, and in the fluorinated gate dielectric for integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing technology [7-8].

It has been demonstrated that the addition of fluorine atoms into SiO2

can reduce the film dielectric constant to 3.2 or lower, which leads to reduced cross-talk, RC time delay, and power consumption. Using FSG film to serve as IMD can meet the requirement of multilevel interconnection in ultralarge-scale integrated circuit (ULSI) applications. Moreover, the fluorinated gate dielectric can improve the gate oxide/Si substrate interface immunity against hot-carrier impact, and exhibits better dielectric breakdown characteristics [9]. On the other hand, Kim et al. have proposed using the FSG film to serve as a diffusion source to introduce fluorine atoms into the poly-Si film [10].

2.2 Experimental Procedure

The experiment propose a simple and effective fluorine passivation technique that involves the use of a FSG passivation layer


embedded in the HfO2/SiON gate dielectric. In the proposed fluorine

passivation method, we introduce the fluorine atoms into the HfO2

bulk material and other interfaces from the FSG passivation layer.

2.2.1 Device Fabrication Flow

First, we use local oxidation of silicon (LOCOS) process was used for device isolation. n-MOSFET device was fabricated on 6-inch p-type Si with (1 0 0)-oriention. After removing the 300Å sacrificial oxide, RCA clean was performed with HF-dip last, and immediately followed

by a conventional RTA at 800 °C for 30 sec in N2O ambient to form

about 1 nm interfacial oxynitride layer (SiON). Afterwards, HfO2 film

of approximately 30Å was deposited by atomic vapor deposition

(AVDTM) in an AIXTRON Tricent○R system at a substrate temperature

of 500 °C, followed by 600 °C N2 RTA for 30 sec in order to improve

the film quality. The physical thickness of the SiON and HfO2 films was

measured by optical N&K analyzer. A 200 nm poly-silicon was deposited by low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD). Subsequently, gate electrode was defined by I-line lithography stepper and etched by ECR etching system. After removing sidewall spacer, S/D extension implantation was implemented by As implantation. Spacer formation was carried out by plasma-enhance chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) and then S/D implantation was executed by Arsenic implantation. Rapid thermal anneal (RTA) was


Afterward, a 3000Å-thick FSG passivation layer (or PMD dielectric)

was deposited by PECVD at 300 °C with SiH4, N2O, and CF4 as

precursor gases (see Fig. 2-1). To investigate the effect of various

fluorine contents on the device performances, the SiH4 and N2O flow

rates were adjusted at 4 and 60 sccm, and a variety of flow rates 10,

20, and 30 sccm were used to introduce CF4 into the PECVD chamber

and deposit various FSG passivation layers. The various CF4 flow rates

of 10, 20, and 30 sccm correspond to the FSG A, FSG B, and FSG C passivation layers, respectively. Table 2.1 lists the conditions of precursors to grow FSG passivation layers. For comparison, the control sample was deposited with a 3000Å-thick conventional PECVD-TEOS passivation layer. Since the FSG film shows poor thermal stability and the fluorine atoms may diffuse out of the FSG film during

post thermal annealing, a 1000 Å-thick SiNx capping layer on the FSG

film was successively deposited by PECVD to improve the thermal stability of the FSG film and avoid the diffusion of fluorine atoms out of the FSG film [11]. After passivation layer formation and contact hole pattering. And Al-Si-Cu metallization was deposited by PVD system and then pattering. Finally, sintering process at 400 °C for 30 minutes

in N2 ambient is eventually executed to finish our novel fluorinated

devices in this thesis.

The main process flow is summarized in Fig. 2-2 and schematic

cross section of HfO2/SiON n-MOSFETs with FSG passivation layer is


2.2.2 Suitable Measurement Setup

The experimental setup for the I-V, C-V, charge pumping and reliability measurements of MOS device is illustrated in Fig. 2-4. Based on the PC controlled instrument environment, the complicated and long-term characterization procedures for analyzing the intrinsic and degradation behavior in MOSFET’s can be easily achieved.

Current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V)

characteristics were evaluated by a HP4156A precision semiconductor parameter analyzer and an HP4284 LCR meter, respectively. The capacitance equivalent thickness (CET) of the gate dielectrics was obtained from high frequency (100 KHz) capacitance-voltage (C-V) curve at strong inversion without considering quantum effect. The

interface trap density (Nit) was analyzed using the charging pumping

method. A 1MHz for frequency and 10 ns for rising/falling time square

pulse waveform provided by HP8110A with fixed amplitude level (VA)

is applied to NMOS gate. We keep VA at 1.2V while increase VBase

frome -1.0V to 0.9V by step 0.1V, i.e., the base voltage varied from inversion to accumulation. The parameter analyzer HP4156A is used

to measure the charge pumping current (ICP). Fig. 2-5 shows the

configuration of measurement setup used in our charging pumping

experiment. A MOSFET with gate area AG gives the charging pumping

current as Equation (2-1) :


CP G it


Interface trap density could be extracted from the above equation.

The total trap density increase, ∆NT, which includes the increase of

interface trap density and bulk trap density was calculated from ∆VTh

by assuming that the charge was trapped at the interface between the dielectric and the substrate. It expresses as follows Equation (2-2) :

∆ ∆ = Th T G C V N qA (2-2)

and bulk trap density also can be calculated as follows Equation (2-3) :

∆NB = ∆NT − ∆Nit (2-3)

For mobility characterization, the electron mobility for n-MOSFETs was extracted using split C-V method .

2.3 Result and Discussions

2.3.1 Basic Device Characteristics

The C-V curves (100 KHz) of FSG A, B, C, and control samples are

show in Fig. 2-6. The capacitance of the sample with CF4 gas

introduced decreases compared to that of the as-deposited sample,

which no obvious difference in C-V curves in substance. When CF4 gas

flow rate is lower than 20 sccm, it indicates a slight increase of CET in

FSG A and FSG B. However, the introduced CF4 gas is much more than

the allowable F concentration, residual damage for the CET after sintering step can be observed. The resultant CET increment faster may be an excess amount of F incorporation into high-k film stacks [12-13] or the absorption of moisture from the atmosphere in the


plasma-deposited FSG film is the principle root-cause, which many

studies indicated that the phenomenon of moisture (H2O) absorption

in the plasma-deposited FSG film has been observed because the Si–F bonds present are highly reactive with moisture [14-15]. Fig. 2-7 was

investigated with respect to CET and flat-band voltage (VFB , not

shown) [16] for the samples. We can see the fact that the VFB has

shifted to positive direction as the CF4 flow rate increases and EOT is

also affected by the presence of F atoms. This is point out that decrease of positively charged traps or increase of negatively charged traps [17-19].

Fig. 2-8 shows the gate leakage current of n-MOSFET with

HfO2/SiON gate stack under both inversion and accumulation modes.

It can obviously noted that with FSG passivation layer, the leakage current is significantly suppressed for both polarities. Specially, the reduction under normal operation condition, i.e., inversion mode, is around 40% of magnitude lower. One of the reasons for the exhibited gate leakage current reduction may be a thicker CET for two splits of

fluorinated devices. Hence, it extrapolates that the CF4 gas flow rate

even up to 30 sccm doesn’t deteriorate gate leakage current, and on the contrary, the reduction extent of gate leakage current is

dependent on the flow rate of CF4 gas introduced into FSG passivation

from measurement data of Weibull distributions shown in Fig. 2-9. Fig.

2-10 demonstrates the transconductance (Gm) as a function of gate


(Capacitance Equivalent Thickness), which is 37.9Å, 39.4Å, 42.1Å, and 38.3Å for FSG A, B, C, and control sample, respectively. The peak transconductance is 28%, 42%, and 67% for FSG passivation with respect to TEOS passivation. Fig. 2-11 shows the improved

normalized linear drain–current ID which FSG P.L. is 24% higher

above than TEOS P.L. and the inset of subthreshold slope (S.S.)

reduced 9.6% for the CF4 introduced samples, indicating that

fluorinated CMOS HfO2 has better interface characterization. Previous

study [20] on Zr-silicate indicates that electron transport in the channel can be degraded by the coulomb scattering of negative charges in the bulk film, and Fischetti et. al [21] also points out that electron mobility in the inversion layer is affected by remote phonon scattering due to ionic polarization in high-k films. Therefore, the peak

transconductance degradation in HfO2/SiON stack is probably due to

charges or traps in the bulk film, as evidenced by the positive shift in C-V curve in Fig. 2-6, even if the interface-state densities are kept to

be small. Besides, as shown Fig. 2-12, the VTh distribution is less

affected by the addition of F for FSG A and B wihile a increased VTh

can be observed for FSG C, which also corresponding with the VFB

trend (not shown) due to negatively charged traps.

Fig. 2-13 presents the excellent output drive current

characteristics ( ID −VDS ) under various normalized gate biases


for FSG P.L. with respect to TEOS P.L.. The gate voltage has been normalized with respect to threshold voltage to minimize the effect of

threshold voltage. We also understand that normalized ID Sat, and

transconductance max peak depends on the flow rate of CF4 gas or the

amount of fluorine incorporated from Fig. 2-14. The improvements are believed to be intimately related not only to the better interface quality but also to the reduced bulk trap density. To quantify the interface state density by the CP current measurement, which the CP peak height is approximately proportional to the interface state

density (Nit) along the channel, Fig. 2-15 can be seen that the trend

is quite consistent with that in subthreshold swing, as shown in inset of Fig. 2-11. Channel mobility is dependant on the nature of gate dielectric between Si substrate and high-k gate dielectric.

CF4-introduced high-k gate dielectrics suffer from CET increased

whereas mobility can be enhanced shown in Fig. 2-16. The peak mobility for FSG C device is 7% higher than the control, and the high field mobility at 0.8MV/cm is 49% higher than the control, which is

correlated with the higher Gm,max (see inset of Fig. 2-16) and higher

output current characteristics. The electron mobility at 0.8MV/cm for

the fluorinated device is 68% of SiO2 universal curve. Clearly, as the

amount of introduced CF4 gas become elevated, peak mobility

increasing with decreasing interface state density implying the weak and dangling bonds, associated with interface and trap states, are passivated and released strain bonds by fluorine atoms, leading to the


enhanced electrical characteristics show in Fig. 2-17.

Fig 2-18 indicates the subthreshold swing of devices with different passivation layers as a function of channel length. And we find that subthreshold swing for FSG P.L. shows the better interface states than TEOS P.L.. Thus, the FSG P.L. will improve the subthreshold swing in device. The relation between drain current and channel length for all

splits of HfO2/SiON gate stack n-MOSFET is shown in Fig. 2-19 and Gm

is in Fig. 2-20. When channel length becomes shorter, the

improvement is more obvious. Fig 2-21 shows the VTh -roll-off

characteristics with different passivation layers. When channel length

is less than 1µm, VTh-roll-off phenomenon is more serious for TEOS

P.L. while the FSG devices effectively suppress this behaviour to the

same extend with increasing the amount of CF4 gas flow. In short, it

was found that all fundamental electrical properties, including the CET, flat-band voltage, threshold voltage, drive current, interface state

density (Nit), swing, mobility, gate leakage current, and short channel

effect are almost non-degradation instead of surprise enhancement for device performance between the four splits with FSG and TEOS P.L..

2.3.2 Current Transport mechanism

Using the carrier separation method, the carrier type is investigated for the fresh devices. The carrier of gate leakage can be separated into holes and electrons. Fig 2-22 (a) and (b) are carrier


separation results for the TEOS sample under inversion and accumulation regions, respectively. It is shown that the S/D current that electrons tunnel through gate stack dominates the gate leakage for the inversion region while the substrate current that holes tunnel through gate stack dominates the gate leakage for the accumulation region. The carrier separation results for the FSG sample are shown in Fig. 2-23 (a). The case for the accumulation region is similar to the TEOS sample (see Fig. 2-23 (b)), i.e., holes from the substrate dominate the gate leakage. However, the case for the inversion region

is different from the TEOS sample, where ISD is obviously


These trends can be explained by the band diagram shown in Fig. 2-24 (a) and carrier separation experiment shown in Fig. 2-24 (b).

The substrate current ISUB corresponds to the hole current from the

gate, while the S/D current ISD corresponds to the electron current

from Si substrate under inversion region. Holes supply from the gate valence band in n-MOSFETs is limited by the generation rate of

minority holes in n+ gate. On the other hand, the probability of

carriers from S/D that tunnel through gate stack is strongly affected by tunneling distance and barrier height of ~ 1.0 nm interfacial

oxynitride layer. As a result of the asymmetry of the HfO2/SiON band

structure, it is more difficult for holes to tunnel through gate stack, as compared to electrons. Consequently, the current through the gate stack should be smaller for holes, as compared to electrons. In


n-MOSFETs, electron current from the channel is the predominant injection current under stressing. The leakage component under accumulation region could also be explained by band diagrams shown in Fig. 2-25 (a), and the current component flow in carrier separation experiment is shown in Fig. 2-25 (b). In addition, we can see that the magnitude of the leakage current in inversion is larger than that in accumulation. A plausible explanation can be understand from the asymmetric band diagram’s point of view.

Fig. 2-26 (a) and (b) show gate current Ig as a function of Vg for

the HfO2/SiON gate stacks measured at several different

temperatures up 100 °C in inversion and accumulation regions, respectively, for two different passivation layers. The current is temperature dependent that increases with increasing temperature. This implies that the conduction mechanism of gate current is trap-related, i.e., trap-assisted tunneling (TAT), Frenkel-Poole, etc. Base on the equation of Frenkel-Poole (F-P) :



∝ exp( − B) B q a V I V T k T (2-4) 0


πε ε

− − = * exp( ( B ox / H )) ox B q qE J B E k T (2-5) 0

πε ε


= / − ln( ) H B ox ox B B q q q J E E k T k T (2-6)

Where B is a constant in terms of the trapping density in the HfO2


Fig. 1.2 The number of transistors in Intel processors    increases exponentially over the years
Fig. 1.3 Measured and simulated Ig-Vg characteristics  under inversion conditions of SiO 2  N-MOSFET  devices
Table 2.1 Conditions of gas flow rates to deposit FSG  passivation layers.
Fig. 2.3 Cross section of HfO 2 /SiON n-MOSFET with FSG  passivation layer.



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