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(1)1. ഏ‫م‬ਙएՕᖂψඒߛፖ֨෻ઔߒω 2014 ‫ ڣ‬12 ִΔ37 ࠴ 4 ཚΔ଄ 1-30 DOIʳ 10.3966/102498852014123704001. ७‫ۢܜ‬ᙊᅳጱăିर૞ຽ൴णᄃጯ७ംᇊ ྤώᙯܼ̝ࡁտ છფဂ*! ླྀຐ๔**. ᄢ! ौ. ‫ء‬ઔߒ‫׌‬૞‫ؾ‬ऱ‫ڇ‬൶ߒഏ‫ا‬՛ᖂீ९वᢝᏆᖄΕඒஃറᄐ࿇୶ፖᖂீཕᐝᇷ ‫ء‬հᒵࢤ࿨ዌᣂএΖ‫ء‬ઔߒආ‫ش‬ം࠴ᓳ਷ऄΔ‫א‬ፕ‫ؑק‬Εᄅ‫ؑק‬ፖഗၼؑ48ࢬֆ‫م‬ ഏ‫ا‬՛ᖂඒஃ੡ઔߒኙွΖം࠴ᓳ਷࿨࣠ආ‫ش‬࿨ዌֱ࿓ᑓ‫ڤ‬ၞ۩։࣫Ζ‫׌‬૞࿇෼ፖ ࿨ᓵ‫ڕ‬ՀΚԫΕഏ‫ا‬՛ᖂψீ९वᢝᏆᖄωኙআၞψඒஃറᄐ࿇୶ωࠠ‫᧩ڶ‬ထऴ൷ ய࣠ΙԲΕഏ‫ا‬՛ᖂψඒஃറᄐ࿇୶ωኙ༼೏ψᖂீཕᐝᇷ‫ء‬ω‫᧩ڶ‬ထऴ൷ய࣠Ι ԿΕீ९वᢝᏆᖄ‫ױ‬ຘመᖞ᧯ඒஃറᄐ࿇୶հխտ‫ش܂‬Δၴ൷‫ٻإ‬ᐙ᥼ᖂீཕᐝᇷ ‫ء‬Δۖኙࠡ‫ܗࢬڶ‬墿Ζ‫ء‬ઔߒࠀ༼‫נ‬ઌᣂ৬ᤜΔ‫ڶࠎא‬ᣂඒߛ໢‫ۯ‬೶‫ە‬Ζ. ᜰᗤຠȈ ਠߏ‫ޕ‬᛽ሦᏤǵ௲ৣ஑཰ว৖ǵᏢਠඵችၗҁ. *. છფဂǺ୯ҥࡹ‫ݯ‬εᏢ௲‫ػ‬Չࡹᆶࡹ฼ࣴ‫܌ز‬௲௤ ླྀຐ๔Ǻᆵчѱࡹ۬௲‫ֽػ‬Ꮲ߻௲‫ࣽࣽػ‬঩ ႝηແҹǺ99171006@nccu.edu.tw. **. ԏҹВයǺ2013.11.07ǹঅ‫ׯ‬ВයǺ2013.12.17ǹௗ‫ڙ‬ВයǺ2014.06.17.

(2) 2. Journal of Education & Psychology December, 2014, Vol. 37 No. 4, pp. 1-30. Examining the Relationships Among Principals’ Knowledge Leadership, Teachers’ Professional Development, and School Intellectual Capital Joseph M. Chin*ʳ Yong-Siang, Yang**. $EVWUDFW. The purpose of this study was to explore the linear structural relationships of principals’ knowledge leadership, teachers’ professional development, and school intellectual capital in the public elementary schools. Literature analysis and questionnaire survey were utilized in this study. Subjects from forty-eight public elementary schools in Taipei City, New Taipei City and Keelung City were randomly chosen in this study. Collected data were analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM). The major findings of this study included: (1) Principals’ knowledge leadership had direct effect on teachers’ professional development in elementary schools. (2) Teachers’ professional development had direct effect on school intellectual capital in elementary schools. (3) Tested by the mediated-effects model, it was found that principals’ knowledge leadership had significant indirect effects on school intellectual *. Joseph M. Chin: Professor, Graduate Institute of Educational Administration and Policy, National Chengchi University ** Yong-Siang, Yang: Administrator, Preschool Education Section, Department of Education, Taipei City Government E-mail: 99171006@nccu.edu.tw Manuscript received: 2013.11.07; Revised: 2013.12.17; Accepted: 2014.06.17.

(3) 3. capital mediated by the teachers’ professional development of the public elementary schools. Based on the major findings, several related recommendations were made for the school administrators.. .H\ZRUGV principals’ knowledge leadership, development, school intellectual capital. teachers’. professional.




















(23) ਠߏ‫ޕ‬᛽ሦᏤǵ௲ৣ஑཰ว৖ᆶᏢਠඵችၗҁᜢ߯ϐࣴ‫ !ز‬23. (έ) मΨᒊӫਮߝ‫ޣ‬ᜋሴᏲᇄఀ ৱடཾี৤ȂоಣᑖᏰਮස ኋၥҏ. ᏆᖄΕඒஃറᄐ࿇୶ፖᖂீཕᐝᇷ‫֗ء‬ ࠡ‫ܓ‬୭ᣂএԳࢬवᤚऱԫ֊Ζ 2. ઔߒֱऄ෗‫֏ٽ‬. ீ९ᚨ‫ך‬ኔᏆᖄव౨Εᖿᚐ‫ګ‬୉. ‫ء‬ઔߒආ‫ش‬ം࠴ᓳ਷ऄΔ౨ᐖऑ. ᖂ฾ΔีᗨᖂீԳԺᇷ‫ء‬ΙՈᚨᖞ‫ٽ‬व. ፦ႃ‫ீٺ‬ᇷறΔ‫ڇ‬ઔߒඒߛ෼ွհຏঞ. ᢝᇷᄭΕ୶෼໌ᄅ۩೯Δีᗨᖂீ࿨ዌ. ᏅࠠᚌႨΖ‫ڼ‬ጟઔߒֱऄ᥽֗Աኔᐛᇷ. ᇷ‫ء‬Ιٍᚨআၞ‫܂ٽ‬։ࠆΔีᗨᖂீᣂ. றᒤᡱऱᐖ৫Δ‫܀‬ਢփොऱ෡৫ࡸ‫ޓױ‬. এᇷ‫ء‬ፖᖂீԳԺᇷ‫ء‬Ζࠡ‫ڻ‬Δ‫ீڇ‬९. ‫ף‬ൎ֏Ζ‫ڼڂ‬Δ‫ࠐآ‬ઔߒೈԱ‫ױ‬ආം࠴. ༼ଠवᢝᏆᖄհᎾΔ‫ؘ‬ႊ֧Ꮖඒஃ壄ၞ. ᓳ਷ऄ‫ڼ‬࿛ၦ֏ֱऄհ؆Δٍ‫ױ‬ଫආᔆ. ᖂઝव౨Εඒߛറᄐव౨Εඒߛറᄐ壄. ֏ֱऄΔ壆‫ڕ‬๶ᓫᓳ਷ऄΕྡྷរቸ᧯ஆ. 壀ΔদཬᖂீԳԺᇷ‫ء‬ΙՈႊ෡֏ඒஃ. ᓫΕ೶ፖᨠኘ࿛Δ‫܂‬෗‫ٽ‬ઔߒΖ‫ڼ‬؆Δ. ຏ‫ش‬व౨ΔদཬᖂீԳԺᇷ‫ء‬Εᖂீ࿨. ၦ֏ֱऄՈլওૻ࣍ം࠴ᓳ਷ऄΔૉ‫آ‬. ዌᇷ‫ء‬ፖᖂீᣂএᇷ‫ء‬ΖངߢհΔீ९. ࠐีᗨ᠆༄ऱ֮᣸Δٍ‫ױ‬ၞ۩৵๻։. ᚨ༼ଠवᢝᏆᖄ‫ีא‬ᗨᖂீཕᐝᇷ‫ء‬Δ. ࣫Δൕֲ࣏ऱઔߒࠩ‫ء‬ઔߒԯ۟৵ᥛઔ. ٍႊຘመඒஃറᄐ࿇୶ࠐদཬᖂீཕᐝ. ߒհઔߒ࿨࣠Δ٦‫ڻ‬ၞ۩։࣫ፖ᧭ᢞΔ. ᇷ‫ء‬Δၞۖ༼֒ᖂீऱඒᖂ‫ګ‬யΕ٥‫ٵ‬. ‫ࡳؘ‬౨ᛧી‫᠆ޓ‬ጚऱઔߒ࿨ᓵΖ. ᏝଖፖᤁञᚌႨΖ. (Ѳ)ᄇҐ‫ـं៉ࡣپ‬Ϟ࡚ដ. 3. ઔߒՠࠠ໌ᄅ֏ ഏփ‫ؾ‬ছբດ‫ޡ‬࿇୶ԫࠄඒߛᇷ. 1. ઔߒኙွឩՕ֏. ற஄Δ壆‫ڕ‬ፕ᨜೏࿛ඒߛᖞ‫ٽ‬ᇷற஄. ‫ء‬ઔߒಾኙֆ‫م‬ഏ‫ا‬՛ᖂऱீ९. ΰ TIPED αΕ ፕ ᨜ ஃ ᇷ ഛ ߛ ᇷ ற ஄. वᢝᏆᖄΕඒஃറᄐ࿇୶ፖᖂீཕᐝᇷ. ΰTTEDαΕፕ᨜ඒߛ९ཚಳ᠋ᇷற஄. ‫ء‬ၞ۩ԱᇞΔ‫آ‬ലഏ‫ا‬խᖂΕ೏్խ. ΰTEPSα࿛Δ‫ࠐآࠎױ‬ઔߒृ೶‫ە‬Ζ. ᖂΕ೏࿛ඒߛΕࠡ‫ה‬ᣊীᖂீ֗ߏ‫م‬ᖂ. ‫ڼ‬؆Δૉ඿ଫආ๶ᓫᓳ਷ऄΔ‫ױ‬ආ‫ش‬. ீ౏੡ઔߒኙွΖࠡ‫ڻ‬Δ‫ء‬ઔߒ‫א‬ඒஃ. MAXQDAຌ᧯։࣫๶ᓫດ‫ڗ‬ᒚΔᅝ‫ױ‬. ΰ‫׌‬ٚࢨิ९Ε్ٚඒஃΕઝٚඒஃα. ࠌᔆ֏ઔߒ‫ףޓ‬ઝᖂ֏Ζ. ࢬवᤚऱீ९वᢝᏆᖄΕඒஃറᄐ࿇୶ ፖᖂீཕᐝᇷ‫ء‬੡‫׌‬Δ‫آ‬ലீ९Ε୮ ९Εඒߛ۩ਙᖲᣂԳ୉࿛ࠡ‫ה‬ඒߛ‫ܓ‬୭ ᣂএԳ౏੡ઔߒኙွΖਚ‫ࠐآ‬հઔߒ‫ױ‬ ലઔߒኙွឩՕΔ‫ޓא‬Աᇞ‫ٺ‬ၸ੄ᖂ ீΕ‫ٺ‬ᣊীᖂீΕֆߏ‫م‬ᖂீீ९वᢝ. ୤ՃМᝦ ‫ࣔ׆‬ոΰ2005αΖඒஃ塄‫ګ‬હནፖᖂ‫س‬ᖂᄐ ‫ګ‬ᜎऱᣂຑࢤհઔߒΚ‫א‬ፕࣟᗼഏ՛ ն‫్ڣ‬੡ࠏΖᇃ‫ݍ‬σᏰఀ‫ى‬ᏰൢȂIJķ ΰ1αΔ35-68Ζ μWang, M. J. (2005). The relationship between.

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