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Parenting Style , Internet Using Behaviors , and Internet Addiction of High School Students. 黃慧鈞、黃德祥


Academic year: 2022

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Parenting Style , Internet Using Behaviors , and Internet Addiction of High School Students.


E-mail: 9706901@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purposes of this study are to explore the Parenting style, Internet using behaviors , Internet addiction, and related factors among high school students in Taiwan. The study exame the difference of Parenting style, Internet using behaviors, and Internet addiction of subjects; analyzes the background variables in the Parenting style, Internet using behavior, and Internet addiction on the students.

Moreover, this study develops the structural equation model of background variables, Parenting style, Internet using behaviors, and Internet addiction, which serves the purpose of illustrsting the linear strutural relationships among the relevant variables. This study used a questionnaire survey to 12 high schools in Taiwan, including 1,111 students to study, imposed by the "Internet Addiction Scale", "Internet Use Scale," "Father Style Scale ", and" Mather Style Scale " Descriptive statistics, t-test analysis of variance, the typical related, Pearson's correlation, multiple regression were applied for the data analysis, using SPSS 12.0, and the good-of-fit of structural modeling and the relationships between dominant variables and observing data were investigated, using AMOS 5.0 (Analysis of Moment Structure). The research results are that there were significantly differences in gender in Internet using behavior and Internet addiction. There were significantly differences in social status in information of the use of the Internet. There were significantly differences in parenting style in Internet using behavior and Internet addiction. The parenting style, Internet using behaviors and Internet addiction had a significant correlation. There were significant forecasting role in Internet using entertainment

、Internet using pornography, Internet using sociability, and parenting reaction in Internet addiction. There was a good fit measure result and the parenting reaction in high school students had significantly affections on Internet addiction. Internet using

entertainment、Internet using pornography, and Internet using sociability in high school students had significantly affections on Internet addiction.

Keywords : Internet behavior, Internet addiction, Parenting style

Table of Contents

中文摘要..................... iii 英文摘要..................... iv 致謝辭...................... vi 內容目錄..................... vii 圖目錄...................... x 表目錄...................... xii 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的........... 1 第二節 研究問題與假設........... 6 第三節 名詞解釋與研究限制......... 7 第二章 文獻探討 第一節父母親的教養方式........... 10 第二節 網路使用行為與網路成癮的相關研究... 17 第三節 網路成癮的理論與相關研究...... 22 第三章 研究方法 第一 節 研究架構.............. 32 第二節 研究對象.............. 34 第三節 研究工具..

............ 37 第四節 結構方程模式............ 57 第五節 統計方法及資料處理....

..... 59 第六節 研究程序.............. 61 第四章 結果與討論 第一節 背景變項對父母教養方式、

網路使用行為及網路成癮的差異考驗........ 62 第二節 父母教養方式對網路使用行為及網路成癮的差異考驗.

............ 68 第三節 高中職學生父母教養方式、網路使用行為及網路成癮之相關分析........

76 第四節 高中職學生網路使用行為及網路成癮之典型相關分析............. 80 第五節 背景變項、父母教 養方式、網際網路使用行為對網際網路成癮行為的預測作用.. 82 第六節 各變項結構模式考驗......... 84 第 五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論................ 93 第二節 研究建議.............. 97 參考文獻 103 附錄 附錄一 預試基本資料............ 120 附錄二 網路成癮預試量表..........

122 附錄三 網路使用行為預試量表........ 123 附錄四 父親教養方式預試量表........ 124 附錄五 母 親教養方式預試量表........ 125 附錄六 網路成癮正式施測量表........ 126 附錄七 網路使用行為正 式施測量表...... 127 附錄八 父親教養方式正式施測量表...... 128 附錄九 母親教養方式正式施測量表.

..... 129 附錄十 正式施測基本資料.......... 130 REFERENCES

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