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Online Games Addiction, Aggression and Related Factors of Junior High School Students 黃合圓、黃德祥


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Online Games Addiction, Aggression and Related Factors of Junior High School Students 黃合圓、黃德祥

E-mail: 9805381@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This research attempts to define the statistical distribution using the involvement of playing online games, online game addiction, and aggressive behavior for junior high school students with different social background. The correlation among the parental variables, the involvement of playing online games, online games addiction, and aggressive behavior are also investigated. The online game addiction based on the social background , the parental variables, and the involvement of playing online games is also

analyzed. The aggressive behavior based on the social background , the parental variables, the involvement of playing online games, and the online game addiction is also analyzed

The research is conducted through survey on six hundred and eleven public middle high school students at three different regions (north, central, and south) of Taiwan. The summary of this research regarding adolescents is listed below:

1. Genders of the junior high students play a role in playing online games, kinds, playing hours per week, the spend per month, and companions. Grades of the junior high students play a role in the hours of online games per week. Studies performance of the junior high students play a role in playing online games, playing for years, the hours per week, the spend per month, and the companions.

2. It is possible to predict online game addiction based on playing hours per week, the spend per month, and the companions, genders, grades, studies performances, the opinions of games from parents, and the years of the gamer playing. It is possible to predict the aggressive behavior based on forcing to play online games, genders, the places, and the spend per month.

Keywords : junior high school students、online games、online game addiction、aggressive behavior Table of Contents

中文摘要 ...................... iii 英文摘要 ...................... iv 誌謝辭.........................vi 內容目錄....................... vii 表目錄.........................ix 圖目錄.........................xi 第一章  緒論.................... 1 第一節  研究動機................ 1 第二節  研究目的................ 7 第三節 研究問題與假設............. 8 第四節 重要名詞釋義.............. 9 第五節 研究範圍與限制............. 11

第二章  文獻探討.................. 12 第一節  網路線上遊戲之相關理論與研究.......12 第二節 網路線上遊戲之使用現況探討.......28 第三節 網路線上遊戲成癮之相關理論與研究....38 第四節 攻擊行為之相關理論與研究........44 第五節 網路線上遊戲成癮與攻擊行為之相關理論與研究.48 第三章 研究方法............... ...53 第一節 研究架構................53 第二節 研究對象................56 第三節 研究工具................58 第四節 資料處理................72 第五節 實施程序................74 第四章 結果與討論................76

第一節 不同背景變項之國中生網路線上遊戲涉入經驗各層面上的差異情形...76


第二節 不同背景變項之國中生網路線上遊戲的成癮傾向與攻擊行為各層面上的差異 情形..............


第三節 國中生網路線上遊戲涉入經驗、父母變項、網路線上遊戲成癮傾向與攻擊行為之相關分析...........


第四節 國中生背景變項、父母變項與網路線上遊戲涉入經驗對其網路線上遊戲成癮傾向預測分析...........


第五節 國中生背景變項、父母變項、網路線上遊戲涉入經驗與成癮傾向對其攻擊行為預測分析............


第五章 結論與建議.................114 第一節 結論...................114 第二節 建議..................129 參考文獻......................137 附錄A  預試問卷..................159 附錄B  正式問卷..................164 REFERENCES

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The usage of computer and Internet has provided a passageway to satisfy the needs.The purpose of this study is to probe into the Internet usage/online behavior and Internet

The purposes of this research was to investigate relations among learning motivation, learning strategies and satisfaction for junior high school students, as well as to identify

In different gender、time for study、time for cram、the parents education level and household income of junior high school students , some aspects of the academic stress were

This research tries to understand the current situation of supplementary education of junior high school in Taichung City and investigate the learning factors and

The objective of this research was to investigate the major factors for choose Vocational College from Taiwanese Vocational High School students, and to identify any differences

The purpose of the study aims at discussing the important factors of affecting junior high school students in aboriginal areas in terms of learning mathematics.. The research

This study was conducted to understand the latest situation between perception of principal‘s leading role and school effectiveness in junior high schools, and

To understand the Internet addiction behaviors, this study inquires the personal and family related factors, online experience related factors, interpersonal interactions