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The Effects of Junior High School Students’ Leisure Participation to Self-conception 陳仲怡、施建彬


Academic year: 2022

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The Effects of Junior High School Students’ Leisure Participation to Self-conception 陳仲怡、施建彬

E-mail: 9805380@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The main idea of the research is to explore the influence of junior high school students’leisure activity participation to self-conception, and the related situations between scholastic achievement, parent child relationship, peer relationship and

self-conception.The research was carried out by junior high school students in Changua County filling out questionnaires. The total vaid samples are 476 copies. The acquired data is analyzed by describable statistics, one-way ANOVA , Pearson’s product moment correlation conefficient and multiple regression analysis. The results of the research are as following: 1. Firstly, there are remarkable differences between the students with different scholatic achievement on entire self-conception. 2. Secondly, the vectors between all parent child relationship issues and self-conception are positive correlation. 3. Thirdly, the vectors between all peer relationship issues and self-conception are positive correlation. 4. Fourthly, currently, the leisure activities junior high school students participate in are mainly in reading-listenting style, noncompetitive and family-style activities. They less participate in appreciating natural, religious and extreme style activities. 5. Fifthly, the correlation between leisure activity participation and self-conception is positive.

In all kinds of leisure activity participation are all positive to self-conception, except reading-listenting style leisure activities. 6.

Sixthly, scholastic achievement, parent child relationship, peer relationship and leisure activity participation are positive correlation to self-conception. 7. Finally, the results of the research can propose concrete suggestions for educationalunits, parents and future researchers for reference.

Keywords : junior high school student ; leisure activity participation ; self-conception Table of Contents

中文摘要...iii 英文摘要...iv 誌謝辭...vi 內容 目錄...vii 表目錄...ix 圖目錄...xi 第一章 緒 論...1 第一節 研究背景與動機...1 第二節 研究目的...4 第三 節 研究問題...5 第四節 重要名詞釋義...5 第二章 文獻探

討...7 第一節 青少年發展...7 第二節 自我概念...9 第三節 學 業成就與自我概念...15 第四節 親子關係與自我概念...15 第五節 同儕關係與自我概

念...17 第六節 休閒參與和自我概念...18 第七節 總結...22 第三章 研 究方法...24 第一節 研究架構與假設...24 第二節 研究對象...26 第三節 研究工具...27 第四章 研究結果...32 第一節 學業成就與自我概念之分 析...32 第二節 親子關係與自我概念之分析...35 第三節 同儕關係與自我概念之分

析...37 第四節 休閒參與和自我概念之分析...38 第五節 自我概念之迴歸分析...41 第五章 討論與建議...54 第一節 綜合討論...54 第二節 建

議...63 參考文獻...67 附錄 研究問卷...76 REFERENCES

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