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The Relations among Temperament, Self-Regulation, and Academic Achievement in Adolescence 吳承津、謝智玲


Academic year: 2022

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The Relations among Temperament, Self-Regulation, and Academic Achievement in Adolescence


E-mail: 9800858@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study focuses on the interaction between temperament, self-regulation, and academic achievement in adolescence. The sample consisted of 1200 junior high school students from Taiwan. Temperament (Sociability, Activity, Emotionality) was assessed by the EAS (Temperament Questionnaire EAS) for adolescence, self-regulation by the SRS( Self-Regulatory Scale), and academic

achievement by”The Committee of The Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students.” The first purpose of this study was to explore the relations among adolescence temperament (emotionality, activity, sociality), self-regulation, and academic achievement in junior high school students in Taiwan . The second purpose of this study was to examine self-regulation variables which were stronger predictors of academic achievement than were temperament variables and mediated the relations between temperament indicator and academic achievement from adolescence. There are four results in this study. (1) temperament variables, self-regulation variables and academic achievement were significantly correlation. (2)Sociality variables were significantly positive correlation in self-regulation variables and academic achievement. (3)Emotionality variables and activity variables were significantly negative correlation in self-regulation variables and academic achievement.(4) Emotionality of temperament variables could negative predict self-regulation variables. (5)self-regulation variables could positive predict academic achievement in adolescence. (6)

temperament variables could predict academic achievement in adolescence. (7)Self-regulation variables which were stronger predictors of academic achievement than were temperament variables and mediated the relations between temperament indicator and academic achievement from adolescence.

Keywords : adolescence、temperament、self-regulation、academic、achievement Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ................

..... iv 誌謝辭  ..................... vi 內容目錄 ..............

....... vii 表目錄  ..................... ix 圖目錄  ............

......... x 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究動機與目的..

.......... 1   第二節  研究問題............... 5   第三節  研究假設....

........... 6   第四節  名詞解釋............... 6 第二章  文獻探討.....

............. 8   第一節  氣質之內涵.............. 8   第二節  自我調節.

.............. 18   第三節  氣質、自我調節與學習成就之關係.... 25 第三章  研究方法.

................ 34   第一節  研究架構............... 34   第二節  研 究對象............... 36   第三節  研究工具............... 37   第四節   資料分析............... 42 第四章  分析與結果................ 44   第一 節  調查樣本的結構分析.......... 44   第二節  描述性統計分析............ 45    第三節  青少年氣質、自我調節與學習成就之相關 情形分析................ 46   第四節  青 少年氣質、自我調節與學習成就之預測. 47   第五節  青少年氣質、自我調節與學習成就之... 中介情形...

............ 50 第五章  討論與建議................ 53   第一節  討論...

.............. 53   第二節  建議................. 69 參考文獻  ....

................ 63 附錄  ...................... 83 表目錄 表 2- 1 自 我調節理論整理表............. 20 表 2- 2 學習功能之自我調節理論整理表........ 23 表 2- 3 氣 質與自我調節關係表............ 27 表 3- 1 氣質項目分析表............... 39 表 3- 2 自 我調節向自我調節項目分析表........ 41 表 4- 1 樣本人數分配及百分比分析表......... 45 表 4- 2- 青少年氣質、自我調節與學習成就平均數與標準差分析表................... 45 表 4- 3 各研究變 項間之平均數、標準差及積差相關... 分析表................... 47 表 4- 4 氣質對學習成就之 迴歸分析摘要表....... 48 表 4- 5 自我調節對學習成就之迴歸分析摘要表..... 48 表 4- 6 氣質對自我調節之 迴歸分析摘要表....... 49 表 4- 7 自我調節在氣質對基測總分學習成就...... 階層迴歸分析表.....


........... 51 表 4- 8 自我調節在氣質對學習成就間的中介效果 摘要表................

... 51 表 5- 1 各項假設考驗主要結果摘要表......... 53 圖目錄 圖 3- 1 研究架構圖..........

....... 34 圖 3- 2 中介變項要件圖............... 35 圖 4- 1 氣質在情緒性與自我調節之間的 中介效果圖................. 51


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The purposes of this research was to investigate relations among learning motivation, learning strategies and satisfaction for junior high school students, as well as to identify

In different gender、time for study、time for cram、the parents education level and household income of junior high school students , some aspects of the academic stress were

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of learning organization culture on teachers’ study and teaching potency in Public Elementary Schools.. The research tool of

The purpose of the study aims at discussing the important factors of affecting junior high school students in aboriginal areas in terms of learning mathematics.. The research

This purpose of study was to realize, as well as the factors of influence of information technology integrated in teaching by junior high school special education teachers in

In this study, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM 2) is employed to explore the relationships among the constructs of the model and website usage behaviors to investigate

The main purpose of this study is to explore the status quo of the food quality and service quality for the quantity foodservice of the high-tech industry in Taiwan;

The purpose of this study was to investigate the current situation of multicultural literacy and intercultural sensitivity of junior high school teachers in Taichung