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Academic year: 2021

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୬រᙋٙበᄦĶᄮᙊܦߋഇّۢᙊିֈķିՄߏӎਕԼචٕޙၹ઼̈ጯ௫ᅪᘣ ጯආѣϒቁ۞Ķّۢᙊିֈķ៍هٕၗޘඈĂ่ਕᄓะ۞ᇹώᇴྵ͌Ăᔵ൑ڱ тયסአߤٕณ̼ିጯ̬ˢ۞ࡁտਕᄓะז̂ณᇴፂྤफ़ĂซҖณ̼۞௚ࢍ̶ ژĂҭώࡁտўͽܮӀפᇹ۞၁ચனಞ่ѣጯ௫ᅪᘣጯආࠎ͹Ăͽҋበˣ࣎ಏ ̮Ķّۢᙊିֈķ۞ିጯ̬ˢĂ೩ֻග઼̈ጯ௫ᅪᘣጯආĂጔ୕΁ࣇਕ௫଀ϒ ቁ۞ّۢᙊĂϏֽਕѣྵઉБ۞͕֗൴णͷዳјྵϒቁ۞ّҾπඈໄهćഇޞ ିֈ۰ਕỉڦՀк͕˧ĂႽѝ೩ֻጯආ֨ቑ̏൒ă֨ቑ૟൒ᄃ֨ቑϏ൒۞Ķّ ۢᙊିֈķିጯ̬ˢĄ ˟ăࡁտϫ۞̈́ࡁտયᗟ ώࡁտўдͽĶ࿪ཝშࢱᅃӄିጯķᖎჍĶ࿪ཝშࢱķᄃĶπࢬಫវᓾࢗି ጯķᖎჍĶπࢬಫវķ׌჌Ϲആ͞ёĂેҖĶّۢᙊିֈķ̬ˢ၆̱Щ઼̈੼ѐ ৺ጯ௫ᅪᘣጯආ۞ጯ௫ड़ڍĄࡁտϫ۞ᄃޞඍયᗟĈ (˘) ࡁտϫ۞ ̶ژĶّۢᙊିֈķ۞ିጯ̬ˢ၆઼̈੼ѐ৺ጯ௫ᅪᘣጯආ۞ጯ௫ड़ڍࠎңĄ (˟) ޞඍયᗟ ̶ژдĶ࿪ཝშࢱķᄃĶπࢬಫវķ۞Ķّۢᙊିֈķ၆઼̈੼ѐ৺ጯ௫ᅪ ᘣጯආ̝ጯ௫ड़ڍĄ



(˟) በᄦĶّۢᙊିֈķ࿰ྏᄃϒёྏᗟ (1) በᄦĶّۢᙊିֈķ࿰ྏྏᗟ ॲፂዑ୿۾ (2004)ă࿩ॳᜋ (1999) ̈́ᏂᇊӤ (2003) በᄦ 47 ᗟĶّۢᙊି ֈീរķ࿰ྏྏᗟĂᐌ፟Ᏼפࢶࢶ઼̣̈ѐ৺˘঱ 29 ˠă̱ѐ৺˘঱ 29 ˠซҖ ࿰ྏĂॲፂ࿰ྏඕڍĂГซҖྏᗟᙱޘᄃᝥҾޘ̶ژĂ҃Ӂੵăܲ঻ă࣒Լٕᆧ ୹ྏᗟĄ૟Бវᇹώֶณܑᓁ̶۞݈ޢ 27% ໂბડ̶ࠎ੼Ҳ̶௡Ăͧྵ׌௡д ЧྏᗟπӮᇴ˯۞मளߏӎព඾Ăྏᗟ۞੼Ҳ̶௡मளّ෸̂Ăܑϯྏᗟ෸рĄ ଳໂბ௡ͧྵڱ (comparisons of extreme groups)Ăထ̶݈ 27% ࠎ੼̶௡Ăޢ 27%


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The learning effect of

sexuality-knowledge-education for students with

learning disabilities

1Ei-leen Liang! 2Chiu-Hsia Huang

1Teacher, Nanan Elementary School

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education, National Pingtung University


The experimental study aimed to investigate the learning effect by 16 times/ 6 weeksĶSexuality-Knowledge-Education (SKE)ķboth with website instructions and printed media teaching for six students with learning disabilities participated in this study. The fndings indicated that the Sexuality-Knowledge-Education (SKE) was effective for students with learning disabilities that they made significant progresses in sexuality-knowledge. In addition, both the website instructions and printed media teaching could promote six students with learning disabilities to develop the positive attitude toward the sexuality-knowledge.




Motivation Phases of Carrer Development: Case Studies of Young Women with Learning Disabilities.

Rebecca Oxford (1990) 將語言學習策略分為兩大類:直接性 學習策略 (directed language learning strategies) 及間接性學 習策略 (in-directed

探究式學習 教學類型 (四種類型).. 探究式學習教學 常見模式及實施 Stripling Model of Inquiry.. Connect, wonder, investigate, express

• 在五歲前,是兒童發展學習能力和建立知識的關鍵時期 (CDC at Harvard University, 2007; Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth

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教育局將於2015/16年度透過校本支援計劃,讓語文教師能 應用理

學習範疇 主要學習成果 級別 級別描述 學習成果. 根據學生的認知發展、學習模式及科本

原因:資優學生 往往利用自己的 長處,採用補償 策略,蓋過了特 殊學習障礙的行 為徴狀. 較多出現在學習