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Academic year: 2021

Share "多囊性卵巢症候群影響因子之探討"


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本研究目的在探討多囊性卵巢症候群 (Polycystic ovary syndrome; PCOS) 患者之危險因 子,如:雄性肥胖、胰島素抗性、同半胱胺酸及各類脂質濃度等。採病例對照研究法,

從台安醫院生殖醫學中心選取病例組及對照組,收集其血液檢體並利用結構式問卷調查 研究對象的生活習慣、月經週期史、過去病史及家族疾病史等人口學資料,另外也分析 兩組間微量元素硒、鉻及 ( 抗 ) 氧化壓力的差異。研究結果顯示,多囊性卵巢症候群患 者體內胰島素抗性指標較對照組高 ( 空腹胰島素濃度中位值: 9.0 vs. 4.22 μU/ml, p=0.00 02 ;空腹血糖 / 胰島素比值之中位值: 10.48 vs. 22.62, p=0.0003 ; Homeostasis model a ssessment, HOMA : 2.09 VS. 0.98, p<0.0001 ; Quantitative sensitivity check index , QUIC KI : 0.34 vs. 0.39, p<0.0001) ,另外,同半胱胺酸濃度及脂質障礙情形皆較對照組高,

並且達統計上顯著意義, ( 同半胱胺酸中位值 : 8.34 vs. 6.94 μmol/l, p=0.02 ;三酸甘油 脂中位數: 82.0 vs. 62.5 mg/dl, p=0.004 ;膽固醇中位數: 177.0 vs.155.0 mg/dl, p=0.000 9) ;而微量元素鉻 (Chromium) 、硒 (Selenium) 、代表抗氧化壓力的 Glutathione(GSH) 及代表氧化壓力的脂質過氧化物質 (Malondialdehyde;MDA) ,在本研究中並沒有特別的 發現。在模式分析中發現年齡、總膽固醇 / 高密度脂蛋白比值 (Total cholesterol/HDL rati o) 、飯後血糖 (PC sugar) 、胰島素抗性指標 HOMA 是最能解釋罹患 PCOS 的變項,解 釋力達 43% 。本研究結果發現 PCOS 病患同時具備較高的胰島素抗性、高同半胱胺酸 血症及脂質障礙等特性,而這些特性同時也是心血管疾病的危險因子,因此,預防 PC OS 的發生或惡化應該與預防心血管疾病類似,即低油飲食、規律運動、控制體重等生 活習慣的培養是很重要的,而 PCOS 患者未來是否容易發生心血管疾病並不清楚,真正 的關係仍有待釐清。


A study on risk factors of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

In order to explore the risk factors, such as android obesity, insulin resistance, homocysteine, l ipid profile of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in women. A case-control study was perfo rmed. Two groups with and without PCOS women were included at the center for reproductiv e medicine and infertility in Taiwan Adventist Hospital. The demographic characteristics were collected by structural questionnaire that included the life habits, history of menstration, past h istory and family history etc. The blood samples were also collected for biochemical examinat ion. Moreover, the concentration of blood trace element (selenium, chromium) in PCOS and n on-PCOS women were also measured.

Our results showed that insulin resistance (median of AC insulin: 9.0 vs. 4.22 μU/ml, p=0.000 2; AC G/I ratio: 10.48 vs. 22.62, p=0.0003; HOMA: 2.09 VS. 0.98, p<0.0001; QUICKI: 0.34 vs. 0.39, p<0.0001), concentration of plasma homocysteine (median: 8.34 vs. 6.94 μmol/l, p=0 .02) and dyslipidemia (median: triglyceride:82.0 vs. 62.5 mg/dl, p=0.004; cholesterol: 177.0 v s.155.0 mg/dl, p=0.0009) in the PCOS patients was significantly higher than in the non-PCOS patients. Waist circumference was high and concentrations of chromium, glutathione were low in PCOS women than non-PCOS women, but not significantly. Selenium and MDA were no fi nding. In multiple logistic regression analysis, Age, Total cholesterol/HDL ratio, pc sugar and HOMA (Homeostasis model assessment) had the best explanatory power for PCOS with coeff iciency of determination 0.43. Because the risk factors of PCOS is identical to cardiovascular r isk factors, therefore, low oil diet, exercise regularly, control the body weight that maybe the most important lifestyles for prevention. Several risk factor clusters together in PCOS women and its contribution to the development of cardiovascular disease need more evidence to confir m in the future.




說明:本題藉由羅馬史家 Ammianus Marcellinus 描述外族的兩則資料,檢測學生能否觀察

行為評估:收集護理病歷、身 體檢查、糞便性、實驗室檢查 (大便標本收集)、診斷性檢查 等資料.

多元智能課 肢體覺動、空間、音樂等小組 P.1-P.6 活動組 校隊及學會 各類體藝校隊及學會(拔尖小組) 體藝尖子 活動組 科主任

在選擇合 適的策略 解決 數學問題 時,能與 別人溝通 、磋商及 作出 協調(例 如在解決 幾何問題 時在演繹 法或 分析法之 間進行選 擇,以及 與小組成 員商 討統計研

工作紙 合作學習 同質分組 腦基礎 電子學習 自主學習 異質分組 翻轉教室 生活應用 提問技巧 探究式..

常生活的課題,增加學生對中國歷史、中 華民族和文化,以及國家發展的興趣;整

結合夥伴協作學校,與大專院校、出版社及電 子學習平台機構組成專業協作社群,以資訊素