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小港國中 97 學年度第 1 學期第 1 次段考一年級英文科解答


Academic year: 2021

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命題老師:翁慧玲       一年  班 座號:  姓名:

*請監考老師注意,CD 只播放ㄧ次,請勿重複倒帶播放。

*第1 題到第 45 題:請用 2B 鉛筆將答案畫在電腦卡上作答。

*第46 題到第 65 題:請將答案寫在試題紙上並用藍黑色原子筆書寫,否則不予計分。


繳交試卷時,請將選擇、非 選擇卷分開收妥。

Part A : 聽力測驗 30%

一 選出出現在 CD 句中的單字:(每題 1 分)

( ) 1. (A) that (B) is (C) your (D) pen ( ) 2. (A) this (B) his (C) new (D) TV ( ) 3. (A) class (B) school (C) classroom (D) classmate ( ) 4. (A) phone (B) in (C) an (D) on

( ) 5. (A) an (B) student (C) on (D) hi

二 聽 CD 的對話,選出相符的圖片,並將其句子的英文代號選出。代號分別為 A、B、C、D、E。注意*代號若為 E 時,電

腦卡須同時畫AB 兩個選項(每題 1 分)

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

三 選出 CD 所唸的句子:(每題 2 分)

( ) 11. (A) Everyone, welcome to our English class!

(B) Everyone, welcome to my new blog!

(C) Everyone, welcome to the show!

( ) 12. (A) My mother is in her bakery.

(B) My father is in his bakery.

(C) My brother is at school.

( ) 13. (A) Your new CD player is cool.

(B) Your new hat is big.

(C) Your new pet is cute.

( ) 14. (A) She is my favorite helper.

(B) She is my favorite teacher.

(C) She is a good helper.

( ) 15. (A) These books are your prizes tonight.

(B) These watches are our prizes tonight.

(C) These cell phones are your prizes tonight.

四. 聽 CD 的問題,選出最適當的回應:(每題 2 分)

( ) 16. (A) She is my good friend. (B) She is from America.

(C) She is thirteen years old. (D) She is in the park.

( ) 17. (A) These are not my books. (B) Your English books are on the desk.

(C) My books are in the classroom. (D) They are our prizes tonight.

( ) 18. (A) He is from Taiwan. (B) He is my favorite singer.

(C) He is not from China. (D) He is ten years old.


( ) 19. (A) Yes, they are baseball players. (B) No, they are baseball players.

(C) Yes, they are basketball players. (D) No, they are not basketball players.

( ) 20. (A) I’m sorry. (B) You are ready, too.

(C) No! I am nervous. (D) That’s cool!

Part B 綜合測驗

五. 選擇題(下列各題請依文意選出一個正確或最佳的答案)15%(每題 1 分)

( ) 21. Brenda is a _______. Her books are great.

(A) singer (B) sports star (C) writer (D) helper ( ) 22. A:What’s this? B:My _______.

(A) baker (B) helper (C) brother (D) pet ( ) 23. Wow! Your _______ is really big.

(A) worker (B) blog (C) bedroom (D) show ( ) 24. A:Where’s Mimi’s dog? B:It’s in the _______.

(A) China (B) box (C) camera (D) movie

( ) 25. Their mom _______ in her bedroom.

(A) is (B) am (C) are (D) ×

( ) 26. A:Is Emily at school? B:No, _______.

(A) you aren’t (B) Emily isn’t (C) I’m not (D) she isn’t ( ) 27.選出錯誤的句子。

(A) You’re not my classmate. (B) Her name isn’t Jessica.

(C) They aren’t your books. (D) This’s an egg.

( ) 28. _______ English teacher is Mr. Lin.

(A) Tina and Ted (B) Tina’s and Ted (C) Tina and Ted’s (D) Tina’s and Ted’s ( ) 29. A:Is that your CD player? B:Yes, _______.

(A) it is (B) this is (C) it’s (D) it isn’t ( ) 30. Sally and her dad _______ in that car.

(A) is (B) are (C) am (D) ×

( ) 31. This is my dog. _______ name is Bo-Bo.

(A) Her (B) She (C) It’s (D) The

( ) 32. A:_______ that under the chair ? B:Oh, it’s my brother’s watch.

(A) Who’s (B) How’s (C) Isn’t (D) What’s

( ) 33. She is (A) Miss Lisa (B) Wells Mrs. (C) Wells Lisa (D) Lisa Wells ( ) 34. Is his friend _______ Korea?

(A) on (B) in (C) under (D) of

( ) 35. A:How are your friends? B:_______

(A) They are great. (B) They are my robot dogs.

(C) They’re from the USA. (D) They’re in New York.

六. 克漏字測驗:10%(每題 2 分)

Mr. Fisher:Who’s this star?

Joe:I’m 36 , Mr. Fisher. I’m nervous.

Mr. Fisher:That’s fine. I am, 37 . Joe:Is he a baseball player?

Mr. Fisher:No, 38 . He’s a basketball 39 .

※背面還有題目※      一英文 2


Joe:Where is he from? Isn’t he from China?

Mr. Fisher:Yes, 40 . Is he Jacky Chen?

Joe:Yes, that’s great, Mr. Fisher.

( ) 36. (A) fine (B) ok (C) old (D) sorry

( ) 37. (A) too (B) × (C) ready (D) real

( ) 38. (A) he is (B) he’s (C) he isn’t (D) she’s not ( ) 39. (A) prize (B) baker (C) player (D) worker ( ) 40. (A) he’s (B) he is (C) he’s not (D) he isn’t

七. 閱讀測驗:10%(每題 2 分)

A. My brother, Ian, is in the park. His pet dog is there, too. My father is at work. He’s a teacher. And my sisters, Wendy and Anne, are in their bedroom.

Their room is very big. They have a TV in their room. Isn’t that great?

( ) 41. Who is at home? _______ is (are).

(A) Ian (B) Wendy and Anne

(C) My father (D) Me

( ) 42. My dad is _______.

(A) in the park (B) in the bakery (C) at home (D) at school ( ) 43.A _______ is in my sisters’ room.

(A) TV (B) pet dog (C) teacher (D) computer

B. Bob:Hi, Joy. Your friend is cute. Is she from Canada?

Joy:Hello, Bob. No, Mary is not from Canada. She is from China. But her mother, Cindy, is from the UK. Isn’t that cool?

( ) 44. Mary is _______.

(A) Cindy’s friend (B) Bob’s friend (C) Joy’s friend (D) Joy’s mother ( ) 45.Which is true? (何者為真?)

(A) Mary is Joy’s Chinese friend.

(B) Cindy is a Canadian teacher.

(C) Mary’s friend is cute.

(D) Bob is from the UK.


       一年  班 座號:  姓名:

Part C 非選擇題 35%

八. 單字片語文意字彙:15%(46~50 各 1 分,51~55 各 2 分)

46.球隊 ____________ 47.助手 ____________ 48.最喜愛的 ____________

49.姓氏 ____________ 50.網路相簿 ____________

___________ 51. My books and k ys are in my school bag.

___________ 52. Tim and Donna are classmates. T r teacher is Ms. Lee.

___________ 53. Jay Chou isn’t from Japan. He’s from T n.

___________ 54. Those cameras are p es for our show today!

___________ 55. Lily is a great baker. She is now in her b y.

九. 依提示作答:10%(每題 2 分,錯一字扣一分)

56. am / I / a / junior / high / student / school / in / .(重組句子)


57. This is a new watch.(將 new 改為 old)


58. The cell phone is on theTV.(各 1 分)



59. That baseball player is Bill ’ s friend .(依劃線部分造原問句)


60. She is an English teacher.(改為複數句)


十. 翻譯:10%(每題 2 分,錯一字扣一分)

61. 明天在我們的教室見。


62. 我爸媽不在家。他們在上班。


63. 棒球和籃球是我最喜愛的運動。


64. 我十三歲。(數字請用英文書寫)


65. 我們現在在學校。


※背面還有題目※      一英文 4


小港國中 97 學年度第 1 學期第 1 次段考一年級英文科解答

Part A : 聽力測驗 30%

一、請聽CD,選出出現在 CD 句子的單字。5%(每題 1 分)

1. This is my pencil.

2. That is my new CD.

3. She is my new classmate.

4. My photo is on my blog.

5. I am a student in junior high school.

二、聽CD 的對話,選出相符的圖片,並將其句子的英文代號選出。5%(每題 1 分)

A. (M) This is my new watch.

(W) It’s great.

B. (M) Good morning, Lisa.

(W) Good morning, Mr. Wang.

C. (M) See you tomorrow.

(W) Bye.

D. (M) Good night, Andy.

(W) Good night, Mom.

E. (M) I’m four years old. And you?

(W) I’m three years old.

三、選出CD 所唸的句子:10%(每題 2 分)

11. Everyone, welcome to our English class!

12. My father is in his bakery.

13. Your new pet is cute.

14. She is my favorite helper.

15. These watches are our prizes tonight.

四、聽CD 的問題,選出最適當的回應:10% (每題 2 分)

16. Who is the girl?

17. What are these books?

18. Where is he from?

19. Are they baseball players?

20. Are you ready?

Part A:聽力測驗 30%(1~10 每題 1 分,11~20 每題 2 分)

01~05 BCDDB  06~10 DAEBC  11~15 ABCAB  16~20 ADAAC Part B:綜合測驗 35%(21~35 每題 1 分,36~45 每題 2 分)

21~25 CDCBA  26~30 DDCAB  31~35 ADDBA  36~40 DACCB 41~45 BDACA

Part C:非選擇題 35%

八、單字及文意字彙15%(1~5 各 1 分,6~10 各 2 分)

46. team 47. helper 48. favorite 49. last name 50. online photo album 51. keys 52. Their 53. Taiwan 54. prizes 55. bakery


56. I am a student in junior high school.

57. This is an old watch.

58. The cell phone isn’t on the TV.

Isn’t the cell phone on the TV?

59. Who is that baseball player?

60. They are English teachers.


61. See you tomorrow in our classroom.

62. My dad and mom aren’t at home. They are at work.

63. Baseball and basketball are my favorite sports.

64. I’m thirteen (years old).

65. We’re (now) at school.

We’re at school (now).



中學中國語文科 小學中國語文科 中學英國語文科 小學英國語文科 中學數學科 小學數學科.

新加坡於 2001 年頒布新綱要,數學教材從統一版本開放至六種版本,本研究據 以考察的國小數學教科書是 2003 年 Times Media 出版國小一至五年級 My Pals are here!Maths

主旨探析》(載《濰坊教育學院學報》2012 年 1 月第 25 卷第 1

1.1.3 檢視分三個階段 。 在過去第一、第二階段 (即由1999年 1月至2000年



