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A Study of Relationships among Charismatic Leadership,Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors 林盈秀、蔡敦崇


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of Relationships among Charismatic Leadership,Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors


E-mail: 374750@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study mainly explores the relationships among charismatic leadership, emo-tional intelligence and organizational citizenship behaviors. Besides, the mediating ef-fect of emotional intelligence is also explored in this study. In this study, charismatic leadership as the independent variables,the organizational citizenship behaviors as the dependent variable,and emotional intelligence as the inter-vening variables,to explore during the relationship,in order to clarify the relationship between variables,provide the meaning of this field theory,and practice in work needs to be excavated improve or promote the place. In this study formally, as the main way to adopt a random sample of question-naires,350 questionnaires were issued,335 were recovered,335 valid question-naires,valid questionnaires was 95.7%. Empirical results show that:1. charismatic leadership to organizational citizenship behaviors has a very significant impact;2. charismatic leadership to emotional intelli-gence has a very significant impact;3. emotional intelligence to organizational citi-zenship behaviors has a significant impact;4. emotional intelligence has a significant impact between charismatic leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors. In this study,research findings,the oretical and practical implications have been discussed,and found that,research limitations and suggestions for future research.

Keywords : Emotional Intelligence

Table of Contents

中文摘要......................iii 英文摘要.....................

.iv 誌謝辭.......................vi 內容目錄....................

..vii 表目錄.......................ix 圖目錄....................

...xi 第一章 緒論...................1 第一節 研究背景............... 1 第 二節 研究問題和目的............ 3 第三節 研究流程............... 4 第二章 文獻探討

.................6 第一節 魅力領導............... 6 第二節 情緒智力.....

.......... 25 第三節 組織公民行為............. 39 第三章 研究方法..........

.......48 第一節 研究架構............... 48 第二節 研究假設..............

. 49 第三節 操作性定義、量表與衡量方式...... 51 第四節 問卷設計及抽樣方法.......... 55 第五節 資料統計方法............. 60 第四章 研究結果與分析..............63 第一節 樣本及各 變項之敘述性統計分析..... 63 第二節 問卷信度與效度分析.......... 67 第三節 個人屬性之變異數分 析......... 81 第四節 變項間之相關分析........... 88 第五節 變項間之迴歸分析......

..... 91 第六節 情緒智力之中介效果分析........ 101 第五章 結論與建議..............

..107 第一節 研究結論............... 107 第二節 研究意涵............... 110 第 三節 研究限制............... 112 第四節 後續研究之建議............ 113 參考文獻.

.....................115 附錄一 預試問卷.................130 附錄二 正 式問卷.................134 附錄三 預試結果分析...............138


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