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The application of the theory of planned behavior to explore elementary school athletic team's behavior intention : 以獎 丁昱文、張志銘, 陳南琦


Academic year: 2022

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The application of the theory of planned behavior to explore elementary school athletic team's behavior intention : 以獎

丁昱文、張志銘, 陳南琦

E-mail: 354568@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purpose of this study was to explore elementary school students’ atheletic team behavior related to the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) using the incentive system as the moderating variable. Participants include grade five and grade six public

elementary school students in Taichung area of Taiwan. Surveys were conducted through convenience sampling, and a total of 863 surveys were collected as valid data. Using LISREL 8.51 statistics software as analysis tool in analyzing Sturctural Equation Model (SEM) as the model for this study. The findings support the model and are as follows: 1. Grade five and grade six elementary school students’ behavior attitude, subjective norm and consciousness behavioral control have remarkable positive effects on behavioral intention. 2. High incentive system behavior attitude and subjective norm have direct positive effects, whereas, consciousness behavioral control does not have direct positive effects; low incentive system consciousness behavioral control has direct positive effects, whereas, behavior attitude and subjective norm do not have direct positive effects. 3. Common in all students, subjective norm and consciousness behavioral control have direct positive effects on behavioral intention, but behavior attitude does not have direct positive effects;athletes of school athletic team’s behavior attitude and consciousness behavioral control have positive direct effects on behavioral intention, on the other hand, subjective norm does not have positive direct effects. The results of this study lead to the conclusion that, schools should encourage students to join school athletic team, participate in trainings and activities, in turn have positive effects on elementary school athletic team behavioral intention. These participants may become candidates of outstanding athletes and country’s future pride.

Keywords : School Athletic Team、Incentive System、Theory of Planned Behavior Table of Contents

中文摘要 .....................i 英文摘要 .....................ii 誌謝辭 .....................iv 內容目錄 .....................v 表 目錄   .....................vii 圖目錄  .....................ix 第 一章  緒論...................1   第一節  研究背景與動機............1 第二節  研究目的...............7 第三節 名詞解釋...............8 第二章   文獻探討.................11 第一節 計畫行為理論與相關研究........11   第二節 我國 政府針對體育選手獎勵制度現況...18   第三節 國小體育代表隊的組隊現況與阻礙....27 第四節 研究問題與研 究假設..........30 第三章 研究方法與步驟..............34 第一節 研究架構......

.........34 第二節 研究流程...............35 第三節 研究對象............

...36 第四節 研究工具...............39 第五節 研究資料分析方法...........48 第六 節 正式問卷..................53 第四章 研究與討論結果...............60 第一 節 徑路分析...............60 第二節 研究討論.................80 第三節 結論.

..................84 第五章 結論與建議................85 第一節 研究假設驗 證.............85 第二節 管理意涵...............88 第三節 後續研究建議及研究限制

........92 參考文獻......................97 附錄A 國小學生參與運動代表隊之行 為意圖正式問卷..106 表目錄 表2-3-1 運動相關之計畫行為理論之研究彙整...... 16 表3-3-1 正式問卷學校分布表

.............. 37 表3-4-1 專家組合表.................. 41 表3-4-2 預試問卷敘述 性表............... 43 表3-4-3 預試問卷信度分析表............... 44 表3-4-4 預試 問卷效度分析表............... 45 表3-4-5 預試問卷項目分析表............... 46 表3-5-1 評鑑模式配適度之多項指標............ 52 表3-6-1 正式問卷敘述性統計表...........

. 55 表3-6-2 正式問卷信度、建構效度分析統計表...... 56 表3-6-3 技能回饋各項目平均數、標準差與排序...

.. 56 表3-6-4 技能回饋各項目平均數、標準差與排序..... 57 表3-6-5 主觀規範各項目平均數、標準差與排序..

... 57 表3-6-6 個人能力各項目平均數、標準差與排序..... 57 表3-6-7 外在環境各項目平均數、標準差與排序.

.... 58 表3-6-8 行為意圖各項目平均數、標準差與排序..... 58 表3-6-9 物質精神各項目平均數、標準差與排序


..... 58 表3-6-10 學業幫助各項目平均數、標準差與排序..... 58 表4-1-1 全體樣本之驗證型因素分析配適度彙 整表.... 61 表4-1-2 全體樣本之研究假設驗證........... 62 表4-1-3 高獎勵制度群體之驗證型因素分析 配適度彙整表 63 表4-1-4 高獎勵制度群體之研究假設驗證......... 64 表4-1-5 低獎勵制度群體之驗證型因素分 析配適度彙整表 65 表4-1-6 低獎勵制度群體之研究假設驗證....... 66 表4-1-7 高物質精神群體之驗證型因素分析 配適度彙整表 68 表4-1-8 獎勵制度構面-高物質精神群體之研究假設驗證 69 表4-1-9 低心靈物質群體之驗證型因素分析配 適度彙整表 70 表4-1-10 獎勵制度構面-低物質精神群體之研究假設驗證 71 表4-1-11 高課業幫助群體之驗證型因素分析配 適度彙整表 72 表4-1-12 獎勵制度構面-高課業幫助群體之研究假設驗證 73 表4-1-13 低課業幫助群體之驗證型因素分析配 適度彙整表 74 表4-1-14 獎勵制度構面-低課業幫助群體之研究假設驗證 75 表4-1-15 一般學生之驗證型因素分析配適度彙 整表.... 76 表4-1-16 一般學生參與運動代表隊之研究假設驗證.... 77 表4-1-17 運動代表隊之驗證型因素分析配 適度彙整表... 78 表4-1-18 運動代表隊參與運動代表隊之研究假設驗證... 79 表5-1-1 全體樣本、身份別路徑關係表

.......... 85 表5-1-2 高、低獎勵制度群體路徑關係表......... 86 表5-1-3 獎勵制度各構面群體路 徑關係表........ 86


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Subsequently, the relationship study about quality management culture, quality consciousness, service behavior and two type performances (subjective performance and relative

This study aims to explore whether the service quality and customer satisfaction have a positive impact on the organizational performance of the services and whether the

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the hospitality students’ entrepreneurial intentions based on theory of planned behavior and also determine the moderating

Junior high school students and male students intend to have a negative money attitude.. Students who save money habitually intend to have positive attitude toward dimension

Using Structural Equation Model to Analyze the Relationships Among the Consciousness, Attitude, and the Related Behavior toward Energy Conservation– A Case Study

The following important results: The public's view of the environmental problems caused by sacrificial behavior was positive, which indicated the degree of

(1)The service quality has positive direct effect on customer satisfaction;(2)The customer satisfaction has positive direct effect on customer loyalty; (3)The trust has

T.(1989), “Linking Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention," Journal of Health Care