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A study on recreation motivation and recreation experience : 以南投縣惠蓀林場為例 鄭詠綸、NOTE


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A study on recreation motivation and recreation experience : 以南投縣惠蓀林場為例 鄭詠綸、NOTE

E-mail: 344561@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purpose of this study is to explore the traveling motivation and recreation experience for the tourists of Huisun Forest Station, as well as to analyze the differences between two research variables for the different roles of background. The convenient sampling was used to collect data. The study issued 500 questionnaires and recovered 488, a valid response rate of 97.6%. The statistical analysis results of the data are as follows: (1) The overall recreation motivation for the tourists of Huisun Forest Station is of medium level on the high side, and in the recreation motivation dimensions the incentive for escape is the strongest. The overall recreation experience for the tourists of Huisun Forest Station is also of medium level on the high side, and in the recreation experience dimensions the level of related experience is the highest.(2) Different genders, occupations, monthly income, visit counts, travel companions and sources of travel information obtained show no evident differences in the tourists’ recreation motivation; different ages, marital status and transportations have significant differences in the tourists’ recreation motivation.(3) Different genders, occupations, visit counts, travel companions, transportations and sources of travel information obtained show no evident differences in the tourists’

recreation experience; different ages, marital status and monthly income have significant differences in the tourists’ experience.

Keywords : Huisun Forest Station、recreation experience、recreation motivation Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要...................... iii 英文摘要.................

..... iv 誌謝辭....................... v 內容目錄................

...... vi 表目錄....................... viii 圖目錄...............

........ x 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機...

......... 1   第二節  研究目的............... 3   第三節  研究問題.....

.......... 4   第四節  研究範圍與限制............ 4   第五節  名詞解釋....

........... 4 第二章  文獻探討................. 5   第一節  森林遊樂區..

............ 5   第二節  惠蓀林場之概況............ 10   第三節  旅遊動機.

.............. 12   第四節  遊憩體驗............... 21 第三章  研究方法.

................ 34   第一節  研究架構............... 34   第二節  研 究流程............... 35   第三節  研究對象與取樣方法.......... 36   第四節   研究工具............... 37   第五節  資料分析方法............. 46 第四章   研究結果與討論.............. 48   第一節  惠蓀林場遊客樣本基本背景描述..... 48    第二節  惠蓀林場遊客旅遊動機與遊憩體驗之現況 54   第三節  不同背景變項惠蓀林場遊客在旅遊動機與         遊憩體驗之差異............ 57 第五章  結論與建議................ 81    第一節  結論................. 81   第二節  建議.................

82 參考文獻...................... 85   中文部份..................

.. 85   英文部份.................... 92 附錄A...................

.... 96 附錄B....................... 100 附錄C.................

...... 104 REFERENCES

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