• 沒有找到結果。


第四章 研究結果與討論

第一節 占星學習者的學習動機

本研究主要關切的第一個問題是:占星學習者的學習動機。訪談大綱中的第 一題訪談問題,除蒐集研究參與者的背景資料外,更重要是想要瞭解研究參與者 興起學習占星學的動機及其背景脈絡。

經 整 理 分 析 語 料 後 , 將 學 習 占 星 學 的 相 關 動 機 的 相 關 意 義 單 元 以

「connection to astrology」命名,並比對不同參與者與占星學連結的背景因


素。分析研究參與者學習占星學的發展階段,將分為認識占星學的背景、觸發學 習占星學動機的背景、決定選擇占星學的背景、以及選擇進入占星學教學機構的 背景等 4 個背景脈絡討論。


經比對後發現,多數參與者與占星學的連結背景脈絡可分為 2 階段,第一階 段是認識占星學。從語料中發現將研究參與者認識占星學的背景脈絡分為 2 組,



自發性認識占星學的如研究參與者 F、J,都是在年幼時期,因為對神秘 事物感興趣的時候,同時開始對占星學感興趣。

I literally loved it since I was a small kid. I was just standing outside the window, looking and thinking like how I could understand what's going on in the universe. I was already like that. So for me, to find a book or to find a newspaper that there was like astrology, I think: Oh my God, that's there.;Even when I was kid, I read about it, but it was not officially.(F20200112_2;F20200112_3)

I started to pay attention to astrology like, of course, there was like, when I was 12 or something like that, there is something in children, something spiritual in children in general, like they do like all those colors and like even if you think about like, like esoteric shops, they all those colors, and for example at the moment, I'm not too much into the colors. I do wear mainly navy blue, but as a kid I did, did like to go and touch the any crystals in the shops, and I found, I found it fascinating.(J20200216_7)

研究參與者 C 與 D 同樣是自發性認識占星學,但起心動念的原因是想要瞭解 個人生命的意義,C 是在跨入青春期前後開始對占星學感到著迷的。

I became fascinated in astrology probably when I was about 13 in order to understand yourself and for the meaning of life.(C20190107_1)

研究參與者 D 是在 30 歲前後,即語料中所提到的土星回歸(Saturn return)


I became interested in astrology in my early 30s. I think, I was, I now understand that


was my first Saturn return. I didn't understand that at the time, but I was asking myself a lot of questions and took an interest in different type of, sort of New Age related subjects.;

Questions such as: Am I living the lives that is authentic to me?(D20200111_1;



另外一組研究參與者是因為重要他人的介紹進而「認識」占星學。例如,研 究參與者 E、H 都在進入青少年時期前、後,來自母親或母親的友人的介紹。

And so I had this interest in astrology, but I started off being very . . . my mom was reading the newspapers astrology to us when I was about, I think, I was about 10.;When I was upset or angry, she just says, “oh you're just a Cancer and you're just too emotional.”And so I was very anti-astrology.(E20200112_3;E20200112_5)

That is a funny story because when I was 15, there was a lady who was very close to my mom, said to my mom: your daughter should study astrology because it's part of her.

And for me, I was like whatever. But I did buy the book. I didn't look at the book, I never studied. So I put it on the side.(H20200114_1)

研究參與者 A、B、G、I 有懂占星學的朋友,經友人介紹認識占星學時已經成年。

我是個塔羅牌的 reader,但是當時我的老師(註:塔羅牌老師)跟我說,塔羅 牌裡面涉及到很多占星學的東西,所以當時我的老師跟我說:你應該要學習占 星學,從占星開始學習。(A20191226_2)

Someone suggested at a dinner party that like she had the most amazing reading from an astrologer who just told her all this amazing stuff. And I got the name of the other astrologer from her who was an astrologer in New York City and I continued seeing him.

I was a client like a regular client of his for several years.(B20191229_1)

A friend was studying astrology. I knew her then. She said to me: Can I do your chart?

That was my first introduction. That was 1978, on my first Saturn return. I found it so good, so useful. I thought I will study this.(G20200114_4)

At that time, I had a very good friend who was an astrologer. And so that's when I got to know in 2000. I don't think I have noticed to any particular event. I think I started to learn when I met this person.(I20200130_4)


排除認識占星學時的年齡因素,身邊有熟悉占星學的人際網絡是這一組研究 參與者認識占星學的重要的因素,如母親(研究參與者 E、H)、或是友人(研 究參與者 A、B、G、I)。

但認識占星學後,並不意味研究參與者都接受占星學,如研究參與者 E 在前 述語料中提到,因為母親將星座專欄中的性格描述套用在她的身上,使她非常的


同樣的「認識」占星學後,不一定就立刻開始學習占星學,因此研究參與者 投入占星學「學習」的背景脈絡是本研究所關切。


從「認識」占星學到「學習」占星學的過程,每一位研究參與者的狀況都不 太一樣。實證研究將占星學定義為偽科學,在眾多可以協助自我轉化的方式中,

研究參與者為什麼選擇學習占星學作為個人自我轉化的工具?本研究想要從此 問題中進一步瞭解研究參與者決定學習占星學的動機。

分析研究參與者決定投入占星學的脈絡,大致可分為 3 種不同的狀況,包括:



第 1 種是在認識占星學以後,一直以自學的方式接觸媒體的星座或是閱讀占 星學書籍,可能經過多年以後才進入占星教學機構學習,例如,來自中國的研究 參與者 A、出身澳洲的 C 與來自克羅埃西亞的 F,認識占星學後以自學的方式學 習占星學,如:閱讀占星學書籍、找私人師資學習、觀看網路平台的占星學免費 課程、或是網站占星學資訊等,而後因有機會移居倫敦,發現倫敦有不同的占星 學教育機構,遂進入占星教學機構學習。

當時我的老師跟我說:你應該要學習占星學,從占星開始學習。所以我就開始 學習。後來我就發現說,每當我進一步的去瞭解塔羅牌,我就發現說,其實偉 特也好,其實很需要占星的,80%的內容都是在解答需要占星的。真正、真正 接觸到占星學,其實應該是 2013 年 10 月到 11 月至今。(A20191226_1;



And I started reading some different Australian astrologers, psychological approach and other websites like astro.com to see there were more depth to study astrology than they are in magazines, like that. And I wanted to study astrology more than others. When I came to London, it was one of the things I wanted to do and I found there was different places you could study. So I started to go to the Astrological Loge and The College of Psychic Studies. They have some psychic astrology, kind of ideas, and the London School of Astrology as well. (C20190107_2)

I found Faculty of Astrological Studies which here I didn't know we have, respect in my country, I was just kind of like studying on my own and then I found, like an astrologer in 2009, and she told me like basics with astrology, numerology and everything else.



研究參與者 I 是英國人因參加朋友的占星介紹課程而引發學習動機,不過在 認識占星學後,I 經歷約 15 年的自學經驗後,才投入占星學教育機構學習。

I don't think I have noticed to any particular event. I don't think I have noticed to any particular event . . . I think I started to learn when I met this person who laid out the library. In that way. But I didn't commit myself to this until 15 years later. But I did, I got a lot of books and I read a lot by myself. My interest begins when I met this person.



第 3 種是因朋友解盤而觸發學習占星學的動機,如研究參與者 B、D、E、G、


研究參與者 H 與 J 的狀況類似,自異國移居英國後得到朋友解盤,而觸發學 習占星學的動機。

研究參與者 J 來自克羅埃西亞,在英國大學畢業後留在英國工作。年幼時對 神秘事物感興趣而認識占星學,但並未觸發學習動機。而是成年後在英國,因為 懂得占星學的朋友為她解讀星盤,她受到啟發後曾自學占星學一段時間,才決定 進入占星教育機構學習。

My friend, she had an astrological reading, and she sent me, I think she sent me both her


chart and the recording, or maybe not the recording, but just the chart and she summarized her experience. And I found it really interesting and intriguing. And that's that was the moment when I realized that it was not just only sun signs. So then I continued to read more on the internet, then the YouTube videos, started to popup and I listened to it a lot and it was really interesting for me. And only later, like, like two years after I thought that okay, maybe I could actually study this because I already read so many information about astrology on internet and YouTube that I thought that it might be something what I could actually study.(J20200216_2)

來自於法國的研究參與者 H 有類似的情境。H 曾在銀行、教學機構擔任行 政職,因教學機構的倫敦分部有職缺來到倫敦工作。15 歲左右被告知應該要學 習占星學的念頭沒有讓她真的開始學習占星學。H 在學習占星學前就一直在探索 自己與家庭的關係,直到在倫敦遇到懂得占星學的朋友解讀她的命盤,解盤過程 中看到許多不為人知的事情,讓她興起要透過占星學瞭解自我的動機。

At the age of 36 when I came in London. And then I connected with someone who was studying astrology. And, and I asked her if she can read my chart. And she said to me as she read my chart that she told me things no one knew about it. And I said: why do you know that? And she said: because it's all on your chart. And I was like, I want to know more. She said to me you should go and study, there is a school for that, you know, but I wasn't aware of which school because no one was telling me which school.


研究參與者 G 是英國人,在英國戲劇院從事演員工作多年。在 30 歲前後,


That was 1978, on my first Saturn return. I found it so good, so useful. I thought I will study this.(G20200114_4)

I mean you say, you talk about people being normal, but I started to suffer from depression. So I found the understanding myself through my chart enabled me to overcome depression. Anti-depressants counseling, psychotherapy -- no! Astrology -- yes.


但在 44 歲前後,即文中提到的天王星對分時(Uranus opposition),G 因為發生 舞台恐懼,無法繼續演員工作,因此決定受訓成為占星師,進而開始學習占星學。


But on my Uranus opposition, I developed stage fright, so I could not work. So I had to find something else to do so. I decided to train to be an astrologer. I trained at the Faculty of Astrological Studies. I didn't take the diploma because I didn't need everything. I didn't want collection or history. I didn't want that. I'm also a trained healer. So my astrology work is very much about healing people through astrology.(G20200114_2)

B 是因為友人介紹,得到朋友建議去付費占星。

Someone suggested at a dinner party that like she had the most amazing reading from an astrologer who just told her all this amazing stuff. And I got the name of the other astrologer from her who was an astrologer in New York City and I continued seeing him.

I was a client like a regular client of his for several years.(B20191229_1)

And I was just so fascinated and I started learning on my own. And then I studied with a few different astrologers.(B20191229_2)

B 起初有固定的占星師提供諮詢,但該占星師曾有一段時間無法提供諮詢服務,

當時 B 又急需占星諮詢服務,因此興起學習占星學的念頭。

There were the time where I had questions, he wouldn't let me see him. It was kind of weird. So there was a time I kind of, at the moment where like my life was like falling apart and I finally just said: okay, let me check the transit and Saturn was right on my Uranus. And which is when I decided to learn astrology.(B20191229_14)

但是 B 同時提到,其實在持續尋求占星諮詢的那幾年中,她同時對該名占星師所

但是 B 同時提到,其實在持續尋求占星諮詢的那幾年中,她同時對該名占星師所