• 沒有找到結果。

第三章 研究設計與實施

第四節 研究工具


修正前導研究的半結構中文訪談大綱(見第 86 頁表 7),研擬英文訪談大綱(見 表 11),後,經 Faculty of Astrological Studies 的學術委員會審查通過用於訪談。

研究工具乃前導研究之訪談大綱修正,分為幾個部分,包括研究參與者的背 景資料以及個人學習占星學的源由;其次是占星學習過程,包括學習方式對自身 的啟發、個人與自我定義、自我轉化定義的相關議題;最後是每一位研究參與者 背景特殊部分的提問。

與前導研究之訪談大綱相比有 2 項修正。首先,從前導研究省思四發現,實 體面授課程的互動過程中,對培養觀點轉化有可能性影響,特別是授課者的引導,

故特別增加課程方式差異的相關問題,請見訪談問題 4。


表 11 占星學習者之英文半結構訪談大綱

1. Your background? Such as, your age, professions and education.

2. Would you tell me reasons you started to lean Astrology? Were there any particular events that motivated you to learn Astrology?

3. Would you tell me reasons you want to take courses at The Faculty of Astrological studies? Any particular event that motivate you to study in the organization?

4. What’s the differences between self-taught and study at an organization?

5. Usually tutors at the Faculty would apply a lot of symbols and myths in class. Do you have any difficulties in learning myths or in applying myth in the process of interpretation? Do you think myth is a good way to open the possibilities in chart interpretation or in understanding your Self more?

6. Do you think learning Astrology helps you to know your Self? If it does, how to help you? What helps you and why you think it did help? Please give me some examples, if you could it is ok to share them with me. The meaning of self-transformation is: you could balance your inner world and outer world.

7. So, how do you define “self” if you think astrology helps you to know your self more?

8. Do you think learning astrology help you to have different perspectives on previous crucial life events? Please give me some examples, if it is ok to share them with me.

9. So, how would you define “self-transformation?” Do you think astrology helps you to transform your “Self”?

10. Do you think you might have different reactions or plans for dealing with similar critical life events now? What would you do? Please give me some examples, if it is ok to share them with me.

11. Have you ever wanted to become a professional astrologer? I mean, to live on astrology? Why or why not?

12. Any particular event or stories you could tell me that you help your friends or clients to transform themselves?

13. Do you read your own chart often? How often?



其次,實際參與課程數次後發現(見第 103 頁表 9),Faculty of Astrological Studies 的課程設計有一標準教學大綱,即便課程教育者不同,教學多是從神話、


個人輪流發表對案例的看法,或是兩人一組討論後共同發表討論結果 。以 2019/10/12 的行運技術課程為例,當日的課程流程為:

一、 暖身:講述

1. 何謂星盤、何謂行運、預測的意義、行運的技術。

2. 兩人一組討論「預測」(forecasting)與「自由意志」(free will)的意義,而 後小組發表看法。

3. 課程帶領者分享斯多葛(Stoic)學派與 Spinoza 對於預測、自由意志的觀點。

二、 冥王星行運:講述 1. 冥王星相關神話。

2. 課程帶領者與占星學習者複習冥王星相關關鍵字。

3. 冥王星的運行週期與冥王星行運之於個人的意義。

三、 海王星行運:講述 1. 海王星相關神話。

2. 課程帶領者與占星學習者複習海王星相關關鍵字。

3. 海王星的運行週期與海王星行運之於個人的意義。


實際參與參與數項課程後研究者將其課程設計歸納整理如圖 5。


會加入美索布達米亞或是東方神話、哲學觀點等。因神話學、象徵意義、關鍵字 等幾乎是所有課程的基礎,因此訪談大綱納入關於神話學、象徵學的問題,請見 第 108 頁表 11 訪談問題 5。


圖 5 Faculty of Astrological Studies 課程設計架構 製圖:研究者

訪談時發現,研究參與者 B 是唯一非以 Faculty of Astrological Studies 為主 要占星學習機構的研究參與者,但神話與象徵意義在其學習機構同樣受到重視,

其占星學習課程脈絡同樣從神話學、象徵學出發,故此訪談問題對研究參與者 B 同樣適用。


最後,在與訪談者確認是否符合研究參與標準時,多數參與者都會提供部分 個人背景資料,根據背景資料不同,研究參與者會於訪談問題中再增加 1-2 題額 外的資料,例如,訪談內容研究參與者 F 因有學術相關訓練,故研究參與者特別 詢問:「What’s the differences between learning astrology at the adults’ organization and in academic fields?」部分研究參與者已是職業占星師或是占星教學者,訪談 中若主動提及,會對此多加釐清;而尚未執業者,則會問及未來是否有執業之計 畫等。