• 沒有找到結果。

第五章 結論

第四節 後續研究建議

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在現階段財團法人網站資訊揭露的成果上,除了財團法人法的最低要求規定 及財團法人的自我揭露之外,影響最大的莫過於社會大眾的力量,社會大眾若能 有對財團法人課責之意識,就會形成輿論壓力及社會氛圍去促使財團法人做更大 程度的資訊揭露使其成為更負責任的財團法人;其次則是在捐款的選擇上,不只 是支持財團法人的理念或提供的服務,若還能從中選擇支持更為公開透明之財團 法人進行捐款,從資源的挹注去影響財團法人,應該可以讓財團法人感受到公開 透明與資源募集的關聯性,進而去改變其揭露資訊之行為及組織文化。

第四節 後續研究建議

本研究之研究期間歷經財團法人法草案時期、三讀通過及上路實施,雖財團 法人法於今年2 月 1 日實施,惟因施行期間尚未滿一年,對於該法所能帶來的實 際影響及主管機關教育部實際執法情形,都還未甚明瞭。是以,期待有志者繼續 深入研究,除針對法院登記財產總額達一億元以上之財團法人外,亦納入年收入 達一千萬元以上之財團法人,以使大型財團法人之範圍更臻完整。

後續亦可配合財團法人法根據實際執行情形所做的修正,去比較不同的備查 資料揭露項目對於財團法人之影響;若要研究不同類型之財團法人,或可優先針 對教育部所轄之青年事務財團法人及體育事務財團法人做研究,因為雖然類型不 同,但其都歸屬於同一主管機關─教育部,目前雖然僅有教育事務類型財團法人 指定於「教育基金會資訊網」公開資訊,未來也有可能將青年事務與體育事務類 型財團法人資訊併入,以增加其網站經營效益,在同一主管機關下的不同領域財 團法人做比較,或許能激盪出不同的火花。

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前項檢查,必要時得聘請專業人士,並請有關機關派員共同為之。教育法 人應依本部檢查意見,於規定間期內,將具體回應說明或改善方案報本部 備查,屆期未辦理者,本部得予糾正。

本部於政府捐助之教育法人接受捐助機關 (單位) 考核捐助事項之營運 績效時,必要時得派員協同辦理。



(一) 違反法令、捐助章程或遺囑者。

(二) 管理、運作方式與設立目的不符者。

董事或監察人,不遵守主管機關監督之命令,或妨礙其檢查者,本部得依 民法第三十三條第一項規定處以五千元以下之罰鍰;違反法令或章程,足 以危害公益或法人之利益者,本部得依民法第三十三條第二項規定請求法 院解除其職務,並為其他必要之處置。本部為前二項處分前,應依行政程 序法第一百零二條規定予處分相對人陳述意見之機會。

十八、教育法人經董事會依捐助章程決議解散、經本部撤銷、廢止許可或經該管 法院宣告解散者,應即依民法及非訟事件法等相關規定辦理解散及清算終 結登記。

前項經清算後賸餘財產之歸屬,依民法第四十四條規定應依其捐助章程或 遺囑之規定,但不得歸屬任何自然人或營利團體。

章程或遺囑未規定者,其賸餘財產應歸屬其主事務所所在地之地方自治團 體。

十九、本部依下列財團法人業務法規辦理財團法人業務時,政府捐助之教育法人 應配合辦理:






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項目、編製方式或應記載事項,經主管機關命其限期改正,屆期 未改正。

第一項及第二項應送主管機關備查之資料,主管機關得要求財團法人 以電子資料傳輸方式辦理;其辦理傳輸之流程、管理及其他應遵行事 項之辦法,由主管機關定之。

第 26 條 財團法人資訊之主動公開,除法律另有規定或主管機關另有指定公開 方式外,應選擇下列方式之一為之:




第 30 條 財團法人有下列情形之一者,主管機關得予糾正,並命其限期改善;






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附錄三 資訊揭露指標 A

Ornamental Web presence (A) General information

1. Clearly informs about its field of activity

2. Indicates unequivocally who are the beneficiaries of its operations 3. The mission of the organization is clearly defined

4. The vision of the organization is clearly defined

5. The values are enunciated and the interpretation that the organization makes of them is defined

6. Information about the interests that are represented whether they are religious, political, labor, or corporate 7. The objectives of the organization are clear, precise, and able to be evaluated

8. The relationship between the programs/projects developed and the achievements reached (service efforts and accomplishments disclosure) 9. Calendar of events

10. News service

11. Provides precise and quantitative information about the political environment of the nongovernmental organization for development 12. Informs about quality processes implemented by the organization

13. Informs about the total number of people contracted 14. Informs about the total number of volunteers

15. Information about the legal framework and type of employment contracts of the personnel

16. Indicates that the proportion of workers at the headquarters and on the ground conforms to the structure of the organization 17. Information about training courses undertaken by the personnel of the organization

18. Educational resources

19. Information about links with financers, associations, or companies

Informational Web presence

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(B) Governance and financial information

20. Names and brief background of all the members of the board of trustees 21. Calendar of meetings

22. By-laws, regulations, or internal regimes of operation 23. Disseminates agreements adopted in the convened meetings

24. Informs about the procedures for electing and removing members of the board of trustees

25. Informs about the politics of remuneration of the components of the board of trustees, establishing who and for what motives can receive remuneration 26. Strategic axis of the budget

27. Budget distributed by programs 28. Budgetary expenditures by class 29. Offers summaries of financial data

30. Slides and graphics are included as support to the presentation of financial data 31. Annual report

32. Annual reports of previous years (2 years minimum) 33. Balance sheet of present fiscal year

34. Balance sheets of previous years (2 years minimum) 35. Statement of income and expenses

36. Statements of income and expenses for previous years (2 years minimum) 37. Origin of the funds and destination by project/program and activity

38. Ratio between the costs of taking in the funds and the total costs of the organization 39. Ratio between the fixed costs and total costs of the organization

40. Audit report

41. Audit report for previous years (2 years minimum) 42. Provides the accounting rules used

43. Evaluation reports of the projects and programs

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44. Details of the principal suppliers and coorganizers of the activities (C) Presentation and navigation

45. There is a specific area for governance and financial information 46. There is a specific area for general information

47. There are links to other related Web sites 48. A contact e-mail address is provided

49. The content is presented in a structured and nested manner and can be accessed rapidly and directly 50. The titles are clear and meaningful, and the language used is adapted to the citizens

51. Dissemination of photographs of the activities carried out by the organization 52. Dissemination of videos of the activities carried out by the organization

53. There is a postal address, telephone and fax number, etc. for the contact person 54. There is a search system

55. There is an advanced search system 56. A Web site map is included

57. There is a help menu

58. There is information in other languages (at least in English) 59. The downloading of files in spread sheet format is permitted

60. There is a hyperlink system that relates different areas of the Web site 61. Formats are used that permit the correct printing of information

62. The response speed when navigating the Web site does not impede the effectiveness of the consultation 63. There is an area for frequently asked questions

64. Sets out accessibility standards for disabled people 65. Indicates the date of the last update

66. One can be notified by e-mail when updates are made 67. Indicates when information is created by third parties

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Relational Web presence 68. The Web site has a space of exclusive use to facilitate the administration of staff activities 69. Through the Web site, the recruitment of volunteers is promoted by the organization 70. Offers of collaboration are published for volunteer personnel

71. Work offers are published for remunerated personnel 72. Online donations can be made

73. Partnerships or memberships are offered 74. There is an online store

73. Partnerships or memberships are offered 74. There is an online store