• 沒有找到結果。


在文檔中 中 華 大 學 (頁 122-126)

第四章 成效式合約估驗計價條款研擬

4.6 道路養護成效式規範估驗計價與查驗

4.6.1 成效檢驗

世界銀行推行範本對於成效檢驗規範相關內容依附件三,Formal Inspections of Service Quality Levels and Informal Inspections of Service Quality Levels 之規定:


2.5 Methods for Inspection of Service Quality Levels for Paved Roads

2.5.1 Formal Inspections of Service Quality Levels

Formal inspections are those which are scheduled in advance by the Project Manager, and carried out by the Contractor (through his self-control Unit) under the supervision of the Project Manager. The main purpose of the formal inspections is to enable the Project Manager to verify the information presented in the Contractor’s monthly statement and to issue the Interim Payment Certificate. The Project Manager must inform the Contractor of his intention to carry out a formal inspection at least 48 hours in advance, indicating the exact date, hour and location where the formal inspection is to begin. The Contractor is obliged to be present at the date, hour and location specified by the Project Manager, providing the physical means of inspection as indicated further below. Formal inspections will normally, but not necessarily, be scheduled to begin within less than five (5) days after the presentation by the Contractor of the monthly statement to the Project Manager; and they should normally be completed within a maximum of five (5) days. The formal inspection allows to compare the information on compliance provided by the Contractor in the standard tables which are part of his monthly statement, with actual measurements taken in locations to be determined by the Project Manager.

During the formal inspection, the Project Manager will prepare a brief

Memorandum describing (i) the general circumstances of the site visit,

including date, road sections visited, persons present, etc., (ii) the nature

and location of any non-compliance which may have been detected, and (iii) the time granted by the Project Manager to the Contractor to remedy the detected defects. Based on the outcome of the formal inspection, the Project Manager will immediately correct any possible errors or misrepresentations in the Contractor’s monthly statement, countersign it and present it to the Employer for payment, and to the Contractor for information [22].

Formal inspections will also be scheduled for the follow-up site visits, whose purpose is to verify if the Contractor has remedied the causes of earlier non-compliance, within the time frame granted by the Project Manager and specified in the Memorandum.

Regular monthly formal inspections (excluding follow-up visits) will cover at least [insert number] percent of each of the paved roads or road sections under contract.

[Note: Recommended is around 10 percent of the total length of the paved roads under contract.]

During the course of the regular monthly inspections, the Project Manager may however increase the total length of the road sections tested, in particular if numerous cases of non-compliance are detected.

2.5.2 Informal Inspections of Service Quality Levels

The Project Manager may carry out informal inspections of service quality levels as part of the general mandate given to him by the Employer.

He may do so on his own initiative, at any time and anywhere on the roads included in the contract. He must use his own means for those inspections.

If he detects any road sections where the service quality criteria are not

met, he is obliged to inform the Contractor within 24 hours in writing, in

order to enable him to take remedial action as soon as possible. The results

of informal inspections may not be used by the Project Manager for

purposes of correcting the Contractor’s monthly statements or applying

penalties or liquidated damages, except for cases in which the road has been completely interrupted and the criteria of Road Usability has not been met [22].

2.5.3 Means Used for Inspection

For the formal inspections of compliance with service quality levels, the Contractor’s Self-control Unit will work in close collaboration with, and under supervision of the Project Manager. The physical means needed for the inspections will be provided by the Contractor; they are the same which are normally used by the Self-control Unit for the continuous self-evaluation of the Contractor’s compliance, in particular:

a. Vehicles of the following type: [specify number and type of vehicle]

[Note: The vehicle(s) should be of the type most typically used by road users. Different types of vehicles may need to be specified for different groups of roads.]

b.Qualified and support staff: [specify number and type of staff, normally it should include as a minimum the qualified staff of the Self-control Unit plus two helpers.]

c.All equipments, tools and instruments needed, as indicated in the paragraphs describing the methodologies for inspection [22].



正式檢驗每月一次專案經理應通知承攬廠商排定時程,並由承攬 廠商之自主品管小組(品管工程師)在專案經理監督下執行檢驗(隨機選 取合約路段總長度的10%,以一個工作天內完成為原則)。

正式檢驗主要目的為專案經理能驗證承攬廠商月報表的資料,並 據以發出付款相關文件。專案經理必須在正式檢驗前48 小時通知承攬 廠商確切檢驗日期、時間、與路段。承攬廠商必須依指定時間到達檢


正式檢驗應該是承攬廠商向專案經理提出月報後五日內進行,且 於三天內完成。正式檢驗所得的數據用以與承攬廠商月報表中所列各 項成效指標值比較,以確認符合程度。在正式檢驗後,專案經理應向 承攬廠商/工程司發文,說明:




4.專案經理應依據正式檢驗結果,立即更正承攬廠商在月報表中提報 資料,並簽署月報文件以提送工程司做為付款之依據,也同時應 給承攬廠商及專案經理。

正式檢驗後可依需求安排複驗,其目的在於確認承攬廠商已在允 許的時間期限內修正改進原先檢驗發現的缺失。有「反應時間(Time of Response, TOR)」之成效指標項目,必須在規定之反應時間內進行複驗,

以確認其符合合約標準之要求[7, 23, 28]。


專案經理可進行道路養護成效之非正式檢驗(以隨機選取合約路 段總長度的 5%為原則)。專案經理可主動在任何時間(例如每週一次或 接到用路人抱怨時),檢驗任何合約內之道路地點的養護成效。

非正式檢驗採用專案經理認可的簡便方法,如果專案經理/工程司 發現某些路段之成效等級未符合要求,應於24 小時內以書面通知承攬 廠商,使承攬廠商得以在最快的時間內採取改善措施。

除非養護的道路已完全中斷,已不符合道路可用性的要求,否則 非正式成效檢驗不得做為更改承攬廠商月報表、罰款或損失求償之依 據[2, 5, 22]。

在文檔中 中 華 大 學 (頁 122-126)