• 沒有找到結果。


在文檔中 中 華 大 學 (頁 104-111)

第四章 成效式合約估驗計價條款研擬

4.3 工程採購契約範本之估驗計價

4.3.1 新增部分

calculation, the calculation shall be corrected and an adjustment made in the next payment certificate. The index value shall be deemed to take account of all changes in cost due to fluctuations in costs.

49. Monthly Statements and Payments

49.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager monthly statements in the format indicated in the Technical Specifications of the estimated value of Maintenance Services, Initial Rehabilitation Works, Improvement Works, and Emergency Works in separated items covering the Works and Services for the corresponding month.

49.2 The Project Manager shall check the Contractor’s monthly statement and certify within fourteen (14) days the amount to be paid to the Contractor[22].

49.3 The value of Services executed shall be certified by the Project Manager taking into account the monthly amount included in the Bill of Quantities for Maintenance Services and the achievement of the Performance Standards for the Maintenance Services adjusted for any penalty in accordance with GCC Sub-Clause 47.1.be paid interest upon the delayed payment as set out in this clause. Interest shall be calculated from the date upon which the increased amount would have been certified in the absence of dispute. The interest rate shall be determined as per Sub-Clause 50.1.

50. Payments

51.1 Payments shall be adjusted for deductions for advance payments, retention, and reduction for not achieving Performance Standards for Maintenance Services. The Employer shall pay the Contractor the amounts certified by the Project Manager in accordance with GCC Clause 49, within twenty-eight (28) days of the date of each certificate.

If the Employer makes a late payment, the Contractor shall be paid

interest on the late payment in the next payment. Interest shall be

calculated from the date by which the payment should have been made up to the date when the late payment is made at the prevailing rate of interest for commercial borrowing for each of the currencies in which payments are made.

50.2 If an amount certified is increased in a later certificate or as a result of an award by the Adjudicator or an Arbitrator, the Contractor shall be paid interest upon the delayed payment as set out in this clause.

Interest shall be calculated from the date upon which the increased amount would have been certified in the absence of dispute. The interest rate shall be determined as per Sub-Clause 50.1.

50.3 Unless otherwise stated, all payments and deductions will be paid or charged in the proportions of currencies comprising the Contract Price.

50.4 Items of the Works for which no rate or price has been entered in the Bill of Quantities will not be paid for by the Employer and shall be deemed covered by other rates and prices in the Contract.

51. Retention and Reductions

51.1 The Employer shall retain the percentage indicated in the SCC from each payment due to the Contractor for Initial Rehabilitation Works and the Improvement Works. The regular monthly lump-sum payments for performance-based Maintenance Services will not be subject to retentions, unless indicated in the SCC.

51.2 On completion of the Works, half the total amount retained shall be repaid to the Contractor and the other half after twelve (12) months have passed and the Project Manager has certified that all Defects notified by the Project Manager to the Contractor have been corrected before the end of this period.

51.3 On completion of the whole Works, the Contractor may substitute

retention money with an “on demand” Bank guarantee.

51.4 Reduction of monthly payments for Maintenance Services due to non compliance with the Service Quality Levels will be made as indicated in GCC Sub-Clause 47.1. The amount of Reduction for the days in which the Road was not complying with the Performance Standards will not be paid, even after the Contractor re-establishes the quality levels to the standards[22].






1. 契約自開工日起,每_日或每半月或每月 ( 由機關於招標時載明;

未載明者,為每月 ) 估驗計價撥付估驗款 1 次。估驗時應由廠商提 出估驗明細單,機關至遲應於_日 ( 由機關於招標時載明;未載明 者,依第 4 目之規定 ) 內完成審核程序,並於接到廠商提出請款單 據後_日 ( 由機關於招標時載明;未載明者,依第 4 目之規定 ) 內付 款。

2. 估驗以完成施工者為限,如另有規定其半成品或進場材料得以估驗 計價者,從其規定。該項估驗款每期均應扣除 5% 作為保留款 ( 有 預付款之扣回時一併扣除 ) ,並於工程完成,機關驗收合格,廠商 繳納保固保證金後,於_日 ( 由機關於招標時載明 )1 次無息結付 尾款。但廠商比照預付款還款保證規定提出與保留款同額之保證 金作為擔保者,機關於估驗付款時免扣保留款,已保留之款項無 息給付。

半成品或進場材料得以估驗計價之情形: ( 由機關於招標時載明 ) 3. 查核金額以上之營建工程,於初驗合格且無逾期情形時,廠商得以

書面請求機關退還已扣留保留款總額之 50%

4. 經雙方書面確定之契約變更,其新增項目尚未經議價程序議定單價

者,得依機關核定此一項目之預算單價,以_ % ( 由機關於招標時 載明,未載明者,為 80%) 估驗計價給付估驗款。

5. 於履約過程中,如因可歸責於廠商之事由,而有施工查核結果列為 丙等、發生重大勞安或環保事故之情形,機關得將估驗計價保留 款提高為原規定之 2 倍。



條 契約價金之給付條件

() 契約依下列規定辦理付款:

1. 預付款 ( 由機關於招標時載明;無者免填 )

□契約預付款為契約價金總額__ % ( 由機關於招標時載明;查核金 額以上者,預付款額度不逾 30%) ,其付款條件如下:_____

______ ( 由機關於招標時載明 )

□預付款於雙方簽定契約,廠商辦妥履約各項保證,並提供預付款 還款保證,經機關核可後於_日 ( 由機關於招標時載明 ) 內撥付。

□預付款應於銀行開立專戶,專用於本採購,機關得隨時查核其使 用情形。

□預付款之扣回方式,應自估驗金額達契約價金總額 20% 起至 80%


2. 估驗款 ( 無者免填 )

(1) 契約自開工日起,每_日或每半月或每月 ( 由機關於招標時載明;

未載明者,為每月 ) 估驗計價撥付估驗款 1 次。估驗時應由廠商提

出估驗明細單,機關至遲應於_日 ( 由機關於招標時載明;未載明

者,依第 4 目之規定 ) 內完成審核程序,並於接到廠商提出請款單

據後_日 ( 由機關於招標時載明;未載明者,依第 4 目之規定 ) 內付


(2) 估驗以完成施工者為限,如另有規定其半成品或進場材料得以估 驗計價者,從其規定。該項估驗款每期均應扣除 5% 作為保留款 ( 有 預付款之扣回時一併扣除 ) ,並於工程完成,機關驗收合格,廠商 繳納保固保證金後,於_日 ( 由機關於招標時載明 )1 次無息結付 尾款。但廠商比照預付款還款保證規定提出與保留款同額之保證 金作為擔保者,機關於估驗付款時免扣保留款,已保留之款項無 息給付。

□半成品或進場材料得以估驗計價之情形: ( 由機關於招標時載明 ) (3) 查核金額以上之營建工程,於初驗合格且無逾期情形時,廠商得

以書面請求機關退還已扣留保留款總額之 50%

(4) 經雙方書面確定之契約變更,其新增項目尚未經議價程序議定單 價者,得依機關核定此一項目之預算單價,以_ % ( 由機關於招標 時載明,未載明者,為 80%) 估驗計價給付估驗款。

(5) 於履約過程中,如因可歸責於廠商之事由,而有施工查核結果列 為丙等、發生重大勞安或環保事故之情形,機關得將估驗計價保 留款提高為原規定之 2 倍。

3. 驗收後付款:契約驗收後付款為契約價金總額_ % ( 由機關於招標 時載明 ) ,於驗收後_日 ( 由機關於招標時載明 ) 內撥付。

4. 契約未載明機關接到廠商依契約規定提出之工程款項請款單據後 之付款期限及審核程序者,應依行政院主計處訂頒之「公款支付 時限及處理應行注意事項」規定辦理。

5. 廠商履約有下列情形之一者,機關得暫停給付估驗計價款至情形消 滅為止:

(1) 履約實際進度因可歸責於廠商之事由,落後預定進度達_ %( 由機

關於招標時載明;未載明者,依政府採購法施行細則第 111 條第 1

項所定百分比 ) 以上,且經機關通知限期改善未積極改善者。但廠 商如提報趕工計畫經機關核可並據以實施後,其進度落後情形經 機關認定已有改善者,機關得恢復核發估驗計價款。

(2) 履約有瑕疵經書面通知改正而逾期未改正者。

(3) 未履行契約應辦事項,經通知仍延不履行者。

(4) 廠商履約人員不適任,經通知更換仍延不辦理者。

(5) 廠商有施工品質不良或其他違反公共工程施工品質管理作業要點 之情事者。

(6) 其他違反法令或違約情形 [2]


新建/整建/修復等工作的特性與現行執行工程的特性差異不大,能 以傳統估驗計價方式進行付款;道路維護部分工作時間長,透過成效 指標衡量廠商的服務水準,按月付款機制進行估驗付款,此項付款不 須扣除保留款。


第五條 價金之給付條件

() 契約依下列規定辦理付款:

2. 估驗款:

(1) 新建 / 整建 / 修復工作以一次付款為原則;若工程規模大,可依完成 百分比分次付款。

(2) 養護工作以按月付款為原則。每月依完成養護的工作,通過成效


驗明細單,機關至遲應於 14 日內完成審核程序,並於接到廠商提

出請款單據後 7 日內付款。

(3) 於履約過程中,如因可歸責於廠商事由,而有施工查核結果列為 丙等、發生重大勞安或環保事故之情形,機關得將估驗計價保留 款提高為原規定之 2 倍。

5. 廠商履約有下列情形之一者,機關得暫停給付估驗計價款至情形消 滅為止:

(1) 履約之契約服務水準因可歸責於廠商之事由,連續兩個月未達到 契約設定之要求。

(2) 履約有瑕疵經書面通知改正而逾期未改正者。

(3) 未履行契約應辦事項,經通知仍延不履行者。

(4) 廠商履約人員不適任,經通知更換仍延不辦理者。

(5) 廠商有施工品質不良或其他違反公共工程施工品質管理作業要點 之情事者。

(6) 其他違反法令或違約情形。

4.3.2 建議選擇與修改部分

在文檔中 中 華 大 學 (頁 104-111)