• 沒有找到結果。

是否違反 GATT 1994 協定第 11.1 條數量限制規範

第五章 歐盟化妝品動物實驗禁令於 WTO 之合致性──GATT 1994 協定

第三節 是否違反 GATT 1994 協定第 11.1 條數量限制規範

上」的數量限制措施256。India-Quantitative Restrictions 小組肯認 GATT 時 代 Japan-Semi-Conductors 案中小組依據早期案例所發展之見解257,認為 第 11.1 條用語是較其他條文廣義的「措施(measures)」,而不僅限於「laws」、

「regulations」,因此,無論系爭措施的法律地位為何,只要證實具足夠政 府涉入即足該當第 11.1 條適用之範疇。India-Autos 小組說明並非要完全 禁止(blanket prohibition)或對於數量限制始得以構成第 11.1 條之措施,

得以「有限制性的條件(limiting condition)」作為解釋第 11.1 條「restriction」

用語定義,亦即重點在於針對進出口之限制效果258,此為 Brazil-Retreaded Tyres 及 Dominican Republic-Import and Sale of Cigarettes 小組所肯認259, 若一限制措施的本質上係與進口有關(in relation to)即足,且「restrictions on importation」解釋上,並不必然排除邊境措施以外之措施落入 GATT 1994

254 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994, art. 11.1: "No prohibitions or restrictions other than duties, taxes or other charges, whether made effective through quotas, import or export licences or other measures, shall be instituted or maintained by any contracting party on the importation of any product of the territory of any other contracting party or on the

exportation or sale for export of any product destined for the territory of any other contracting party."

255 羅昌發,國際貿易法,頁 124-125,2010 年。


257 GATT Panel Report, JapanTrade in Semi-Conductors, L/6309, adopted 4 May 1988, B.I.S.D. 35S/116, ¶ 104; Panel Report, IndiaQuantitative Restrictions, ¶ 5.129.

258 Panel Report, IndiaAutos, ¶¶ 7.269-7.270.

259 Panel Report, IndiaAutos, ¶¶ 7.269-7.270; Panel Report, Dominican RepublicMeasures Affecting the Importation and Internal Sale of Cigarettes, ¶ 7.261, 7.265, WT/DS302/R (Nov. 26, 2004). 此點並未被上訴。Appellate Body Report, Dominican RepublicMeasures Affecting the Importation and Internal Sale of Cigarettes, ¶ 7.261, 7.265, WT/DS302/AB/R (Apr. 25, 2005).

第 11.1 條260。Argentina-Hides and Leather 小組說明,第 11.1 條涵蓋「法 律上」及「事實上」的禁止及限制措施。

之數量禁止及限制措施皆予以禁止。自 GATT 時代 Japan-Semi-Conductors 以來即確認第 11 條之範疇──若對於貿易有潛在(potential)可能的限制 性,即足以違反 GATT 1994 第 11.1 條264。歐盟化妝品動物實驗禁令未明針 對來源國實施禁令,因此不構成「法律上」之禁止或限制措施,況且系爭

260 Panel Report, IndiaAutos, ¶¶ 7.254-7.263; Panel Report, BrazilRetreaded Tyres, ¶ 7.371.

261 Panel Report, CanadaCertain Measures Concerning Periodicals, ¶ 5.5, WT/DS31/R (Mar.

14, 1997).

262 Panel Report, United StatesImport Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, ¶ 7.16, WT/DS58/R (May 15, 1998).

263 Panel Report USTuna (EEC) I, ¶ 5.17-5.18; Panel Report, USTuna (Mexico) I, ¶ 5.10.

264 GATT Panel Report, EECOilseeds I, ¶ 141; Panel Report, ColombiaIndicative Prices and Restrictions on Ports of Entry, ¶ 7.240, WT/DS366/R (Apr. 27, 2009); Panel Report, China

Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, ¶ 7.1081, WT/DS394/R (July 5, 2011).

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措施並未明定進口禁令,而係在第 18 條及第 4 條一併實施下的將生實質上 進口禁令之效果;關於是否該當「事實上」之禁止或限制措施,根據 Global Insight 於 2007 年撰寫之歐盟化妝品產業報告,過去數年以來,歐盟均係全 球第一大美妝市場265,除歐盟境內之化妝品業者,許多境外國家仰賴出口 其化妝品至歐盟市場以獲得利潤266,當歐盟動物實驗禁令生效後,可能衝 擊境外國家經由動物實驗生產製造之化妝品,將影響外國化妝品業者在歐 盟市場之進口機會,而改變歐盟化妝品市場之競爭態樣,惟此等判定前提 係歐盟以外之國家在實驗替代方法之研究上,與國際組織或歐盟在技術水 準上有所落差,因此本文認系爭措施有不違反 GATT 1994 第 11.1 條義務之 可能性。

265 Global Insight, A Study of the European Cosmetics Industry,EUROPEAN COMMISSION, DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENTERPRISE AND INDUSTRY, Nov. 2007, available at http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/newsroom/cf/_getdocument.cfm?doc_id=4561.

266 Jennifer Klein, EU Cosmetics Directive and the Ban on Animal Testing: Compliance, Challenges, and the GATT as a Potential Barrier to Animal Welfare, TRANSNATIONAL LAW &


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