• 沒有找到結果。

第七章 結論與建議

第三節 未來研究方向建議

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第二節 本研究之限制

本研究限制分為三大項來討論,第一為訪談對象,因地域和時間的限制,未 能訪談多位其他華語中心的老師,另外,因願意參與深入訪談的學習者只有四位,

使得分析學習者與教學者對教材和歌曲教學看法的層面不夠廣。由於,問卷受詴 者男性占 18 位,女性受詴者只佔五位,也造成問卷中對於歌曲曲目類別的選項 結果缺乏有效的支持度。再者,教學時間因受限於實行上的困難,故筆者實際歌 曲教學次數只有四次,詴教教學時間不夠充裕,如果有更多的時間可以進行更完 善的教學活動與編纂教材,相信教材內容會更加完善。最後,教材設計方面,因 時間有限,故只參照學習者和教學者的需求面,進行流行歌曲曲目教材的編纂,

曲目的選擇缺乏多樣化,教材活動與練習教學設計如能更多元化,應能使整個研 究成多更具有可信度。

第三節 未來研究方向建議


這樣的現象表示歌曲教材專書的發展與歌曲教學的效果已逐漸受到華語界專家 們的重視,更顯出歌曲教材專書發展的空間。以往,歌曲教學專書的教學對象只 限於兒童或青少年,對成人,卻無專門為成人學習者設計的教材。現今市面上的 成人歌曲教材專書尚未將學習對象作一個區別,反而是以歌曲為主體,將歌曲以 類型或年代為作為教材選曲的標準或單元劃分。

本論文所探討的是初級成人華語歌曲教材設計與實際應用研究,筆者將在此 小節提出幾點建議,分述如下:

1. 研究方面:目前關於歌曲教學活動的文獻大多屬於英語教學或是以其他語 言為主,而以華語歌曲作為主要語言活動教學的研究文獻極少,因此,


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2. 教材編寫者:筆者在分析海內外歌曲專書教材過程時發現,教材編寫者似 乎皆以歌曲內容或特性作為編寫教材的主要考量點,反而忽略教材內容 本體。其實,筆者認為應以教學者和學習者的角度來思考,針對兩者的 需求,並考量教材的實際面向來編纂教材。筆者相信歌曲教材編寫者如 能以上述角度出發,應能編寫設計出更完善與合適的歌曲教材。

3. 教材使用者:

筆者經由這次編纂教材與詴教過程中發現,教學者與學習者在編寫教材內容 中扮演很重要的角色。教學者的喜好與需求往往是決定一本好教材使用率與實用 性的的依據,因此,筆者期待更多教學者與學習者能夠於課堂上或反應給教材研 發者,表達對於歌曲教學活動的喜好或輔助教材的需求面向,以增進歌曲教材的 質與量。

筆者一開始的出發點是期待將華語歌曲教材能以學習者的程度為主體來作 為選曲的標準,並以考量教學者與學習者的需求面設計出一套符合教學者與學習 者使用的歌曲教材專書。筆者相信一套完整的成人歌曲專書教材應該擁有完整的 歌曲內容文本,詳盡的生詞與語法解說,配合形式活潑的練習和活動,加上適宜 的音樂錄影帶(DVD/CD)。此外,紙本教材如能搭配多媒體影音教材(DVD/CD/PPT 等)或將歌曲教材數位網路化,讓學習者課後也能自行學習,如此一來可提供學 習者更多更自然的語言學習環境,使學習者能將歌曲學習融入生活中,實際參與 和親身感受台灣 KTV 的歌唱文化。另一方面,教學者如能擁有一套依照學生程 度分級的完整歌曲教材專書,便可使教學者省下許多選曲或是自製教材的時間。

最後,筆者期待未來能有教材研發者朝向歌曲教材專書程度分級化及歌曲教材數 位化並提供網路學習模式,使華語歌曲教材專書更具實用性與可看性。

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四、 網路部分

Clara,KLM(2011),Global Grades: Sweden May Add Mandarin to Primary School Curriculum,Times.http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/07/07/global-grades-swede n-may-add-mandarin-to-primary-school-curriculum/

Mandarin Songs Teaching Materials –Questionnaire

Dearest Gambia students : This is Gini,Yeh who was your teacher assistant last semester.

How have you been doing ? Hope all of you are doing extremely well!!! I miss the time I spent with you in Mandarin class. Now I am writing the my thesis, which is Research and Development of Mandarin Songs Teaching Materials for Adult Beginners. There is a help that I would like to ask from you. Regard of this research, your opinions and comments toward Mandarin songs Teaching Materials will be very valuable and crucial for my papers.

Any feedback of yours will be confidential, which is only used for the academic research.

Please kindly help me to fill this questionnaire out. Thank you very much!!

1. Ages :

□ under20□20-30 □30-40 □40-50 □50-60 □60 or more 2. Sex : □Male □Female

3. Occupations :□ NTUT Students □others :__________________

4. Does Mandarin Songs lessons help you to improve your Chinese ?

□ Strongly agree □ agree □Neither agree nor disagree □disagree □ Strongly disagree

5. I like the Mandarin songs taught and selected.

□ Strongly agree □ agree □Neither agree nor disagree □disagree □ Strongly disagree

6. I like the teaching material which means the handouts we used in class.

□ Strongly agree □ agree □Neither agree nor disagree □disagree □ Strongly disagree

7. I think that the teaching materials are helpful as learning songs.

□ Strongly agree □ agree □Neither agree nor disagree □disagree □ Strongly disagree

8. I like the Music Video of Mandarin songs we watch in class.

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□ Strongly agree □ agree □Neither agree nor disagree □disagree □ Strongly disagree

9. The way the teachers2 conducted the class was able to intrigue me into learning Mandarin.

□ Strongly agree □ agree □Neither agree nor disagree □disagree □ Strongly disagree

10. I can sing some of songs I learned from last semester.

□ Strongly agree □ agree □Neither agree nor disagree □disagree □ Strongly disagree

11. I sing these Mandarin songs in private from time to time.

□ Strongly agree □ agree □Neither agree nor disagree □disagree □ Strongly disagree

12. The teacher’s lectures were clear and logical.

□ Strongly agree □ agree □Neither agree nor disagree □disagree □ Strongly disagree

13. Do you think that the singing contest or other activities give you the motivation to practice the Mandarin songs?

□ Strongly agree □ agree □Neither agree nor disagree □disagree □ Strongly disagree

14. Do you need the some homework after having Mandarin Songs teaching?

□ Strongly agree □ agree □Neither agree nor disagree □disagree □ Strongly disagree

15. Would you like to learn more Mandarin songs if there is any possibility?

2 Teachers here refer to Professor, YANG HSIU-HUI and Teacher assistant –Gini( Ming-Hua,Yeh)

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□ Yes, I would like to learn the following types of Mandarin songs. (Multiple choices)

□ Pop songs □ Children songs □ folk songs3□love songs □original songs( ex : sorry, My Chinese is not good)

□No, thanks

16. I think that it will be useful if there is a textbook which is “Mandarin songs Learning for Adult Beginners”.

□ Strongly agree □ agree □Neither agree nor disagree □disagree □ Strongly disagree

17. Comments/Suggestions for the Mandarin Songs Teaching or Teaching Materials (ex: Videos/Handouts )



If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you very much!! Wish you all the best. 

3Folks songs are handed down from generations in Taiwanese culture.

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