• 沒有找到結果。

第四章 歐盟綠色政府採購之範圍與手段

第一節 歐盟綠色政府採購的範圍

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本文將藉該等文獻之觀察輔助梳理歐盟規範現況,復於本論文第五章,參考外文 文獻對歐盟採購指令之檢討,比較我國相關規範並提出建議。

於進入採購指令的探討前猶須定義相關名詞,因執委會將「藉由公共部門在 採購過程中,除了採購財物、服務或工程的主要功能之外,亦應考量其生命週期

( life cycle ) 以 減 輕 對 環 境 的 衝 擊 」, 稱 之 為 綠 色 政 府 採 購 ( Green Public Procurement, GPP)44,歐盟的官方網頁也將採購機關運用其採購力,選擇對環境 友善的財物、勞務和工程稱為綠色政府採購45,故本文將以綠色政府採購一詞表 示歐盟於政府採購中納入環境考量,所謂產品生命週期於 2014 年版採購指令明 文定義為:「整體產品、工程或提供的服務中,包括執行研發、製造、交易及其 條件、運輸、使用和維護等所有連續和/或有相互關聯的階段,其材料、成分之取 得、服務結束或使用後的清除46。」;此外,執委會另以永續政府採購(Sustainable Public Procurement, SPP)表示於採購時考量環保政策或社會政策(如藉政府採購 解決失業問題)47。可見在歐盟脈絡中,永續政府採購屬於綠色政府採購之上位 概念,兩者並不完全相同;本文將以執委會的區分方式使用這此二用語。雖然永 續政府採購和綠色政府採購的意涵並不相同,但因為都是在政府採購中納入非純 粹經濟考量,部分文獻會同時探討其中共通的原理原則48,本文雖側重探討綠色 政府採購,惟仍會觸及永續政府採購,合先敘明。

第一節 歐盟綠色政府採購的範圍

44 EUROPEAN COMMISSION, supra note 38, at 4 :“a process whereby public authorities seek to procure goods, services and works with a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle when compared to goods, services and works with the same primary function that would otherwise be procured.


45 European Commission, Green Public Procurement,

http://ec.europa.eu/environment/gpp/index_en.htm (last visited Feb. 18, 2016).

46 Article 2.1(20) 2014/24/EU、Article 2(16) 2014/24/EU:“

‘life cycle’ means all consecutive and/or interlinked stages, including research and development to be carried out, production, trading and its conditions, transport, use and maintenance, throughout the existence of the product or the works or the provision of the service, from raw material acquisition or generation of resources to disposal, clearance and end of service or utilization.”

47 EUROPEAN COMMISSION, supra note 38, at 4;Roberto Caranta, supra note 43, at 17.

48 Sue Arrowsmith, Paula Bordalo Faustino, Baudouin Heuninckx, Steen Treumer & Professor Jens Fejø, supra note 4, at 298-338:” Chapter 11: Social and environmental policies in EU public procurement law”; Roberto Caranta, supra note 43, at 17-19.

49 Article 18 2014/24/EU, Article 36 2014/25/EU:“

1. Contracting authorities shall treat economic operators equally and without discrimination and shall act in a transparent and proportionate manner.

The design of the procurement shall not be made with the intention of excluding it from the scope of this Directive or of artificially narrowing competition. Competition shall be considered to be artificially narrowed where the design of the procurement is made with the intention of unduly favouring or disadvantaging certain economic operators.”

2. Member States shall take appropriate measures to ensure that in the performance of public contracts economic operators comply with applicable obligations in the fields of environmental, social and labour law established by Union law, national law, collective agreements or by the international environmental, social and labour law provisions listed in Annex X.”

50 Article 42.1 2014/24/EU, Article 60.1 2014/25/EU: “

The technical specifications as defined in point 1 of Annex VII shall be set out in the procurement documents. The technical specification shall lay down the characteristics required of a works, service or supply.

Those characteristics may also refer to the specific process or method of production or provision of the requested works, supplies or services or to a specific process for another stage of its life cycle even where such factors do not form part of their material substance provided that they are linked to the subject-matter of the contract and proportionate to its value and its objectives.

Article 42.3(a) 2014/24/EU, Article 60.3(a) 2014/25/EU:“

Without prejudice to mandatory national technical rules, to the extent that they are compatible with Union law, the technical specifications shall be formulated in one of the following ways: (a) in terms of performance or functional requirements, including environmental characteristics, provided that the parameters are sufficiently precise to allow tenderers to determine the subject-matter of the contract and to allow contracting authorities to award the contract.

Article 43.1(a) 2014/24/EU, Article 61.1(a) 2014/25/EU:“

Where contracting authorities intend to purchase works, supplies or services with specific environmental, social or other characteristics they may, in the technical specifications, the award criteria or the contract performance conditions, require a specific label as means of proof that the works, services or supplies correspond to the required characteristics, provided that all of the following conditions are fulfilled:

(a) the label requirements only concern criteria which are linked to the subject-matter of the contract and are appropriate to define characteristics of the works, supplies or services that are the subject-matter of the contract.”

Article 58.1 2014/24/EU:“

Selection criteria may relate to:

(a) suitability to pursue the professional activity;

(b) economic and financial standing;

(c) technical and professional ability.

Contracting authorities may only impose criteria referred to in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 on economic operators as requirements for participation. They shall limit any requirements to those that are appropriate to ensure that a candidate or tenderer has the legal and financial capacities and the technical and

to the subject-matter”,於審查採商資格的條文用語略有不同,為 “shall be related and proportionate to the subject-matter”,但語意雷同,學者 Abby Semple 也將其 等同視之51);因此可以推論出 2014 年版採購指令之規範下,採購流程如下:第 告、通知有興趣的廠商參與標案(call for competition)52,採購文件必須包含技

professional abilities to perform the contract to be awarded. All requirements shall be related and proportionate to the subject-matter of the contract.”

Article 80.2 2014/25/EU :“

The criteria and rules referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may include the selection criteria set out in Article 58 of Directive 2014/24/EU on the terms and conditions set out therein, notably as regards the limits to requirements concerning yearly turnovers, as provided for under the second subparagraph of paragraph 3 of that Article.”

Article 67.2 2014/24/EU Contract award criteria (類似條文見 Article 82.2 2014/25/EU):“

The most economically advantageous tender from the point of view of the contracting authority shall be identified on the basis of the price or cost, using a cost-effectiveness approach, such as life-cycle costing in accordance with Article 68, and may include the best price-quality ratio, which shall be assessed on the basis of criteria, including qualitative, environmental and/or social aspects, linked to the subject-matter of the public contract in question.”

Article 70 2014/24/EU (類似條文見 Article 87 2014/25/EU):“

Contracting authorities may lay down special conditions relating to the performance of a contract, provided that they are linked to the subject-matter of the contract within the meaning of Article 67(3) and indicated in the call for competition or in the procurement documents. Those conditions may include economic, innovation-related, environmental, social or employment-related considerations.”

51 Abby Semple, The Link to the Subject-Matter: A Glass Ceiling for Sustainable Public Contracts? 4 (Feb. 4, 2015), http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2565051.

52 Article 2.1(13) 2014/24/EU( 類似條文見 Article 2(9) 2014/25/EU ):“

‘procurement document’ means any document produced or referred to by the contracting authority to describe or determine elements of the procurement or the procedure, including the contract notice, the prior information notice where it is used as a means of calling for competition, the technical specifications, the descriptive document, proposed conditions of contract, formats for the presentation of documents by candidates and tenderers, information on generally applicable obligations and any additional documents.”

原則上,向有興趣的廠商公告標案時,應使用 “contract notice” 公告,但在例外的情形下,得另 以第 24 號採購指令的 “prior information notice”、第 25 號採購指令的 “Periodic indicative notices” 等方式公告,相關條文見:

Article 49 2014/24/EU( 類似條文見 Article 69 2014/25/EU ):“

Contract notices shall be used as a means of calling for competition in respect of all procedures, without prejudice to the second subparagraph of Article 26(5) and Article 32. Contract notices shall contain the information set out in Annex V part C and shall be published in accordance with Article 51.”

Article 48.2 2014/24/EU:“

For restricted procedures and competitive procedures with negotiation, sub-central contracting authorities may use a prior information notice as a call for competition pursuant to Article 26(5), provided

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術規格、所欲審查之廠商資格、契約條款和決標條件,並以適當的方式公告53, 有意投入競爭之廠商,須於公告後一定期間內投標(期間長短因不同之採購程序 有別),決標後則進入契約履行階段(歐盟政府採購流程見圖 4-1)。學者 Bogdana Neamtu 和 Dacian C. Dragos 指出,政府採購具諸多程序,故可供採購機關納入 綠色政府採購(或永續政府採購),包括擬定技術規格、訂定契約條款和設定決 標條件等等54

that the notice fulfils all of the following conditions……”

Article 67.2 2014/25/EU:“

When a call for competition is made by means of a periodic indicative notice in respect of restricted procedures and negotiated procedures with prior call for competition, the notice shall meet all the following requirements……"

53 2014 年第 24 號採購指令第 42.1 條、58.3 條第 3 段、第 67.5 條和第 70 條分別規定:技 術規格、所欲審查之廠商資格、決標條件和契約條款必須載明於採購文件;2014 年第 25 號採 購指令第 60.1 條、80.2 條、第 82.5 條和第 87 條亦同。此外 2014 年第 24 號採購指令第 53 條和 2014 年第 25 號採購指令第 73 條則訂有採購文件之公告方式。

54 Bogdana Neamtu & Dacian C. Dragos, supra note 39, at 11.

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圖 4- 1:歐盟政府採購流程


然而何謂與採購標的連結係屬不確定法律概念55,本文以為,其與不得不當 限制競爭等原則之運用,皆須藉由觀察實際案例方能了解,故本節將依照時間順 序檢討歐盟法院的判決、執委會發表非典型法規和採購指令之變遷,釐清綠色政 府採購的範圍。

第一項 政府採購納入非經濟因素之濫觴──以政府採購促進就業之 爭議

55 Abby Semple, supra note 51, at 4.

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歐盟法院於 1988 年之 Beentjes56 裁判,係政府採購能否加入非經濟因素考 量——即永續政府採購的指標性案件(leading case)57;當時的採購指令尚未明 文肯認永續政府採購;而本案源起於 Gebroeders Beentjes 公司認為其為某公共工 程採購案的最低標,惟荷蘭農業與漁業部(Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries,下稱採購機關)卻決標予次低標廠商,有違法之嫌故提起救濟,荷蘭 內國法院依照當時的共同體條約(Treaty establishing the European Economic Community)第 177 條,提出先決裁判之訴(Preliminary Rulings),其中一項爭 議為:「採購機關是否可因投標廠商欠缺相關標案的履約經驗,進而排除該廠商 投標或其標案?因廠商之標案無法聘顧長期失業勞工,採購機關依照荷蘭之內國 法,認為並非『最可接受(the most acceptable)之標案』而不決標予該廠商,是 否符合歐盟採購指令之規範?」

歐盟法院闡釋當時適用之採購指令(Directive 71/305/EEC)指出,按第 20 條採購機關確實有權審查投標廠商之條件是否足資履約,但以審查廠商的財務和 技術能力為限58;復按採購指令第 29 條,機關得決標予最低價標或最具經濟利 益之標案(the most economically advantageous tender)59,除可考量該條明文的例

56 Roberto Caranta, supra note 43, at 19.

57 Case 31/87, Gebroeders Beentjes BV v Netherlands (“Beentjes”) [1998] ECR 4635.

58 Article 20 71/305/EEC: “

Contracts shall be awarded on the basis of the criteria laid down in Chapter 2 of this Title, after the suitability of contractors not excluded under the provisions of Article 23 has been checked by the authorities awarding contracts in accordance with the criteria of economic and financial standing and of technical knowledge or ability referred to in Articles 25 to 28.”

59 對照我國之規定,歐盟採購指令的 the most economically advantageous tender 類似政府採購法 第 52 條第 1 項第 3 款之「最有利標」,惟觀全國法規資料庫之英文版政府採購法和 2012 年 版 GPA,「最有利標」所對應之英文皆為 the most advantageous tender,與歐盟採購指令用語略有 不同,故本論文將其譯為「最具經濟利益之標案」避免混淆。政府採購法相關專有名詞英譯可參:


http://law.moj.gov.tw/Eng/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode=A0030057 (最後瀏覽日:2016 年 2 月 18 日);2012 年版 GPA 之條文如下,Article XV.5 GPA/113:“

Unless a procuring entity determines that it is not in the public interest to award a contract, the entity shall award the contract to the supplier that the entity has determined to be capable of fulfilling the terms of the contract and that, based solely on the evaluation criteria specified in the notices and tender documentation, has submitted:(a) the most advantageous tender; or (b) where price is the sole criterion, the lowest price.” 中文參考翻譯可參:行政院公共程委員會,修正版 WTO 政府採購協定條文(GPA 2012) , http://www.pcc.gov.tw/pccap2/BIZSfront/MenuContent.do?site=002&bid=BIZS_C10202799

(最後瀏覽日:2016 年 2 月 18 日)。

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示,如價格、完成期限、營運成本、營利能力或技術特徵外60,由於採購指令係 屬框架(framework)規範,在符合歐盟條約和指令的框架之下,會員國仍有權維 持、訂定各自之實質與程序規範;再按採購指令維持平等競爭的立法目的,採購 機關必須公平對待投標廠商,並於共同體內充分揭露資訊,俾使共同體內之廠商 得以知悉、並考慮是否投入該標案。

基於上述規範,歐盟法院判決指出:第一、採購機關可以審查、排除不合格 的廠商,但合格與否僅能考量廠商的財務和技術能力;第二、荷蘭的內國法規定

