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Auld Lang Syne by Lea Michelle


Academic year: 2021

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Auld Lang Syne

Old Scottish English Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

and never brought to mind ?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,, and auld lang syne ?


For auld lang syne, my dear for auld lang syne,

we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne.

And surely ye’ll be your pint-stoup ! And surely I’ll be mine !

And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne.


We twa hae run about the braes, and pou’d the gowans fine ;

But we’ve wander’d mony a weary fit, sin’ auld lang syne


We twa hae paidl’d in the burn, frae morning sun till dine ;

But seas between us braid hae roar’d sin’ auld lang syne.


And there’s a hand my trusty fiere ! And gies a hand o’ thine !

And we’ll tak a right gude-willie waught, for auld lang syne.

Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind ?

Should old acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne ?

For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,

we'll take a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne.

And surely you’ll get your pint mug ! And surely I’ll get mine !

And we'll take a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne.


We two have run about the hills, and pulled the daisies fine ;

But we’ve wandered many a weary foot, since auld lang syne.


We two have paddled in the stream, from morning sun till dine ;

But seas between us broad have roared since auld lang syne.


And there’s a hand my trusty friend ! And give us a hand o’ thine !

And we’ll take a right good-friendly draught, for auld lang syne.

老朋友怎能忘記掉,不時刻記心中, 老朋友怎能忘記掉,過去的好時光。 我們曾漫步小山岡,那野菊分外香。 但如今我們去流浪,再也沒有那好時光。


我們曾蕩槳小河上,從日出到斜陽。 但海浪將我們分隔開, 再也沒有那好時 光。

親愛的快來乾一杯,為過去的好時光。 來為那友誼乾一杯,為過去的好時光。 ◎Auld Lang Syn 來由--其他相關補充

Auld Lang Syn 唸法是「歐-蘭-桑」,是蘇格蘭文,直譯為"old long since " ;"times gone by" 或 "once upon a time",意即 "美好的往昔"。

Auld Lang Syn (友誼萬歲)這首歌是由 18 世紀蘇格蘭詩人 Robert Burns 所填寫的歌詞, 在 1788/12/17,距離聖誕節還有一星期的時間,Robert 看到好友歡慶相聚的歡欣之情, 想起蘇格蘭語的 Auld Lang Syne 是最適合表達這種心境的,所以在填詞時將一首耳熟 能詳的蘇格蘭民謠重新編曲,歷經百年口耳相傳,成為現在歐美國家通常會在除夕夜、 跨年午夜 12 點時播放或合唱的歌曲。每年除夕夜在美國紐約時代廣場,萬人倒數計時 迎新年的活動中,在「」的倒數聲後,大家互相擁抱親吻,再大聲合唱這首 Auld Lang Syne,表達對過去一年的懷念,象徵著告別舊的歲月,迎接新的來年。 後來該民謠除了原蘇格蘭文外,亦被多國譜上當地語言。這首曲子也被許多電影、歌曲 引用或改編,如三0年代的經典電影"魂斷藍橋"等。在亞洲地區就是我們耳熟能詳的 驪歌,最常在學校畢業典禮時作為主題曲,象徵送舊迎新;參加喪禮時樂隊也常演奏, 代表告別或結束的情感。

Auld Lang Syne

lyrics movie


and never brought to mind ?

Should old acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne ?

**For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,

we'll take a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne.**

And surely you’ll buy your cup ! And surely I’ll get mine !

And we'll take a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne.

We too have run about the slopes, and picked the daisies fine ;

But we’ve wandered many a weary foot, since auld lang syne.


We too have paddled in the stream, from morning sun to night ;

But the seas between us broad have roared from auld lang syne.


we'll take a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne.

and never brought to mind ?

Should old acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne ?

And surely you will buy your cup ! And surely I’ll buy mine !

And we'll take a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne.

We too have run about the slopes, and picked the daisies fine ;

But we’ve wandered many a weary foot, since auld lang syne.

**For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,

we'll take a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne.**

We too have paddled in the stream, from morning sun to night ;

But the seas between us broad have roared from auld lang syne.



孟郊(751-814),字東野,中唐詩人。現存詩歌約 500 餘首,多為五言短篇 古詩,沒有律詩作品。孟郊為唐代苦吟詩人的代表,

「萬里」寫空間 的遼遠,暗示遠 離故鄉,「常作 客」寫長期在外 飄泊,晚年淪落 他鄉。. 自然之秋



孟浩然等所作的詩歌的詩意 譜寫而成,歌詞原文以德文 寫成。香港舞蹈團曾於 2002 年演繹這首作品,並邀請了

文學賞析能力:形式、節奏的感 悟、從詩歌與政治的關係了解詩 歌的怨刺作用,探討深層的主題

1 朋友居五倫之末,其實朋友是極重要的一倫。 /所謂友誼實 即人與人之間的一種良好的關係,其中包括瞭解、欣賞、信

這首詩描寫鵝兒在春天浮游的情 景。鵝的頸項又長又彎,牠們伸 長脖子「哦哦哦」的叫,就像放