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The Moderating Effects of Organizational Identification and Perceived Organizational upport on the Relationship between 蕭昇諺、林淑慧


Academic year: 2022

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The Moderating Effects of Organizational Identification and Perceived Organizational upport on the Relationship between


E-mail: 9805489@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study focuses on the relationship of goal orientation and training motivation. Organizational identification and perceived organizational support are included as moderators, and test the moderator effort of goal orientation and training motivation. The researcher has adopted the method of Convenience Sampling, including training programs and seminars which are held by Plastics Industry Development Center. 381 effective samplings have been collected for analysis. The results are found. Learning goal orientation and performance goal orientation have positive effect on training motivation. Organizational identification individually has two moderator effects with learning goal orientation and performance goal orientation on training motivation. Perceived organizational support individually has two moderator effects with learning goal orientation and performance goal orientation on training motivation. Finally, based on summary of this research, advanced discussion and suggestion are brought up for reference of related authorities and following research.

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Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要...iii 英文摘要...iv 誌謝

辭...v 內容目錄...vii 表目錄...ix 圖目 錄...x 第一章  緒論...1   第一節  研究背景與動

機...1   第二節  研究目的與問題...5 第三節 名詞解釋...6 第二章   文獻探討...8   第一節  目標取向...8   第二節  訓練動

機...15   第三節  組織認同...26 第四節 認知組織支持...35 第三 章 研究方法...41 第一節 研究架構...41 第二節 研究變項...41 第三 節 研究假設...43 第四節 研究對象...44 第五節 研究工具...45 第六 節 資料分析方法...52 第四章 研究結果與分析...54 第一節 研究樣本之背景資料分 析...54 第二節 目標取向、訓練動機、組織認同與認知組織支持之相關分析55 第三節 目標取向、訓練動機、組 織認同與認知組織支持之層級迴歸分析59 第四節 組織認同與認知組織支持對目標取向和訓練動機之干擾效果分析64 第五 章 結論與建議...70 第一節 研究結論...70 第二節 研究建議...76 參考文獻...79 附錄A 預式問卷...96 附錄B 正式問


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