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Academic year: 2021

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一、 看圖辨義 track 01 第一部分:單選題 說明:每題有四幅圖畫。請仔細觀察各圖畫,並聆聽語音播出的試題,根據 試題內容選出最符合題意的圖畫選項,並將答案畫記在答案卡之「選 擇題答案區」,每題播放一次。 Question 1. Ans:________ A B C D


Question 2. Ans:________ 第二部分:多選題 說明:每題配有一幅圖畫,請仔細觀察圖畫並聆聽試題,從聽到的4 個選項 中選出最符合圖意的2 個答案,並將答案畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案 區」,每題播放一次。 Question 3. Picture 3. Ans: ________ A B C D


Question 4. Picture 4. Ans: ________ Question 5. Picture 5. Ans: ________ 二、簡短對話 track 02 說明:含單題及題組。請聽語音播出一段對話和相關的問題,依試題本所列 的選項,選出一個最適當的選項,並將答案畫記在答案卡之「選擇題 答案區」,每題(組)播放一次。

6. (A) To visit her cupcake blog. (B) To have a cupcake. (C) To try baking cupcakes. (D) To help her make cupcakes 7. (A) They may make you go blind.

(B) She should never use them.

(C) Using them too much may be harmful. (D) No one really needs to own one. 8. (A) Biography.

(B) Science fiction. (C) Historical romance. (D) Comedy.


9. (A) Doing the shopping. (B) Keeping up.

(C) Moving on. (D) Working out.

10. (A) Lining up at the checkout. (B) Purchasing groceries. (C) Wearing makeup. (D) Trying things on. 11. (A) He disagrees with them.

(B) He finds them interesting. (C) He can't make up his mind. (D) He thinks they are great. 三、短文聽解 track 03

說明:每兩題為一題組。請聽語音播出的一段訊息,從試題本中選出一個最 適當的選項,並將答案畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」,每題組播放 一次。

第12、13 題為題組(請先閱讀試題)

12. What does the speaker say about the people in her office? (A) They brush their teeth before coming to work.

(B) They never brush their teeth after lunch. (C) Their teeth are actually quite healthy.

(D) Some of them have painful cavities. 13. What can we infer about the speaker?

(A) She doesn’t get along with her coworkers. (B) She doesn’t bring breakfast to work. (C) She brushes her teeth after lunch.

(D) She had problems with her teeth in the past.

第14、15 題為題組(請先閱讀試題)

14. How might video games be bad for kids, according to the speaker? (A) If parents let their kids buy any games they want.

(B) If the games are full of violence.


(D) If they make children feel too tired to study. 15. What is the speaker’s opinion of video games?

(A) He approves of them.

(B) He thinks they should be banned. (C) He wants schools to use them.



定義問題 統整資訊 概念圖【行動版】.

(一)初試:採筆試方式,題目類型為選擇題,每科目題數各 50 題(每題 2 分,各題未作 答不予計分,答錯倒扣 0.6 分) 。初試成績達參加複試標準(初試科目其中

大發雷霆 (成語) 比喻大發脾氣,高聲訓斥 閱讀 卷六 思想、感受 大開眼界 (成語) 增廣見識,開闊視野 寫作 卷一 思想、感受. 口福

題目問什麼?請把它找出來。 【題目問共要 花多少錢】.. 換你試試看 換你試試看


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