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A Study on the Elementary School Teachers' Cognition and Teaching Behavior Toward Green Consumption in Taichung Metropo 柯炘艷、魏漣邦


Academic year: 2022

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A Study on the Elementary School Teachers' Cognition and Teaching Behavior Toward Green Consumption in Taichung Metropo


E-mail: 360468@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purpose of this study is to explore current status and relationships of teacher’s cognition and teaching behavior of Taichung metropolitan area elementary school teachers in the education of green consumption. A total of 360 copies of the self-made

“questionnaire of teacher’s cognition and teaching behavior of elementary school teachers for green consumption” were sent out to teachers associated with elementary schools in Taichung metropolitan area. The teachers were selected by the method of

“stratified random sampling” so that difference in school size and location can be included in the population. There were 354 valid samples obtained with an effective ratio of 98.9%. The surveys were analyzed by statistical methods including descriptive statistics, T-test, ANOVA, Scheffe Post-hoc comparison and Pearson’s related analysis. The three main results of this research are as follows. Firstly, the teachers indicate a strong cognition in the importance of education of green consumption. Secondly, in the category of teacher’s cognition in green consumption, significant differences exist in scale of school in green consumption education. Thirdly, in the category of green consumption teaching behavior, differences in background show significant difference.

More specifically, those who are having taken related workshops or trainings agree more on teachings green consumption issues.

Lastly, there is a positive correlation between teachers’ cognitions and teachers’ behaviors. From the results obtained in this study, suggestions are recommended so that authorities, elementary school officials and teachers can follow to take proper actions concerning the education of green consumption.

Keywords : elementary school teacher、green consumption、teachers’ cognition、teaching behavior Table of Contents

中文摘要           iii ABSTRACT          iv 誌謝           v 目錄           vi 圖目錄          x 表目錄          xi 第一章 緒論            1 1.1 研究背景與動機               1 1.2 研究目的                   3 1.3 待答問題                  4 1.4 名詞釋義                  6 1.5 研究內容與限制               8 第二章 文獻探討       9 2.1環境問題與消費    9 2.2綠色消費的定義    11 2.3校園綠色消費教學   15 2.4綠色消費相關論文研究 18 2.4.1國小教師綠色消費認知相關研 究   20 2.4.2國小教師綠色消費教學行為相關研究 22 第三章 研究方法       25 3.1研究架構          25 3.2研究流程         26 3.3研究對象         29 3.3.1預式樣本       29 3.3.2正式樣 本       30 3.4研究工具         33 3.4.1問卷內容       33 3.4.2問卷題目配置     34 3.4.3預 試問卷項目分析  36 3.5資料處理與分析   41 第四章 結果與討論          42 4.1樣本基本資料分析  43 4.2國民小學教師綠色消費認知與綠色消費教學 行為之現況分析 45 4.2.1國小教師綠色消費認知現況分析 46 4.2.2國小教師 綠色消費教學行為現況分析 52 4.3不同背景變項國民小學教師綠色消費認知與 綠色消費教學行為之差異分析 56 4.3.1不同 背景變項在綠色消費認知上之差異 比較 56 4.3.2不同背景變項在綠色消費認知之綜合比 較 64 4.3.3不同背景變項在綠色消 費教學行為上之 差異比較 67 4.3.4不同背景變項在綠色消費教學行為之綜 合比較 72 4.4國民小學教師綠色消費認知與綠色 消費教學 行為之相關分析 74 第五章 結論與建議          78 5.1結論         78 5.2建議          80 5.2.1對教育行政機關的建議 80 5.2.2對教師實施綠色消費教學的建議 81 5.2.3對未來相關研究的建議 81 參考文獻        83 附錄一 臺中市都會區學校類型分類一覽表 89 附錄二 專家效度調查問卷 90 附錄三 正式問卷 97 REFERENCES

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