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Statistics and Census Service


MARCH/2006 No. 3

In March 2006, Macao’s total value of exports amounted to MOP1.74 billion, up 42.5% over the same month of 2005. Among this, the value of domestic exports increased 61.0% to MOP1.25 billion and the value of re-exports rose 10.5% to MOP494 million. Value of imports amounted to MOP2.95 billion, up 29.5%

over the same period of 2005. A trade deficit of MOP1.21 billion was recorded this month.

During the period of January - March 2006, the value of total exports increased 36.4% year-on-year to MOP4.77 billion. Among this, the value of domestic exports rose 47.7% and the value of re-exports went up 11.3%. Meanwhile, the value of imports amounted to MOP7.69 billion, up 28.3% over the same period of 2005.

In the first three months of 2006, Macao’s trade balance registered a deficit of MOP2.92 billion. During this period, the exports/imports ratio increased from 58.4% in the corresponding period of 2005 to 62.1%.

Table 1


MOP thousand

2005 2006 Year-on-year % change

Principal indicators March Jan. - Mar. March Jan. - Mar. March Jan. - Mar.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Exports 1 223 599 3 498 833 1 744 069 4 771 801 42.5 36.4

Domestic exports 776 121 2 410 626 1 249 809 3 560 644 61.0 47.7

Re-exports 447 479 1 088 207 494 260 1 211 157 10.5 11.3

Imports 2 280 245 5 993 359 2 953 202 7 689 528 29.5 28.3

Trade balance a -1 056 646 -2 494 526 -1 209 133 -2 917 726 -14.4 -17.0

Exports/Imports ratio (%) 53.7 58.4 59.1 62.1 .. ..

a Trade balance is the difference between the value of exports and imports.

. . Not applicable

Note: Due to rounding, the totals may not correspond to the sums of the partial figures.

In the first three months of 2006, the value of Textile & garment exports, which accounted for 76.1% of the total exports, increased 42.6% over the same period of 2005. Moreover, the value of Non-textile exports also rose 19.9%. As the major components of the non-textile exports, Machines and apparatus, parts &

accessories thereof and Footwear both expanded 8.7% and 7.7% respectively, year-on-year.

Official Statistics. Reproduction of these data is allowed provided the source is quoted.

Statistics and Census Service

17th floor , “Dynasty Plaza” Bldg., 411-417 Alameda Dr. Carlos d´Assumpção, Macao Tel: 3995311 Fax: 307825 Printed in May 2006



Table 2


MOP thousand

2005 2006

Principal commodities

Jan. – Mar. Structure % Jan. – Mar. Structure %


% change

1 2 3 4 5 6

Total 3 498 833 100.0 4 771 801 100.0 36.4

Textile and garment 2 546 267 72.8 3 629 913 76.1 42.6

Garment of:

Knitted fabrics 1 225 454 35.0 1 867 671 39.1 52.4

Non-knitted fabrics 903 881 25.8 1 411 037 29.6 56.1

Textile fabrics 258 425 7.4 253 169 5.3 -2.0

Textile yarn and threads 142 782 4.1 73 669 1.5 -48.4

Others 15 724 0.4 24 367 0.5 55.0

Non-textile 952 567 27.2 1 141 889 23.9 19.9

Machines and apparatus; 262 719 7.5 285 643 6.0 8.7

parts and accessories thereof

Footwear 28 021 0.8 30 174 0.6 7.7

Image and sound appliances 12 641 0.4 10 548 0.2 -16.6

Others 649 186 18.6 815 523 17.1 25.6

Note: Due to rounding, the totals may not correspond to the sums of the partial figures.

The USA and the EU remained as Macao’s major export markets, together making up 68.2% of the total value of exports. Among this, exports to the USA, which made up 51.1% of the total value of exports, increased 52.3% over the same period of 2005; exports to the EU, which made up 17.1% of the total value of exports, also grew 77.6% over the same period of 2005. As regards the Asian markets, Mainland China and Hong Kong together absorbed 22.3% of Macao’s total value of exports. Compared with the corresponding period of 2005, the value of exports to Mainland China dropped by 7.5%, whereas the value of exports to Hong Kong rose by 31.2%.

Table 3


MOP thousand

2005 2006

Main countries/

territories Jan. – Mar. Structure % Jan. – Mar. Structure %


% change

1 2 3 4 5 6

Total 3 498 833 100.0 4 771 801 100.0 36.4

EU 459 503 13.1 816 006 17.1 77.6

Germany 163 796 4.7 299 301 6.3 82.7

United Kingdom 83 853 2.4 170 095 3.6 102.8

France 87 125 2.5 127 805 2.7 46.7

Portugal 2 228 0.1 2 712 0.1 21.7

USA 1 601 277 45.8 2 438 181 51.1 52.3

Mainland China 626 861 17.9 579 772 12.1 -7.5

Hong Kong 371 140 10.6 487 037 10.2 31.2

Taiwan, China 52 248 1.5 26 799 0.6 -48.7

Japan 46 799 1.3 38 093 0.8 -18.6


During the period of January - March 2006, Macao’s total value of imports increased 28.3%

year-on-year, mainly due to the increase in the value of imports by broad economic categories, namely Fuels & lubricants (50.1%), Capital goods (28.8%), Consumer goods (28.1%) and Raw materials &

semi-manufactures (22.4%).

Table 4


MOP thousand

2005 2006

Broad economic

categories Jan. – Mar. Structure % Jan. – Mar. Structure %



1 2 3 4 5 6

Total 5 993 359 100.0 7 689 528 100.0 28.3

Consumer goods 2 386 898 39.8 3 057 322 39.8 28.1

Raw materials and 1 955 953 32.6 2 394 474 31.1 22.4


Fuels and lubricants 526 793 8.8 790 621 10.3 50.1

Capital goods 1 123 715 18.7 1 447 110 18.8 28.8

Note: Due to rounding, the totals may not correspond to the sums of the partial figures.

Among the imports of Raw materials & semi-manufactures, the value of textile materials (42.1%) remained unchanged over 2005, and that of construction materials (17.0%) increased 82.7%. In addition, materials and semi-manufactures for furskins, paper and plastics (5.4%) went up by 23.2% over 2005.

Table 5



MOP thousand

2005 2006

Principal categories of raw

materials & semi-manufactures Jan. – Mar. Structure % Jan. – Mar. Structure %

Year-on-year change %

1 2 3 4 5 6

Total 1 955 953 100.0 2 394 474 100.0 22.4

Textile materials 1 007 554 51.5 1 007 626 42.1 0.0

Construction materials 223 186 11.4 407 668 17.0 82.7

Materials and semi-manufactures 105 549 5.4 130 001 5.4 23.2

for furskins, paper and plastics

Other products 619 664 31.7 849 179 35.5 37.0

Note: Due to rounding, the totals may not correspond to the sums of the partial figures.



Meanwhile, Macao’s main suppliers of imported goods still concentrated in the Asian region. Imports from Mainland China and Hong Kong together constituted 53.0% of the total value of imports. Compared with the same period of 2005, the value of imports from Mainland China and Hong Kong increased 44.8%

and 26.1% respectively. Moreover, total value of imports from the EU and the USA went up 12.3% and 34.0%

respectively. The EU and the USA accounted for 12.7% and 5.4% of the total value of imports respectively.

Table 6


MOP thousand

2005 2006

Main countries/

territories Jan. – Mar. Structure % Jan. – Mar. Structure %


% change

1 2 3 4 5 6

Total 5 993 359 100.0 7 689 528 100.0 28.3

EU 868 445 14.5 974 873 12.7 12.3

France 251 782 4.2 292 097 3.8 16.0

United Kingdom 115 783 1.9 131 283 1.7 13.4

Germany 196 844 3.3 249 012 3.2 26.5

Portugal 26 720 0.4 25 027 0.3 -6.3

USA 309 615 5.2 415 012 5.4 34.0

Mainland China 2 278 929 38.0 3 299 643 42.9 44.8

Hong Kong 615 392 10.3 776 151 10.1 26.1

Taiwan, China 251 719 4.2 254 425 3.3 1.1

Republic of Korea 146 716 2.4 180 384 2.3 22.9

Japan 705 399 11.8 702 331 9.1 -0.4

Australia 84 191 1.4 103 902 1.4 23.4

Others 732 953 12.2 982 807 12.8 34.1

Note: Due to rounding, the totals may not correspond to the sums of the partial figures.


The following statistical tables can be downloaded from our website

Table 1 - Imports and exports - monthly figures

Table 2 - Domestic exports and re-exports - monthly figures

Table 3 - Imports by section and division of SITC-Rev. 3, and country/territory of origin Table 4 - Exports by section and division of SITC-Rev. 3, and country/territory of destination

Table 5 - Domestic exports by section and division of SITC-Rev. 3, and country/territory of destination Table 6 - Re-exports by section and division of SITC-Rev. 3, and country/territory of destination Table 7 - Imports by country/territory of origin, and section and division of SITC-Rev. 3 Table 8 - Exports by country/territory of destination and principal commodity

Table 9 - Domestic exports by country/territory of destination and principal commodity Table 10 - Re-exports by country/territory of destination and principal commodity Table 11 - Principal indicators of external trade

Table 12 - Imports and exports by geographical/economic zone and statistical country/territory

Table 13 - Domestic exports and re-exports by geographical/economic zone and statistical country/territory Table 14 - Imports by broad economic category and country/territory of origin

Table 15 - Exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination

Table 16 - Domestic exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination Table 17 - Re-exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination

* Table 18 - Quarterly exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination

* Table 19 - Quarterly domestic exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination

* Table 20 - Quarterly re-exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination

* Table 21 - Quarterly imports by broad economic category and country/territory of origin

* Table 22 - Exports by group of CAM-Rev. 1

* Table 23 - Domestic exports by group of CAM-Rev. 1

* Table 24 - Re-exports by group of CAM-Rev. 1

*Tables are available only in March, June, September and December.



From January to November 2012, total value of merchandise export increased by 19.9% year-on-year to MOP7.48 billion, of which value of re-exports increased by 32.2%, but that

The value of Textile & garment exports in the first nine months of 2008 reduced by 22.4% year-on- year to account for 58.5% of the total exports; moreover, the value of

The value of Textile & garment exports shrank by 73.1% year-on-year to account for 34.6% of the total exports in the first ten months of 2009; meanwhile, the value of

The value of total merchandise export rose slightly by 0.1% year-on-year to MOP694 million, with value of re-exports rising by 12.6% to MOP506 million, but that of domestic

Table 5 - Domestic exports by section and division of SITC-Rev.3, and country/territory of destination Table 6 - Re-exports by section and division of SITC-Rev.3,

Table 5 - Domestic exports by section and division of SITC-Rev.3, and country/territory of destination Table 6 - Re-exports by section and division of SITC-Rev.3,

Table 5 - Domestic exports by section and division of SITC-Rev.3, and country/territory of destination Table 6 - Re-exports by section and division of SITC-Rev.3,

Table 5 - Domestic exports by section and division of SITC-Rev.3, and country/territory of destination Table 6 - Re-exports by section and division of SITC-Rev.3,