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Research of The Restaurant Employee’s Undue Behavior Characteristics 范垂爐、張景旭


Academic year: 2022

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Research of The Restaurant Employee’s Undue Behavior Characteristics 范垂爐、張景旭

E-mail: 9701150@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The scholars who researched the service failures always emphasized: The cus-tomer's experience, interactive process and sequential analysis are very important prin-ciples for the research of service failures. But, in the past research studies, there always not be found.

This study is with the ' Subjective Sequential Incidents Technique' (SSIT) method to strengthen the materials formed with story’s type, and analyze the anger points, in-teractive processes, and sequential relations of the service failures by the customer’s in-terpretative view. Result of this study, build up the subjective delivery blueprint of service failures, and sort the anger points develop types and their sequential relations of triggers and im-proper responses of service failures. In the conclusion, we compare result of this paper with the past studies of the ser-vice failures, service blueprint, service failures in the restaurant, and service recovery. We try to develop the proper research methodology and more effective management in service failures course, the method should emphasize interactive process, sequential analysis, and customer's subjective experience.

Keywords : service management ; service failure ; employee’s undue behavior ; customer experience ; human resource management

Table of Contents

中文摘要 ...................... iii 英文摘要 ....................

.. iv 誌謝辭  ...................... v 內容目錄 .................

..... vi 表目錄  ......................viii 圖目錄  .............

......... x 第一章  緒論.................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動 機............. 1   第二節  研究問題與目的............. 3   第三節  研 究範圍與限制............. 5 第二章  文獻探討.................. 8   第 一節  服務接觸的相關研究........... 8   第二節  服務失誤的相關研究...........

28   第三節  服務補救的相關研究........... 36   第四節  關鍵事件法的相關研究......

.... 43 第三章  研究方法.................. 52   第一節  以SSIT方法進行消費故事分 析....... 53   第二節  研究設計................ 59 第四章  研究發現......

............ 84   第一節  氣點類型................ 85   第二節  氣點模組

................ 96 第五章  研究發現與文獻之比較............118   第一節   研究發現與服務失誤文獻之比較......118   第二節  研究發現與服務補救文獻之比較......129 第六 章  結論與建議.................136   第一節  理論意涵...............

.141   第二節  管理意涵................141   第三節  後續研究建議........

......144 參考文獻 ......................149 附錄A  訪談逐字稿.......

...........183 附錄B 階段分類框架.................185 附錄C 各階段氣點類型分析 表(歸納法).........190 附錄D 副階段分類框架表(示範)............198 表目錄 表 3- 1 CIT方 法與SSIT方法之比較........... 53 表 3- 2 SSIT分析表格.................63 表 3- 3  案例14之SSIT分析表格示範...........66 表 3- 4 單一階段氣點聯集表..............

76 表 3- 5 單一階段氣點標籤表.............. 76 表 3- 6 單一階段內氣點主題化操作表(草稿) ....

...77 表 3- 7 同一副階段內主題模組化操作表(草稿) ......78 表 3- 8 主觀服務遞送藍圖(氣點模組分析圖) .

......82 表 4- 1 研究案例之資料量統計表.............84 表 4- 2 氣點類型分析表(歸納法) ..

.......... 90 表 4- 3 回應不當行為特徵定義............. 94 表 4- 4 副階段內的氣點串列 組合草稿示範表....... 96 表 4- 5 串列式理想型模組之主結構分析表(第一階段) ... 97 表 4- 6 串列式理想 型模組之主結構分析表(第二階段) ... 98 表 4- 7 串列式理想型模組之主結構分析表(第三階段) ... 99 表 4- 8 串列 式理想型模組之主結構分析表(第四階段) ...100 表 4- 9 串列式理想型模組之主結構分析表(第五階段) ...101 表 4-10 串列式理想型模組之主結構分析表(第六階段) ...101 表 4-11 串列式理想型模組之主結構分析表(第七階段) ..

.102 表 4-12 串列式理想型模組之主結構分析表(第八階段) ...106 表 4-13 串列式理想型模組之主結構分析表(第九 階段) ...107 表 4-14 串列式理想型模組之主結構分析表(第十階段) ...107 表 4-15 氣點模組分析表(理想型)..


..........114 表 5- 1 文獻無法解釋之氣點特性............119 表 5- 2 文獻服務失誤分類與 本研究氣點模組比較表....122 表 5- 3 補救氣點特徵定義...............135 表 C-1 氣點類型分 析表(1.促銷階段)...........190 表 C-2 氣點類型分析表(2.接待階段) ...........190 表 C-3  氣點類型分析表(3.入座階段) ...........191 表 C-4 氣點類型分析表(4.點餐階段) ..........

.192 表 C-5 氣點類型分析表(5.副餐或沙拉吧階段) .......193 表 C-6 氣點類型分析表(6.第一次送餐階段) ..

......193 表 C-7 氣點類型分析表(7.用餐與後續送餐階段) ......194 表 C-8 氣點類型分析表(8.結帳階段)

...........196 表 C-9 氣點類型分析表(9.臨別階段) ...........197 表 C-10 氣點類型分析 表(10.事後階段) ..........197 圖目錄 圖 3-1 氣點模組概念圖................ 83 圖 5-1  回應不當的順序發展關係與趨勢圖........133


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Therefore, this research is for the purpose of understanding the service of privatization nursery, discussing parents’ satisfaction with service quality and finding the

This study aims to explore whether the service quality and customer satisfaction have a positive impact on the organizational performance of the services and whether the

Shinar, "Effects of an in-vehicle collision avoidance warning system on short- and long-term driving performance," Human Factors, vol. Abdel-Aty Mohamed, “Investigating

A model of service quality perceptions and health care consumer behavior. Measurement and evaluation of satisfaction processes in

(1985), “A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. (1988), “SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring

"Type of commercial activity" and "organizational image" has a significant positive correlation, the Pearson correlation know "type of commercial

"The Role of Work and Cultural Values in Occupational Choice, Satisfaction, and Success: A Theoretical Statement", Journal of Counseling and Development, Vol.80, No. New

as a case study, and applies structural equation model as the tool to test and verify effects of intercity bus service quality, brand image and feeder services on