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Chinese-English Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the


Academic year: 2022

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An English-Chinese and

Chinese-English Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the

Teaching of

Home Economics/Technology and Living in Secondary Schools


家政/科技與生活科 常用英漢及漢英辭彙

Technology Education Section, Curriculum Development Institute Education Bureau, HKSARG

2018 (with updates in July 2022)


課程發展處科技教育組 二零一八(二零二二年七月更新)





Explanatory Notes


English-Chinese Glossary

- Family Dimension


- Fashion, Clothing and Textiles


- Food Science and Technology


Chinese-English Glossary

- 家庭部分 113

- 服裝、成衣與紡織 118

- 食品科學與科技 169

目 錄

前言 1

使用說明 2


- Family Dimension 3

- Fashion, Clothing and Textiles 8

- Food Science and Technology 51


- 家庭部分 113

- 服裝、成衣與紡織 118

- 食品科學與科技 169



This glossary provides Chinese translations of those English terms and English translations of those Chinese terms commonly used in the teaching of Technology and Living at secondary level for the reference of teachers, students and other stakeholders. Comments on the glossary are welcome, please contact the Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Technology Education), Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau, at Room W101, 1/F, West Block, EDB Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.

前 言

本辭彙提供中學科技與生活科在教學中常用英文詞語的中文翻譯,及中文詞語的英 文翻譯,以備教師、學生及其他持份者參考。歡迎各界對本辭彙提出意見。請聯絡教育 局,課程發展處,科技教育組總課程發展主任,地址:香港九龍塘沙福道 19 號教育局 九龍塘教育服務中心西座 1 樓 W101 室。



1. This glossary of terms is divided into four sections viz. Family Dimension, Fashion, Clothing and Textiles, Food Science and Technology.

2. The English terms, simple or compound, included in the glossary are listed in alphabetical order, e.g. the terms “Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome” is considered beginning with the letter ‘a’.

3. Common abbreviations of some English terms are enclosed in brackets beside the terms, e.g. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

4. Where more than one Chinese version is given for an English term, the different Chinese translations are separated by a semi-colon, e.g. aesthetic 審美的;美感.

5. Where an English term has different meanings, the corresponding Chinese translations are preceded by numerals (1), (2), … and separated by a comma, e.g. iron (1)熨斗,(2) 鐵.

6. All entries in the Chinese to English glossary are listed in the order of number of strokes.


1. 本辭彙分為家庭部分、服裝、成衣與紡織、食品科學與科技及機構四部分。

2. 本辭彙中所載的英文詞語,不論單字或複合字,均依照英文字母順序排列。例如:

“Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome”以第一個字母 “a” 排列。

3. 個別英文詞語有常見的字母縮寫,均在詞語後的括號內註明。例如:Acquired

Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)。

4. 若英文詞語有相同或近義的中文翻譯,以分號分隔。例如:aesthetic審美的;美感。

5. 若英文詞語有多於一種含義,不同的中文翻譯會以(1)、(2)等分開排列,以逗號分


6. 在漢英辭彙中的辭彙均依照中文筆畫順序排列。






Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)


adolescence 青少年期

adoption 領養

age distribution 年齡分佈

age group 年齡組別

age groups 年齡組合

ageing population (1)人口老化,(2)老化人口

anxiety (1)擔憂;焦慮;憂慮,(2)渴望

average life expectancy 平均壽命

average wage 平均工資


baby sitter 褓母

biotechnology 生物科技;生物技術

birth control 節育;控制生育;計畫生育

birth rate 出生率

blended (reconstituted, step) family 再婚家庭;重組家庭;重構家庭

blood ties 血緣

blue collar 藍領

broken family 破碎家庭


census 人口普查;人口調查

child abuse 虐待兒童

child parent relationships 親子關係

child rearing 養育兒童

cohabiting 同居

conciliation 和解;調停;調解;斡旋

conflict 衝突;糾紛

confrontation 對抗;對質

consensus 共識

contradictory cultural values 文化價值觀的分歧

courtship (1)求偶,(2)求愛期

cultural value (1)文化價值觀,(2)文化價值



death rate 死亡率

defence mechanism 防衞機制;防禦機理;防禦機制

demographic change 人口變化

demographic characteristic 人口特徵

demographic trend 人口趨勢

demography 人口統計學;人口學

depression 憂鬱;抑鬱;情緒低落

Down’s syndrome 唐氏綜合症;蒙古症


emotional 情緒化

emotionally aggravated illness 情緒困擾

extended family 延伸家庭;大家庭;數代同堂的家庭


family 家庭

family, blended (reconstituted) 再婚家庭;重組家庭;重構家庭

family, broken 破碎家庭

family, extended 延伸家庭;大家庭;數代同堂的家庭

family, low income 低入息家庭

family, nuclear 核心家庭

family, single parent 單親家庭

family bonding 家庭關係

family planning 家庭計畫

family planning policy 家庭計畫政策

family value 家庭價值觀

fertilisation 受精



infant 嬰兒

infancy 嬰幼兒期;嬰兒期

infertility 不育


living standard 生活水平

low income group 低入息群體;低入息的一群


manual worker 勞力工人

milestone 里程碑


nuclear 核心的

nuclear family 核心家庭

nursery 幼兒園;托兒所


peer 朋輩

personality 性格;人格

population (1)人口,(2)種群

population control 人口控制

population statistics 人口統計

postnatal (post-partum) depression 產後憂鬱症;產後情緒憂鬱症

puberty 青春期


reconstituted (blended, step) family 再婚家庭;重組家庭;重構家庭



self centred 自我中心

self disciplined 自律性

self esteem 自尊

siblings 兄弟姊妹

single parent family 單親家庭

social behaviour 社交行為

social life (1)社交生活,(2)社交活動;社群活動

social pressure 社會壓力

social problem 社會問題

social structure 社會結構

social value 社會價值觀

sovereignty 主權

step (blended, reconstituted) family 再婚家庭;重組家庭;重構家庭


test tube baby 試管嬰兒

toddler 剛學步的小孩


urban development 都市發展

urbanisation 都市化;城市化


white collar 白領


zero population growth 零度人口增長






abrasion 磨損

abrasive resistance (abrasion resistance) 耐磨度

absorbability 吸濕性能

absorbent 吸濕劑

absorbent finishing 吸濕處理法

abstract 抽象的

accessory 配襯飾物

accordion pleated skirt (pleated skirt) 百褶裙

acetate fibre 醋酸纖維

acetate rayon 醋酸人造絲;醋酸嫘縈

acid 酸

acidic 酸性

across back (back width) 橫背;背寬

acrylic (1)聚丙烯腈纖維;腈綸;亞古力,(2)亞加

力;亞加力膠 adaptation of pattern 紙樣變更法

adjustment 修改法

adolescent 青年

aesthetic 審美的;美感

A-line skirt A 形裙

alkaline 鹼性

alpaca 羊駝;羊駝毛;羊駝呢

alteration of garment 縫改衣服

amber 琥珀色

Angora (angora rabbit hair) 安哥拉兔毛

anorak 連帽風衣

antiallergy 防敏感

antifelting 防毯縮;抗氈;抗氈處理

antimicrobial (antibacterial) 防菌

antipilling 免起毛粒

antistatic 防靜電

apparel design 衣飾設計

appliqué 補花法;貼布繡法

Aquatex 透濕膠皮;透濕衣料

armhole 袖圈

armlet 臂環

auxochrome 助色團

azo dye 偶氮染料;偶氮苯



back stitch 回針法;回針步

back view 背面

back waist length (nape to waist) 腰長

back width (across back) 橫背;背寬

balance mark (notches) 合印;相接合符號

basket weave 竹籃式織法

baste, to 疏縫

basting (diagonal tacking) 斜線暫縫針步

batch dyeing 綑染

bathrobe 浴袍

batik 蠟染

batik dyeing 蠟染法

beading 珠飾品

beam dyeing 軸染

bed linen 床單、枕頭套及被套等

bedspread 床單

beetling 捶布

beige 米色

bell sleeve 鐘形袖

belt carrier (loop) 腰帶圈

bespoke 訂製的;訂造的

betweens needle 細孔短幼縫針

bias 斜紋

bias binding 斜紋滾條;斜紋緄條

bias facing (cross facing) 斜紋貼邊

bind, to 滾邊;緄邊

binding (bound finish) 滾邊處理法

binding, bias 斜紋滾條;斜紋緄條

biodegradable 可生物降解的

blanket stitch (loop stitch) 毛氈針法;毛氈針步

blazer 運動上衣;附有襟章的男裝上衣

bleaching 漂白;脫色

blended yarn 混合紗線;混紡紗

blending (1)混紡,(2)混合

blind hem 暗摺邊法

blind stitch 暗線步;挑腳針法

blind stitching machine (blind stitch machine) 暗縫機處理:暗縫機

block 裁剪樣板;印花模版

block pattern 基本紙樣


block printing 木板印花

bloomers 女裝燈籠褲

blotting paper 吸墨紙

blouse 女裝恤衫

blouse length 襯衫長度

boat-shaped neckline 一字形領線;船領

bobbin 線心;紗筒

bobbin case 線梭

bobbin winder 繞底線器

bodice 上身;女裝緊身上衣

bodkin 大孔粗引針

body linen 內衣亞麻布

bolero 短上衣

bonded fabric (bonded fibre fabric) 粘合布料

bonding 黏合法

border design 邊緣圖案;圍邊設計

boucle yarn 結子花式線; 毛圈花式線;珠皮呢

bound buttonhole 滾邊鈕門;滾邊鈕孔

bound opening 滾邊開口法

bound pocket 滾邊袋;緄邊袋

box pleat 工字褶

box pleat opening 工字褶開口法

braid 花辮;辮帶

brassiere 胸罩;乳罩;胸圍

breasted, double 雙排鈕;孖襟

breasted, single 單排鈕;單襟

breathable 透氣

brick red 磚紅色

briefs 緊身褲;三角褲

brocade 織錦

brooch 襟針;胸針

brushed cotton 毛布;棉絨布

brushing (raising; napping) 刷毛;抓毛;起絨;拉絨

bursting strength 破裂強度

buckle 帶扣

buckram 綿硬樸

burgundy 紫紅色

burn-out printing 爛花印花

buskin 中筒靴

bust measurement 胸圍;上圍

bust point to bust point 胸距

button 鈕


buttonhole 鈕門;鈕孔

buttonhole foot 鈕門靴

buttonhole stitch 鈕孔針法;鈕孔針步

buttonhole, bound 滾邊鈕門;滾邊鈕孔

buttonhole, worked 鎖邊鈕門;鎖邊鈕孔

buttonloop 鈕圈



cable cord 闊條燈芯絨

cable yarn 纜紗

calendering 砑光;壓光;軋光加工

calico 棉布;俗稱「扣布」

calico drill 棉斜

canvas 帆布

canvas work 經緯紗綉法

cap sleeve 鈎帽袖

cape 斗篷;披肩

carbonising 碳化

carded spun yarn 普梭紗;粗梭紗;普梳紗;粗梳紗

cardigan 扣鈕上衣;開襟絨線衫

carding (1)梳理,(2)梳棉

care label 衣物保養標籤

casing 管套

cashmere 毛絨;茄士咩

cast on 起針(編織)

casual wear 便裝

catchstitch 十字針法

cationic dye 陽離子染料

cellulosic fibre 纖維素纖維

centre back (C.B.) 後幅正中線

centre front (C.F.) 前幅正中線

centre front opening 前中線開口法

chain (1)鏈,(2)一串,(3)連鎖店

chain stitch 鎖鍊針法;鎖鍊針步

chambray 格子花紋布

cheese cloth 紗布;芝士布

chiffon 雪紡綢

Chinese collar (mandarin collar) 旗袍領

chlorination 用氯處理或消毒;氯化作用

choker 貼緊勃子的項鍊

chroma 彩度

chromophore 生色團

circular skirt 圓檯裙

clean-edge finish (hemmed finish) 齊邊處理法;鑲邊處理法 Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement




cocoon 蠶繭

collage 拼布畫

collar 衣領

collar, flat 平領

collar, mandarin (collar, Chinese) 旗袍領

collar, Peter Pan 圓反領;小圓領

collar, rolled 反領

collar, stand 企領

collar, straight 直反領;夏威夷領

collar, tailored 西裝領

collar, two-piece shirt 襯衣領

colour coordination 顏色的配襯

colour scheme 顏色系列;色系

colour wheel 色輪;色環

colour, complementary 互補色

colour, fundamental (colour, primary) 原色;紅、黃及藍三原色

colour, secondary 次色;合成的顏色

colouration 上色

colourfast 不褪色

colourfastness 染色牢度;顏色牢固度

combed spun yarn 精梭紗;精梳紗

combing 精梳

commercial pattern 現買紙樣

complementary colour 互補色

complexion 膚色

Computer Aided Design (CAD) 電腦輔助設計 Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) 電腦輔助製造

concealed pocket 暗袋

concealed zip 隱藏式拉鍊

cone dyeing 筒染

continuous dyeing 連續染色

continuous filament yarn 連續長絲紗線 continuous strip opening 連續貼邊開口法 contrast colour (contrasting colour) 對比色

controlling fullness (disposal of fullness) 打摺法

cord 繩

cord, knotted 結繩法


cord, plaited 辮繩法

cord, twisted 扭繩法

corduroy 燈芯絨

core spun yarn 嵌芯線;包心線;胺輪包芯紗;包芯紗

corner, mitred 對角摺角法

corner, square 正方摺角法

corsage 襟花

costume 戲劇服裝;民族服裝

cotton count 棉紗支數

cotton, brushed (flannelette) 毛布;棉絨布 cotton, terry (terry towelling) 毛巾布

covalent bonding 共價鍵

cover yarn 包纏紗

crease (1)摺痕,(2)摺縫縐

crease resistant(wrinkle resistant) 抗皺;防皺

crêpe (1)縐布,(2)縐綢,(3)縐絲

crepon 厚縐紗

crew neck 貼脖子的圓領

crewel needle 大孔幼縫針

crochet 鈎織法

crochet hook 鈎針

cross dyeing 交叉染色

cross-stitch 十字繡

crossway facing (bias facing) 斜紋布條貼邊;斜紋貼邊

crossway strip 斜紋布條

crosswise fold 橫紋摺疊

crotch depth 直浪;直襠

crumple resistance 防皺功能

cuff 袖口

cuff band (cuff strap) 袖口圈套

cufflink 袖口鈕

cuff, shirt 襯衫袖口

cuff, turned up 反袖口

culottes (culotte skirt; divided skirt) 裙褲

curved hem 彎形摺邊

cushion cover 墊子套;腰枕套

cutting line 裁剪線



damask 織花細麻布

darning 織補

darning needle 織補縫針

darts 暗褶;箭褶

degum 脫膠

denim 騾布;俗稱「牛仔布」

decating 汽蒸

denier 旦尼爾;丹尼爾

design brief 設計綱要;設計概要

design element 設計元素

design feature (style feature) 設計式樣

design folio 設計作業

design proposal 設計方案;設計提案

design specification 設計細節;設計規格

desizing 退漿

diagonal tacking (basting) 斜線暫縫針步 differentiated market 多樣化市場

digital printing 數碼印花

dimensional stability 外形穩定性;尺寸穩定性

dimity 麻紗布;條格麻紗;提花

direct overlocked 直接鈒骨

direct print 直接印染;直接染色;直接印花

direct sale 直銷

direct dye 直接染料

disperse dye 分散染料

discharge print (discharge printing) 平網印染;拔染印花;撥染印花 divided skirt (culottes; culotte skirt) 裙褲

double breasted 雙排鈕;孖襟

double jet pocket 雙唇口袋

double knit 雙面針織物

dope dyeing 紡液染色

down 鴨絨;水鳥類絨毛;羽絨;絨羽

drafting 括伸;牽伸

dralon 德拉綸;聚丙烯纖維

draping (mock up) 立體剪裁

dress 全身裙

dress length 衫長


dress placket 裙側貼邊開口法

dress sense 服裝審美能力

dressing 打麻

draping (toile modeling) 立體剪裁

drill 斜布

drawing 拔出;牽伸並條;並條

drip dry 滴乾

drop sleeve 低肩袖

dropped shoulder 跌膊

dummy (dress stand; dress form; mannequin) 人體模型

dungarees 工人褲

dye (dyestuff) 染料

dye, batik 蠟染法

dye, beam 軸染

dye, cationic 陽離子染料

dye, cone 筒染

dye, continuous 連續染色

dye, direct 直接染料

dye, disperse 分散染料

dye, dope 紡液染色

dye, fabric, piece 布疋染色;匹布染色

dye, fibre 纖維染色

dye, garment 成衣染色

dye, reactive 活性染料

dye, vat 還原染料

dye, yarn 紗線染色

dyeing, batch 綑染

dyeing, continuous 連續染色

dyeing, net 網染法

dyeing, pigment 色素染法;塗料染色

dyeing, solution 原液染色

dyeing, stock 原料染色

dyeing, yarn 原紗染色

dyeing, piece 匹染

dyeing, cross 交叉染色



ease stitching 鬆緊調節車縫法

ease, to 鬆緊

easing 寬緊位;容位

edge finishes 處理邊緣法

edge stitching 貼邊車縫法

elastic recovery 彈性回復

elasticated waist 橡根腰圍

elasticity 伸縮性;彈性

electrostatic 靜電的

elegant 優雅

embossed cloth 凹凸花紋布

embossing 壓花;凸面加工

embroidery 剌繡

embroidery stitches 剌繡針法;剌繡針步

embroidery transfer 剌繡轉印圖案

empire line 高腰;高腰剪接式樣線

engraved roller printing 刻花輥筒印花

Environmental Protection Department 環境保護署,簡稱「環保署」

ergonomics 人體工學;人體工程學

even tacking 均勻暫縫針步

evening gown 晚禮服

evenness 均勻度

extensibility 可伸展性

extended facing (self-facing) 延展貼邊 extended shaped facing 依形延展貼邊 extended straight facing 延展直貼邊 extended underlap facing 延展重疊貼邊

eyelash yarn 睫毛紗

eyelet 孔眼



fabric 布料

fabric coating 布料塗膠處理

fabric collage 布拼掛畫

fabric conditioner (fabric softener) 衣物軟化劑;衣物柔順劑

fabric finishes 布料加工潤飾

fabric swatch 小塊布料樣本

fabric, bonded (bonded fibre) 粘合布料

fabric, knitted 針織布

fabric, plain (plain coloured) 純色布料

fabric, printed 印花布料

fabric, simulated 模擬織物

fabric, smart 智能布料

fabric, stretch 彈性布料

fabric, striped 條紋布料

fabric, woven 梭織布

fabric dye (piece dye) 布疋染色;匹布染色

faced slit opening 貼布開口法

facing 貼;貼邊

facing, crossway (bias facing) 斜紋布條貼邊;斜紋貼邊

facing, shaped 依形貼邊

facing, straight 直貼邊

facing, extended (self-facing) 延展貼邊 facing, extended shaped 依形延展貼邊 facing, extended straight 延展直貼邊 facing, extended overlap 延展重疊貼邊

facing, waistline 腰線貼邊

fading 褪色

fag end 布匹頭尾的散邊口

faggotting (fagotting) 抽紗法

false hem 假摺邊

false hem opening 假摺邊開口法

fancy yarn 花式紗

fashion design 時裝設計

fashion sketch 時裝草圖

fashion still 時裝照片;時裝硬照

fast fashion 快速時裝


fastening 繫結法

fastener 繫結物

fastness 色牢度

feather stitch 羽毛針法;羽毛針步

feed cover plate 凸起針板

feed dog 推布牙

feed plate (needle plate; throat plate) 針板

felt 戟絨

felting 氈合織法

feminine 女性化;女性的

fibre 纖維

fibre content 布料的纖維成分

fibre content label 纖維成分標籤

fibre, man-made 人造纖維

fibre, natural 天然纖維

fibre, regenerated 再生纖維

fibre, regenerated cellulosic 再生纖維素纖維

fibre, staple 人造短纖維;短纖維

fibre, synthetic 人造纖維;合成纖維

fibre dye 纖維染色

fibreglass 玻璃纖維

figure drawing 人體繪圖

filament yarn 長絲紗

finishing 整理加工

finishing, mechanical 機械整理

finishing, chemical 化學整理

fire resistance 防火功能

fitted sleeve 貼身袖

fitting 試身

fitting line 合身線;裝置線

fixation 脫附

flamme 印花紗

flame proof 防燃

flame repellent (flame retardant) 阻燃 flammable (inflammable) 易燃的

flammability 可燃度

flame resistance (fire resistance) 防火;防火功能

flannel 法蘭絨


gorflannelette 毛布;絨布

flap pocket 掩袋

flared skirt 闊腳半截裙

flatbed screen printing 平板絲網印花

flat collar 平領

flat-felled seam 暗包縫合骨

flax 麻;亞麻

fleece (1)抓毛;抓毛絨,(2)一次剪得的羊毛

floral 花卉圖案

flounce 波浪邊

fly front opening 貼邊拉鍊開口法

foundation garment (intimate apparel) 內衣的總稱

frayed edge 散口邊緣

fraying 鬚邊法

French curve 雲尺

French knot 法國結

French seam 法國骨;包骨;法式縫合骨

French terry 鱗布

frill 縐邊

fringe 繸流蘇;鬚邊

front hip pocket 前插袋

front view 正面

full size pattern 原尺寸紙樣

fulling 縮絨加工;打褶

fullness disposal (controlling of fullness) 打摺法

fundamental colour (primary colour) 原色;紅、黃及藍三原色



gabardine 鴨巴甸絨

garment, foundation (intimate apparel) 內衣的總稱

garment dye 成衣染色

garter stitch 全低針法(編織)

gathered waistline 密褶腰線

gathers 密褶;碎褶

gauze 紗

general purpose foot (multi purpose foot) 萬能靴

geometric 幾何圖形

georgette 佐治紡;喬其紗;佐啫

gilling 針梳

gingham 格子棉布;花格棉布;條格棉布

ginning 軋棉

goat hair 山羊毛

gored skirt 多幅裙

Gore-Tex 哥的斯

grading seam 分層次的縫邊處理

grain 布紋

green trade barrier 綠色貿易障礙

greige fabric 坯布

greige silk 原絲

gusset 楔布



haberdashery 服飾用品;縫紉用品

halter 女裝三角背心

hand wheel 手輪

Haute Couture (high fashion) 高級時裝

heat conduction 熱傳導

heat fusion 熱溶法

heat insulation 熱絕緣

heat transfer printing 熱轉移印花

hem (turnings) 摺邊

hem marker 衣腳標記器

hem, blind 暗摺邊法

hem, curved 彎形摺邊

hem, plain 簡單摺邊;普通摺邊

hem, single fold 單摺邊

hem, skirt 裙腳摺邊

hem, straight 直摺邊

hem, to 挑縫

hemline 裙腳;摺邊線

hemmed finish (clean-edge finish) 齊邊處理法;鑲邊處理法

hemming stitch 挑針法;挑針步

hemp 粗麻;大麻

herringbone stitch 魚骨針法;魚骨針步

hessian 粗麻布

high performance textile 高性能紡織品

high twisted yarn 高捻紗線

hip 臀圍;下圍

hip depth (hipline; waist to hips) 臀圍線;坐圍

hip yoke 上臀橫擔

hobble skirt 旗袍裙

Hong Kong Trade Development Council 香港貿易發展局

hood 風帽;兜帽

hook and eye 蠄蟝扣

hook and bar 裙頭扣

hook-and-loop tape (velcro; velcro tape) 魔術貼;壓合帶

hosiery 巾襪

hue 色調

hydrophilic fibre 親水性纖維


hydrophobic fibre 拒水性纖維;疏水性纖維



imitation fur (simulated fur) 人造皮草 imitation leather (simulated leather) 人造皮

imitation suede (simulated suede) 人造猄皮;人造麖皮

indigo dye 靛藍染料

inflammable (flammable) 易燃的

ink-jet printing 噴墨印花

intensity (1)密度,(2)強度

interfacing 裡樸

interlining 襯布;樸

intimate apparel (foundation garment) 內衣的總稱

inverted pleat 反工字褶

ionic bonding 離子鍵



jacquard 緹花布

jeans (1)牛仔裝,(2)牛仔褲

jersey (knitted fabric) 針織布料

jersey knit fabric 單面針織布

jumper 套頭毛外衣

jute 黃麻



kapok 木棉

kenaf 洋麻

kendyr 羅布麻

kimono 和服

kimono sleeve 和服袖

knee length 腰至膝;及膝

knickers 燈籠褲;短褲

knife pleat 刀形褶

knit (1)織,(2)低針,(3)針織

knitted fabric (jersey) 針織布

knitting 編織法;針織法

knotted cord 結繩法

knotting 打結法



label 標籤;物品標貼

lace 厘士

lace trimming 厘士花邊

ladder (train tracks) yarn 斜毛紗;軌紗

laminated fabric 層壓布料;層積布料

lap 棉卷;毛卷

lapel 西裝上衣的翻領

latex 乳膠;膠漿

lawn 軟洋紗;特級細棉布

layout (pattern layout) 紙樣排置圖

lengthen, to 放長

lengthwise fold 直紋摺疊

light resistance 遮光功能

linen 麻布

linen, hemp 粗麻;大麻

linen, flax 麻;亞麻

linen, ramie 苧麻

linen, jute 黃麻

linen, kendyr 羅布麻

linen, sisal hemp 劍麻

linen, kenaf 洋麻

lingerie 女裝內衣

lining 夾裡

lockstitch machine 平縫機

loop (belt carrier) (1)線圈,(2)腰帶圈 loop stitch (blanket stitch) 毛氈針法;毛氈針步

lunex 金屬纖維布料

luster finish 上光處理

lustre 光澤

Lycell 天絲

Lycra 萊克拉;萊卡

Lyocell 綠賽爾



machine attachments 縫衣機配件

machine embroidery 縫衣機剌繡

machine fell seam 恤衫骨;雙線骨

macramé 繩結;繩藝

mail order 郵購

mandarin collar (Chinese collar) 旗袍領

man-made fibre 人造纖維

mannequin (dress form, dress stand, dummy) 人體模型

market segmentation 市場分割

marketing (1)市場推廣;銷售;推銷;市場營銷,(2)


maroon 深褐;栗色;茶色

masculine 男性化;男性的

mass customisation 大量定製

mass fashion 大眾時裝

mass market 大眾市場

matinee coat 嬰兒外衣

measuring gauge 闊度量度器

mechandiser 採購員

mechandising 採購

mechanical bonding 機械結合法

mercerised cotton (1)絲光棉布,(2)絲光棉線

mercerised yarn 絲光紗線

mercerising 絲光

merino wool 麥蘭奴羊毛;美利奴精細羊毛;美麗諾羊毛

metallic fabric 金屬線織物

metallic yarn 金屬線

metre ruler 米尺

metrestick 一米尺

microfiber 微纖維

microscope 顯微鏡

microscopic examination 顯微鏡檢驗

mid-thigh 大腿圍

mildew proofing 防霉

mini skirt 迷你半截裙

mitred corner 對角摺角法

mitten, oven 隔熱手套

mobile (1)動態飾物,(2)可動的


mock up (draping) 立體剪裁

mohair 安哥拉山羊毛;馬海毛

moisture management 濕氣處理

mordant 媒染劑;黏著劑;金屬腐蝕劑

moth proofing 防蛀

motif 圖案花樣;基本花紋

multi purpose foot (general purpose foot) 萬能靴



nano technology 納米技術;奈米技術

nap 順逆紋

napping (brushing; raising) 刷毛;抓毛;起絨;拉絨 nape to waist (back waist length) 腰長

natural continuous filament 天然連續長纖維

natural fibre 天然纖維

neck point to bust point 頸至胸尖

neckline 頸線;領線

neckline, boat-shaped 一字形領線;船領

neckline, round 圓形領線;圓領

neckline, square 方形領線

neckline, U-shaped U 形領線;馬蹄形領線

neckline, V-shaped V 形領線;杏領線

neck, turtle 樽領

needle board (velvet board) 絲絨板 needle plate (feed plate; throat plate) 針板

needle, betweens 細孔短幼縫針

needle, crewel 大孔幼縫針

needle, darning 織補縫針

needle, sharps 細孔長幼縫針

needle, straw 長鼻針

needle, tapestry 圓頭編針;十字綉針

needle, upholstery 縫傢俬套墊針

net dyeing 網染法

next-to-skin comfort 貼身舒適

niche 市場缺口

non-renewable resources 非再生資源

non-woven 不織布;無紡布

notches (balance mark) 合印;相接合符號

novelty 新穎飾物

numbering system 數目計算系統;支數測量



occasion 場合

off colour 色差;染色走樣

oil coating 防油功能

one sided 單面的

open seam (plain seam) 中分骨

opening 開口法

opening, bound 滾邊開口法

opening, box pleat 工字褶開口法

opening, centre front 前中線開口法 opening, continuous strip 連續貼邊開口法 opening, faced slit 貼布開口法

opening, false hem 假摺邊開口法

opening, fly front 貼邊拉鍊開口法

opening, overlapping hem 摺邊開口法

opening, panel 鑲直筒開口法

opening, placket 貼邊開口法

opening, side seam 側縫開口法

opening, zipped 拉鍊開口法

organdie (organdy) 麻紗

organza 輕紗布

Original Brand Manufacture (OBM) 原品牌製造 Original Design Manufacture (ODM) 原設計製造 Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) 原設備製造

outfit 套裝

oven mitten 隔熱手套

overall 工衣

overcoat 大衣;外套

overlaid seam 疊骨

overlap 上層疊覆

overlapping hem opening 摺邊開口法 overlock stitch (overlocking stitch;



overlocking sewing machine 包縫機;鈒骨機

oversewing stitch 反挑針法;反挑針步

ozone layer 臭氧層



padding 墊子

painted design 印花圖案

panel 嵌條

panel opening 鑲直筒開口法

pashmina (pushmina) 山羊絨

pastel shade 粉彩色;淡色

patch pocket 明袋

patchwork 拼布圖案

patent leather 漆皮

pattern construction 紙樣製作 pattern layout (layout) 紙樣排置圖

pattern selector 花樣選擇器

pattern specification 紙樣標記

peaching 磨毛

permanent press 永久性熨壓

permanent set 永久定型

Peter Pan collar 圓反領;小圓領

petersham 裙頭襯帶;俗稱「裙頭樸」

petticoat 襯裙

photo-degradation 感光降解

piece dyeing (fabric dye) 匹染;匹布染色;布疋染色

pigment dyeing 色素染法;塗料染色

pile fabric 毛芒織物

pill (1)毛球;毛粒,(2)藥丸

pin cushion 針插

pin stripe 細條紋

pin-tucks 牙籤條

pinking (pinked finish) 齒牙處理法

pinking shears 齒牙剪

pipeline 生產流程

piping 鑲邊線

pique 凹凸紋布;雙面凹凸紋布

place on fold 雙摺記號

placket opening 貼邊開口法

plaid 蘇格蘭方格花紋

plain fabric (plain coloured) 純色布料

plain hem 簡單摺邊;普通摺邊

plain knitted 平紋針織

plain seam (open seam) 中分骨


plain weave 平紋織;平紋;平織梭織

plaited cord 辮繩法

plastic coated fibre 塗上塑料的纖維

pleat 齊褶;褶

pleat, box 工字褶

pleat, inverted 反工字褶

pleat, knife 刀形褶

pleat skirt 齊褶裙

pleated skirt (accordion pleated skirt) 百褶裙

pleated waistline 齊褶腰線

ply 層;股;縷

ply yarn 股紗;合股紗

pocket 衣袋

pocket, bound 滾邊袋;緄邊袋

pocket, concealed 暗袋

pocket, double jet 雙唇口袋

pocket, flap 掩袋

pocket, front hip 前插袋

pocket, patch 明袋

pocket, single jet 單唇口袋

pocket, welt 雙玉緣口袋;箱形口袋

pocket in a seam 合縫中鑲袋

polka dot 大波點

polyamide 聚酰胺纖維

polyester 聚脂纖維;聚酯纖維;滌綸

polyester, spun 短纖聚脂纖維;短纖聚酯纖維

polymer 聚合物;聚合體

polypropylene (PP) 聚丙烯

polystyrene (PS) 聚苯乙烯

polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 聚四氟乙烯 polythene (polyethylene) 聚乙烯;透明膠 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 聚氯乙烯

poplin 棉綢

preshrinking 預先縮水;預先浸縮

press fastener (press stud; snaps) 壓鈕

presser foot 壓布靴

presser foot lever 壓布靴掣

pressing 壓熨

pressing cloth 熨布

primary colour (fundamental colour) 原色;紅、黃及藍三原色

princess line 公主線

printed fabric 印花布料


printing, block 木板印花

printing, burn-out 爛花印花

printing, digital 數碼印花

printing, direct 直接印花

printing, discharge 平網印花;拔染印花;撥染印花

printing, engraved roller 刻花輥筒印花 printing, flatbed screen 平板絲網印花 printing, heat transfer 熱轉移印花

printing, ink-jet 噴墨印花

printing, relief 凹面印花

printing, resist 防染印花

printing, spray 噴霧印花

printing, roller 輥筒印花

printing, rotary screen 圓網印花;輥筒絹網印花

printing, screen 篩網印花;絹網印花

printing, textile 紡織印花

printing, tie-dye 軋染;扎染

printing, transfer 轉移印花

projectile 片梭織機

prototype 藍本;標準;樣板

pucker 皺;褶

puff sleeve 燈籠袖;泡泡袖

pullover 套頭上裝

purl 高針(編織);平稜互織

pyjamas 睡衣褲



quilt 被褥;床墊

quilting 凸棉繡法

quota 定額;限額;配額

quota system 配額制度



raglan sleeve 套袖;牛角袖;入膊袖

raincoat 雨衣

raising 起毛;抓毛;刷毛;起絨

ramie 苧麻

rapier 劍杆織機

raw silk 生絲

rayon 人造絲;嫘縈

rayon, acetate 醋酸人造絲

rayon, viscose 粘膠人造絲

reactive dye 活性染料

readymade garment (ready-to-wear) 成衣

redox reactions 氧化還原反應

regenerated 再生

regenerated fibre 再生纖維

regenerated cellulosic fibre 再生纖維素纖維

relief printing 凹面印花

renewable resources 可再生資源;再生資源

resilience (1)彈性,(2)抗逆力

resin 樹脂

resist printing 防染印花

retting 漚麻

rib 羅紋

ribbon yarn (tape yarn) 絲帶紗;帶子紗

ric-rac 齒牙棉紗帶;齒牙花邊

ripper (seam ripper) 拆線刀

rolled collar 反領

roller printing 輥筒印花

rompers 背心連褲;連身褲

rotary screen printing 圓網印花;輥筒絹網印花

rouleau loop 布圈耳

rouleau strip 斜紋圓布條

round neckline 圓形領線;圓領

roving 粗紗

ruffle 皺邊;荷葉褶邊

run and fell seam 手縫包口骨

running stitch 走針法;走針步



safety pin 安全別針;安全扣針

safforising 致密化

sales 銷貨

sample 樣本

sanding 磨沙

sanforised 防縮整理

sateen 橫紋緞;緯向緞

satin 緞;色丁

sateen weave 緯向緞紋織法

satin weave 緞紋織;緞紋

scale ruler 比例尺

scalloping 水波影邊;扇形飾邊

scarf 頸巾

scorching 焦化;燙焦

screen printing 篩網印花;絹網印花

seam 縫合骨

seam, flat-felled 暗包縫合骨

seam, French 法國骨;包骨;法式縫合骨

seam, machine fell 恤衫骨;雙線骨

seam, open (seam, plain) 中分骨

seam, overlaid 疊骨

seam, run and fell 手縫包口骨

seam allowance 黹口

seam finishes (seam neatening) 處理黹口法

seam guide 黹口指引器

seam ripper (ripper) 拆線刀

secondary colour 次色

seersucker 泡泡紗;皺布

self-facing (extended facing) 延展貼邊

selvedge 布邊;織邊

semi concealed zip 半隱藏式拉鍊

sequin 衣飾上的小金屬(或塑膠)亮片

set in sleeve 裝置袖

sewing kit (1)縫紉工具,(2)縫紉包

shade 明暗

shadow work 影繡;玻璃紗綉

Shantung Pongee 山東綢;山東府綢

shape memory 形體記憶

shaped facing 依形貼邊


sharps needle 細孔長幼縫針

shawl 圍巾;披巾

sheepskin 羊皮革;綿羊毛皮

sheeting 被單布

shell hemming 蜆殼形邊

shirring 束褶法

shirt cuff 襯衫袖口

shirt sleeve 襯衫袖

shirting 襯衫料子

shorten, to 改短

shoulder to shoulder 肩寬

shoulder yoke 上肩橫擔

shoulder, dropped 跌膊

shower proof fabric 防雨布料

shrink resistant 防縮水

shuttle 梭

side length of trousers (trouser length) 褲長

side seam 側旁縫合骨

side seam opening 側縫開口法

side slit 側旁裂口

silhouette 服裝外型;輪廓

silk crepe 縐絲;縐綢

silk gum 絲膠

silk reeling 抽絲

simulated fabric 模擬織物

simulated fur (imitation fur) 人造皮草 simulated leather (imitation leather) 人造皮

singeing 燒毛

simulated suede (imitation suede) 人造猄皮;人造麖皮

single breasted 單排鈕;單襟

single fold hem 單摺邊

single jet pocket 單唇口袋

single yarn 單紗

sisal hemp 劍麻

skirt 半截裙

skirt, A-line A 形裙

skirt, circular 圓檯裙

skirt, flared 闊腳半截裙


skirt, gored 多幅裙

skirt, mini 迷你半截裙

skirt, pleated (accordion) 百褶裙

skirt, wrap 覆疊半截裙

skirt hem 裙腳摺邊

skirt length 半截裙長

skirt marker 裙腳標記器

sleeve board 熨袖板

sleeve length 袖長

sleeve, bell 鐘形袖

sleeve, cap 鈎帽袖

sleeve, drop 低肩袖

sleeve, fitted 貼身袖

sleeve, kimono 和服袖

sleeve, puff 燈籠袖;泡泡袖

sleeve, raglan 套袖;牛角袖;入膊袖

sleeve, set in 裝置袖

sleeve, shirt 襯衫袖

slide plate 檔板

slip hemming stitch 筒針法;筒針步

slip resistant 防滑;防滑處理

slipstitch (hemming stitch) 挑針法;挑針步

slipper socks 連襪便鞋

slit (1)裂口,(2)長衫叉

sliver 紗條;梳條

slub yarn 竹節紗

slubbing 頭道粗紗;廢紡粗紗

smart fabric 智能布料

smock 女裝上衣

smocking 打纜法

soft furnishing 室內裝飾品

soil release 防污功能

soil resistance 防污性;防污處理

solution dyeing 原液染色

spandex 彈性人造纖維

speed controller 腳掣

spinneret 嘖絲器

spinning (1)紡紗,(2)細紡

spinning, worsted 精紡

spool pin 線柱


sportswear 運動裝

spray printing 噴霧印花

spun 短纖維紡成紗

spun polyester 短纖聚脂纖維;短纖聚酯纖維

spun silk 絹絲

spun yarn 精紡紗

square corner 正方摺角法

square neckline 方形領線

stain repellent 防污

stain resistant finish 防污漬處理

stand collar 企領

staple fibre 人造短纖維;短纖維

staple yarn 短紗;短纖紗線

stay stitching 固定黹口車縫法

stem stitch 花莖針法;花莖針步

stiffening (1)硬質襯料,(2)硬挺整理

stiletto 布錐

stitch 針法;針步;線圏

stitch, back 回針法;回針步

stitch, blanket (stitch, loop) 毛氈針法;毛氈針步

stitch, blind 暗線步

stitch, buttonhole 鈕孔針法;鈕孔針步

stitch, catchstitch 十字針法

stitch, chain 鎖鍊針法;鎖鍊針步

stitch, covering 冚骨線步

stitch, feather 羽毛針法;羽毛針步

stitch, garter 全低針法(編織)

stitch, hemming (slipstitch) 挑針法;挑針步

stitch, herringbone 魚骨針法;魚骨針步

stitch, overlock (overlocking) 鈒骨

stitch, oversewing 反挑針法;反挑針步

stitch, running 走針法;走針步

stitch, slip hemming 筒針法;筒針步

stitch, stem 花莖針法;花莖針步

stitch, stocking 平針法(編織)

stitch, tacking 行針法;行針步

stitch length regulator 針步疏密調整器 stitch width regulator 針步寬窄調整器

stock dyeing 原料染色

stocking 長襪

stocking stitch 平針法(編織)


straight collar 直反領;夏威夷領

straight facing 直貼邊

straight grain 直紗紋線

straight hem 直摺邊

straight stitch presser foot 直線靴

straw needle 長鼻針

street fashion 街頭時裝

strength 韌度

stretch fabric 彈性布料

strip 條紋

striped fabric 條紋布料

style feature (design feature) 設計式樣

style line 款式線條

suede 麖皮;猄皮;絨面革

suede cloth 仿麖皮布料;仿猄皮布料

suiting 西裝料

sun exposure test 日曬測試

Superwash 耐洗濯

sweater 羊毛衫;毛衫;絨線衫

swimsuit (swimming costume) 泳裝

synthetic fibre 人造纖維;合成纖維

synthetic leather 合成皮革



tacking stitch 行針法;行針步

taffeta 答夫綢;塔夫綢

tailor tacking 標記行針法

tailored collar 西裝領

tensile strength 拉伸強度

take up lever 挑線桿

tape 邊帶

tape measure 軟尺

tape yarn (ribbon yarn) 絲帶紗;帶子紗

tapestry 織布畫;繡帷

tapestry needle 圓頭編針;十字綉針

tartan 蘇格蘭格子呢絨

tatting 梭織法

tea cozy 茶壼套

tearing strength 撕裂強度

Tebilized 織物防皺整理

Teflon 聚四氟乙烯;特氟隆;特氟綸;鐵氟龍

template 樣板;圖案樣板;模板

Tencel 天絲棉

tensil strength 伸展強度

tension 線的鬆緊程度;張力

tension regulator 線鬆緊調節器

terry cotton (terry towelling) 毛巾布

Terylene 特麗綾;滌綸

tex 特;號數;特克司

textile printing 紡織印花

texture 質感;質地

textured yarn 有質感紗;變形紗;鬈曲加工絲

thermal degradation 熱降解

thermoplastic 熱塑性塑料;熱塑塑膠

thermoplastic fibre 熱塑性纖維

thimble 頂針

thread guide 引器;導線器

thread mark 用線標記法

trickle-down theory 順流理論

trickle-up theory 逆流理論

trickle-across theory 泛流理論 throat plate (needle plate; feed plate) 針板


tie-dye 扎染

tie-dye printing 軋染;扎染

toile modeling (draping) 立體剪裁

tone 色調;色度

top stitching 明線車縫法

total image 整體形象

tracing paper 摹圖紙;過線紙

tracing wheel 裁衣轆

trademark 商標

triacetate 三醋酸纖維

train tracks yarn (ladder yarn) 斜毛紗

transfer printing 轉移印花

trapeze dress 梯形連身裙

tricot knit 稜紋針織布;稜紋經編針織布

trimming 緣飾

trouser length (side length of trousers) 褲長

Trubenized 硬挺整理

tubular 直身;圓筒

tuck 小褶

turned up cuff 反袖口

turnings (hem) 摺邊

turnover (1)角,(2)周轉,(3)營業額;銷售量,(4)員


turtle neck 樽領

tweed 花呢絨

twill weave 斜紋織;斜紋

twisted cord 扭繩法

twisting 加捻

two-piece shirt collar 襯衣領



umber 茶紅色

underarm 腋下

underlap 下層疊覆;下繞線圈

underlay 底層

underslip 底裙

understitching 貼底車縫法

underwear (undergarment; underclothes) 內衣

upholstery 傢俬裝璜物料

upholstery fabric 傢俬布

upholstery needle 縫傢俬套墊針

upper arm girth 臂寬

U-shaped neckline U 形領線;馬蹄形領線



value (1)價值,(2)價值觀,(3)明度

vat dye 還原染料

velcro (velcro tape; hook-and-loop) 魔術貼;壓合帶

velour 棉絨

velvet 絲絨

velvet board (needle board) 絲絨板

velveteen 天鵝絨;平絨

vest (waistcoat) 背心

vilene 紙樸

viscose rayon 粘膠人造絲;粘膠嫘縈

voile 巴里紗

V-shaped neckline V 形領線;杏領線

Van der Waal forces 范德華引力



wadding 填料;填絮;襯墊

waist 腰圍

waist, elasticated 橡根腰圍

waist to hips (hipline; hip depth) 臀圍線

waistband 裙頭;褲頭

waistcoat (vest) 背心

waistline 腰線;腰線;中腰;腰圍

waistline, gathered 密褶腰線;密褶腰線

waistline, low 低腰線

waistline, pleated 齊褶腰線;齊褶腰線

waistline facing 腰線貼邊

wale 凸紋;經行(針織)

wardrobe planning 服裝計畫

warp (warp yarn) 經紗

warp knitted 經編織物

wash and wear 免燙

washability 洗濯性能

waterproof 防水

water repellent 潑水;拒水;疏水

water resistant 抗水;不透水

weave 梭織;織紋

weave, basket 竹籃式織法

weave, plain 平紋織;平紋;平紋梭織

weave, sateen 緯向緞織法

weave, satin 緞紋織;緞紋

weave, twill 斜紋織;斜紋

weaving loom 織布機

weft 緯紗;緯

weft knitted 緯編織物

welt pocket 雙玉緣口袋;箱形口袋

width of shoulder 肩闊

wind resistance 防風功能

winding 絡紗

wool mark 毛冷標誌;羊毛標誌

woolen yarn 粗紡毛紗;粗紡羊毛紗

worked buttonhole 鎖邊鈕門;鎖邊鈕孔

worsted spinning 精紡


worsted yarn 精紡羊毛紗

woven 梭織的

woven fabric 梭織布

wrap skirt 覆疊半截裙

wrap yarn 包紗

wrinkle resistant(crease resistant) 防縐;抗縐

wrinkle free 不易皺

wrist band 袖口

wrist girth 腕寬



yarn 紗線

yarn, blended 混合紗線;混紡紗

yarn, boucle 結子花式線;毛圈花式線 ;珠皮呢

yarn, cable 電纜紗

yarn, carded spun 普梭紗;粗梭紗;普梳紗;粗梳紗

yarn, combed spun 精梭紗

yarn, core spun 嵌芯線;包心線;胺輪包芯紗;包芯紗

yarn, continuous filament 連續長絲紗線

yarn, cover 包纏紗

yarn, eyelash 睫毛紗

yarn, fancy 花式紗線

yarn, filament 長絲紗

yarn, flamme 印花紗

yarn, high-twisted 高捻紗線

yarn, ladder (train tracks) 科毛紗;軌紗

yarn, ply 股紗;合股紗

yarn, single 單紗

yarn, spun 精紡紗;紡紗

yarn, staple 短紗

yarn, ribbon (tape) 絲帶紗;帶子紗

yarn, slub 竹節紗

yarn, textured 有質感紗;變形紗;鬈曲加工絲

yarn, wrap 包紗

yarn, woolen 粗紡毛紗;粗紡羊毛紗

yarn, worsted 精紡羊毛紗

yarn count system 紗線支數系統

yarn dyeing 原紗染色

yarn twist 捻紗;紗捻

yarn dye 纖維染色

yoke 橫擔;抵肩

yoke, hip 上臀橫擔

yoke, shoulder 上肩橫擔



zigzag stitch 人字針步

zip, concealed 隱藏式拉鍊

zip, semi-concealed 半隱藏式拉鍊

zipped opening 拉鍊開口法

zipper (zip fastener; zip) 拉鍊

zipper foot 拉鍊靴






acceptable daily intake 每日容許攝取量

accompaniment (1)陪襯食品,(2)配菜,(3)配料

acesulfame potassium (acesulfame-k;



acetic acid 醋酸;乙酸

acetone body (ketone body) 丙酮體;酮體

acid 酸

acidic 酸性

actinium 錒

aerobic 需氧的

aftertaste 餘味

agar 大菜;瓊脂;瓊膠

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department


albumin 白蛋白;清蛋白

alcohol 火酒;酒精;醇

aleurone layer 榖膜;高蛋白澱粉層

algae (1)藻;藻類,(2)海藻

alimentary canal 消化道;消化管

alkali 鹼

alkaline 鹼性

allergy 過敏;過敏症;過敏反應

almond 杏仁

almond paste 杏仁蓉

aloe (aloe vera) 蘆薈

aluminium 鋁

aluminium foil 鋁紙;錫箔紙;鋁箔

ambient temperature 周圍温度;環境温度

americium 鋂;鎇

amination 胺化作用

amino acid 氨基酸

ammonia 亞摩尼亞;氨

amylase 澱粉酶

amylopectin 支鏈澱粉

amylose 澱粉糖;直鏈澱粉

anabolism 合成代謝;組成代謝

anaemia 貧血


anaerobic 缺氧的;無氧的;厭氧的

anchovy 銀魚

angelica 蜜餞白芷根

angled luffa (silky gourd) 絲瓜;勝瓜

aniseed pepper 花椒

aniseed star 八角

anorexia nervosa 厭食症;神經性厭食;神經性食慾缺乏

antibiotic 抗生素;抗菌素

anticaking agent 防結塊劑

antimony 銻

antioxidant 抗氧化劑

anus 肛門

appendix 闌尾

appetizer 餐前小食;開胃小吃

appliance 用具

apricot 杏;黃梅

argon 氬

aroma 香味

arrowhead 茨菇;慈菇

arrowroot 竹薯;藕粉

arsenic 砷

artery 動脈

arthritis 關節炎

artichoke 法國百合;朝鮮薊

artificial sweetener 人工代糖;人造糖

ascorbic acid 抗壞血酸

aseptic packaging 無菌包裝

aseptic processing 無菌處理

asparagus 露筍;蘆筍

asparagus lettuce 蒿笋;蒿筍

aspartame 天冬胺;阿斯巴甜;阿司百甜

aspermous watermelon 無籽西瓜

asphyxia 窒息;缺氧

aspic 肉凍;鹹啫喱

assimilation 同化;同化作用

astatine 砹

atherosclerosis 動脈 [粥狀] 硬化症

athlete's foot 腳癬;俗稱「香港腳」

atmospheric drying 風乾

au gratin (gratinate) 烤黃


aubergine (egg plant) 茄子;茄瓜 avian influenza (avian flu; bird influenza; bird



avocado 牛油果



baby corn shoot 粟米筍

bayberry 楊梅

Bacillus cereus


bacon 煙肉

baguette 法國棍子麵包

bake blind 焗批殼法

baking 焗

baking powder 發粉;泡打粉

baking soda (bicarbonate of soda; sodium bicarbonate)


baking tin 餅盆;焗盆

balanced diet 均衡飲食

balsam pear (bitter marrow; bitter cucumber;

bitter melon)

苦瓜;涼瓜 bamboo fungus (Chuk Sun) 竹笙

bamboo shoot (bamboo pith) 筍;竹筍

bamboo steamer 竹蒸籠

barcode 條碼;條形碼;條紋碼

barbecue (1)燒烤,(2)戶外燒烤餐

barium 鋇

barley 薏米;大麥

barracuda 竹尖魚

basal metabolic rate (BMR) 基礎代謝率;基本代謝率

basal metabolism 基礎代謝;基本代謝

basic cookery processes 基本烹飪過程

basic food groups 主要食物分類

basic proportion 基本份量

basil 洋紫蘇

baste 淋油;淋汁

batter 麵粉糊

bay leaf 香葉;月季葉

bean curd (tofu) 豆腐

bean curd, fermented red 南乳 bean curd, fermented white 腐乳

bean curd, firm 實豆腐

bean curd, fried 炸豆腐

bean curd, pressed 豆腐乾

bean curd, soft 軟豆腐;水豆腐


bean curd, spicy pressed 五香豆腐乾

bean curd, wrapped 布包豆腐

bean curd custard 豆腐花

bean curd puff 豆腐泡

bean curd sheet 腐皮

bean curd skin 腐竹

bean curd stick 枝竹

bean curd strip 甜竹

bean paste 麵豉;麵豉醬

bean paste, hot 辣豆瓣醬

bean sprouts, mung 綠豆芽;芽菜仔

bean sprouts, soya 大豆芽菜;大豆芽;黃豆芽

bean, French 四季豆;肉豆

beat, to 打

beef broth 牛肉湯

beetroot 紅菜頭;甜菜頭

bell pepper (green pepper; sweet pepper;



benzine 苯;揮發油

benzoic acid 苯甲酸

beriberi 腳氣病

berkelium 鉳;錇

berry fruit 聚合果;漿果

beryllium 鈹

best before 此日期前最佳

beverage 飲品;飲料

bicarbonate of soda (baking soda; sodium bicarbonate)


bile 膽汁

biodegradable 可生物降解的

biological catalyst 生物催化劑

biotin 生物素

bird flu (bird influenza; avian flu; avian influenza)


bismuth 鉍

bitter melon (bitter marrow; bitter cucumber;

balsam pear)


black bean 黑豆

black bean, fermented 豆豉

black currant 黑加侖子

black fungus (1)雲耳,(2)黑木耳


black moss 髮菜

black pepper 黑胡椒

black pomfret 黑鯧魚

black sea bream 黑 魚

black sesame seed 黑芝麻

black tea 紅茶

blade (1)肩肉;枚頭,(2)葉片,(3)刀身

blanching 汆水;熱燙法;殺青處理

blancmange 奶凍

bleached flour 漂白麵粉

bleaching 漂白;脫色

blend, to 混合;拌合

blended sauce 拌合芡汁

blender 攪拌機

blood clotting 凝血;血液凝固

blue cheese 藍紋(軟)芝士

blueberry 藍莓;越橘

body building food 有助成長的食物

Body Mass Index (BMI) 身體質量指數;體重指數

bone marrow 骨髓

bone, to (boning) 去骨

borax 硼砂

boric acid 硼酸

boron 硼

Bortsch 羅宋湯

bottle gourd 胡蘆瓜

botulism 肉毒中毒

bouillon 上湯

bouillon cube (1)雞精粒,(2)牛精粒

bouquet garni 香草紮

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) (mad cow disease)

牛海綿體病;牛海綿狀組織腦病;俗稱「瘋 牛症」

braising 紅燒法

bran 麥糠;麩

branched chain amino acids 支鏈胺基酸

branching 支鏈

bread 麵包

bread knife 麵包刀

bread roll 餐包


bread, brown (bread, wholemeal; bread, wholewheat)


bread, rye 黑麥包

breadcrumbs 麵包糠

breakfast cereal 早餐穀類食品

brisket 牛胸肉;牛肋條肉

broad bean 蠶豆

broccoli 西蘭花

broil , to 烘;烤

bromine 溴

bronchitis 支氣管炎

broth 肉湯

broth, beef 牛肉湯

broth, vegetable 蔬菜湯

brown bread (wholemeal bread; wholewheat bread)


brown rice 糙米

brown sauce 黃汁

brown sugar 黃砂糖

brussels sprouts 椰菜仔

buckwheat 蕎麥

buffet 自助餐

bulimia (bulimia nervosa) 暴食症;心因性暴食症

butter icing 牛油糖霜

butter knife 牛油刀

buttercream filling 奶油餡

butterfat 牛乳脂肪

button mushroom 磨菇;白菌

byne 麥芽



cabbage 椰菜

cabbage, flat 塌棵菜

cabbage, red 紫椰菜

cabbage, Tientsin 黃芽白;津菜;紹菜

cabbage mustard (green mustard) 芥菜

cadmium 鎘

caesium 銫

caffeine 咖啡因;咖啡鹼

cake (1)糕;餅;糕餅,(2)蛋糕

calcium 鈣

californium 鉲

calorie 卡路里;卡

calorific value (calorie value) 食物的熱量;熱值;卡值

candied peel 蜜餞果皮

cane 甘蔗

canned food 罐頭食物;罐藏食物

canning 罐藏;罐藏法

canola oil 芥花籽油

cantaloupe 皺皮瓜

capon 閹雞

capsicum (bell pepper; green pepper; sweet pepper)

青椒;燈籠椒;甜椒 carambola (star fruit) 楊桃

caramel 焦糖

caramelisation 焦糖化

caramelising agent 焦糖化劑

caraway seed 葛縷子;藏茴香

carbohydrate 碳水化合物;糖類

carbohydrase 糖酶

carbon 碳

carcass (carcase) (1)屠宰後去除內臟的畜體,(2)軀殼

carcinogen (1)致癌物,(2)致癌物質

carcinogenic 致癌的

cardiac disease (heart disease) 心臟病 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 心肺復蘇法 cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病


carotene 胡蘿蔔素;葉紅素

carp 鯉魚

carrot 紅蘿蔔;甘筍

carving knife 切肉刀

casein 酪蛋白;酪素

casserole 烤鍋

cast iron 生鐵;鑄鐵

castor oil 草麻油

castor sugar 幼砂糖

catabolism 分解代謝;異化作用

catalyst 催化劑

catering business 膳食供應業

catering contractor 膳食承辦商

catering service (1)膳食服務,(2)到會服務

catty 斤

cauliflower 椰菜花

caviar 魚子醬

cayenne pepper 花椒粉;指天椒粉

celery 芹菜;西芹

celery salt 芹菜鹽

cellulose 纖維素

ceramic 陶瓷

ceramic tile 瓷磚

cereal 加工過的穀類食品

cereals 穀類;穀物

cerium 鈰

Ceylon spinach (slippery vegetable; Saan Choi)


champagne 香檳

chapati 印度烤薄餅

chayote 佛掌瓜;佛手瓜

cheddar cheese 車打芝士

cheese 乾乳酪;芝士

cheese knife 芝士刀

cheese spread 芝士醬

cheese straw 芝士條

cheese, blue 藍紋(軟)芝士

cheese, cheddar 車打芝士

cheese, cottage 鮮芝士;茅屋芝士;農家乳酪

cheese, cream 忌廉芝士


cheese, mozzarella 蒙莎莉拉芝士

cheese, Parmesan 巴馬遜芝士;帕瑪森芝士

cheese, processed 加工處理芝士

chelating agent 鉗合劑;螯合劑

cherry 櫻桃;俗稱「車厘子」

chestnut 栗子

chicken drumstick 雞下腿

chicken leg 雞腿

chicken nugget 去骨雞塊

chicken thigh 雞上腿

chicory 苦苣生菜

chill, to 冷凍

chilli 辣椒

chilli sauce 辣椒醬

china (porcelain) 瓷器

Chinese box thorn (Gau Gei Choi; matrimony vine)

枸杞菜 Chinese dwarf white cabbage 小唐菜 Chinese flowering cabbage 菜心 Chinese gooseberry (kiwifruit) 奇異果 Chinese kale (kale; Gaai Laan) 芥蘭 Chinese marrow (hairy gourd; hairy melon;

fuzzy melon)


Chinese parsley (coriander) 芫茜;蒝荽

Chinese spinach 莧菜

Chinese white cabbage 白菜

chips (1)炸薯條,(2)薯片

chive 韭菜

chive, flowering 韭菜花

chive, yellow 韭黃

chlorine 氯

chlorine bleach 氯漂白劑

cholecalciferol 膽鈣化固醇

cholera 霍亂

cholesterol 膽固醇;膽甾醇

chop, pork 豬扒

chop, to (1)斬,(2)切碎

chopper 菜刀

choux pastry 蛋油鬆皮

chromium 鉻

chronic disease 慢性病;長期病

chuck 牛頸肉




Health Management and Social Care In Secondary

(1) Western musical terms and names of composers commonly used in the teaching of Music are included in this glossary.. (2) The Western musical terms and names of composers

第二種為專門論述西方印刷字體發展史的著作,目前具代表性例如前節所 述,哈佛大學出版的 Daniel Berkeley Updike《Printing Type: Their History, Forms and

This glossary provides Chinese translations of those English terms commonly used in the teaching of enriched Technology Education Key Learning Area Curriculum (Secondary

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