• 沒有找到結果。

第二章 共享經濟價格聯合下之競爭法問題概述

第二節 優步公司之商業模式介紹

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諾貝爾經濟學獎得主寇斯(Ronald Coase)於其著作中曾主張,公司將會評 估其內部控管與市場交易之效率,而選擇應採何種形式之控管,例如在工業時 代,大型製造公司花費大量資金建造大型廠房,使雇員能直接在廠房生產鋼鐵、

汽車,或火車等 52,其理由在於,相較於市場上之交易行為,公司藉由內部上 下階層控管協調之型式,能大幅降低外部交易成本 53,如締約成本、搜尋成本 與監督契約執行之成本等。然而,於共享經濟商業模式下,藉由平台之設置(如:

服務條款、程式設定,或大數據分析)得大幅增加市場交易之效率。此外,由 於採行共享經濟商業模式之公司多半未具備其獨自之勞動要素 54,亦未具備資 本之所有權 55,因此,共享經濟商業模式不僅能增加市場交易之效率,更能坐 收整合公司56(integrated firm)所帶來之效率 57


故能達到促進競爭之效果。惟上述促進競爭之效果是否根屬於 Uber 之訂價演算 法,換言之,此促進競爭之效果與 Uber 之訂價演算法間是否具合理關聯性,尚 待釐清。因此,有必要先簡介 Uber 之商業模式與其採行之訂價演算法,並指出 當中特殊之處,進而瞭解 Uber 之訂價演算法可能涉及競爭法之理由。

第二節 優步公司之商業模式介紹

第一項 公司發展沿革

2009 年,Travis Kalanick和Garrett Camp於美國舊金山共同創立Uber,起初 公司登記為UberCab;2010 年 6 月正式於美國舊金山提供以線上第三方叫車平台

52 Id. at885-886.

53 Ronald Coase, The Nature of the Firm, 4 ECONOMICA 386, 388 (1937).

54 例如 Uber 之服務條款載明其駕駛並非受僱人,而係獨立承攬人。

55 例如 Uber 之車輛皆為其駕駛之所有。

56 整合公司包含垂直整合(vertical integration)與水平整合(horizontal integration)公司。

57 Mark Anderson & Max Huffman, supra note 25, at885-886.

亦著手進行與美國卡內基美隆大學(Carnegie Mellon University)共同合作開發 之無人車實驗67

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第二項 優步公司商業模式

Uber 於其之商業模式下分別針對駕駛與乘客推出不同之應用程式。首先,

針對駕駛之操作流程為 Uber 提供駕駛一臺裝載駕駛專用應用程式之手機,由駕 駛先登錄成為 Uber 的駕駛,爾後再使用該應用程式開啟或關閉載客服務、自訂 載客時間、設定導航資訊、決定是否是否接受 Uber 應用程式媒合到之載客行程,




由於Uber並非如一般計程車產業採取單一計費方案,而係依照車款價位,將收 費方案分為兩種,包含高級車款的尊榮優步方案(UberBLACK)與平價車款的 菁英優步方案(UberX)。因此,應用程式將針對菁英優步或尊榮優步分別預估 費用,並提供乘車時間、最佳化乘車路徑、駕駛過去之服務評比與其車牌號碼 和車款等資訊。媒合成功後至上車前,駕駛與乘客亦可透過應用程式與對方進 行語音通話或傳送訊息。而載客行程結束後,Uber將會直接由應用程式綁定之 信用卡帳戶中扣除車資 68,並將詳載行車路線、時間與費用等資訊之行程收據 寄至乘客之電子信箱 69

值得注意的是,Uber之扣款流程較為特殊。Uber係先從乘客信用卡扣除車 資,而於Uber抽取一定比率之金額作為服務費

。接著,乘客可針對本次乘車體驗進行評比、提出客訴 意見,或請求協尋失物等。


68 Uber 亦提供多人共乘時平分車資之功能。

後,再將剩餘的載客收入匯款 給司機。當中,Uber司機所駕駛之車輛均為本人提供,而非Uber公司所有;但 亦有司機透過Uber租用車輛以提供載客服務之情況。此外,乘車費用係由Uber

69 Uber 亦提供公務報帳之單據。

70 此服務費通常約佔車資之 20%。參考:Order Denying Defendant Uber Technologies, Inc.'s Motion for Summary Judgment at 1, Douglas O'Connor, et al. v. Uber Technologies, Inc., Northern District of California (2015) (No. C-13-3826 EMC) (Docket No. 211).

Uber與駕駛間之服務條款 71開宗明義即載明,Uber駕駛知悉並同意Uber為 一科技服務提供者,而不提供交通服務 72。大體而言,Uber與駕駛間之服務條 款主要包含之章節如下:契約之適用要件73、評分機制 74、計費機制75、所有權 與執照76、保密協定77、隱私條款 78、責任保險條款79、保證條款與免責條款80、 損害賠償與限制責任條款 81、契約期間與終止要件 82、Uber與駕駛間之法律關 係 83等等。此外,服務條款亦進一步載明駕駛之法律地位為Uber之獨立承攬人

(Independent Contractors)84

依據Uber與駕駛間之服務條款規定,Uber得藉由評分機制與車況要求等監 管駕駛之服務品質。首先,就評分機制而言,若駕駛之平均評分未達最低標準

71 Raiser LLC Technology Services Agreement, available at


%20Services%20Agreement%20Decmeber%2010%202015.pdf (last visited Jul. 28, 2017).

72 Id. at 1.

時,Uber將通知駕駛限期改善 85。若期間內駕駛仍未改善其平均評分,Uber將 保留終止駕駛使用該應用程式之權利 86。此外,服務條款中亦就駕駛車況要求

85 Raiser LLC Technology Services Agreement, ¶2.5.2, “You acknowledge that Company desires that Users have access to high-quality services via Uber’s mobile application. In order to continue to receive access to the Driver App and the Uber Services, you must maintain an average rating by Users that exceeds the minimum average acceptable rating established by Company for your Territory, as may be updated from time to time by Company in its sole discretion (“Minimum Average Rating”).

Your average rating is intended to reflect Users’ satisfaction with your Transportation Services rather than your compliance with any of Company’s policies or recommendations. In the event your average rating falls below the Minimum Average Rating, Company will notify you and may provide you, in Company’s discretion, a limited period of time to raise your average rating above the Minimum Average Rating. If you do not increase your average rating above the Minimum Average Rating within the time period allowed (if any), Company reserves the right to deactivate your access to the Driver App and the Uber Services. Additionally, you acknowledge that your repeated failure to accept User requests for Transportation Services while you are logged in to the Driver App creates a negative experience for Users of Uber’s mobile application. If you do not wish to accept User requests for Transportation Services for a period of time, you agree that you will log off of the Driver App.”


86 Id.

87 Raiser LLC Technology Services Agreement, ¶3.2, “You acknowledge and agree that your Vehicle shall at all times be: (a) properly registered and licensed to operate as a passenger transportation vehicle in the Territory; (b) owned or leased by you, or otherwise in your lawful possession; (c) suitable for performing the passenger transportation services contemplated by this Agreement; and (d) maintained in good operating condition, consistent with industry safety and maintenance standards for a Vehicle of its kind and any additional standards or requirements in the applicable Territory, and in a clean and sanitary condition. ”

88 Raiser LLC Technology Services Agreement, ¶4.1, “You are entitled to charge a fare for each instance of completed Transportation Services provided to a User that are obtained via the Uber Services (“Fare”), where such Fare is calculated based upon a base fare amount plus distance (as determined by Company using location-based services enabled through the Device) and/or time amounts, as detailed at www.uber.com/cities for the applicable Territory (“Fare Calculation”). You acknowledge and agree that the Fare provided under the Fare Calculation is the only payment you will receive in connection with the provision of Transportation Services, and that neither the Fare nor the Fare Calculation includes any gratuity. You are also entitled to charge User for any Tolls, taxes or fees incurred during the provision of Transportation Services, if applicable. You: (i) appoint Company as your limited payment collection agent solely for the purpose of accepting the Fare, applicable Tolls and, depending on the region and/or if requested by you, applicable taxes and fees from the User on

your behalf via the payment processing functionality facilitated by the Uber Services; and (ii) agree that payment made by User to Company (or to an Affiliate of Company acting as an agent of Company) shall be considered the same as payment made directly by User to you. In addition, the parties

acknowledge and agree that as between you and Company, the Fare is a recommended amount, and the primary purpose of the pre-arranged Fare is to act as the default amount in the event you do not negotiate a different amount. You shall always have the right to: (i) charge a fare that is less than the pre-arranged Fare; or (ii) negotiate, at your request, a Fare that is lower than the prearranged Fare (each of (i) and (ii) herein, a “Negotiated Fare”). Company shall consider all such requests from you in good faith. Company agrees to remit, or cause to be remitted, to you on at least a weekly basis: (a) the Fare less the applicable Service Fee; (b) the Tolls; and (c) depending on the region, certain taxes and ancillary fees. If you have separately agreed that other amounts may be deducted from the Fare prior to remittance to you (e.g., vehicle financing payments, lease payments, mobile device usage charges, etc.), the order of any such deductions from the Fare shall be determined exclusively by Company (as between you and Company). ”

89 Id.

90 Raiser LLC Technology Services Agreement, ¶4.4, “In consideration of Company’s provision of the Driver App and the Uber Services for your use and benefit hereunder, you agree to pay Company a service fee on a per Transportation Services transaction basis calculated as a percentage of the Fare determined by the Fare Calculation (regardless of any Negotiated Fare), as provided to you via email or otherwise made available electronically by Company from time to time for the applicable Territory (“Service Fee”). In the event regulations applicable to your Territory require taxes to be calculated on the Fare, Company shall calculate the Service Fee based on the Fare net of such taxes. Company reserves the right to change the Service Fee at any time in Company’s discretion based upon local market factors, and Company will provide you with notice in the event of such change. Continued use of the Uber Services after any such change in the Service Fee calculation shall constitute your consent to such change. ”

91 Raiser LLC Technology Services Agreement, ¶4.1, supra note 88.

92 Lyft Terms of Service, ¶4, available at https://www.lyft.com/terms (last visited Jul. 28, 2017).

93 參考:Mark Anderson & Max Huffman, supra note 25, at 874-875. Jeff Funk, Uber's Business Model, SLIDESHARE, Apr 13, 2015, https://www.slideshare.net/funk97/ubers-business-model (last visited May 6, 2018).

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Lyft 採黃金時段計價法(Prime Time)

高峰動態訂價法下是否訂有價格上限 否 是,最高上限

價格為 200%

得控管用戶支付之型式 是

對於駕駛及其車輛設有最低要求 是

相關條款以確保遵循友善無障礙等相關民事 法律

是 否

否認其對於駕駛之控管權(包含駕駛履行服務 契約之型式)

向駕駛收取特定地區課徵之稅款 否

除了 APP 外,存在駕駛接觸用戶之其他型式 否

資料來源:整理自 Mark Anderson & Max Huffman, The Sharing Economy Meets the Sherman Act: Is Uber a Firm, a Cartel, or Something in Between?, 2017 COLUMBIA

BUSINESS LAW REVIEW 859, 874-875. Jeff Funk, Uber's Business Model, SLIDESHARE, Apr 13, 2015, https://www.slideshare.net/funk97/ubers-business-model (last visited May 6, 2018).

於介紹 Uber 與駕駛服務條款之主要規定後,讀者應可對 Uber 之商業模式 和其與駕駛間之權利義務有整體概括之認識。接著,本文將歸納系爭服務條款 中,涉及訂價演算法之相關規定,並進而就相關規定可能違反競爭法之理由進 行概述。

第四項 服務條款中涉及競爭法疑慮之訂價演算法

除了前述提到 Uber 依照車款將其收費區分為尊榮優步及菁英優步等二方

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案外,觀察 Uber 與駕駛之服務條款內容亦可發現,Uber 設立之訂價演算法與傳 統之計程車業及租賃車業採用之計費方式仍有二部分之明顯不同,包含:一、「高 峰動態訂價法」之設計;二、以「預設車資」作為主要之收費方式。據此,本 段將先針對「高峰動態訂價法」與「預設車資」、「協商車資」之概念進行簡介。

接著,再進一步闡明 Uber 訂價演算法可能違反競爭法之理由。


承前所述,Uber 並非實施夜間加成機制,而係採行「高峰動態訂價法」作 為其訂價方式。此訂價法係綜合判定該時段是否為尖峰時段,與路上現有可媒 合的車輛多寡等因素,由系統自動切換之特殊加成計費模式。

加成計費時段的產生,乃是為了確保路上現有可媒合的Uber駕駛供給量與 乘客的需求量可以達到平衡 94。藉由提高車資費率,可吸引更多Uber駕駛上線

加成計費時段的產生,乃是為了確保路上現有可媒合的Uber駕駛供給量與 乘客的需求量可以達到平衡 94。藉由提高車資費率,可吸引更多Uber駕駛上線