• 沒有找到結果。

第六章 結論與討論

第五節 未來研究之建議

由於本研究所採用的影片素材的主題比較偏向中東文化這方面,需要很多的 相關知識背景,而且普遍性幽默的內容也呈現兩極的現象,有的需要再想一下才 知道笑點,而有的則相當生活化,建議之後的研究若也要以此分類來探討,可以 嘗試這三種分類都能夠均勻分布的演講,而且演講內容也能夠難易度適中。也因 為影片內容偏重許多中東的議題,比較少出現其他文化的幽默形式,例如美式幽


默、英式幽默等等,這些幽默的處理方式,可能會因為所需要的文化背景或語言 知識的不同,而和本研究所探討的不太一樣,而這些是本研究所沒有探討的地 方。

此外,如果時間允許,應該要盡可能的讓觀眾聽過所有譯者的譯文,讓觀眾 可以有比較的依據,比方說在聽過全部的譯者的譯文版本之後,覺得哪個譯者在 處理哪個笑點是讓他們覺得最好笑的,又或者整體而言,哪個譯者翻的笑點比其 他譯者所翻的還來得好笑等等。如此一來,便可以比較全面的得知最能夠傳達幽 默訊息的譯文應該具備哪些條件,而不是偏重在某個譯者的譯文版本。

在請母語人士鑑定原文時,如果條件允許,可以多加收集意見,也可以用量 表來分析,這樣可以更清楚的對照母語和非母語人士的差異。同時要依據這些母 語人士的意見中,劃分出更明確的幽默分類。



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影片一:“The Axis of Evil Middle East Comedy Tour” by Jamil Abu-Wardeh

內容:講者在中東開創了一個新的喜劇節目,認為只要遵守「三 B 原則」,就可 以挖掘許多跨文化的笑料。


Righting writing wrongs 糾正錯誤 stand-up comedy 獨角喜劇

Axis of Evil 邪惡軸心國(一喜劇團體)

Comedy Central 喜劇中心(美國一電視頻道,主要播喜劇節目) Infidel 異教徒

Amman Comedy Festival 阿曼喜劇節

影片二:“A Saudi, an Indian and an Iranian walk into a Qatari bar ...” by Maz Jobrani

講者在一場於杜哈的演講中用輕鬆的語氣探討中東相關議題以及阿拉伯世界近 幾年發生的事。


Arab Spring 阿拉伯之春

79 revolution 伊朗伊斯蘭革命(或稱 1979 年革命)




影片一:Jamil Abu-Wardeh - The Axis of Evil Middle East Comedy Tour

語段 1 語段 2 語段 3 語段 4

原文 In a thick Arabic accent, my brain went, “Berfect.”


The earth rotated, as did our management. (Laughter)

Our new French CEO believed in the power of positive PR ...(Laughter)

With an inspirational leader, I think this year, the opening of the tallest tower in the world is like adding a finger to that hand, that points at all those who spread fallacious stories about us. (Laughter)

理論 語言性幽默 普遍性幽默 語言性幽默 文化性幽默





影片一:Jamil Abu-Wardeh - The Axis of Evil Middle East Comedy Tour

語段 5 語段 6 語段 7 語段 8

原文 So clearly, from the inside, we are doing our best to change our image, and it's exploding. (Laughter)

One: Is the Middle East being shown in a current time and correct context? (Laughter)

Two: Do the Middle Eastern characters laugh or

smile without showing the whites of their eyes?

As my father likes to call him,

"Asheikh Azubare;" as my mother would say,

“Shakespeare.” (Laughter)

理論 語言性幽默 圖像式非語言幽默 肢體式非語言幽默 語言性幽默





影片二:Maz Jobrani - A Saudi, an Indian and an Iranian walk into a Qatari bar ...

語段 1 語段 2 語段 3 語段 4 語段 5

原文 I said, "Where are the Qataris?" (Laughter)

They said, "No, no, it's too hot. They come out later. They're

smart." (Laughter)

I said, "What's

wrong?"He said, "One problem, sir." I said,

"What?" He goes,

"Where is it?" (Laughter)

You know the Middle East is going

crazy when Lebanon is the most peaceful place in the region. (Laughter)

I went for three. He wasn't into

it. (Laughter)

理論 普遍性幽默 普遍性幽默 普遍性幽默 文化性幽默 文化性幽默





影片二:Maz Jobrani - A Saudi, an Indian and an Iranian walk into a Qatari bar ...

語段 6 語段 7 語段 8 語段 9

原文 three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. (Laughter)

Maybe like an evil -- like,

“Wuhahaha, wuhahaha.”


I'm not supposed to be, like, walking down the aisle, and be like, “Hi, Jack.” You know, that's not cool.

"[Imitating Arabic]

-- strawberry!" (Laughter)

理論 文化性幽默 語音式非語言幽默 語言性幽默 普遍性幽默







觀眾意見表 影片一

語段 1 語段 2 語段 3 語段 4

評分 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

好笑或 不好笑 的原因

語段 5 語段 6 語段 7 語段 8

評分 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

好笑或 不好笑 的原因



觀眾意見表 影片二

語段 1 語段 2 語段 3 語段 4 語段 5

評分 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

好笑或 不好笑 的原因

語段 6 語段 7 語段 8 語段 9

評分 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

好笑或 不好笑 的原因





影片一:Jamil Abu-Wardeh: The Axis of Evil Middle East Comedy Tour

0:16This talk is about righting writing wrongs. No, the sound's not faulty -- righting writing wrongs. The Middle East is huge, and with all our problems, one thing's for sure: we love to laugh. I think humor is a great way to celebrate our differences. We need to take our

responsibilities seriously, but not ourselves.Don't get me wrong: it's not like we don't have comedy in the Middle East. I grew up at a time when iconic actors from Kuwait, Syria, Egypt used

laughter to unite the region, just as football can. (Laughter)Now is the time for us to laugh at ourselves, before others can laugh with us. This is the story of the rise and rise of stand-up comedy in the Middle East -- a stand-up uprising, if you will.

1:02Working in London as TV maker and writer, I quickly realized that comedy connects audiences. Now, the best breeding ground for good comic writing is the stand-up comedy circuit, where they just happen to say that you kill when you do well and you bomb when you do badly. An unfortunate connection for us maybe, but it reminds me that we'd like to thank one man for, over the past decade, working tirelessly to support comedians all around the

world, specifically comedians with a Middle Eastern background.(Applause) Like my good friends, Dean and Maysoon, at the bottom of the screen, who, two years after 9/11, started a festival to change the way Middle Easterners are perceived in the world. It's still going strong, with positive press to die for. Also, three guys working for years in Los Angeles, an Iranian, a Palestinian and an Egyptian, created the aptly named Axis of Evil comedy act. And wherever they went,they killed.

2:05Now, I didn't start this fire, but I did pour petrol on it. I moved to Dubai as the head of original content for a Western TV network. My job was to connect the brand with a Middle Eastern audience. Now, the American head of programming wanted new local Arabic comedy. In a thick Arabic accent, my brain went, "Berfect." (Laughter) Now, I had friends in the U.S. who had started a successful new tribe. And I had every intention of taking this tribe from being outliers in the Middle East and pushing them over the tipping point towards success. Now, as with any new idea, it wasn't easy. I had four phases to this plan.First, we'd need to buy content from the West and air it. Then I'd bring my friends, and we'd show local amateurs how it's done. We would film that and air it, and then I could work with the local amateurs and write new comedy.

3:00I excitedly presented this to the big boss, and his reaction was, "Um, I don't get it." So I retreated back to my cave and continued to support and produce comedy and let my friends use my couch as a regional operations hub. Now, fast forward two years, to early 2007. The earth


rotated, as did our management,(Laughter) and as if by divine intervention, things came together to help this revolution take shape. Here's how the dots connected. First, the Axis guys recorded a Comedy Central special that aired in the States,and it was getting great hits on YouTube. Our new French CEO believed in the power of positive PR ...(Laughter) and ideas du bon marche. Let's just say "value for money." I produced in Dubai a show for Ahmed Ahmed to showcase his new Axis special to a packed room. I invited our new CEO, and as soon as he

rotated, as did our management,(Laughter) and as if by divine intervention, things came together to help this revolution take shape. Here's how the dots connected. First, the Axis guys recorded a Comedy Central special that aired in the States,and it was getting great hits on YouTube. Our new French CEO believed in the power of positive PR ...(Laughter) and ideas du bon marche. Let's just say "value for money." I produced in Dubai a show for Ahmed Ahmed to showcase his new Axis special to a packed room. I invited our new CEO, and as soon as he