• 沒有找到結果。

第六章 :結論與建議

第三節 未來研究發展之建議



未來的研究可依據本研究的限制來做進一步改進。未來的研究為了追求更有 代表性的樣本,可以增加受訪者的人數以及找在不同州的中文學習者。另外,訪談 學生時可以做一對一的訪談,所以學生可以更仔細地表達自己的看法。除此之外,

未來的研究可以不僅僅採用量化的研究法來調查學生與教師的需求,也可用來分析 教材。



到此教學法的缺點,因此為了分析此教學法的缺點,未來的研究可以從此教學法理 念的不同特點通過文獻及其他方法去探討。例如,使用真實語言的缺點或者大量記 憶對話的缺點。除此之外,基本上本教學範例將焦點放在融合文化情景和口語操練 的活動,而未特別針對補充教材或多媒體的應用多做討論。另外,雖然體演文化教 學法的理念中非常重視自學技能的加強,但本研究未特別針對此方面深入探討。於 是,未來的研究可以更注意如何將補充教材及多媒體帶近教案當中,並多討論自學 能力的教學技巧,使得教學內容更豐富及完整。


因本研究未進行教學實施,因此無法分析教案範例的效果。未來的研究進行 試教時,不但可發問卷給學生評估,也可以請有經驗的老師在觀摩後提供意見,透 過問卷蒐集及其他評估以後,可進一步改進教案。


未來的研究不但可以將研究的焦點方在不同語言程度或組群上,也可以探討 如何將體演文化教學法應用在別的教學技能上。若探討中級和高級的程度,學生將 有能力使用目標語進行文化討論,所以可將重心放在引導討論的教學技巧上。另外,

除了美國的高中生以外,未來的研究的對象可以是美國的小學生或國中生。因小學 跟國中生的年紀較小,因此可將研究著重在融合遊戲的重要性以及遊戲的教學技巧。

最後,本研究著重在加強學生的口語能力,所以未如有機會應進一步探討體演文化 教學法應用在聽力、閱讀能力或寫作能力上的可能性。於是,未來的研究為了加強 學生的聽力、閱讀及寫作,可使學生接觸到真實的錄音檔、看真實的語料,並進行 真實的寫作任務。




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附錄一 外語教材文化教學檢核清單

Yu, Li (2009)

Evaluation guidelines for examining culture instruction in foreign language textbooks.

Cultural Mind Behavioral

Culture Informational

Culture Achievement Culture Quantity -What types of culture are presented?

-Which type of culture is prioritized in the textbook?

-What and how many elements in each category are presented?

Quality -Are they accurate and up-to-date?

-Are they presented in an unbiased manner?

-Are there illustrations or photos to provide extra contexts and information?

Learnability -Are they suitable for this level of students?

Location and Degree of Integration

-Are they well integrated with the main text? Or are they presented in a separate section?

-If in a separate section, are they closely related to the main text? Or can they be treated as supplementary or optional?

Assessment -Are there activities designed to facilitate culture learning?

-Are there exercises designed to reinforce or check culture learning?

-Are there any other assessment mechanisms in checking culture learning?

-How effective are these assessment tools?

(From: Yu, L. (2009). Where is culture? Culture Instruction and the Foreign Language Textbook.

Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 44, No.3.)

附錄二 學生訪談的問題

Interview Questions for American Learners of Chinese

1) Experience Learning Chinese

1. When did you start learning Chinese? How long have you been learning?

2. What got you started learning Chinese? What are your goals in learning Chinese?

2) Interacting with Chinese People

3. What do you know about Chinese people? In your mind, what are some of their stereotypes?

4. What was your experience like interacting with Chinese people? Was there ever a

misunderstanding due to culture differences? Is there anything about Chinese culture that you cannot tolerate?

misunderstanding due to culture differences? Is there anything about Chinese culture that you cannot tolerate?