• 沒有找到結果。

第三章 文獻探討

第四節 歐盟對企業併購中勞動權益保護之規定

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第四節 歐盟對企業併購中勞動權益保護之規定

歐州自成立歐洲經濟共同體到成為歐洲聯盟以來,其委員會所決議的指令規 範,效力所及各會員國,亦對於各會員國之人民與企業有著深遠的影響。其中有 關勞動權益保護的規定,更引領歐洲對於勞工權利保障的發展。其中最重要的,



一、 企業轉讓勞工保護指令產生的背景及主要內容

(一) 企業轉讓勞工權利指令第77/187號 (Acquired Rights Directive (77/187/EEC)



勞動者權利的保護。此號指令制定之緣由,因當時在於歐洲各個會員國內,產業 的發展出現企業集中且快速增加的現象,從1962年到1970年間,於六個原始會員 國裡,企業合併案件從每年173件提高到612件,足足增加3.5倍44

而在這個過程中所產生的公司合併、企業部門的轉讓或是由第三人接管企業 的現象,歐洲共同體委員會認為在共同體的層級裏,需要有適當的法律架購予以 規範,使得會員國之間對於相關的勞工保護之差異性能夠縮小。因為以往的經驗,

歐洲產業組織集中改變的過程中,通常對於企業內雇用的勞工之社會地位並無太 多的保障,以至於某些會員國在法律運作上未能充分考量勞工的權益。雖然各會 員國在國內的民法或商法對於企業組織結構改變有所規範,但是法律上勞工卻無

42 林佳和,<德國企業併購法制中勞工權益問題研究>,頁 7-8。

43 有關歐盟 1977 年 77/187/EEC 號指令 (Acquired Rights Directive(77/187/EEC))之英文原文,可參 閱 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:31977L0187:EN:HTML

44 Hunnings, M.N., ECC- Business transfer (Employees’ Rights) Directive 1977, 25 years- European Social Charter, EEC Employment cases vol.2, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, p407, 1988.

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同時,在1974年有關「社會行動實施方案改革計畫(the implementation of a Social Action programme)」決議,委員會表示其政策將改善勞工的生活水準 與維持勞工之工作條件,並會採取必要之保護措施,尤其市與企業合併、集中或 產業為提高效率與降低耗損之重組有關的事件,將保護勞工抵抗企業集中所帶來 之衝擊與其權益。而訂定77/187號指令,即是致力於保護勞工不會因原先雇主的 改變,而失去既有的基本權利和利益的保護措施,務必使員工於企業轉讓時,於 新雇主同意的僱用期間與條件下從事工作。

(二) 企業轉讓勞工權利指令主要內容 1.勞工權利的保障

(1) 個人權利(Individual Rights)指令第3條第1項強調因勞動契約而產生之 權利,於企業轉讓時應一併自動轉移。也就是說,勞動契約所生的既得權 利,將一併由受讓人承接46

(2) 團體協約(Collective Agreements)指令第3條第2項有關團體協約的效力,

受讓人對於之前轉讓人於團體協約中同意受到約束的事項及條件,應繼續 遵守,直到該團體協約屆滿,或被其他的團體協約吸收。同時,會員國可 以限制遵守該團體協約事項及條件的時間,但該期間不得少於一年47

45 如注 43, p407-408, 1988.

46 企業轉讓勞工權利指令第 3 條第 1 項英譯如下:

Article 3, 1. The transferor's rights and obligations arising from a contract of employment or from an employment relationship existing on the date of a transfer within the meaning of Article 1 (1) shall, by reason of such transfer, be transferred to the transferee. Member States may provide that, after the date of transfer within the meaning of Article 1 (1) and in addition to the transferee, the transferor shall continue to be liable in respect of obligations which arose from a contract of employment or an employment relationship.

47 企業轉讓勞工權利指令第 3 條第 2 項英譯如下:

2. Following the transfer within the meaning of Article 1 (1), the transferee shall continue to observe the terms and conditions agreed in any collective agreement on the same terms applicable to the transferor under

(3) 社會安全(Social Security)

指令第3條第3項指出,本條文所稱之既得權利,並不包括法定社會安全制度 外,由企業或企業間所提供之額外給付,包括老年、殘障及遺屬給付之部份。會 員國必須採取必要的措施以保護因企業轉讓後不再受僱於轉讓人之勞工之利益,

即除了法定社會安全制度外,應當享有或未來預期享有之老年福利之權利48。 (4)解僱保護(Protection Against Dismissal)


that agreement, until the date of termination or expiry of the collective agreement or the entry into force or application of another collective agreement. Member States may limit the period for observing such terms and conditions, with the provision that it shall not be less than one year.

48 企業轉讓勞工權利指令第 3 條第 3 項英譯如下:

3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not cover employees' rights to old-age, invalidity or survivors' benefits under supplementary company or inter-company pension schemes outside the statutory social security schemes in Member States. Member States shall adopt the measures necessary to protect the interests of employees and of persons no longer employed in the transferor's business at the time of the transfer within the meaning of Article 1 (1) in respect of rights conferring on them immediate or prospective entitlement to old-age benefits, including survivors' benefits, under supplementary schemes referred to in the first subparagraph.

49 企業轉讓勞工權利指令第 4 條 1 項及第 4 條 2 項英譯如下:

Article 4, 1. The transfer of an undertaking, business or part of a business shall not in itself constitute grounds for dismissal by the transferor or the transferee. This provision shall not stand in the way of dismissals that may take place for economic, technical or organizational reasons entailing changes in the work-force. Member States may provide that the first subparagraph shall not apply to certain specific categories of employees who are not covered by the laws or practice of the Member States in respect of protection against dismissal.

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(5)勞工代表(Workers’ Representation)

指令第5條第1項規定,若企業轉讓後仍保有自主權,受到轉讓影響的勞工代 表,應透過會員國的法律、行政命令或規定,繼續維持勞工代表的地位與功能,



該勞工代表應繼續受到會員國法律、行政命令或規定的保護50。 2.通知與協商

依指令第6條規定,轉讓人與受讓人應該通知在企業轉任中,受到影響的勞 工代表下列資訊:(1) 轉讓的理由;(2)因轉讓而對勞工產生的法律、經濟和社 會效應;(3)因企業轉讓而對勞工的轉讓規劃措施。轉讓人必須在企業轉讓發生 前適時告知勞工代表上述資訊,無論如何應在勞工受到企業轉讓直接影響前,告 知關於工作條件與勞動關係的資訊。(第6條第1項) 若轉讓人與受讓人欲規劃轉 讓規劃措施,應該在規劃前之適當時機與勞工代表進行協商並尋求共識。(第6 條第2項) 假若會員國之法律規定,勞工針對轉讓規劃措施可請求「仲裁委員會」

(arbitration board)提出救濟請求,若在企業轉讓進行時所引起的變化,可能 造成相當多的勞工權利嚴重受損,會員國可對於前述第1項和第2項規定提供通知 與諮詢義務加以限制,包括:至少應該包括有關勞工的轉讓規劃措施,且通知與 諮詢的內容,必須在適當時間,於企業產生變化前進行。(第6條第3項) 會員國

50 企業轉讓勞工權利指令第 5 條第 1 項及第 5 條第 2 項英譯如下:

Article 5. 1. If the business preserves its autonomy, the status and function, as laid down by the laws, regulations or administrative provisions of the Member States, of the representatives or of the representation of the employees affected by the transfer within the meaning of Article 1 (1) shall be preserved. The first subparagraph shall not apply if, under the laws, regulations, administrative provisions or practice of the Member States, the conditions necessary for the re-appointment of the representatives of the employees or for the reconstitution of the representation of the employees are fulfilled. 2. If the term of office of the representatives of the employees affected by a transfer within the meaning of Article 1 (1) expires as a result of the transfer, the representatives shall continue to enjoy the protection provided by the laws, regulations, administrative provisions or practice of the Member States.

(一) 九四年之修正指令(94/95/EC) < COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 94/94/EC>

為了改善共同體規模之企業(集團)之員工,獲得資訊提供與諮詢的權利,任 何共同體規模之企業(集團)均必須成立一個員工代表會(works council)或提供

51 企業轉讓勞工權利指令第 6 條英譯如下:

Article 6, 1. The transferor and the transferee shall be required to inform the representatives of their respective employees affected by a transfer within the meaning of Article 1 (1) of the following: - the reasons for the transfer, - the legal, economic and social implications of the transfer for the employees, - measures envisaged in relation to the employees. The transferor must give such information to the representatives of his employees in good time before the transfer is carried out.

The transferee must give such information to the representatives of his employees in good time, and in any event before his employees are directly affected by the transfer as regards their conditions of work and employment. 2. If the transferor or the transferee envisages measures in relation to his employees, he shall consult his representatives of the employees in good time on such measures with a view to seeking agreement.

3. Member States whose laws, regulations or administrative provisions provide that representatives of the employees may have recourse to an arbitration board to obtain a decision on the measures to be taken in relation to employees may limit the obligations laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2 to cases where the transfer carried out gives rise to a change in the business likely to entail serious disadvantages for a considerable number of the employees. The information and consultations shall cover at least the measures envisaged in relation to the employees. The information must be provided and consultations take place in good time before the change in the business as referred to in the first subparagraph is effected. 4. Member States may limit the obligations laid down in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 to undertakings or businesses which, in respect of the number of employees, fulfil the conditions for the election or designation of a collegiate body representing the employees. 5. Member States may provide that where there are no representatives of the employees in an undertaking or business, the employees concerned must be informed in advance when a transfer within the meaning of Article 1 (1) is about to take place.

52 陳雲鵬,2011,企業併購員工權益問題之研究,國立中正大學勞工關係學系碩士論文,頁 41-45。

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資訊或諮詢的程序。所謂共同體規模企業,係指該企業於會員國領土上至少有 1000名員工,而且至少兩個會員國內,至少各有150名員工。而企業集團係指一 控制企業及被其控制之企業,定義為(1) 於會員國境內至少有1000名員工;在不 同的會員國有兩組以上的事業單位;(2) 於一會員國中,一組事業單位至少擁有 150員工,而另一組事業單位於另一會員國也至少擁有150員工。

在此指令規定下有越來越多企業與勞工進行協商,以尋求在企業轉讓後,勞 資雙方都能接受的企業經營模式及勞資雙方互動模式。同時該指令規定,於1996 年9月22日前,勞資雙方自願簽訂的協約,其效力可以繼續維持至該協約失效為 止。根據統計,最初各會員國內有51個自願性協約,到了1995年已有90個協約,


(二) 九八年之修正指令(98/50/EC) <Council Directive 98/50/EC>

本修正指令參考歐洲法院的判決,為了確保平等待遇,有必要確保規定於 77/187/EEC指令的告知與諮商要求,而不論企業轉讓的原因為何,同時更對勞工 的資訊權、協商權及勞工參與做更進一步的強化,並且藉由此指令來完全取代 77/187/EEC指令的規定。

