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A Study of the Relationship among Corporate Social Responsibility,Perceived Service Quality, Trust and RepurchaseIntenti 邱瓊芳、楊豐華


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of the Relationship among Corporate Social Responsibility,Perceived Service Quality, Trust and RepurchaseIntenti


E-mail: 9901130@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study empirically examines the relationship between Corporate Social Re-sponsibility, Perceived Service Quality, Trust and Repurchase Intentions : a case of Mcdonald’s. Based on the questionnaire survey, 716 vaild samples were obtained by the stratified sampling. The tools used for data analysis are descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), compare means (One-Way ANOVA), and structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the study results and examine the research hypothesis.

The results of this study are as follows: First, Corporate Social Responsibility di-rectly and positively influences Perceived Service Quality. Second, Corporate Social Responsibility directly and positively influences Trust. Third, Corporate Social Respon-sibility directly and positively influences Repurchase Intentions. Fourth, Perceived Ser-vice Quality doesn’t directly and positively influences Repurchase Intentions. Fifth, Trust directly and positively influences Repurchase Intentions. Sixth, Perceived Service Quality directly and positively influences Trust. Seventh, the Trust has the significantly mediated effect to the relation between the Corporate Social Responsibility and the Re-purchase Intentions. Eighth, the Perceived Service Quality hasn’t the significantly me-diated effect to the relation between the Corporate Social Responsibility and the Repur-chase Intentions.

Finally, according to the conceptual framework and research findings, the study provided some meanings and suggestions in the theories, empirical studies, practices and future directions.

Keywords : multinational enterprise、corporate social responsibility、perceived service quality、trust、repurchase intentions Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ..................... iv 誌謝辭  ..................... vi 內容目錄 ..................... vii 表目錄  ..................... ix 圖目錄  ..................... xi 第一章  ?論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機............ 1   第二節 研究目的................ 3 第二章  文獻探討................. 4   第一節  跨國企業............... 4   第二節  企業社會責任............. 6   第三節  知覺服務品質............. 18   第四節  信任................. 19   第五節  再購意願............... 20 第三章  研究方法................. 23   第一節  研究架構與假說............ 23   第二節  變項的操作行定義與衡量........ 26   第三節  研究對象與抽樣方法.......... 30   第四節  資料分析方法............. 31 第四章  資料分析................. 36   第一節  前測分析............... 36   第二節  描述性統計分析............ 40   第三節  信度與效度分析............ 47   第四節  差異性分析.............. 57


  第五節  相關分析............... 62   第六節  結構方程模式分析........... 64 第五章  結論與建議................ 68   第一節  結論................. 68   第二節  建議................. 70   第三節  研究限制............... 72 參考文獻 ..................... 73 附錄  問卷.................... 85


表 2- 1 跨國企業的定義............... 5 表 2- 2 企業社會責任模型.............. 8 表 2- 3 企業社會責任的定義............. 11 表 2- 4 國際組織對企業社會責任的標準與規範..... 13 表 2- 5 企業社會責任衡量構面............ 17 表 2- 6 知覺服務品質衡量構面............ 19 表 2- 7 信任橫量購面................ 20 表 2- 8 再購意願衡量構面.............. 22 表 3- 1 企業社會責任衡量問項............ 26 表 3- 2 知覺服務品質衡量問項............ 28 表 3- 3 信任衡量問項................ 28 表 3- 4 再購意願衡量問項.............. 29 表 3- 5 問卷設計與來源之彙整............ 29 表 3- 6 驗證性因素分析標準表............ 34 表 4- 1 企業社會責任前測之信度分析......... 37 表 4- 2 知覺服務品質前測之信度分析......... 39 表 4- 3 信任前測之信度分析............. 39 表 4- 4 再構意願前測之信度分析........... 40 表 4- 5 樣本人口統計變數次數統計表......... 41 表 4- 6 企業社會責任問項分析表........... 44 表 4- 7 知覺服務品質問項分析表........... 45 表 4- 8 信任質問項分析表.............. 46 表 4- 9 再購意願問項分析表............. 46 表 4-10 企業社會責任量表之驗證性因素分析...... 47 表 4-11 知覺服務品質量表之驗證性因素分析...... 50 表 4-12 信任量表之驗證性因素分析.......... 51 表 4-13 再購意願量表之驗證性因素分析........ 51 表 4-14 企業社會責任量表之衡量模型分析表...... 52 表 4-15 知覺服務品質量表之衡量模型分析表...... 54 表 4-16 信任量表之衡量模型分析表.......... 55 表 4-17 再購意願量表之衡量模型分析表........ 55

表 4-18 人口統計變項獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析表.....................


表 4-19 企業社會責任「自我導向」構面之差異性檢定表. 59 表 4-20 企業社會責任「策略導向」構面之差異性檢定表. 60 表 4-21 知覺服務品質之差異性檢定表......... 61 表 4-22 再購意願之差異性檢定表........... 62 表 4-23 變項相關係數表............... 63 表 4-24 理論結構模式之路徑係數與假說驗證...... 65 表 4-25 各變項對再購意願的效果分析......... 66 圖目錄

圖 2- 1 Eells之企業社會責任連續帶........... 7


圖 2- 2 德國Oekom企業社會責任評等架構........ 9 圖 2- 3 經濟部企業社會責任績效評等架構圖....... 10 圖 3- 1 研究架構圖.................. 23 圖 4- 1 研究架構的標準化關係模式路徑分析圖...... 65 REFERENCES


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This shows that service quality, perceived value, DM advertising, customer satisfaction and loyalty have become important issues on business management.. Therefore, the

Thus, both of two-dimensional Kano model and IPGA mode are utilized to identify the service quality of auto repair and maintenance plants in this study, furthermore,

The regression analysis results indicated that after the corporate image, service quality, satisfaction, perceived value and loyalty between each dimension and is

In terms of external cognitive factors, this research confirmed that assurance, apathy and price reasonability as part of the service quality dimension have influence on

Through literatures relevant to service quality, service value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, this research conducts study on the five aspects of the theme

Methodologies used in this study comprise two parts, the first part is questionnaires, which investigate customers’ assessment of the quality and satisfaction of service

This study aims to explore whether the service quality and customer satisfaction have a positive impact on the organizational performance of the services and whether the

And we also used company image, service quality perceived quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and customer complaint to measure the car customer