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DQI-R,ODI-R 與 AHEI 等飲食評量指標反應飲食改變下飲食品質的比較


Academic year: 2021

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DQI-R,ODI-R 與 AHEI 等飲食評量指標反應飲食改 變下飲食品質的比較

飲食型態在慢性病的致病原因與預防中扮演相當重要角色,藉由飲食評量指標 將飲食型態以分數量化,能夠清楚作為飲食品質好壞的評估。本研究欲比較修 正版飲食品質指標( Diet quality index-revised, DQI-R )、修正版整體飲食指 標( Overall dietary index-revised, ODI-R )和替代健康飲食指標( Alternate hea lthy eating index, AHEI )是否能正確反應在飲食改變下的飲食品質。進行評估 3 種飲食評量指標與慢性病相關生化因子之間相關性,及探討飲食品質改變是 否因為營養的知識、態度、行為改變所致。研究於 2008 年 7 月至 2009 年 1 月 進行,共招募 32 位參加台安醫院新起點( NEWSTART )課程受試者,年齡 介於 22-77 歲之男女性,排除罹患惡性腫瘤、肝腎衰竭等疾病患者。收集受試 者 4 個時間點的飲食資料後,以 DQI-R 、 ODI-R 、 AHEI 評量受試者飲食分 數。結果, DQI-R 、 ODI-R 和 AHEI 皆能反應飲食改變下之飲食品質。 AHEI 相較於 DQI-R 和 ODI-R 的分數差值百分比明顯變動較大,表示 AHEI 較能反 應本次研究飲食改變之飲食品質。以相關分析評值 DQI-R 、 ODI-R 和 AHEI 之效度, DQI-R 和 AHEI 皆顯現與營養素有較好的相關性存在,以 AHEI 對於 較健康的脂肪攝取型式之間的相關性高於 DQI-R 。探討比較 3 種飲食評量指 標在飲食品質的評估能力以及是否能反應與慢性病風險之相關性,結果發現 A HEI 優於 DQI-R 和 ODI-R 。分析知識、態度、行為問卷,受試者在前後測的 知識、態度分數皆接近總分,沒有差異存在,表示皆較具有正向營養認知。總 結,相較於 DQI-R 和 ODI-R , AHEI 較能即時反應本次研究飲食改變下之飲 食品質。


Comparison of DQI-R, ODI-R and AHEI for assessi ng dietary quality during dietary changes.

Dietary pattern plays an important role in the development and prevention of chronic disease.

Diet indices assess dietary quality through quantity by score. The purpose of this study was to

compare 3 diet indices: Diet Quality Index-Revised (DQI-R), Overall Dietary Index-Revised

(ODI-R) and Alternate Healthy Eating Index (AHEI), which one could assess dietary quality

more efficient during dietary changes. To assess the relation between 3 diet indices and bioche

mical factors of chronic disease and to investigate whether changes in dietary quality due to ch

anges in nutritional knowledge, attitude and practice. Data collection was from July 2008 to Ja

nuary 2009. A total of 32 subjects were recruited from the adult member aged 22 to 77 years o

ld of NEWSTART program, excluded those who have liver failure, renal failure or cancer. To

assess dietary quality with DQI-R, ODI-R and AHEI after 4 times dietary data collection. DQ

I-R, ODI-R and AHEI scores reflected the dietary changes . The percentage of score differenc

e of AHEI was more significant than DQI-R and ODI-R. It suggested that AHEI reflected the

dietary quality during dietary changes more efficiently. Evaluate the validity of DQI-R, ODI-

R and AHEI, the better correlation existed between DQI-R, AHEI and nutrients. Besides, there

were higher correlation between AHEI and healthy fat pattern rather than DQI-R. To compare

the 3 diet indices to assess the dietary quality and reflect the relation with chronic disease risk,

AHEI was better than DQI-R and ODI-R. To analyze nutritional knowledge, attitude, practice

questionnaires, the scores of knowledge and attitude both closed to total scores and no differen

ces existed between pretest and posttest. It meant that the subjects had positive nutritional cog

nition. It concluded that AHEI reflected dietary changes more immediately and significantly th

an DQI-R and ODI-R.





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